The Estate Agent Ch. 01


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She chattered on as I flicked through the book. There was Fernanda again, fully nude and dusting some shelves. Clearly this couple really did employ people entirely based on their looks, and willingness to show themselves off a bit. Well, a lot. But actually, that made me feel more comfortable, rather than less. After all, the pair of them having seen so many naked girls... What was one more, really? It's not like no-one had done this for them before.

I looked sideways at Mrs. Keel for a moment as she chatted, before sliding my hand up to my bra strap. Slowly, I slipped the straps off my shoulders. Mrs. Keel kept talking softly as I reached behind me for the strap of my bra.

God! I'd never thought I might do anything like this. I mean, I'd flashed a bit of cleavage before, shown some thigh. All the girls did. Mainly to prospective buyers, rather than sellers though.

Come on, you can do this, I told myself. You really need this sale. They're just tits. You've gone topless on the beach before. Once. For about five minutes before you got embarrassed.

I unclipped the main bra strap, and it fell off instantly, exposing my small but firm breasts to the Keels's gaze.

I've got pretty breasts, if I say so myself. High on my chest, with small pink nipples, and not an ounce of sag in them. I could get by without a bra for support, if I was wearing a backless dress. Or nothing at all... I slid the brassiere off and put it on the seat next to me, on top of my largely ignored computer.

I stared at the images of beautiful nakedness on my lap, and my hands fell to the waistband of my knickers.

Mrs. Keel lifted the heavy photo album off my legs.

"Go on dear" she said encouragingly, in a soft voice.

I pushed at the knickers, keeping myself sitting down on the sofa, and my legs together. Bending forward, they slid down my thighs, down my calves, and finally off completely.

"There now" said the woman next to me. "That was very brave."

"Yes, well done Karen. You're starting to get the idea of what we want from you," said Mr. Keel. "It's lovely to see a pretty girl in her underwear; and even lovelier when that underwear comes off. You and Billie have both demonstrated a good understanding of what we want."

"Oh hush now, William dear" said Mrs. Keel. "You know that's not fair."

God. So Billie had gone this far too. Did that mean Jamie hadn't? Did I have to go further? Could I really turn back now, after going so far? How far would they push me?

"I'm sorry, dear." said Mr Keel. "Karen, why don't you stand up again? That's a good girl. You have lovely breasts - would you possibly put your hands behind your head. It really would show you off at your best.

I bit my lip as I stood. His 'request' would flaunt my boobs, and not allow me to cover my pussy. But who was I kidding? I'd already committed to going this far.

I posed for them, lifting my hands up and lacing my fingers behind my head. This movement lifted my breasts even higher, and pushed my chest out; emphasising every curve.

"Excellent, Karen. Why not turn round and let Jessica see?" said Mr. Keel relentlessly.

I turned obediently to face his wife, still sitting on the sofa. I was very close to her, and she was looking up at the underside of my breasts with a soft smile. My nipples had begun to stiffen, and I told myself it was just because of the cold.

"You are doing well, Karen," she said. "A lot of girls haven't managed this, and of course we can't have them working for us. We do insist that any girl coming to work here is prepared to show off all her attributes for us, don't we William?"

"Oh, of course," said Mr. Keel behind me. "Karen has done superbly to get this far. I do hope we can offer her the job; it would be delightful to see more of her."

"Yes, absolutely darling" agreed his wife. She looked me in the eye. "Now Karen, do you remember how you showed my husband your lovely bottom before? Well, why not do it again?"

That meant leaning forward with my hands on my knees, I suppose. In that position, I would be exposing everything completely -- my pussy would be on display; barely hidden below my tight red curls. The tight star of my anus. The firm muscles of my thighs and buttocks.

I was moving into position before I'd even finished thinking all this, in a detached way.

"Absolutely divine," came the gentle male voice behind me.

"Karen, will you move your feet a few inches apart." he continued. "Yes, and a bit further. That's good."

My legs tightened as I bent forward, hands on my knees. I heard movement behind me, but didn't dare look. My face was just inches away from Mrs. Keel's in this position, and she held my gaze rigid.

I felt warm breath on the cheeks of my bottom, and realised how close Mr. Keel must be.

I swallowed nervously, and Mrs. Keel reached up to stroke my cheek reassuringly.

"You're doing wonderfully, my dear. I think you're very close to getting the job now." she said warmly.

"You do have one of the prettiest bottoms I've ever seen, my dear" said Mr. Keel with a congratulatory tone.

"Are you going to take a closer look, darling?" said Mrs Keel, looking into my eyes as I blushed furiously.

"I'd like to," he answered. "If Karen would just reach back for me..."

I wasn't sure what to do. But Mrs Keel was there to help.

"Come on, you're doing incredibly well, dear. Remember, you'll be due a fine commission on a sale like this, which has to be welcome in these times... Just pop your hands on your bottom dear. Lean forward a bit more - that's right. And just pull your cheeks apart so that William can see your pussy properly."

My cheeks - not the ones I was currently holding - burned furiously. How did I get into this, I thought to myself.

I spread the cheeks of my bottom apart, exposing my anus and pussy to Mr Keel's enquiring gaze. I thought about how I had got here, trying to distract myself from my embarrassment.

"Do you know, I can't remember the last time I had the pleasure of having a natural red-headed girl in this position. And with such an attractive pussy, too." said Mr. Keel, his breath warm on my pussy.

He must be able to smell me from there I thought. As soon as he did, I realised how wet I was. This situation had been arousing me more than I realised.

And he could see me.

Oh God.

And I was getting wetter, just thinking about it.

It was just so rude. So humiliating; but I had to admit, it was... exciting.

"Darling, do come and see Karen's pussy. It really is very pretty, and she's rather moist."

Mrs Keel finally released my chin, and stood up, moving behind me.

She didn't have to move far... Still, at least I didn't have anyone looking me in the eye any more. A warm hand rested on the small of my back, long nails scratching slightly. A woman's hand, then.

"Goodness, yes. She looks very wet. Karen, are you finding this exciting?" she asked.

Oh God. What did I say?

Well, what else could I say?

"Yes, miss - I mean Mrs Keel."

"Your pussy is very swollen and excited" she said casually. "Do you want to show us how excited you are?"

"Yes, Mrs Keel" I almost sobbed.

"Well, why don't you bring a hand down between your legs?" she said, completely naturally. "That's right, right back. And use your fingers. Show us how wet you are inside. Just slip a couple of fingers between those pretty lips."

I moaned as I did what she said, two fingers sliding effortlessly into my wet pussy. My lower lips were swollen and sensitive, and tingled as my fingers dragged across them.

I couldn't stop myself from pushing my fingers deep inside me; never mind the two strangers watching me frig myself. I moaned again, curling the fingers up to rub against the front wall of my pussy, stimulating the G-spot there. Normally I would concentrate on my clitoris a bit more, but not today. My legs buckled slightly as I thrust my fingers in and out of my hungry cunny.

"Oooooh!" I moaned. Oh God, this was so fucking depraved. At least I could close my eyes now, and pretend that it wasn't really happening. Or, not to me.


Little shocks of pleasure sparked from my G-spot as I rubbed, flickering up and down my spine. I almost stumbled, and moved my free hand from holding my bottom, to pushing against the sofa to hold my balance.

"Gaaaah!" I cried, my pleasure beginning to peak. Pulses of sheer pleasure shot through me and I groaned, long and loudly as I came, collapsing forwards onto my knees.

As I lay panting for breath, I heard the sound of a zip unfastening behind me. behind me, and looked around. Mr Keel sat in his chair; his wife kneeling beside him. One of his hands rested gently behind his wife's head as they both watched me intently. Her right hand reached across, and down to his lap where she stroked her husband's stiff erection. A respectable size shaft, probably seven or eight inches long; the dark purple head disappearing and reappearing regularly beneath his foreskin.

Both of them were watching me intently, eyes gleaming.

"Oh, that was very well done, dear." said Mrs Keel, breathing hard. "Now just turn round and sit on the edge of the sofa in front of us."

I did what she wanted, my head empty of thought, and just following instructions on autopilot. I didn't think twice about opening my legs wantonly as I sat there, displaying my wet and swollen pussy to them

As they watched, I slid my fingers up and down my slit; this time stimulating myself gently. The other hand could get involved this time; pulling gently at the skin above my cunny, and uncovering my clitoris fully.

I frigged myself slowly for them, watching Mr Keel's thick cock move under his wife's hand.

They sat above me, watching me rub my wet fingers in and out of my sopping pussy; three fingers now disappearing inside me as I teased my clitoris with the other hand.

It was the most turned on I had ever been; showing myself masturbating as the two of them watched me whilst playing with his cock right there in front of me.

"Now, we don't want you to stop what you're doing, sweetie" said Mrs Keel gently. "But why not come a bit closer to us - yes, that's good, kneel on the floor. And a little closer still - and use your other hand to take over from me?"

It seemed totally natural to take her husband's thick cock in my hand; three fingers still deep in my juicy cunny. She stood up and moved away, and I immediately forgot her. The cock in my hand was thick, and heavily veined; and firm and warm. I tugged gently up and down, totally turned on, and wanting nothing more than to put the heavy organ inside me, and ride it till I was spent.

But I wasn't in control any more, and hadn't been for some time. Still, they couldn't have missed me leaning ever closer, my face approaching his lap as I stared at the cock I was stimulating.

"That's a good girl Karen" said Mr Keel. "See if you can manage the whole thing."

I heard a soft click to my left, ignoring it as I opened my mouth, enveloping the soft head of Mr Keel's cock in my mouth. Warm and velvety smooth, it tasted clean and musky. I loved the taste of cock; had loved going down on my previous boyfriend, Griff. His cock was slimmer and longer than this one, which just made this an even more satisfying mouthful.

I sucked gently, sliding down the shaft.

There was another soft click from behind me, which I ignored; then another close to me. I opened my eyes and glanced to my left to see Mrs Keel there, holding a camera. There was another soft click, and then she lowered the camera and bent down close to me.

"Karen, that's my husband's cock" she said.

I nodded, neither taking my eyes off her, nor the cock from my mouth. My fingers worked away beneath me, stimulating my pussy and clitoris. I was putty in her hands.

"You're doing a lovely job there," she said. "But my husband and I have an understanding. If one of our girls goes down on him, I get the same favour."

She paused to let this sink in, then continued.

"Do you want to stop sucking my husband's cock Karen?" she asked gently.

I shook my head slowly, eliciting a groan from Mr Keel.

"And you understand what I expect from you?"

I nodded, not caring about anything beyond my own oncoming orgasm, and the stiff cock in my mouth. The truth was I didn't really have a clue; but that would come later.

"Well, you carry on then dear" she said, standing back up and raising the camera.

She continued taking pictures as I sucked and stimulated her husband's hard cock. I played with myself, keeping myself on the edge of orgasm; wanting to delay my gratification till the moment he came, filling my mouth with his salty sperm.

Mr Keel's hips were beginning to move slightly, and his hands gripped the armrests of his chair. He was getting close, and I realised how close as the soft plum of his cock began to swell further inside my mouth.

A minute later, he cried out, and I felt the surge of his come rising through his cock with the fingers wrapped around it. A split-second later, my mouth was flooded with a powerful surge of flavour as he shot his thick sperm into me.

Held at bay, my orgasm finally came; sweeping over me like a river of sensual pleasure. I felt Mr Keel began to buck back and forth in his chair as a series of long, low groans escaped his open lips.


"Well," said Mr Keel. "I think I'd like to be the first to congratulate you on getting the job."

He was breathing heavily, lying back in his chair. His penis lay on his lap, still a little hard, gleaming wet from my saliva.

Mrs Keel was beaming at me, having shot more photos as I knelt there and finally put the camera down. "Absolutely, Karen. A really wonderful example of going that extra mile to get the job."

She smiled at me.

I smiled back. I got it! It took more than I ever dared thought I would give - but I did it. And I'd kind of enjoyed it.

Would I have done it if I hadn't been desperate? I don't know. But I guess needing the money made what I had done easier to justify.

Mrs Keel put her hand out to me, and pulled me up to stand.

I was still naked as she led me out of the room to the hallway.

"Now, I suppose the next step is a tour of the house - and I think perhaps we should start with the shower room..."


Look for part two in about a week, but not here - Karen and Mrs Keel ended up having so much fun that I put the next part of their story in the 'Lesbian' category.

This was my first exhibitionist story - what did you think?

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cnsualsu1cnsualsu1almost 3 years ago

i hope that marriage couple is old butch couple

tatusiatatusiaover 5 years ago

Beautifully written, tense, exciting. Love the theme of coercion to expose her desires... what a couple!

shin1toshin1toabout 7 years ago
Nice job!

Very nice job. Good writing. I liked the way the wife and husband worked as a team. Think it helped make the story believable. Karen kept slipping deeper and deeper into their quicksand. I consider this a real success.

charlie48charlie48almost 10 years ago

I wish i was Mr ....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

a great beginning the build_up was as good as suburban submission

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