The Final Insult Ch. 06


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"She's not your mate, Ethan. She doesn't have to answer to you."

Ethan dropped his eyes and his voice. "I know. But I was... shocked and upset. I guess I figured that, if I could find out who it was, that I could understand why."

Callum nodded. "Go on."

"She wouldn't say who, told me to let her go, tried to pull away. I wouldn't let her go. Well, she went wolf."

"And what did you do?"

"Nothing. I stood there, didn't say anything. She backed away and took off."

"That's all?"


"OK. We're going to go talk to Mom and find out what's going on."

Ethan closed his eyes and nodded.

Callum and Eddy headed for their mother's room. "I'm not looking forward to this."

"How bad do you think it is?"

"It's bad enough that she went to someone else. It may be that we can't allow Ethan to stay." A pause. "I hope it's not Peter."

"He has nothing to gain. She's never even looked at him."

They reached her door. "Ready?" Eddy nodded.

A deep breath and Callum knocked on the door. Beth opened it. Callum looked past her, to his mother, in the rocking chair with Evan. "Beth, if you don't mind?"

Beth glanced back at Anne, then looked at Callum and Eddy. "She won't tell me."


Beth closed the door behind Callum and Eddy and headed for the kitchen to help with dinner. She caught sight of Ethan, pacing back and forth. He glanced at her and she shook her head once before continuing to the kitchen. Ethan closed his eyes, then walked to his room. Should he start packing? He didn't have much so it wouldn't take long. Besides, it was still deep winter. He hadn't hurt her - would they throw him out? What would he do then? What could he do?


Anne looked at her eldest two sons as they entered, her youngest son in her lap. "OK, mom. I'd like to hear what happened."

"Do you really think this is necessary?"

"Anything that disrupts this pack is my business. You evidenced an extreme reaction. I need to know what went on between you and Ethan." She closed her eyes, held Evan a little more tightly. "Mom? Tell me."

She opened her eyes as Callum and Eddy attempted to identify all the scents in the room. That of their mother dominated, of course, but they also found Evan's, Ethan's, Beth, Emily, even lingering traces of their father's scent, after all these years. But nothing to identify the male she had been with.

"As I passed Ethan in the hall he grabbed me and demanded to know who I'd been with. I refused to tell him and told him that. I told him to let me go. He asked again and I answered in the same way. He wouldn't let go."

"So you went wolf?"

"It got me away from him."

"And what did he do?"

"Nothing. Well. He started to shift, but he pushed it back. I, I growled, snarled at him, backed up, and took off."

"Who was it?"

"Excuse me?"

"Who were you with?"

This had the potential to go very badly if she told them. "I won't tell you."

"Why? Is he mated?"

She inhaled and chose her words carefully. "No. We're both unmated, and adults. More than that, you don't need to know."

"But, to go wolf, during an argument? If he didn't hurt you, why would you feel the need to do that?"

She breathed and they watched her contemplating. As she looked back at them they saw painful memories in her eyes, before she exhaled to answer them. "My sons, none of you know much of my life before your father brought me here." Callum and Eddy waited as she closed her eyes again. "A long time ago, I was in a relationship with a man who started out what I thought to be very loving, protective, but he became very controlling. He would question where I had been, who I was with, what I had been doing. If I was slow to answer or didn't answer he would grab me, yell at me until I did or he got it into his head that I wouldn't. It was hard to get away from him, but I did." She paused.

"So it reminded you of a man who hurt you when you were young. He bruised you, hit you?" Anne closed her eyes and nodded, buried her nose in Evan's hair. Evan started squirming in her arms and she put him on the floor.

"Is there anything else you want to tell us?"

She looked up at him. "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

"As you've reminded us, Mom, you haven't lived all your life in the pack. Maybe you're protecting him."

She looked at him and he saw the mixture of emotions in her eyes, sadness, hurt, fear, but, mostly, truth. "OK. I'm sorry. But I have to be sure." She blinked, taking a deep breath. "Do you have a recommendation, a suggestion, as to what I should do about you two?"

"You're Alpha, Callum. It's for you to decide."

Evan was sniffing around his feet. Callum picked up his baby brother, giving himself a chance to think. Eddy placed her skirt on the bed then stepped back, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We have some time yet before thaw. Do I have to worry about you? That this will happen again?"

"Not from my end." He looked at her a bit more closely.

"OK, Mom." Callum gave Evan a quick kiss and put him back on the floor.

In Callum's room, Eddy looked at his brother. "So, Ed, what do you think?"

"They each startled the other. After she shifted, he restrained himself, preventing further escalation. It was the correct response."

"I agree. Unless something else happens, I'm not inclined to send Ethan away." Eddy nodded. "I couldn't tell who it was, although it seems she was in close contact with Emily."

"The only men I scented were Ethan, Evan, and some remnants of Dad. Unless we question everyone, we're unlikely to find out who it was."

"We might be able to tell from people's reactions over the next few days. But, do we really need to know? She said he wasn't mated. If so, there's no reason to investigate further."

"Hmm, still, why now?"

A knock on the door. The two looked at each other, and Eddy opened the door, expecting Ethan. But it was Beth who stands there.

She was invited in and Callum looked to her. "What can we do for you, Beth?"

"I'm a little worried, Callum. She'll talk to me about anything, but she refused to tell me what happened. Can you tell me what went on?"

"She seems to be keeping it quiet for some reason. She would not tell us who it was."

"And, her reaction?"

"She should have the privacy she expects from us." Beth looked at him, pointedly, hands on her hips. "All I can tell you is that it's a reaction to something that happened when she was young." Beth looked thoughtful, covering her mouth with her hand.

"That she would still be affected by something that happened that long ago... Callum, do you realize how special your mother is, to overcome such a past? To love men, as she has?" The men looked at her; she could tell they didn't quite get it. "It's a wonder she doesn't hate you all, after what she's been through." She nodded to them, and left the room.

Ethan awaited the knock on his door. When it didn't come he went up to dinner. She didn't greet him or speak to him. She glanced at him occasionally, but there was nothing soft in her look now. How badly was he screwed? She was unrepentant for her part, almost defiant about it.

Four sets of eyes kept watch on the two of them and Callum was concerned as he watched Ethan tense up. Thankfully, it was closer to the new moon. Things could be substantially worse otherwise. The meal ended without incident and perhaps things would look better in the morning, after all parties had a chance to think things over.

Emily saw the aftermath of their interlude flare into something dangerous and feared for her standing in the pack until Anne reassured her and swore her to secrecy.


The next night, Anne was alone in her bed, dreaming. A man's hands were on her, his mouth. She looked up to see Devon's eyes looking down at her. She smiled at him. Suddenly, he was pulled off of her. Devon fought the other man, whose face she couldn't see. They grappled, struggled, and Devon went over a drop off, reaching for her and calling her name as he fell.

She suddenly came bolt upright in the bed. "Devon!" Tears rolled down her face as she looked around the room for him, her eyes lit on Evan, in the crib. "Oh, gods, Devon. You left me here alone."


Ethan was sullen the next few days. He got no positive response from Anne when their eyes met. She gave him a self-righteous look each time that made him grit his teeth. He gave her a few days to calm down but she remained cool towards him and he hesitated about approaching her, believing that it might only make matters worse.

Ethan, needing to bridge the growing chasm between himself and the mother of his sons, finally sought out Beth.

"I don't know what to tell you, Ethan. She'll usually talk to me about anything but she's keeping this to herself. And none of the men have stepped forward. We can only infer that she's protecting someone, perhaps herself as well."

"Do you have any idea why she went wolf like that? I didn't, I mean..."

"Apparently she gave Callum her reasons but he would only tell me that it was because of something that happened to her when she was young. I know she was raped by someone she knew in college; I can't tell you if there was anything else. She's never said much about her life before she was brought to us." Ethan closed his eyes to consider. "It seems she's had some difficult circumstances. Ethan?"

He opened his eyes, looked at her again. "I'd like to know, for my own peace of mind if nothing else", a pause, "what would you have done if you weren't in public?"

Beth watched as he realized the implications of that question.

"I... honestly... can't say. Could I have hurt her? I would never have thought so." Beth now saw fear and pain in his eyes and his voice dropped low. "Beth, am I my father's son after all?"


The weather was warming and Evan was almost 4 months old. Anne and Alana were taking a turn in the nursery, watching the children. Alana had been relieved to see her mother smiling and laughing again, and hoped she might find happiness with another mate. Ethan was suited to her, and, actually, more like her father than her mother would likely admit.

Her mood, however, had shifted again. She'd grown withdrawn the last few days. Holding their sons, Alana looked to her mother. "Mom, is something wrong?"

Anne didn't look at her daughter, staring off into space. "It's too soon", she said quietly. "Your father and I didn't have to worry about this for nine months after you were born. Everything seems to be pushing us to be together."

"Do you love him?"

Anne's attention shifted to her son. "I don't know. In some ways, he reminds me of your father but sometimes he makes me so crazy, as if I already belong to him because I had his sons." She kissed Evan's head.

"You're still finding your way around each other and he's been away from a pack for a long time. Has he said anything? Been pushing you?"

"No. Not really. But it's so obvious."

"But he hasn't come near you since the argument you had. He knows how it works, Mom. He's leaving it up to you." Anne closed her eyes. "How's the sex?"

Now her eyes widened as she looked at her daughter. "I'm a grown woman, Mom. I know how things were with you and Dad."

"It's good, usually great, different."

Andrew began to fuss and she stood to bounce and rock him. "Do they ever sleep for more than four hours?"

"Yes, dear, he will." Anne smiled at her daughter.

"Does he make you feel safe?"

Startled by the question, Anne took a moment to consider. "Yes."

"Good." Andrew started crying with a vengeance and Alana started pacing and rocking him. She just barely heard some of her mother's next words, spoken in an undertone. "It's not as if I have a lot of prospects. Maybe that's enough, especially now. Who am I to resist the fates?"


She'd been distracted since that fight they had had and he had no idea how to approach her now. That she had been pissed at him for the possessive outburst had been evident for a couple of days. But now her mood had shifted, to something he couldn't describe, and didn't understand. This was so much more complicated than he could ever have imagined.

He walked the corridors, unsettled, trying to figure out what to do now.

He headed for the pool, looking for a soak in the warm water after working in the shop. He stopped when he hears voices.

"Are you still mad at him?"

Her voice wss quiet, almost resigned. "Yes. I've made no commitment to him but he still thinks of me as his. Possessive, jealous men are trouble. In the human world, they generally end up abusing their mates."

Oh, shit. He really had done it now.

"You know how your scent affects the men. And you've let him get close to you. Did you expect him to take something like that quietly? How would you feel if he did something similar?"

A bit of a groan from her. "You know you don't have to make any kind of decision right now." A pause, Beth's voice was quieter. "Something else is going on, isn't it?" He didn't hear the response. "Oh, Anne. Are you pregnant again? Already?"

"What do I do now, Beth?"

He stood there, his heart pounding in his chest. Another baby? She was pregnant again? What was he going to do now?

He found her later that day, alone in the science lab, staring at the wall. He walked up behind her, put a hand on her shoulder. "You know, don't you?"

He squeezed her shoulder. "Yes."

She took in a deep breath, released it. "I suppose we should get mated."

He crouched in front of her. He'd found he wanted this, badly, but not this way. He took her hands. Her eyes were downcast; she didn't look at him. "You don't want this. You don't need me; the pack will take care of you."

She closed her eyes, tears leaking from under her lids. He came up on his knees and embraced her. "You've got people all around you who love you. Don't feel compelled to do something you don't want to do because of your condition."

They remained that way for a time and he released her when she pulled away. He kissed her forehead. "I love you, Anne. But I'm not accepting your proposal." He rose, put a hand to her cheek, then left the room.


Ethan went to Callum the next day. Callum clapped him on the back and greeted him in his hearty baritone. "Ethan! How are things going?"

"Callum, I'm grateful that you've let me stay here this winter and that you've all accepted me into your pack."

"What's wrong? Are you leaving?"

"I seem to be causing your mother more pain than anything else. When the weather breaks, I intend on going back into town, to take care of some things."


"I've missed being out here. I think I'll move into the old Palin range. That building won't take too much more work to set right."

"I don't understand. Is it because of the fight? Is she still mad?"

"Yes. And no. She proposed to me, Callum. And I turned her down."


"She didn't do it because she loves me, because she wants me, because I make her happy. She did it because I've gotten her pregnant again."

"Already?" Ethan nodded. Callum thought for a bit. "There's not much I can do to stop you if you really intend on leaving us but I don't understand why you would. I don't think I could be pried away from my children."

"Ever been in love with someone who didn't love you?"

Callum's response was quiet and pained. "Yes."

Ethan looked back to Callum. "I'd like to keep this quiet. No one needs to know."

Callum nodded. "OK. Will you tell her?"

Ethan shook his head. "No. I don't think so."


The thaw had come. Wildflowers were poking out of the last traces of snow and the pack welcomed the opportunity to get out again. The youngsters romped in the new grass as their parents looked on and smiled. Ethan emerged after the others and looked fondly on his son. Anne was watching him explore with a hand on her belly. He sighed as he made his decision. He would say goodbye to her tonight and leave tomorrow.

After dinner that evening he went to her room and knocked on the door. She opened the door and looked at him, confused by the expression on his face. "May I come in?"

She turned and allowed him into the room.

He looked at the ground, then up to her face. Her eyes were troubled. His chest felt tight and he was having trouble breathing. "I'm sorry. It threw me. I couldn't understand why you would go to someone else. I know you're not mine and that you don't feel for me the way I feel for you. And I didn't mean to give you a reason to feel forced into marrying me." He watched her hand drop to her belly. "I'll accept what you're willing to give me, even if it never goes any further." She looked at him, trying to read his eyes, his face.

He placed his hand over hers, the other, lightly, on her upper arm. "Can we try this again?"

She took a couple of breaths, closed her eyes for a moment, then looked at him and nodded. He took her in his arms and hers went around his waist. "Beth said I should ask you what I smell like."

She smiled and chuckled a little. "Bay leaves."

He kissed her, taking her face in his hands. He was surprised when she seemed to melt against him, a little breathless. He pulled away slightly and looked at Evan, asleep in his crib. Ethan ran his hand over the wood. "He made this?"

"Mm, hmm."

"He did good work."

"Yes, he did."

"I know you didn't want to come into this life. But I can't say I'm sorry he brought you here." He pulled her close to him again. "I would never have met you, if not for Devon McKenna." Another kiss. "Will you let me touch you again?"


He stroked her back, then pulled on the ties to her skirt, and allowed it to drop to the floor. He turned her back to him, pulled her hair to one side, and traced the mark on her shoulder, where she was bitten for the change. Then touched the scars from the scrapes on her upper back, the gash on her shoulder, the mark on her hip, kissed her mating mark. Turning her again, he ran his fingers over her belly, up to her breasts, and, taking her chin, kissed her once more. He picked her up and placed her on the bed. She laid there as he looked her over further. "You are beautiful. Do you realize that?"

She smiled at him and shook her head. "I'm not."

"You are. You're soft, and strong, and curved. And smart. There's nothing more desirable in a woman."


"Quiet, woman, while I extol your virtues." She opened her mouth and he placed two fingers over her lips. "You're brave; you're strong; you're stubborn. I've seen you immerse yourself completely in what you do." He stroked her hair, traced a finger down her sternum. "You throw yourself into what you believe in."

He laid down beside her in the bed. "When I left my pack, 25 years ago, I never thought I'd have children. Thank you for giving that to me."

This was distressingly similar to the way Devon reacted after she delivered the triplets. What was going on with him all of a sudden?

"Ethan, what..." He kissed her again, stopping the question. His hands, warm, gentle, now began sliding over her skin. The tracing of his fingertips made her shiver.

When his mouth left hers, she gasped and he said, quietly. "Close your eyes." She looked at him a moment longer, noting a hint of sadness in his eyes. He recognized her confusion, just before the lids covered those brown eyes.

Her skin now provided the main input. While she could, of course, smell him and hear him, the other sensations now began to overwhelm her. The warmth of his mouth, the softness of his lips, the feel of his chest hair against her shoulder, her breast. His body was firm against hers and she felt the hardness of him against her hip. His hands were stroking lightly, caressing her.

He was avoiding touching any of her more sensitive places for the moment, trying to see how much more he could get from her without touching her breasts or pussy. The smell of her arousal was getting stronger and he watched as the one hand not at his shoulder had begun to stray down her belly. He caught that hand and brushed his lips over it, before placing it on his hip. Her breathing and heart rate had sped up and he knew she was just aching for him to touch her more intimately. She whispered. "You won't hurt us."
