The Florida Trip Pt. 02


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"He's giving it to you good," Alyssa said, and I realized she was talking to Kelsey. I don't know why, but somehow acknowledging each other made everything feel even stranger than it already was. The odd discomfort that was also illicit. Thrilling to feel so right and wrong in the same moment.

"He is," Kelsey said, "So good. Ben?"

"His cock feels so nice," Alyssa said, "Riding him is the best. You should do the same to Kevin."

"OK," Kelsey said, as if it was an order. She rolled Kevin over so he was on his back. Then she climbed on top and, in a mirror of my redheaded girlfriend, impaled herself on Kevin's dick. They groaned together.

Both women were now on top, in reflection of the other. Kelsey's breasts were slightly smaller than Alyssa's -- she was smaller in general, actually. But their female forms seemed matched as they both rode the cocks inside of them. I stared at them both, entranced.

Alyssa's movements got more frantic. She bent down, resting her weight on her arms. Her freckled breasts hung down so invitingly. I saw Kelsey lean down, as well. Her short, blonde hair tossing back and forth.

"You look really good," Alyssa told her.

"You don't... look so bad... yourself," Kelsey said.

"He getting you there?" Alyssa asked.

"Getting... close. Yeah."

"You going to cum, Kevin? Alyssa asked. "You going to fill your little Kelsey up?"

He grunted in response. Alyssa slowed her movements, savoring being wrapped around my dick. Watching while Kelsey started to shake. Moan.

"Here, let me help you," Alyssa said. Before any of us could react, Alyssa jumped off my cock and went over to the other bed. She slid in behind Kelsey while the little blonde rode her boyfriend. Alyssa put her hands around Kelsey's waist, then ran them down, through Kelsey's flaxen pubes and right to her clit.

As Alyssa's fingers made contact, Kelsey stiffened. I thought she was upset, but then her whole face contorted with pleasure and she screamed. Shook.

"Oh! FUCK!" Kelsey said. She fell forward, still shaking from orgasm. Leaving Alyssa sitting there and staring down at Kevin's cock as it jutted outward. Dark and curving upward slightly.

I turned to my side, my own dick still sticking outward, too shocked to do anything but stare. My girlfriend leaned back a bit and stripped off her outfit, leaving her completely naked on top of Kelsey's boyfriend. Alyssa looked down at his cock and licked her lips a little.

"Here, let me get that for you," she said. She bent at the waist and took Kevin's stiff prick into her mouth. I waited for him to say something, but instead he just groaned. Kelsey turned and looked back to see what Alyssa was doing. Her eyes went wide.

"It's OK, I've got him," Alyssa said, mouth still full of cock, "You take care of mine." She said it like it was the most natural thing in the world. Kelsey gaped for another moment, then nodded and slid off the bed. Wordlessly, she climbed up between my legs, dipped her head down and swallowed me whole.

I cried out in pleasure. Kelsey had always been an enthusiastic cocksucker and, immediately, I could tell that she'd gotten practice. Her movements were a little more controlled, skillful. Beautiful blonde Kelsey sucked my cock -- tasting me and the remains of my girlfriend's juices -- while my girlfriend, herself, worked Kelsey's boyfriend, licking her flavor off him.

I looked down and saw Kelsey had her hand between her legs while she sucked me. I reached down and found her breasts. Rubbed at her nipples. I slowly pulled her up to me. We didn't say anything. Didn't even meet each other's eyes. Kelsey reached down, aimed my cock, and sat right down on it.

Fuck her pussy was tight! I heard a long, low groan and saw that Alyssa had done the same with Kevin. All four of us now, as before. Only we'd switched top halves. Kelsey had her eyes closed. Her lips pressed tightly together. She grunted every time she bottomed out on me. I reached down, found her clit and started to rub. The beautiful blonde moved faster. Her breasts bounced. Her movements became more erratic.

I heard the sounds of similar coupling in the other bed. It was strange, hearing the familiar noises of Alyssa's pleasure, but not being the cause of them. Not that I was paying all that much attention -- I couldn't take my eyes off Kelsey. God, she was so amazing. I'd forgotten how nice it was to be buried in her snatch.

"Come on, Ben," she said, "Cum. I'm so close. I need you to cum for me."

"Yeah," Alyssa said, "Give to her. Give it to meeeeeee!" Alyssa jumped off Kevin's cock. She started stroking it with abandon. Kevin grunted, and a steady white stream shot out. Splashing Alyssa's pink breasts. Her neck.

Kelsey put her hand on my cheek and gently turned me to face her. Then she let herself fall forward. Pressed her breasts against my chest. Whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry," she said, "Your little slut knows where your load is supposed to go." She made a little gasp, then shuddered. She started rocking back and forth. Faster and faster. Chanting.

"Cum Ben. Come on. Cum." Louder and louder. "Cum in ME!"

I stiffened from fingers to toes and, finally, went over the top. Ecstasy started at the root of my shaft and radiated outward as I blasted my cum right into Kelsey's pussy. Again and again. Load after load of fertility filled the beautiful blonde and as I did, I felt her body collapse over mine. Her mouth open in a long, strangled gasp.

"Ha. HA AH!" Kelsey breathed, arching her whole body. Then finally she settled. Sank back into my arms. She giggled a little bit, then rolled off me. She looked over at the other bed and saw Alyssa splayed on her back next to Kevin. The two girls' eyes met and they both started to laugh.

"Well that was different," Kelsey said.

"That was awesome," Alyssa said. She got up off the bed. Kelsey started to stand up, but Alyssa motioned for her to stay down. The lascivious redhead sauntered over and casually spread Kelsey's legs open.

"Since you were kind enough to take my boyfriend's cum, it's the least I can do," Alyssa said. She knelt down and put her mouth on Kelsey's sex. I watched in awe while my girlfriend lapped my jizz right out of Kelsey's dripping cunt.

The blonde laid back and sighed, like she was getting a massage at the spa. Her arms and legs spread out languid. Kevin and I both sat forward and stared. Mute.

Kelsey gasped and shuddered. She giggled again and stretched, sighing.

"Much better," Alyssa said. She stood up and wiped her mouth with her forearm. Kelsey gave Alyssa a look like she was now ready to go all over again, but my girlfriend just gave the blonde girl a playful slap on the ass and climbed into bed next to me. Kelsey shuffled over to her own bed, not too pouty, and lay down next to Kevin.

"That'll teach them to fool around when there's another couple in the room," Alyssa said. She kissed me lightly on the lips and I tasted a strange melange of her own sex, my spend, and Kelsey's juices.

"Like we learned in kindergarten, you have to bring enough to share," Alyssa said. She curled up around my shoulder and drifted off. I heard Kevin and Kelsey do the same.


I waited for sleep to arrive, but it ghosted me. The room was still dark, filled with the heavy breathing of three other, blissfully unconscious other people. The A/C rumbled quietly. I lay there wide awake. The music in my head was too loud -- the memories too thick and fast -- and it swept me away.

When Alyssa had said we could be an 'adult' couple -- people who didn't need to be tied up in silly stuff like jealousy -- I'd assumed she'd meant superficial stuff, mostly. Maybe I'd cup a boob or something. But this was way more than I'd ever imagined. I didn't want to be one of those 'what does all this mean' people, but there I was. Wide awake. Wondering what it all meant.

You're not a settle-down-with-one-person type of guy, I reminded myself. Last summer proved that. It's why I was with Alyssa, after all. So why did I suddenly feel so guilty?

I stared up at the ceiling and surrendered. I carefully extricated myself from the bed. Found my pants and shirt on the floor and got dressed. Slid on my sneakers. I creaked open the front door and stepped out.

It was warm out compared to home, but cold for Florida. I wrapped myself in my arms and shivered. The sky was still dark and starless. I heard the rumble of distant fireworks. Then I looked down off the balcony and saw a familiar face looking back up at me.

"Hey," Sarah said, and gave me a little wave. She was leaning against the pool's chain link fence in a way that made it seem like she should be smoking a cigarette.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked. She shushed me and motioned for me to come down. We met me at the bottom of the Mighty Duck mask steps. Sarah was still wearing her outfit from the day -- shorts and a t-shirt -- but she'd pulled a yellow sweatshirt on over it and it made her look very cuddly. Kind of like her buddy Winnie the Pooh, actually.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked.

The sexy brunette shook her head. "You?"


"Too excited about being at Disney?" Sarah asked.

"Sure," I said, "Let's go with that."

She gave me a dubious look but didn't say anything. Buried her hands in her sweatshirt pockets.

"Is that why you're out?" I asked, "Disney buzz?"

"Sure," Sarah said, "Let's go with that, too."

We shared a long look. Sad yet also warm. Like we'd known each other a thousand lifetimes and this was just the next one in the string.

"You going back to bed?" I asked.

"Don't think so," Sarah said, "Pool's right there. I think it's closed for the night but that never stopped us before." For a moment I really thought about it. This was an old tradition, right? Me and Sarah getting soaked. But then, that was exactly what had gotten me all worked up in the first place.

I looked down at my phone. It felt so late, but it was only about 10:30. "You know what?" I said, "I have a better idea."


We walked back up to the lobby. We didn't say a word the whole way. About halfway over, I reached back and Sarah grabbed my hand. She smiled at me and flounced a little -- gave her chest a little extra bounce.

We went through the lobby, discordantly loud and bright for the hour, and made our way over to the bus stops. We waited by the side of the road until the bus labeled Disney Springs showed up and we climbed on board.

Still saying nothing, like words might break the spell, we sat together on the bus. It was about halfway full, everyone talking quietly. Sarah rested her head on my shoulder. The ride to Disney Springs was way shorter than the one to the Magic Kingdom. Before I knew it, we stopped with a hiss and the doors swung open.

When I was a kid, they'd had this Downtown Disney area with a few shops and it was like the world's saddest outdoor mall. Now, though, this was something different. The place was lit practically to daylight. Stores were bright and huge crowds flowed past. Live music blasted out of bars and busy restaurants. It was still a big outdoor mall, but it felt like a real thing now. Like somewhere you might actually want to go and have fun.

Again, Sarah took my hand and we started to walk around. We looked in shop windows and did some people watching. I tried on some silly Mickey hats. There were two different Star Wars shops and, of course, I had to go into both. We found a bench with a sculpture of Winnie the Pooh next to it, and Sarah let me take her picture standing next to the funny old bear.

We didn't talk much, just absorbed the atmosphere. Exploring together like this, it felt like being a couple, and I let myself enjoy that sensation. Maybe more than I should have.

After all that wandering, we were both feeling hungry. Sarah went into a bakery and brought out a very decadent looking cupcake, covered in other candies and cookie crumbs. Like it needed any extra sugar. We sat on the edge of a fountain and shared it. Listened to the rush of water while everyone walked by.

"So, you want to talk about it?" Sarah asked.

"Not really," I said, "You?"

"It's like, we're here. It's all happening," Sarah said, "Julia and Kelsey. You. Maybe I am feeling the Disney buzz."

"If you're thinking about me, Julia, and Kelsey that's not Disney you're buzzing on," I said.

"That part, too," Sarah said, "The last time we were all together it felt like this amazing, magical, inexplicable thing. And I missed it."

"You didn't miss it," I said, "In fact, I'm pretty sure you started the whole thing."

"Sure, I guess. But I was with Robbie and caught up in all that life stuff. I mean, you guys had so much fun and I feel like I just sat on the sidelines."

"That's football," I said, "In baseball terms you felt benched."

"Is now really the time to get into this?" Sarah asked. She stood up and started walking. I hurried over to stay with her.

"Right. Sorry. Look, I get what you're saying. Sort of. Maybe I remember it differently, but I'm not going to tell you that you don't feel the way you do. We're here together now, aren't we?"

"That's just it. We're here," Sarah said. I took her hand in mine again. "Together. With my little sister and your girlfriend and Kelsey's boyfriend. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for you guys. I'm just sad for me. At the end of last summer, I thought I had it all figured out. My future. My love life. All of it. We rode off into the sunset, happily ever after.

"I went to school and, I'm sorry, it sucks so hard. Artists are assholes. I kind of forgot that. Then I caught my stupid boyfriend fucking one of them. And I couldn't even get mad cause I did the same thing to him the summer before. But it still sucked. I called Julia because I felt all alone and I felt like you guys were my only friends in the world and here we are. All together again. Only not, you know, together."

"So that whole speech you gave me this morning," I said. God, how was that only this morning? "The one about wanting to be alone. Find yourself?"

"I meant it," Sarah said, "I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm not. I just... it doesn't stop me from feeling lonely, either. I'm the worst person in the world, rooting against other people's happiness. This selfish, unlovable bitch that no one can bear to be around."

"You know that's not true," I said, "God, Sarah. I wish you could have seen inside my heart that first time I saw you again, outside your apartment. Maybe you felt like the last trip was a happy ending but for me? God it was so hard to see you go. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it this time. I'm trying not to think about it. Maybe you can take me with you to art school. I can beat up all the mean people for you."

"You're sweet."

We found a bench looking out on the lake and sat down. I saw that Sarah was crying. Her face lined with tears. I felt self-conscious, but no one was looking our way.

"I must look so stupid. Crying like a five-year-old at Disney World."

"You fit right in," I said. Sarah punched me, not hard, then sniffled.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't want to lay all this on you. I'm at the happiest place on earth and it's just making me sad. I'm alone, I'm miserable, and I don't know what to do anymore."

"And you're not taking pictures," I said.

"Yeah, that too," Sarah said, "In some ways that hurts the most. Like the one thing that I know makes me happy has been cut away. But every time I pick up the camera I get this sick feeling in my stomach. Like I don't deserve it."

"You deserve happiness," I said, "I promise. And you're not alone. I really am here." I took her hand and pushed it against my chest. "See. Solid. Julia and Kelsey both love you and if you let them in, they'll be there for you too. You have your sister. You're talented as fuck and... God, you're so fucking gorgeous it hurts me to look at you sometimes. I think everything's going to turn out OK. I know that's easy for me to say but I really feel that."

Sarah looked at me, deep brown eyes shining. She wiped her tears away and took a deep breath. Then out of nowhere she shot forward and kissed me. Not like the silly, playful ones from the car. Or the sex-driven, hungry ones from before in the bedroom.

A real, true, loving kiss. The kind that communicated all the things we don't have words for. I let myself drown in Sarah's lips.

We pulled apart. Sarah brushed the hair out of her eyes.

"I think I can go to sleep now," she said. We stood up and made our way back to the buses, hand in hand. They were starting to close the area down. Everything droned down to nothing. Lights winking out one by one.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

oh fuck, I didn't expect Alyssa was such a slut, I can only expect that Ben and Kevin DP her

DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 2 months ago

It seems to me that Ben and Sarah should be together but Alyssa is going to be trouble, I feel she is very insincere. Like a match in a box of fireworks, it'll take just one rub.

Very well written.

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetronius7 months ago

You are an amazing writer. You write with a seemingly natural grace in a style that is impeccable and yet doesn't draw attention to itself. (You even know how to use "lie" versus "lay"!) In a way it's like the story you're telling is not worthy of skill. But then, didn't they say the same thing about Flaubert?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love the way you write. It’s not just bang bang sex sex smutty stuff, it’s like kinda poetic at times and feels like i’m reading a really hot steamy book which is absolutely awesome

bshell47bshell47almost 3 years ago
Beautiful and touching

Can’t wait for the next chapter.

Who will be next?

CheeachaserCheeachaserabout 3 years ago

You're about to be massively cucked... Chicken attack!?

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 4 years ago

Loving the story but I get the feeling that Alyssa is going to be trouble for everyone. Five stars and a favorite point!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great story, but

The descriptions of the All-Star are not quite right

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Not feeling the happiness.

I'm feeling too many negative feelings so far. The baseball road trip was a happy story, even when issues arise. That's not the vibe so far in this story. Bring back the happy, adventurous spirit, please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

The BB Trip was bery, bery good to me, but I felt unfulfilled by the ending so I'm glad you are revisiting the characters. Adding Alyssa to stir the pot sets up wicked delight to come. Looking forward to the resolution.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
awesome, again

i'm loving this story as much as the baseball trip ... can't wait to see where you take it next!

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