The Forever Canadian Vacation


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The thought of what Kishkadee would do after he left then caused him to frown. Would she just go on living in her little cabin like she always had? It didn't seem right to Dave to just leave her there. She seemed to be very self-sufficient, but if she got sick or got hurt, there would be nobody to help her. Dave knew he'd wonder about that every day once he got home. He'd lived with her too long to just forget about her. He'd worry about her every day once he was home.

He thought maybe he should try to convince her to come with him, but then he realized that probably wouldn't turn out well. Kishkadee was a beautiful and desirable woman on the outside, but on the inside, she was more wild than tame and wouldn't fit into regular society very well. She'd be a curiosity to some and shunned by others as an uncivilized savage.

She was also intelligent and would quickly figure out she didn't belong. That would just make her unhappy, and Dave couldn't do that to her. Over the months, he'd grown to love her smile and laugh and the way she loved the life she lived. He wouldn't be able to contend with seeing that smile go away and knowing she longed to be back in the forest living the only life she knew.

Kishkadee's voice snapped him out of those thoughts.

"I have dream last night. Wife Julie tell me men will come back tomorrow to get you."

"You saw Julie in your dream."

"Yes. She say you want to go with them but that not what you should do. She say you should stay with Kishkadee."

Dave half smiled. He didn't really believe Kishkadee had seen Julie in a dream or that Julie had told her he shouldn't leave. He figured Kishkadee just didn't want him to go and was either making it up or had really had the dream but it was caused by what she wanted to happen, not because Julie's spirit had really spoken to her.

"If they do come back, I'll have to go, Kishkadee."

He felt Kishkadee turn on her side to face him.

"Wife Julie tell me you would not believe me. She tell me I have to show you. She tell me how to do that."

"Oh. What did she tell you to do?"

Kishkadee didn't say anything. Dave felt her move closer, and then the light touch of her soft lips just above his eyebrow. He felt the same touch to his other eyebrow then. Dave had been sleepy before. Now he was wide awake. Kissing above his eyebrows was something Julie had done to tell him she wanted him. It wasn't what anyone else would consider erotic, but it had become that way between him and Julie.

As Dave lay there wondering why Kishkadee had decided to do that, he felt her fingertip stroke his cheek, then trace around and touch his lips. That was another thing Julie always did when they made love. He started to speak, but the finger tip pressed his lips gently.

"Shhh. Don't talk."

Dave felt Kishkadee's small hand slip inside his shirt to stroke his chest and then begin undoing his shirt buttons. When she pulled his shirt open, then leaned over and kissed his left nipple, Dave was so stunned he couldn't do anything but lay there. Julie had done that as well. The first time she'd done that, she said if her nipples were sensitive, his should be too. Dave had discovered that night that Julie was right. It wasn't something that instantly raised his cock, but he did feel it and it was erotic in some ways. When Kishkadee did it, it made him feel the same way.

Kishkadee moved her lips to his other nipple and her hand to the waist of his pants. A moment later, her soft hand touched his cock. She didn't jack it. Her fingers just stroked the skin on the underside of his cock head. Even if Dave had wanted to, he couldn't have stopped the tingles that started stiffening his shaft and making his cock head swell.

He was thinking, though. Everything Kishkadee had done so far was exactly how he and Julie usually began making love. When he and Julie were first married, she knew all about sex, but they still fumbled for a few months until they figured out what aroused the other best. He knew that since Kishkadee had lived alone with her mother since she was an infant, and after her mother died, by herself, she couldn't possibly have any experience with men or sex, yet she was arousing him just as Julie had by using the same touches Julie had used.

Kishkadee gently pulled her hand from his stiff cock and undid his belt buckle and then the snap and zipper. Dave was so baffled by what she was doing he couldn't resist, and lifted his hips so she could slide them down his thighs. He raised his legs then so she could take them completely off. Once she'd done that, she lay back down and draped her thigh over his body and moved closer until he felt coarse hair brush his leg.

Kishkadee kissed his cheek, and then pulled his hand to her chest. He felt her full, firm breast against his fingertips and then the way it moved when Kishkadee squeezed his hand. When her nipple slipped past his finger, Kishkadee caught her breath, and Dave felt her push her sex tight against his thigh and then move up and down a little.

Dave was still stunned, but realized he couldn't let Kishkadee do this.

"Kishkadee, stop. You don't have to do this."

Her voice was the same murmur Julie had used when they made love.

"Wife Julie say this is how you know she was in my dream. She say she help me and she say tell you to do with me like when you lay with her."

With that, Kishkadee pulled on Dave's hip until he turned on his side, then reached between them and circled his rigid cock with her hand. He felt hair brush his cock head, then Kishkadee moving a little. A second later, his cock head slipped between the satin lips of her sex. Kishkadee moved again, and he felt his cock head sliding into the wet warmth between her inner lips.

It didn't go in very far, and Dave knew that was because Kishkadee was a virgin. He didn't intend to rob her of that just because she was somehow mimicking how he and Julie had made love. He started to pull his cock back, but didn't get the chance. Kiskadee took a deep breath, then forced her body down over his swollen cock head. It didn't burst through the tightness that time, and after another deep breath, Kishkadee did it again. She yelped when his cock head slipped inside her half way down Dave's length, but then eased up until he almost slipped out of her.

After that, Kishkadee began stroking her body over Dave's cock. He was certain it had to hurt for her to do that, but she wasn't doing anything to indicate that. Instead, she was breathing deeply with each stroke and trying to get his cock inside her as far as she could. He even felt a familiar rocking of her hips when their bodies met, the same rocking Julie had done when they made love in the same position.

Those little rocking motions pushed Dave's conscious mind into the background, and instinct took its place. He unconsciously began pushing up when Kishkadee pushed her passage over his cock. With each stroke he made, Kishkadee would either moan or gasp, and the little rocking motion would become stronger. Dave felt his cock sliding through Kishkadee's snug passage and then into something very soft and yielding that seemed to suck at his cock head when he pulled back out.

Kishkadee seemed to feel that as well. Her little quiet moans became louder, and instead of gasping, she started to pant. Dave felt her arms pull him tight against her breasts and then her lips on his as she kissed him. That kiss seemed to intensify what she was feeling, just as it did with Dave's feelings. He slipped his hands down to her firm hips and began pulling her as tight into each stroke as he could.

A few moments later, Dave felt Kishkadee's passage get wetter and slipperier, and then the squeeze around his shaft as she began to tense. The contraction loosened, Kishkadee cried out, and then gripped his stroking shaft again. When she tensed again, she arched into Dave, cried out, and then her legs began to shake. Dave couldn't control the surge that raced up his cock and splattered inside Kishkadee, not the first, nor the second, nor the third. Her body was arched into him, holding him deep inside her, and the contractions around his shaft forced him to gasp at each spurt.

When Kishkadee stopped shaking and relaxed, she didn't pull herself off his cock. Instead, she kissed him on the eyebrows, then his cheek, and then on the lips while keeping herself impaled. She kept doing that until Dave's cock softened enough it slipped from the wet embrace of her passage, but stayed close, her full breasts pressed into his side and chest and her face nestled against his shoulder. She was still like that as Dave drifted off to sleep wondering how Kishkadee had known to do that, the same way Julie had been after they made love, if Julie hadn't really told her.

He woke the next morning with the dim light of morning coming through the single window of the cabin and alone in the bed. Kishkadee was standing naked in front of the fireplace. The flames were just beginning to lick at the small twigs Kishkadee had used to stir the coals from the night before back to life. When she heard him throw back the blanket, she turned.

He saw tears in her eyes, and rose to walk to her and take her in his arms.

"Kishkadee, what's the matter."

"You will leave today. I saw it in my dream last night."

"I do have to leave."

"I know. Wife Julie tell me that."

"I don't want to leave you here alone, but I really don't have a choice."

Kishkadee wiped her eyes.

"No worry about Kishkadee. I will be like always. Now, time to eat so I fix."

With that, she pushed him away and got dressed, then picked up her stew pot and walked out the door to the lake. Dave got dressed then and followed her out the door. He was half way to the lake when he heard the drone of a plane.

This time, the drone kept getting closer and closer. A few minutes later, he heard the drone go quieter and then stop altogether. That could only mean the plane had landed. He looked at Kishkadee. She smiled and said, "They come for you. Go."

When Dave walked out of the trees and into his old campsite, he saw another Cessna tied up at the shore and a man poking around the fallen tarpaulin he'd used as a tent. A second was looking at the plane sitting in the lake. A third, a man he recognized as Donnie, was looking at Chuck's grave. He yelled, "Hey. I'm over here", and started running.

Dave wasn't surprised that his job had been filled in the time he'd been away. That was OK, though. Since he'd been gone only about ten months, his money in the bank and his 401K were still there. He wasn't so fortunate with the house. Since he hadn't been able to make the mortgage payments, the house had been foreclosed by the loan company and then sold. Margie had put all his furniture and other things in storage, but he had no place to live. She offered her spare room, but Dave didn't accept. He had other plans.

Margie told him his house had sold for about fifty-five thousand more than the mortgage and the money was being held in escrow until he came back or was declared dead. Dave contacted the mortgage company and after jumping through some hoops to prove he was really David Michael Tilson, deposited the check in his checking account. He then went on a shopping spree to replace his clothing and to purchase some other things he knew he'd need.

A week later, the same Cessna that took him back to civilization landed on Shabumeni lake at his old campsite. The pilot helped Dave unload all the boxes he'd stuffed into the plane, and then asked if he was sure he wanted to stay. Dave just grinned.

"There's no place else I'd rather be. Besides, I have the radio, so if I need something, I can call you.

He was still grinning when he walked from the campsite to the cabin. He didn't know if Kishkadee would be there or not, but he had a plan for if she wasn't. He'd just wait inside the cabin and surprise her when she came back.

As it was, he didn't have to use that plan. He walked into the small clearing around the cabin and saw her down by the lake. He yelled, "Kishkadee, I came back."

Kishkadee almost knocked him down when she ran up, put her arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder. Dave held her tight for a while, then pushed her gently to arm's length.

"As soon as the plane took off that day, I knew I had to come back. I still don't know about your dreams, but I know I can't live without you. I also knew you wouldn't want to go with me, so I had to come back. I won't leave you again, at least not for as long. We need to talk about what I want to do now. If you agree, I'll do it. If not, well, I liked living like we were and I can keep living like that forever. I want to marry you no matter what you decide."

Kishkadee wiped her eyes, then smiled.

"Then you have two wives, Wife Julie and Wife Kishkadee. We take care of you like good wives should."

Dave didn't argue with her about that. If Julie was really a spirit who talked to Kishkadee, he could live with that. If she was just Kishkadee's imagination, that was fine too. He just knew he'd found another woman he'd grown to first like and then love even though he hadn't realized it until he got in the plane and flew to Red Lake.

The fishing resort he built on his old campsite does a brisk business during the summer months. It took some doing what with convincing Kishkadee to leave her cabin for the nearest town so they could be legally married, and then helping her wade with him through the mass of government paperwork to qualify him for a permanent resident visa. She clung tightly to his arm most of the time, in awe at the sights she'd never seen before. She didn't let him go until they'd finished everything and were back in her cabin.

The law required that the Canadian spouse sign a statement agreeing to provide for the needs of the visa holder for at least three years, and that was another hurdle. Dave taught Kishkadee how to write her name. She grinned after Dave explained the statement and she signed the paper.

"See. I said Wife Julie and Wife Kishkadee would take care of you."

Once Dave was granted permanent resident status, he found out who owned the land on that part of the lake. It turned out to be the same mining company Kishkadee's father had worked for. The mines had played out long ago, so it was relatively easy for Dave to buy a hundred acres that surrounded his old campsite and Kishkadee's cabin. It took another year before he was open for business.

He and Kishkadee don't live at the resort. They still live in her little cabin, though Dave had to add two rooms. Their son was born a year after they were married, and their daughter eighteen months later. Kishkadee refused to go anywhere for their births, saying that her mother had told her what to do. Dave didn't argue with her because he knew that was useless, but he did radio Red Lake and had a midwife flown in to help her.

Dave and Kishkadee are proud of them both. They named the son David William after Dave and Kishkadee's father. Kishkadee named their daughter, and her choice brought tears to Dave's eyes. As Kishkadee lay on their bed with the little girl in her arms for the first time, she looked up at Dave and smiled.

"I will call her Julie Memengwaa, Julie to honor Wife Julie, and Memengwaa to honor my mother. Memengwaa means butterfly in Anishinabe.

Little Dave is now taller than his dad and acts as a guide for the resort clients. He lives at the resort year-round with his wife Nancy. Julie is as beautiful as her mother, and ended up marrying one of the clients when she was twenty. She now lives in Toronto, but spends at least a week with them every summer.

Dave and Kishkadee spend the winters together doing what they did that first winter. It's the life Dave always dreamed of when he was stuck in a cubicle in an office. He loves the freedom and being outdoors with nature. More than he loves those things though, he loves Kishkadee.

She's gotten more like other women since she's been exposed to the resort clients, but the innocent young woman who saved Dave's life is still there, still taking care of him and still talking with Wife Julie once in a while.

The other day, she told Dave that Wife Julie said they were going to be grandparents. He didn't believe her until the pilot of the next plane full of clients gave him a package of mail from their post office box in Red Lake. Inside a pink envelope was a card from Julie, and on the card was a cartoon stork holding a baby in a blanket with its beak. The baby was holding a sign that said, "Congratulations Grandpa and Grandma. I'm on the way."

Kishkadee just grinned when he showed her the card.

"See, I told you."

"Yes, you did, just like you've told me everything else that was going to happen. Do you suppose you'll keep talking with Wife Julie."

Kishkadee nodded.

"Yes, until she comes to help us go to the happy land with her. That won't be for a long time though. She told me we have more things to do before that."

"Did she say what things?"

"No, but she will. I'll tell you when she does."

Dave went outside for an armload of firewood, and as he looked out over the lake and saw the eagle swoop down, grab a fish swimming too close to the surface and then struggle to regain flight, he smiled. He knew he'd die someday, and just like when he lay in that tarpaulin tent freezing to death years ago, he figured this was the place to do it. Julie would have loved it here, he loved it here and Kishkadee loved it here. He was happy to be here. Eternity was a long time, but if he had Julie and Kishkadee with him, he'd be happier yet. It would be a vacation from life with two women he loved and it would last forever.

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Peapod41Peapod412 months ago

Well, as a disbeliever in an afterlife-and empiricist, if you like - this utterly believable story

of survival snuck up on me. A feel-good yarn about survival, in an environment most will

never endure. A faultless plot, credible circumstances, 3-dimensional characters and

an ending of contentment all serve to accentuate your writing craft. At least 17 out-of-10!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

One of the best stories I have ever read here.

juanviejojuanviejo6 months ago

What a great story! Nearly four decades ago, my wife and young children loved to vacation in Northern Ontario. We all loved the Yellow Pickerel, Small Mouth Bass, Northern Pike and Rock Bass. Thank you for the memories.

Cinco Estrellas!

texlootexloo6 months ago

As always your story is wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Difficult to read at the end, somehow my eyes were watering. Must be the font used by LE...

Thank you.

StLouisLoveStLouisLove8 months ago

What an amazing change from all of the other stories, I absolutely love it

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Ronde must have the same dreams I have. Sadly they are just dreams.

Wonderful story! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wow, what a wonderful story. I feel so jealous of the life Dave found, it has always been a fantasy of mine.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Such an excellent short story. Too good to be kept here.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I truly enjoy reading your stories. Your narratives are easy and flow so gracefully. And it was a nice surprise when you mentioned Red Lake. I visited that area years ago as a young boy and spent two weeks fishing the lake and a little lake nearby named Suffel Lake. So I could picture the area as I read along. Like our hero, I flew into (on to?) the lake via a pontoon plane. It was two weeks after the ice was out and the Northerns and Walleyes were hungry!

Nicely done! You are a gifted story teller!

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