The Forest Witch Ch. 04.5 - Interlude

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Short "baking" story between Chapter 4 and 5.
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Autumn had ended and a brutal winter had taken its place. The crisp morning air quickly became an unbearable cold that never went away. Trees were left bare, and snow covered everything. Yet for some reason, some crazy people would love it.

"What's not to love?" Juniper asked cheerfully. The tip of her nose red from the cold. "You can curl up in a warm blanket in front of a fire, drinking hot cocoa. It's the ultimate comfort!"

Shivering, Rowan crouched next to Juniper with a half-filled jar in hand. The two of them decided to brave the cold for some foraging goods. Which of course was Juniper's idea. Rowan didn't like the winter season. On top of constantly freezing, Olivia forced them to wear clothes. And the heavy kind at that. After being naked for so long, they felt constricting. And not in a good way like her choker.

"Yeah, I can practically feel the fire's warmth," Rowan grumbled through chattering teeth.

Juniper rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean. It might be cold out here, but that'll make the cottage feel even cozier when we go back."

Rowan sniffed indifferently. "You also drank the last of the cocoa."

That made Juniper pause. She continued picking rosehips silently for a couple of minutes and placing them in Rowan's jar. "We could always ask mistress to send us into town for more."

Going into town meant they'd have to wear clothes again. And the nearest one was far enough away that they'd need to stay the night. Rowan held her tongue though. The cold tended to make her bitter, but she didn't want to hurt Juniper over a dumb argument.

"Also," Juniper smiled sheepishly at her. "Cuddling with mistress is a lot more comfortable in the winter."

"Okay, that I can agree with." Rowan laughed. She had to admit that cuddling in the summer could be rough at times. All that body heat meant they'd wake up drenched in sweat. Cum she could handle since it was a sign of a job well done, but sweat was just annoying.

Rowan gave her a quick kiss. She could always count on Juniper to cheer her up. If there wasn't snow on the ground, she'd be tempted to push her back and eat her out. Unfortunately, that'd have to happen later. Instead, they continued foraging until the sky began to darken and their last jar was nearly full.

"That should be enough." Rowan sighed as she stood up. Her breath visible in the chill air.

"Plenty." Juniper nodded and screwed the lid on. "Let's get back before you freeze to death."

The snow crunched under their boots as they made their way to the cottage. They had travelled a fair distance to collect the rosehips, but their footprints made it easy to find their way back. Smoke rose from the chimney and the flicking light of a fire could be seen through the window--a welcoming sight.

Both of the girl's arms were wrapped around their jars, so Rowan used her elbow to undo the door latch and pushed it open with a foot. Warmth welcomed them as Rowan placed her jars on the nearest table and wasted no time before stripping. First to go was the dark green coat that revealed her sizable breasts, which was tossed towards the coat rack. Next was the boots so she could feel the warm wooden floor beneath her. And last was her pants, which freed her round ass and pink pussy, which was also tossed towards the coatrack.

"Gods, it feels good to be naked again." Rowan yawned.

Juniper put her jars down and picked Rowan's clothes off the floor while shaking her head. "And after being out in the cold, doesn't it feel cozier in here?"

Rowan glanced away. "Fine, you were right. It...does feel cozier. Just a bit."

Juniper leaned up and gave her a peck on the cheek before she started to strip as well, which Rowan watched with hungry eyes. Hidden in her pants was a dark brown pussy between a thick pair of tan legs. And without her coat, she showed off breasts which were a little bigger than Rowan's. But Rowan was never jealous of them. Both of their bodies had been changed to fit Olivia's tastes, and that meant her body was perfect.

With clothes hung properly, the two girls brought their jars to the kitchen to get ready for their journey. Olivia wasn't there, but Rowan found a letter on the counter. Another summons from her coven. Those had become more frequent since Talia's visit.

Juniper ignored it and instead pulled out a cutting board and knife. "If we hurry, we can get these ready to bake before Mistress gets back."

"What are these again?" Rowan picked up one of the strangely shaped berries and eyed it uncertainly. "And what are you doing with them?"

"Those," Juniper said while measuring out some flour, "are rosehips. Just like how cherry blossoms turn into cherries, some roses turn into those. And we are going to make bread with them to take to the coven with us."

Rowan picked up the knife and started chopping. Ever since Juniper joined them, Rowan had gotten better at cooking. Or at least better at preparing things for Juniper to cook.

"Just make sure to remove the centers," Juniper said, now mixing the dry ingredients. "The hairy stuff inside."

"Hairy?" Rowan exclaimed. "How can a plant have hair?"

The shorter girl just laughed and kept mixing stuff together. Rowan grimaced as she pulled the weird hair-like stuff from the berries and chopped them into little pieces. By the time she finished both jars, Juniper finished making the dough and split it into two loaves.

"Okay, now we mix those in while we knead." Juniper grabbed a handful and folded them into her dough while Rowan snuck up behind her. "While kneading, make sure you do it properly. Otherwise, it'll-Roe!"

Juniper yelped in surprise. Rowan had crouched behind her, grabbed her ass with both hands and gave her cheeks a firm squeeze. They were so soft and jiggled a little when Rowan let them fall back into place. She continued to grope and squeeze them while Juniper moaned against the counter.

"R-roe..." Juniper hummed. "You're supposed to be k-kneading."

"Oh, I'm kneading. I found some nice buns down here that could use some work." Rowan used her thumbs to spread Juniper's tan ass. "Think they need a taste too."

She gave one more good squeeze and then buried her face between them. Juniper collapsed against the counter as Rowan's tongue prodded her little hole. Each press into her earned a cute little moan.

Olivia had told them that as part of their transformation, they couldn't have an orgasm unless they had something thrusting between their legs. And after the two girls had thoroughly tested it, it turned out she was right. They could still give incredible pleasure and get the other close to the edge, but since they weren't allowed to tongue-fuck each other, they needed Olivia for that final push into euphoria.

As Rowan ate out Juniper's ass, she heard footsteps padding closer until a pair of long legs appeared on either side of her and green fabric encompassed her. The tip of a large cock grazed the top of Rowan's head.

"Looks like someone's making bread," Olivia murmured and grabbed Juniper's round ass, "but I'm more interested in this cake."

By instinct, Rowan tipped her head back and slurped the giant cock into her throat. She gagged herself on it until she felt it start to stiffen in her throat. Then, she backed off to watch the glistening cock twitch upward to full size. It cast a shadow across her flushed face.

Even on her tiptoes, Juniper was too short for Olivia to easily slip it in, so she had to hoist the girl up onto the counter. Her breasts slammed into the dough, forming two molds of them. Then, vines sprouted from the ground to bind Juniper. One of them twisted around to tie her arms together while another wrapped around her throat. Not enough to strangle her, but just enough to threaten.

Properly bound, Olivia grabbed Juniper's hips and rammed her cock in at full force. Feeling something that big suddenly stretch her little hole made Juniper yelp. Olivia slid out a little and then rammed it back in just as hard. Each yelp slowly morphed into deep moans as her ass adjusted to the cock. The final remnants of her struggle vanished as her face collapsed against the counter and began to form a pool of drool.

"Now, Now," Olivia grinned. Each thrust shoved Juniper into the dough, "don't forget to keep kneading. I'll even help you do it."

Rowan, still under Olivia, watched with envious lust. She wanted to fondle her mistress's balls, but she was thrusting too fast to keep up with. They swung back and forth, slapping against Juniper's pussy. Until Olivia's slow sharp thrusts signaled Rowan's reward for her patience.

The heavy balls hanging over Rowan tightened as the giant cock blew several loads into Juniper's ass. Olivia came so much that not only did she fill Juniper to the brim, but her excess spurted out from around her cock and splattered across Rowan.

Another reward, one that Rowan didn't expect, was two thick vines that sprung out from under her and forced their way into her ass and pussy. The two vines fucked her in tandem. When one pulled back, the other plunged in deep. As Rowan, shaking with pleasure, opened her mouth to moan, Olivia silenced her by ramming her cock down her throat.

"Save your voice for when I actually fuck your brains out." Olivia grinned. "Rather than wasting it now, when I'm just having a little fun."

Another vine sprouted behind Rowan and bound her wrists to the floor, so she'd stay pinned against the counter. With nowhere else to go, Olivia pounded her throat. After a few powerful thrusts from her well-endowed mistress, Rowan's mind went blank. The only thought in her head was how much she had missed the cock suffocating her.

Though it hadn't been that long since Olivia last used her. It was just the night before, but every minute away from her was another minute Rowan wanted her lips around it. To feel it stretch her throat as a reminder of its power over her.

"I'm going to miss this while I'm gone," Olivia said and placed a hand on Rowan's cheek as she drooled happily. "It'll be a long week without one of you there to satisfy me."

"We're..." Juniper said weakly. "We're not going with you?"

She slipped a bit in the pool of cum she made on the counter but managed to sit upright. Then, she placed the dough Olivia had used her body to knead into a nearby bowl.

"But you-"

Olivia cut her off with a kiss. While she rammed her cock down Rowan's throat, Olivia rammed her tongue down Juniper's. Juniper wrapped her arms around Olivia's neck and practically melted against her. Under them, Rowan's throat gurgled and squelched, but Juniper moaned as she let Olivia suck the air from her lungs.

"Don't worry," Olivia pulled back and played with Juniper's nipples, gently rubbing them in slow circles. "I've left you plenty of supplies until I'm back."

Juniper's body twitched at her mistress's touch and her breathing grew heavy as she added more fluids to the puddle. "B-but what about the s-sex? We w-won't be there for you to u-use."

Olivia pulled her back into an intense kiss and came down Rowan's throat. The counter shook with each final thrust and cum spewed from Rowan's lips. There was so much that came out with such incredible force that some even managed to spurt out her nose.

"Mmm, I know," Olivia murmured and slipped her cock out. She looked confident and strong as always, but Juniper could see some sadness in her eyes. "I'll just have to go back to using my hands like I did before you two came along."

Rowan fell forward onto her hands and struggled to keep the cum down. She wasn't one to let it go to waste. "Y-your hand? You deser-"

The cum was too much to hold down any longer. With her stomach filled with her fluids, Rowan groaned as she heaved a few mouthfuls of it onto the floor.

"Like we're going to leave that job to your hands," Juniper said. She grabbed one of Olivia's hands and moved it to her cheek. "Someone like you deserves something better than hands to handle your cock."

"Yeah-" Rowan coughed up another mouthful, "we could never let you go back to using your hands. We're your girlfriends, after all. And part of that includes taking care of your needs."

Olivia picked Rowan up and placed her on the counter beside Juniper. She was absolutely drenched in cum. A few ropes of it were stuck in her hair while the rest covered her breasts and stomach and thighs. As Rowan said earlier, it was a sign of a job well done.

"You two just want me around for my cock, you little nymphs." Olivia chuckled. Then, she gave them both a kiss that was soft, yet deeply intimate. "But I guess you can come with me. If you want me to fuck you that badly."

Juniper and Rowan leapt onto Olivia with arms wrapping around her. They both excitedly placed kisses on her cheeks and along her neck as Olivia grabbed their asses to support them. Her face blushed bright red.

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome." Olivia rolled her eyes. "Now go upstairs and spread those legs. It's a long journey, so I want to have a good fuck before we go."

The girls pulled back and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Did I stutter?" Olivia grinned. "Once you two are able to walk again, we're heading out."

Rowan and Juniper squirmed out of her grip and sprinted for the stairs. Hearts thumping, it became a race to see which one of them would get there first. Olivia stood at the bottom with her arms crossed and shook her head. A light smile on her face as she watched them go.

Olivia placed Juniper's bread dough in a place to rise. It'd take a few hours until it was ready to bake, so it should be ready by the time she had a few rounds with the girls.

Then, with her cock hard and throbbing, she headed for the stairs as well. "How did I get so lucky?"

Author's Note: Well, this was supposed to be Chapter 5, but on top of being sick, a lot of family stuff ended up coming out of nowhere. Chapter 5's supposed to be one of my more plot-focused stories, but with everything going on, I decided to write a shorter interlude to lead into Chapter 5. Hope it was enjoyable and hope you stick around for the big stuff happening next chapter!

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