The Fools Day Hunt


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He paused and gazed upwards. It certainly look treacherous, he observed. Jagged rocks jutted from the grey scree like gargoyles, a barren slope with many ravines and crevices to catch an inexperienced climber. As he mentally mapped a path through the dangerous terrain he was jolted by the sound of footsteps behind. Glancing back he spied the slender form of Forbia, racing towards him with steady bouncing strides. The steady pant of her breathing showed great stamina. Broderic gasped in awe. She was still perhaps 2 or 3 furlongs back but Broderic turned and fled up the mountain.

He fared well on the first stretch, climbing quickly up the moss-covered slope, hopping over smaller rocks and skirting the occasional boulder. But as he reached the edge of the scree, he glanced back. Forbia's pace was relentless behind him. She had gained perhaps a furlong and was closing fast, almost at the base of the hill where he first spied her. With a growing panic, he scrambled on to the scree and clawed his way upwards over the loose stones, slipping back almost as many paces as he stepped forward. Within a minute he heard the clanswoman shriek as she reached the edge of the scree. He was no more than a 100 yards ahead of her!

Broderic continued to make slow progress but the rock face was just ahead. 'If I can reach those rocks, I'll climb fast,' he thought. 'There's still a chance.'

Forbia seemed to skip over the scree, firm footed and light stepped. Her breathing never faltered and her stare never wavered from Broderic's flailing form as he scrambled onto the rock face. She reached up, grabbed him by the ankle and, with a sharp pull, he tumbled backwards on to the loose stones. She had him!

Broderic puffed hard, winded by the heavy fall, but before could even raise his head, the woman had straddled his chest, facing his legs, pinning his arms with her powerful legs, her skirt billowing over his head and plunging him into darkness.

"Ye'll just waste energy if you struggle," she cackled. "Settle now and let's see what you have to offer."

Indeed, it was true that struggling was pointless, he was nailed hard to the ground. And although he was blinded under the layers of cloth, he could smell her pungent nether regions and knew his face was inches from her backside. He tried lifting and turning his head, perhaps to bite a leg or buttock, but the woman's knees pressed down on his shoulders and he could not find skin or muscle within reach.

Then he felt another sensation. Forbia tugged at his breeches, pulling them open. Her damp, sweaty fingers pinched his flaccid member and tugged it hard. He squealed in shock, but his cock betrayed him as it twitched and engorged at her touch. She stroked it's length more gently and his cock hardened, a surprisingly enjoyable sensation. It occurred to him she was the first woman (other than his dear mamma) to see his prick, and most certainly the first to pleasure it.

Broderic knew his quest was over, but he discovered the so-called punishment quite pleasurable and lay back his head, relaxed and began to enjoy her ministrations. She fondled the length of his stiff shaft, pulling the foreskin over the bulb and pumping him with her clenched grip. Broderic began to drift into the joyful state of lustful pleasure. Even the pungent aroma of her arse and pussy seemed suddenly sweeter under the skirt. He wondered if there may be some way to taste her damp cunny.

"I won't struggle further if you release me," he moaned, voice muffled beneath the skirt. Forbia ignored him and continued tugging as his cock. He felt the deep warmth of impending climax and moaned loudly. Then she gripped his scrotum and squeezed a little and he cried out with the sudden burning sting. His erection subsided at the sharp pain.

"I thought you men liked your cocks and balls played with," she grunted with a giggle.

"Please, not like that!" begged the youngster. "I've not known a woman afore."

Forbia paused. "You've never... tumbled with a girl?" she said, climbing off his body and turning to face him. The boy shook his head timidly as she stood over him.

She laughed loudly. "And you thought yourself worthy of a Tavisher maiden?"

"I...." started Broderic, but paused to find the words. " a good wife."

The woman's face softened and she knelt between his knees. His cock stretched skywards twitching once more, betraying his desire to receive more attention from her deft fingers. It had been a hard chase for this one, she thought, and although she'd caught him on the mountainside, he'd run well and she admired his orienting skills and stamina. She smiled, placing her hands on his hips.

"Would you care to experience a true climax," she whispered. "As only a Tavisher can give you?"

The boy nodded eagerly, thoughts of Catriona gone, suddenly besotted by the terrifying yet most erotic creature before him.

Forbia stroked his hardening shaft once again and gripped its base. Broderic sighed and closed his eyes. She began to fondle him, curling the fingers of her spare hand around his ball-sack and gently stretching it as she milked him.

He was panting hard and moaning as she pumped him faster and faster, bringing him to the moment of sweet release. He bucked and thrust against her fingers, reaching the point of no return. He grunted, breath caught in his throat, as he was about to spurt.

"Sadly, I must also punish you for your failure," said the woman, still gripping his pole. She squeezed his scrotum hard, twisting and crushing his cock and balls in her strong hands. Broderic screamed in agony, even as long ropes of his seed shot from his pole, splashing across his chest and stomach.


"By the sound of that scream, I'd say a third man caught," puffed Dugan, jogging steadily alongside his brother, Kinney.

"Just the two of us left then," replied Kinney with a grin.

The brothers had chosen to stay together. 'Strength in numbers,' they'd agreed before even embarking on the challenge. They had tracked east through the forest, discovering a river meandering through its heart.

"I have a trick," cried Kinney. "They'll expect us to take a direct route. Let's follow the river. Water always finds the safest path through the glen."

They splashed upstream, following the river's path east, then north through the dense scrub and out across the moor as it shrivelled to a stream and then merely a tricking brook, curling down from the hillside. There was no sign of pursuit, and their spirits lifted when they reached the scree slopes leading up the hillside. Working together they pulled and shoved, crunching over the shingle towards the rock face high on the mountain's edge.

"The maiden's a beauty, din't ya agree?" said Kinney, reflecting on the bewitching sight of fair Catriona's naked body.

"Aye, and far too good for you, young ruffian!" laughed Dugan. The lads were three years apart, but inseparable. Having lost their mother at a tender age, they'd supported each other in every endeavour since.

"I doubt an old codger like ye'self could handle such sweet innocence. I'll give her what she needs," grunted Kinney, affectionately. Dugan laughed, scrabbling on to the rock face, reaching back to grab his brother's hand and heave him upwards.

"I doubt you even know what to do with such an exquisite woman. She'll be needing a man of experience, and considerable endowment!" retorted Dugan. The brothers chuckled at their ribald rivalry.

"Well, brother, as agreed, it'll be the best man that wins the prize. One of us will be escorting her home tonight!"

"And the other...?" muttered Dugan with a grimace. The screams of the other racers echoed in their minds and they both shuddered.

"We'll not be caught! We're too light of foot for those ancient hags," said Kinney and their spirits lifted once again.

No sooner had those boastful utterances evaporated in the cold air, they heard the terrifying shriek of a clanswoman further down the slope.

"Damn! She must have spied us," cursed Dugan, redoubling his efforts. The rock face was steep at this point and disappeared into a light mist that had descended on to the mountain. They clawed their way upwards, a slight ache of fear gnawing at their stomachs, recalling the menacing countenance of the Tavisher clanswomen chasing them.

Dallis had crossed the moor several times searching for the lads, knowing two of them were still uncaught. As she reached the bank of the Elnick she paused. It was fast moving here but only knee deep. 'I wonder...' she thought for a fleeting moment, then set off with urgency along its bank eastwards.

"Smart boys," she muttered as she strode up the mossy hill and skipped on to the scree, spying two forms scrambling up the rocks way above her. She let out a shriek, a signal to her clan sisters that she'd found her prey.

Nerris waited patiently at the peak, Catriona by her side. They surveyed the vast landscape below, straining for the shrieks and hollers of their brethren sisters.

"You've nothing to fear, child," she muttered to the girl. "Sounds like Dallis has one in her sights. The fifth boy is mine."

Catriona stepped back and sat beside the cairn in the clearing at the top of the mountain.

The peak was surrounded by vertical cliffs, just one path to the top. That would be where Nerris would take her man. She stepped closer to the cliff's edge, peering down through the mist, hoping for sight of the remaining challengers as they ascended. She thought she caught a glimpse of two men, maybe 300 yards below, traversing the rock ledge leading to the path. Then Dallis's powerful form climbed onto the ledge, not more than 100 paces behind them. Nerris grinned. 'Their cause is lost,' she mused, wickedly.

Dugan saw her first. "Run, brother, run!" he shouted. They'd shuffled along the rock ledge and discovered the wide path that led upwards. "Almost there!"

Then disaster struck. Dugan's foot caught a rock embedded in the ledge and he stumbled. There was a sickening crack and a bolt of pain shot through his leg.

"Damnation! The ankle's broke," he cursed, tumbling to the ground.

Kinney paused, dropping to his side. "I'll carry you," he puffed, but Dugan pushed his hands away.

"Nae, brother, she's too swift. Go! Claim your prize!"

Dallis shrieked again, racing towards them. Kinney turned and sprinted up the path.

As Dallis approached Dugan's prone body, he faced her valiantly, holding his ankle which throbbed, swelling even as he held it tight.

"Broken, eh?" muttered the woman, slowing to a halt. She knelt at his side, fishing a splint and length of hemp from her knapsack and binding the leg. He grumbled gratitude.

"You raced well," she murmured as she bound his foot. "But you failed and your companion will be caught too."

"So it's all a trick then?" muttered Dugan. "A foolish errand set by vengeful women."

"No revenge," whispered Dallis, pushing him on to his back. "Just carnal lust." He lay helpless, foot throbbing, resigned to his fate, as she shuffled up his body and straddled his head, planting her damp pussy on to his face.

Nerris knew there was just one boy left, probably jogging up the path towards her. She dropped and crouched behind a boulder, waiting for her prey to pass. Then, through the mist, she heard a cry and the rumble of rockfall below her position. Peering down, she located the fall, rocks and dust careering down the mountain through the mist. She spotted the lifeless form of a man tumbling among the boulders, easily recognised by his leather tunic, and shrugged.

'It happens,' she mused, silently. 'Weariness and panic, combined with the treacherous slopes and rocks slick with slime. Occasionally one falls to their death.'

Returning to the path with a sigh, she strode downhill until she found Dallis riding her quarry. She was moaning with pleasure, the lad's head and shoulders buried under her billowing skirt.

"Mine has fallen," said Nerris as she approached.

"Join us then," replied Dallis breathlessly. The women noticed the bulge in Dugan's breeches, betraying his enjoyment of the ordeal. Nerris yanked them down and his cock sprung out. It was long and thick, hard as a nail. She licked her lips, straddled his body, lifting her skirt, and sank onto his pole with a satisfying grunt.

The woman took their pleasure from the lad for several minutes, then stood and considered his exhausted body.

"A good birching as his punishment, do you think?" muttered Dallis.

"Or a pegging!" replied Nerris with a chuckle.

And then came a shrill scream from the peak. The two women's heads shot upwards.

"Catriona!" they both cried at once.

"Bring him!" shouted Nerris as she sprinted back along the path. Dallis grabbed Dugan's collar and dragged him upwards.


Nerris raced into the clearing and shuddered to a halt in horror. Catriona was naked, bent across the cairn in the centre of the clearing, legs spread. Kinney, topless and with his breeches at his ankles, ploughed her from behind.

Nerris spotted a trickle of blood rolling down the girl's thigh. The girl winced a little but her eyes were closed and Nerris recognised the tell-tale signs of a maiden discovering the pleasure of coupling for the first time.

"But I saw you fall!" she cried.

"Not I," said the crafty lad. "Just my shirt wrapped around a branch. Who is the fool now, woman!"

Dallis rounded the corner, Dugan limping beside her. His glum expression brightened with joy at the sight of his brother, and then with wicked glee as he watched the naked girl enjoying her rogering.

"Join me, brother," grunted Kinney. "Take your turn with this fine, lusty wench!"

"No!" cried Nerris. "You cannot share our fair clan sister. She is not a whore!"

"Silence, hag! The prize is mine, to do with as I wish, you said. That was our bargain. And I choose to share my prize with my beloved brother."

The other clanswomen began to arrive, dragging their victims with them. Gawen, Broderic and Farlan looked a sorry state, clothes torn or missing, caked in mud, limping and whimpering. Each gazed miserably at the scene before them. The Tavisher clanswomen looked on helpless as the brothers ravished the maiden.


"So ye see, those brothers were no fools," chuckled my fireside companion. "They both took their pleasure from the young maiden, then made her their wife and bearer of their children," he continued, with a grin. "They lived long and satisfying lives."

I noticed that the hearth was reduced to embers. The older man had drifted into peaceful slumber. It must be late, I thought.

"Extraordinary," I whispered, enthralled by the whole sordid story, and highly aroused by the filthy scenes described to me that evening. The old man chuckled affectionately. A thought crossed my mind. Perhaps this unlikely tale was, itself, a Fools Day trick.

"Or... perhaps I'm the Gowk?" I continued, with a sly grimace and raised brow, but with no malice for I had been entertained well.

"Nae, son, 'tis all true, I give you my word," he replied, gruffly.

We sat in momentary silence, recalling lusty scenes, enjoying the highlights once again. Then, quite suddenly, the longcase clock in the corner chimed midnight, breaking our reverie. I felt a sudden weariness.

"Good sir, I must retire. It has been a most entertaining evening." I stood to leave and repair to my bed, then turned with a blush.

"My deepest apologies, I have been most rude. My name is Duncan, travelling up from Edinburgh. I didn't even acquaint myself with your names."

He grinned and offered a hand which I shook heartily, thankful for good company and new friends.

"I'm Kinney," he murmured with a knowing wink. "And my brother, Dugan."



AUTHORS AFTERWORD: As you will have realised, I've tried to write this in the style of 18th Century literature taking inspiration from classics such as Stevenson's "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" and Fielding's "Tom Jones". I have to admit it was tricky, and no doubt full of errors, but a lot of fun to write. I imagine Stevenson would turn in his grave were he to learn that his revered classic was used as a style guide for such a sordid story. For Fielding I'm not so sure. He was a horny old goat and sired 5 children with his first wife and then scandalously married her maid and sired 5 more! He would probably have enjoyed it and I hope you did too!

The origin of April Fools' Day is unknown and goes back hundreds of years, possibly even as far back as the Romans. However it has survived and spread to almost every corner of the globe. By the 18th Century the 'Day of Fools' was an established celebration across Great Britain. In Scotland, the tradition was known as Gowk's Day (an old Scottish word for a Cuckoo or fool). One particular ritual was called the 'Gowky Hunt' in which naive youngsters were sent on phony or irrelevant errands followed by 'Tailie Day', where pranks were played on unsuspecting victims' backsides.

It's not clear whether the Tavisher Clanswomen did, in fact, organise the annual Hunt described in this story, but tales of the event are legend, passed from Father to Son over many generations as a warning not to mess with a Tavisher girl, reputed to be the most beautiful and sensual of Scottish women, but also the fiercest and most ruthless! There are even rumours that the Hunt still takes place, somewhere hidden away in the Highlands, far from prying eyes or media attention. Who knows, maybe young Scotsmen still succumb to carnal desire for the ravishing virgin prize, only to find themselves enslaved to the Tavisher women's evil lust! And if you believed anything in this last paragraph then 'APRIL FOOL, SUCKER!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Refreshing in style and content. Good luck with the contest!



AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A good opportunity to show how women maybe prefer oral sex?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Clever writing. Nice twist.

luvmassageluvmassageabout 3 years agoAuthor

This is an original story directly from my warped mind. But if it feels familiar, maybe you're channelling Lord of The Rings or Hunger Games! :) I wouldn't be at all surprised if there are other 'race to win a virgin' stories out there somewhere.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
High quality original work

Five stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Fun tale. Seemed a bit familiar, as if I'd read a similar account before, but with a different ending. Deja vu.

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