The Freaky Friday Thing Ch. 05


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She was getting close now, but she panted out, "Yes Master, what are they?"

"Firstly, it will be the three of us, or no go. Do you like that?"

"OH! Fuck... Yes... Yes Master!"

Her orgasm had struck hard and fast as he asked that last question, and she was again getting loud. The sound of three more hard slaps on her ass cheeks rang out in the room.

"Quiet slave!"

"Sorry... Oh, fuck Master!"

"Secondly, it won't be a loan. She can stay as long as she wants. Are you okay with that my slave?"

"Yes! Yes Master!"

"Did I give you permission to stop diddling?"

"Oh shit... sorry Master!"

When she started diddling herself again he gave her two more thrusts. "Are you sure? One of my orders for my slave will be to obey her sister as she would me!"

Her eyes bulged out she knew, and she tried to answer, but another strong orgasm came out of nowhere. She moaned loudly, crying out in her ecstasy.

"OH... Ah... Fuck... Yes Master!"

"So you will let your little sister be your Mistress?"

"Yes Master!"

'What! What the fuck did I just agree to? No...No way.. Yes! Yes Sarah! You can't take it back. Oh fuck me!'

It seemed that Mike agreed with that last thought, for suddenly he was fucking her, and she was left squirming under him as her mind tried vainly to process what was happening.

Stunned, she worked two fingers in herself as he thrust in and out of her, feeling a massive orgasm coming.

"Oh slave, you look so sexy pleasuring yourself. You're going to make me cum!"

Her hips were starting shake on the cusp of another orgasm herself. "Me too, Master."

"Yes. Orgasm on those fingers for me! Ah yes. While I fill your ass!"

It was all she needed. She felt him pumping his seed into her ass, and he had ordered her to orgasm. She fell over the cusp and felt her body lock up, orgasmic bliss radiating out.

He collapsed on the bed, pulling her legs up onto the bed with him, and they both lay there for several minutes basking in the after glow.

She might have fallen asleep, but he broke the silence, "So, Lindsay is waiting impatiently for my answer. Why don't you call her back, and after we can share a shower. Then I think after that I would like to make love to my amazing wife."

What with being a little unsure of having just agreed to a master/slave relationship, his declaration of wanting to make love to his wife took her breath away and reminded her just how much she loved him, and trusted him.

Feeling so much better about the new master/slave dynamic between them, she thought she really was going to enjoy it. It was still a shock to her how she had reacted to it, but she had to admit that she had definitely taken to it naturally and enjoyed it.

"So what are you waiting for? Call her!"

"Alright." she was a bit breathless now as it dawned on her how awkward this conversation was going to be. With shaking fingers she managed to dial her number.

Before the first ring even finished she heard her sister, "So... What did he say?"

"Well, I was right. He was fairly easy to convince, but he does have a couple of conditions."

"Such as?"

This was going to be difficult to come out and say, so she cheated a bit by asking, "Lindsay, you know what the most common male fantasy is right?"

Silence, and then, "Oh! And are you okay with that?"

"Are you?"

"I asked you first. Childish of me I know, but I am your little sister!"

"Okay, little sis, I'm alright with it if you are?"

"So what's the other condition?"

She groaned at having this drawn out, but so as to not help draw it out herself, she answered plainly, "He says he is not to be loaned out. You're welcome to stay as long as you want."

"Sarah... Maybe we should forget this. This is what I was afraid of. I won't wreck your marriage, even if you seem to want to."

"Lindsay... That's very sweet of you to be looking out for me, but honestly, some new things have developed, and I'm not at all worried about loosing my husband. I'm willing to share him though. With you anyhow. So what do you say?"

"I'm thinking."

Mike now caught her attention, and told her, "Tell your mistress!"

Blushing furiously, "Lindsay... One of the new developments is that I'm apparently rather excited by submission, and Mike by control. He's my Master, and he wants you to know that you will be my Mistress!"

She heard a sharp intake of air, and then a silence that seemed to go on. "Sarah... Oh fuck it. I can't resist anymore. Slave, I'm looking at flights right now. Okay, there! I'm booked. My flight will land at Pearson at one thirty tomorrow afternoon. Slave, you will pick your Mistress up! And slave, wear something sexy! Sexy and revealing! In fact, I'm forbidding you to wear underwear, or bra! Does slave understand?"

She was shocked. So very shocked, and also getting wet again. "Yes Mistress!"

(Formerly Evan, now a confused Emily Domski)

He knelt by his kayak, retrieving the last of his things after having enjoyed some quiet time with Emily. Most of the last couple hours since they landed on the island had been filled with the job of setting up camp, and cooking supper.

Now that the light would be failing them within the hour, he set about organizing and putting things away. When he went to retrieve the last of his birth control pills he had a bit of a scare, finding them wet. At least some of them were still dry though, and some only a little wet. Better not to chance it though. Annoyed that his dry bag and kayak hatch had both leaked, he tossed all the questionable pills into the garbage bag they had started.

After hearing Emily calling to him, he walked over and sat beside her. "What is it?"

"I was just wondering about that letter. Didn't you say you wanted me to read it tonight?"

'Oh shit. I forgot about that. Damn, how is he, I mean she, going to take the news that dad isn't... Well he kind of is his biological father now. Damn, this just keeps getting weirder.'

"Actually I said you could if you wanted to, but in a way, it was meant for you. You should read it. Only, Evan, I have to warn you... It's got some big surprises in it, and... and one really big bombshell!"

"A bigger bombshell than me now being your brother?"

He stood up to retrieve the letter, and sat back down beside her, "Yes, in a way." he told her, as he took her hand wanting to be there for support.

The look she had given him said that she was taking his warning seriously, and he sat quietly waiting while she started to read.

Almost right away she gasped, but continued to read for a few seconds, before she apparently couldn't hold it any longer. "You had sex with mom! What the... When... How....?"

He was blushing he knew as he answered, "Well I don't think I need to explain how! When? Well it was yesterday afternoon."

"And? Is that all you're going to say? What did she mean about 'hoping that it helped you' and all that?"

He scrunched his eyes up in embarrassment, but decided that he might as well tell her. "Mom walked in on me because she could hear me crying. I was trying to... masturbate, but I... well I couldn't. Hadn't been able to yet. Emily, I felt my world spiralling out of control, and I couldn't even get any release. Mom kind of pushed me down on the bed and forced an orgasm on me."

"She went down on... Wait, she forced an orgasm on you?"

"Ah, well, yes kind of. I had developed a mental block of some kind. I couldn't get past it, not without her help."

"So... It wasn't forced like rape, just forced like... Ah never mind."

"Oh god no! Not... not like that. She just ate me out for awhile, and then when that wasn't enough she planted her pussy just out of reach of my mouth and told me I could only have it if I climaxed."

"What! Wait... you did? So that means... you did? You ate mom out too!"

Sighing and feeling like she wanted to die of embarrassment, "Yes Emily. We sixty-nined each other okay!"

She however was thoroughly enjoying herself, "Holly shit Em, you actually ate our mom out! Did you make her orgasm too?"


"Finally! You got my name right! Well you were right about there being a big bombshell! Holly shit!"

"Evan, that wasn't the big bombshell."

Her mirth died off and she took a double take at him, and then hurriedly went back to reading. Almost right away though, she jumped up, turning big eyes on him. "She knows about us? You told mom about us?"

"Only that I might have feelings for you. You can relax. She took it amazingly well. Now, Evan why don't you just finish the letter, and then we can talk?"

"Sure, I mean how many more bombshells can there be?"

"Oh, a few more. And the big one!"

"What? That wasn't..." he cut off and went straight to reading.

He could sense her tensing up, and knew that about now she would be starting to piece together the import of a relative they had never heard of before now. Any time now, she would learn that she was never dads real daughter, and he was nervous for her, not knowing how she would take the revelation.

When she set the letter down, he asked how she was.

"I don't know. I guess I'm glad I know the truth. But... does this actually make sense to you? I mean can twins actually have different fathers?"

"Oh Emily, didn't you..."

"Evan Emily." He was cut off as she corrected him yet again.

Continuing and ignoring her, "ever pay attention in sex-ed. Yes, under these circumstances it could happen. I mean, not with identical twins. They are one egg and one sperm which fertilize together and then separate to create two people. We're only fraternal though, as all brother sister twins are. Mom had two eggs, which each got fertilized by a different sperm cell, and since mom had sex with two different men very close together in timing, yes it's entirely possible. Besides, they apparently had us tested, so it's not just possible, it is. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes. It still seems weird, and speaking of weird, why does mom seem to think we might be having babies together?"

"Damn. I'm sorry about that. Mom asked me if I had my eye on anyone, and your name just slipped off the tongue. She had just mentioned that she wanted grandchildren, and she went... well, there. Strange that she seems to be so alright with it though?"

"Ya, strange. Dad would flip though!"

"Oh, I don't know. He might surprise you." he told her.

"You think so? Want me to get you pregnant to find out?"

It was a natural enough jest to make, but never the less he was so shocked, he didn't know what to think. He could feel his cheeks were blushing furiously, and he blabbered an answer, "Wha... Evan, I'm not even a girl. You wouldn't... Would you? Oh, and besides you would be getting yourself pregnant. We're changing bodies back after. We are, aren't we? Promise me you'll figure this out? I'm... I'm just not ready for... I'm just not!"

"Woe! Slow down girl. I was joking. Sort of anyway. Seriously though Emily, while I won't push you to do something you're not ready for, we are... Well, you do want your body back don't you? I can't promise anything, but there is only one chance I can see of it happening."

"Of course I want my body back!" he told her. 'Now why did that sound like a lie?'

"Anyway," he went on, "thanks for not pushing me to... you know. I'm tired though, I think I'll go turn in."

She didn't respond right away, so thinking that maybe she wanted, or needed to talk, he offered, "Unless you want some company for awhile?"

"No. It's alright, I think I'd like just to sit out here awhile. You go ahead."

"Alright, good night Evan." he got up and headed towards their tent but as he was bending to get in, Emily stopped him.

"Emily, what do you think about this offer of Susan's? I mean, if I get her pregnant, it would really be your child, not mine?"

He had to take a moment to collect his thoughts, but there was no indecision for him. "First of all, I think at the least that taking her up on a place to stay for the summer would be advantageous. You know she lives close by to that museum right?" at her nod, he continued, "Secondly, it's too much money not to at least consider it. I think I'm fine with it anyhow, and that's regardless of which one of us is Evan at the time. Can I ask, would you like to fuck her?"

There was a small chuckle, and then she was answering, "Straight to the point eh Em? Yes. I've been getting horny as hell, what with all this testosterone and all. As Emily or as m... or as you, yes I'd love to spend the summer fucking her. Would you be okay with that?"

'Holly shit! As Emily or as me! That's what she almost said! She's really gotten used to being me!' He didn't know what to think about that. There were so many emotions involved, he just couldn't sort them all out. Instead, he tried to play it calm and answered in kind, "Well, if you're fucking her as Emily, and I get to watch, hell yes! If you haven't finished borrowing my body yet, still yes. As long as I get to have some lesbian action with her too!"

"Just the lesbian action? That's all you want?"

'What the fuck is this? How the hell am I supposed to answer that?' He really had no idea, "Evan, I just don't... Maybe, before too long I will be ready to... to actually... you know, with you. But... want it? I... I can't answer that right now."

"So... What if we go to her, you know, as we are now? You could spend the summer having lesbian sex, and I could limit myself to her. You wouldn't have to do anything with me. No cock in your future!"

"What? You want to leave me trapped in your body? All summer? And what then?"

Why that wasn't a scary thought, he had no idea. 'The lack of cock in me! Ya, that has to be it! Nothing at all about getting to be Emily for awhile longer!'

"I don't know Em, maybe we could figure something out about that artifact, and you would never have to do anything you really don't want to do in order to get your body back."

"Ya, that sounds reasonable."

With no idea why he was feeling regret, he slipped inside the tent when Emily said no more. Trying to figure out how he felt about things, he slipped out of the sports shorts and top he had donned after getting to the island, and slipped naked into his sleeping bag.

Sleep proved elusive though, to spite being all snug and cozy. He had no idea just how long he lay there staring into the darkened tent interior with his mind stuck on overdrive, but the interior of the tent had an air of waiting. Waiting for what he had no idea, his mind was fried, and frustrated and hot he pushed the sleeping bag off his chest, at least allowing some cooling air over his sweating breasts.

It was just moments later that Emily crept quietly into the tent. He knew she froze to admire his breasts, but he pretended to sleep, one eye open a slit to observe her shadowed form quietly settling into her sleeping bag on his right side.

The quiet tension in the air along with that palpable sense of waiting combined with all his frustrations, and he almost rolled over to talk to her, but something kept him still.

It was then that he noticed that Emily was stroking an erection, her shadowed face turned to stare at his own shadowed but partially uncovered form.

The longing he felt for that cock that Emily was stroking was confusing for him, as he was pretty sure that it wasn't a longing to have it back.

Scared, but thoroughly tired of all the tension and waiting, he opened his eyes wide, causing Emily to freeze. "It's okay." he heard the words leave his lips. "Here, let me do it for you!" and he was reaching out, his hand brushing hers aside.

He had a moment of fear, his heart beating suddenly fast as he felt just how big it was in his female hand. 'Dear lord why did I never realize how big it is until now!'

Tentatively he stroked it, feeling his own breathing quicken.

"Thanks. That feels so much better than my own hand!"

He smirked and blushed a little at his admission, "Yes, well I have a lot more practise than you!"

"I bet! But that's not it. It's just feels so different when it's not your own hand. Here..."

He felt her hand suddenly on his hip, gently gliding down to cup his pussy, causing him to twitch a little. He let out a small feminine gasp, and felt her fingers gently swirling around his clitoral hood.

"See, how is that?"

He couldn't answer at first. She was definitely right. It felt so much better. So much more intense.

He could feel himself starting to pant with the desire she was stoking up in him.

The thick cock he was still stroking in his hand suddenly felt much more interesting to him, scaring him. He certainly didn't want to be feeling desirous of a cock, and worried that she might too be feeling more and more interested in what she was still playing with, he started to jerk her hard and fast, wanting to finish her off quickly.

She grunted with his male voice, and then dipped her finger into him.

"Oh!" he couldn't help but to let out an exclamation of surprise and pleasure. It sounded far too desirous to his ears though. He could feel his hips moving to his sisters ministrations of his pussy, and couldn't stop himself.

Redoubling his efforts, he started to jerk her violently, earning another grunt from her.

Terrified, he could feel himself falling into the blissful desire she continued to evoke in him, her fingers too now becoming more urgent.

Moaning in a very scarily feminine and desirous way, he felt his will to stop any further escalation of the situation he found himself in eroding away.

That's when he felt the cock in his hand pulse, heard her grunt and then felt her semen slick his cock head.

'Oh shit! I'm so close! And now he can't...' Realizing where that train of thought was going was like a splash of cold water. It sobered him, but only a little. She was still plying him with wondrous sensations.

He was aware of his sister cleaning herself up, as he let go of her cock, but she kept up with her left hand on his pussy, and his back was starting to arch, moans of ecstasy escaping him.

"Oh yes! So good... Don't stop!"

Tits pushed into the air, mouth wide open in a moan right on the edge, he was aware even in the dark of her other hand in front of his face, and felt a finger brush his lip.

On the edge of orgasm some instinct caused him to suck her finger into his mouth.

As an odd taste bloomed in his mouth, he crashed over the edge, his hips twitching in orgasmic release and he sucked back all the slick coating on the finger in his mouth.

And immediately realized what it was he was sucking off her finger!

Shocked, he felt his hips twitching in a last couple of spasms, as his sisters finger slowly slid out of him. He was so shocked he was speechless.

Unfortunately for him the shock only increased when her finger was back at his mouth with another fresh dollop.

He opened his mouth to say 'no', but the finger slid in, and disbelievingly he wrapped his lips around it.

"That's a good girl! Clean up the mess you made me make!"

'NO! I can't have just done that! Can't be tasting what I'm tasting!'

When her finger slipped from his lips, he rolled over putting his back to his sister. "Goodnight Emi... Evan"

'What! Why did you give in and call her... because he is Evan! No... Yes Eva....Emily. Yes Emily, he is Evan. You are now Emily like it or not!'

"Ya, goodnight sis."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Please continue this

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
gonna finish???

its been over a year, gonna continue the story?????????

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Oh hell yeah

Please continue this is too good to end

PreciousXenoPreciousXenoover 3 years ago
Whats taking?

Dude you take like yearly breaks from writing shit. Dont be a lazy fuck. Get to it already. Do you have like a patreon or some shit?

Why do all the good series end so abruptly.


PreciousXenoPreciousXenoalmost 4 years ago
Really Interesting ending

Cant wait for the next one to get into the dirty fun stuff.

PreciousXenoPreciousXenoalmost 4 years ago
Come oooooooon

Cant wait till the messed up fucking begins. Lets go already...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I hope this story continues, it's really good

JigokuMonoJigokuMonoalmost 4 years ago

The story is really good I hope it doesn’t take too long to continue

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

So glad to see you finally picking this story up again!

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