The Full Price Must Be Paid Ch. 06


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Julie didn't stop to consider the fact she was crying in the arms of her captor, the beast who turned her into a sex slave to save John's ass, in the first place. No, she was so hurt, so damn mad; she just needed a strong shoulder to cry on and wanted to be held at that moment.

Jerry then told Julie, "It's okay, you can go to your room and take some time for yourself. It's been a tough day. It's still early, only noon; I'll have someone come for you at dinner time, and we will go out for dinner instead of eating in."

Julie didn't feel like going out, but having some time to herself was what she wanted and needed. As Julie pulled her face from his chest and wiped the tears from her face and eyes.

Julie's soft response was, "Okay, I'll do that. I need some time to sort a few things out."

No sir or master; at the end of her sentences, she just stood up and walked to her room.

A couple of days have passed since that dreadful day. Jerry and Julie did not go out for dinner that night, but Jerry was taking her out tonight. Julie had still lived up to her obligations with her master. Each morning she still came to his room at 6:00am for his ritual morning blowjob. Although Julie's heart was breaking, and her attitude was down, she still went through the motions that she thought were getting her closer to the finish line and completing her time as a sex slave.

After being told to perk up by Jerry, Julie had no choice but to put on a smile and move forward with a 'fake it until you make it' attitude.

It had been three days of not having sex, just giving a blowjob once a morning. Julie noticed that Jerry was taking it easy on her after what she had witnessed. She was appreciative, but still cautious and skeptical of his motives--and why would John do this to her? However, if someone had told her of this lovemaking, she would not have believed it. However, she saw it with her own eyes and heard it with her own ears. There's no faking or altering what she had seen and heard, she thought to herself.

They both got ready for their dinner out, only her second night out of the house in over four months. The clothes picked out for her were as sexy as ever, and she knew he wanted to show her off again. Christi, the newer slave, brought Julie some hot coffee as she got ready. Julie was appreciative, as she often needed that to perk herself up in the past. She didn't know that Jerry had put another female Viagra into her hot coffee so it would dissolve and be undetectable. Her master had a short mini-dress laid out for her to wear tonight. It had a plunging neckline to show her massive cleavage. The dress was open about one inch on each side with only a sheer mesh holding it together; just enough to show she was neither wearing a bra nor panties. The dress had two large slits up the front on each leg, each side going up past her pelvis to her lower abdomen.

She knew the dress was to show off her body to the crowd wherever they went. But for the first time in a few days, the dress did make her feel sexy again. As she walked out into the living room in that dress, full makeup, hair curled, and four inch heels, the three men there all expressed very high compliments to both her and Jerry about how beautiful she looked.

As they went to a nice restaurant, they once again did go the bar first. Jerry had her sit to draw attention to her very high-cut mini-dress. Sitting on the higher bar chairs, she couldn't help but give the bar full of men, a view of her well lasered pubic area. A few younger, very handsome ones noticed her and smiled or winked at her sitting there. For the first time recently, Julie felt sexy and was turned on some that these younger, very handsome men were making eyes at her, even with her large escort, Jerry, standing at her side. Julie had no idea he had slipped into her coffee something to stimulate her sexually. The pill didn't work as well since her overall mood was down, but it worked enough to perk her up, her energy and sexuality.

Jerry was aware of what she needed after seeing the video. He knew a night out would do her good, and having men fall over themselves just to take a look at her would be good for her at this point in time. Jerry walked away a few times to the restroom and gave a few of the men time to come over and say hello to Julie.

Jerry told Julie, "Watch these guys come over to you when I leave for the restroom," and gave a big smile. He knew this was good for her confidence, and she needed this.

He continued, "It's okay to say hello and talk to them for a second; just don't embarrass me while being your date for the night."

Julie looked and smiled, "Yes, thank you. I understand what you mean. I won't give them a reason to believe they can take me home, and I will not embarrass you, sir."

As expected, when he left, one by one, three of the men that smiled at her did come over and say hello. As Jerry watched from a distance, Julie smiled, talked briefly, then brushed them off politely. But they resumed their seats to continue taking in the view of her upskirt as she sat. When Jerry returned, he had her reposition herself on the bar chair. This gave others an even better view of her legs and up her dress.

The two had their dinner, a few glasses of wine and ended the night as the limo came to pick them up. Feeling better, Julie, without being told, gave the two valets a view they will remember forever as she slid into the back seat. Turning towards the valets, Julie sat down on the seat with her legs still outside the car. The car's seat sat very low, which positioned a perfect angle for the men to steal a glance of Julie's lovely pubic mound and more. Her extremely short dress pulled up as she sat to give them a great view. Julie then raised her legs to swing them into the car slowly. In doing so, her mini-dress pulled up past her pubic area for the two men to see. Before turning her legs in, she first looked up at the men, then down at her dress before lifting herself a bit to pull the dress down again. Jerry, standing behind the valet boys, just smiled and winked at Julie as he walked to the other side of the car.

On the ride home with a wine buzz and Viagra running through her body, Julie felt great for the first time all week. As Jerry touched her some in the limo, her clit and body responded as the pleasure was very noticeable. Her master walked her to his room and kissed her deeper than usual. Julie responded as he slipped her dress off while they kissed. The night was not a fuck session like the past. It was not lovemaking either. However, it was a softer encounter as they had sex, and Julie reached orgasm at least three times. She felt better as she walked slowly back to her room.

The next day brought step two of Jerry's master plan. Jerry had already put the plan in motion a few days earlier while recording it. Jerry again manipulated the recording to appear as he wanted It to appear. Jerry also arranged to be gone for a while, the days over which this entire event would occur. Jerry would not be the bad guy or appear to be a part of this. While recording, Jerry had Jim talk to John and give him his options.

Jim explained, "John, either you or Julie will be allowed to leave next week. However, there is one catch. If Julie is allowed to leave, John, you would have to endure a torturous punishment session." Jim paused, "If you're allowed to leave, Julie would have to endure the punishment session. Which one will it be?"

This is the way it came across in the video. However, John's actual options to leave were much worse. John was told of the cruel and unusual punishment he would have to endure. Compared only to the cattail for Julie if he chose her to receive the punishment, and John allowed to leave.

The video zoomed in closer on John's face, and he made his decision.

"If those are my options, I'll leave and have my wife take the punishment."

"There's another catch, John," Jim added. "You must be the one to administer the punishment to your wife."

In reality, John pondered this decision for a long time. On the video, however, it appeared he answered quickly.

John looked down, then answered, "Okay, I don't want to, but if that's the only way, I'll administer the punishment."

The following day as her master left town, Jim and Joe called Julie into the viewing room again. They explained there was another video she needed to watch, and then they would need to take action. Julie's heart sank as she recalled the last video she watched. Julie looked up as the video started.

Julie intently watched the conversation transpire. Julie went through an emotional roller coaster as she saw and heard John being informed that one of them could leave by next week. Julie's adrenaline shot up as she listened to that news. Believing it would be her to leave since John was the one that violated Jerry. Then as the video played, her rush turned to a surge in the pit of her stomach as she heard John state that he would leave. Now anger was surging through her entire body as she watched. Then, Jim presented the punishment options, and she could not believe what she was hearing! She heard John disclose he would leave, and that Julie should be forced to endure the punishment. Anger and rage turned to the emotion of helplessness as she began to cry again at the betrayal John once again displayed. When given the mandate that John must administer the punishment, Julie knew his answer before him saying it.

Jim left the room, as Julie was allowed to sit there and cry. After an hour, Jim returned and told Julie she needed to get ready; that in one hour, her punishment would begin. Julie stood tall, wiped the tears, and slowly walked back to her room.

In the meantime, while Julie just waited for her unpleasant date with the punishment room, which would precede John's release. Prior to John going to the punishment room, he was being restrained in his room. He had electrodes placed on and around his genitals. He was told if he said one single word to his wife during or after the punishment session he must administer, they would hit the shock button, and a massive shock would pulsate through the wiring clamped on and around his balls and penis. John was now released and allowed to stand, once the device was secure. Jim showed John and turned the voltage meter to 6. While standing, Jim gave him one quick shock to show him the amount of pain he would have should he talk. John had a two second shock that knocked him off his feet in pain. It was then explained the setting would be at level 9, not 6, while he's in the punishment room. Furthermore, John was told that if he didn't hit her hard enough, he would sustain a shock every time he gave a light lick to his wife.

The time finally came as Candy and Christi came to get Julie to take her to the punishment room. Julie stood and went quietly; the women were unsure if she was pissed off, or just numb. But she walked to the room with her escorts like going to the death chamber; very somber and quiet as she arrived at the first bench. This bench was the one where she's strapped down on all fours, with her ass exposed either for whipping or anal entry. Julie stood as they took her sheer robe off, and she was positioned by her fellow slaves, and strapped into place. Julie was arranged so she could see the doorway as her husband, John, was escorted in to administer her punishment.

As John walked by her, all she could say to John in a heavy whisper voice, "Why? Why John? Why did you put me here? Why did I accept to be a sex slave to save you? And then, you repay me like this? Why John?"

John did not respond, and Julie did not know why.

John took his place behind her with the large cattail. John knew he had to strike her, or he'd pay the price. John began.

WHACK sounded throughout the room, then a loud scream of pain. WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. The sound of the cattail, then screams of pain was all that could be heard.

Julie took her five very hard smacks and cried as they untied her from that machine, then took her to another one. They tied Julie's arms spread wide as she laid on her back. They tied down her legs, and then her legs were cranked up high in the air bending at her waist and spread-eagled. Julie had been on this machine and knew what it would bring. They were going to use the cattail on her pussy lips. And since they spread them so wide, her pussy was gaping open, with her clit partially exposed.

Julie was still crying from the whips on her bare ass. Then Jim ordered the unthinkable. He told Christi to go between Julie's legs and eat her out for a while. "Get her clit good and swollen." When Julie heard this, she cried harder, and Christi took her place between the raised legs. Julie tried not to let Christi's tongue bring pleasure to her, and for the most part, it worked. The pain from her ass was so great; her rage for her husband, who she felt betrayed her, was so high, Christi's tongue didn't have much of an effect. But even this slight effect left her clit more exposed to direct contact with the cattail.

As Christi stepped away, John proceeded with the licks whipping the cattail. Again, the lash of the cattail echoed along with Julie's painful screams as her pussy got whipped. WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK echoed, and the cries even upset Jim and Joe, who were there to ensure the punishment proceeded as it should.

As she endured the pain, Julie's thoughts wandered to how she had been such a good wife to John. She gave up her freedom to save his life. She became a sex slave to be taken, raped, forced to have sex with whomever her new master saw fit. Now, one is free to go, and it's John, not her. She just couldn't get her mind around this as the pain fired throughout her body with each lash.

The next step was having the electrodes inserted into Julie for punishment. As the men watched, Jim called that off and had Christi and Candy help Julie up and get her back to her room. John just fell to his knees crying as he finished, and Julie was taken away.

Julie laid in her room crying from the pain, and the girls helped by rubbing healing cream on her ass cheeks and pussy lips. Julie became cold and somber. She didn't speak much as she healed. She wasn't asked to do much the following few days since her master was out of town. Julie just stayed in her room and recounted the whole four-month experience. The sex, the punishment, the painful anal she had endured for John. How he betrayed her with that gorgeous blonde, and then chose to go home, leaving her there to continue as a sex slave.

Jerry returned at the end of the week, and things got back to 'normal' for Julie. However, on Friday, Julie was summoned to the main living area by her master. As Christi, Candy, and Julie joined her master, Jerry, with Jim, and Joe, they stood in silence staring out the large window. Then three men appeared from the side of the house, walking towards a limo. Two men escorted John out of the house and to an awaiting limo to take John home. Julie just stared; she neither made a sound nor an expression, as she watched John get into the car, and the car slowly drove away.

To be continued.

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zcraft5zcraft55 months ago

continue it Julie being the slave

m1km1n30m1km1n307 months ago

The emotional trauma is real, and will continue for both her and the husband if not turn into PTSD. Please, please, please do not let her fall in love with this cruel man who is still using her as a tool. He’s an abuser and manipulator, and any act of “kindness” on his part is calculated and false. Please, please, put her faith if not wholly in her husband and marriage, then at least in herself and her ability to know that she must walk straight out of there when given the chance. No matter what, please do not break her mind or this man will win for eternity. She is nothing but a game to him and that will never, ever change.

Jessie65Jessie659 months ago

I liked the story very much I thought it was well written the emotional roller coasterthat the wife had to endure really Agrivated me at times I was hoping there would be a chapter 7 if only to let her get some payback on the husband and the master jerk jerry

ITFC4EITFC4Ealmost 2 years ago

When are we getting the next chapter??

CreativeauthorbdsmCreativeauthorbdsmabout 2 years agoAuthor

FROM THE AUTHOR: I have had many emails asking if I am going to write another chapter and other emails requesting that I do not stop writing on this story. However, since most of them have emailed me with the status of anonymous, I can not respond directly to these fans to answer their questions. Since I've had this many emails requesting me to continue on this story line I will work on a conclusion. My previous 5 chapters have an average rating of 4.3 to 4.5, since this chapter received a much lower rating I wasn't sure if anyone wanted a conclusion. I guess they do, so I'll write the conclusion which I have worked out in my head, I just have not put it to the keyboard yet. Thank you for the support and your emails.

zcraft5zcraft5over 2 years ago

when will it be finished more for her to cum

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Through manipulation she will slowly fall in love with her master. The combined effects of the intense sex and the supposed betrayal by her husband will make her vulnerable and receptive to her masters coercion and eventual romantic overtures. She will discover the truth of her masters lie only after she has developed strong feelings for him. By this time in the series I imagine the wife and husband will be struggling because the husband was innocent of any betrayal but she just can’t seem to help her new feelings for her master. Despite her feelings forming from a heinous lie, she will still be deeply in love with her master, yet equally still in love with her husband. By this time the master will give her a hard choice. He will give her her freedom no longer forced to fulfill his sexual desires Free to be with her husband, OR be with him (master) willingly, no longer forced. She will feel conflicted, hurt and confused. The final few chapters will deal with her going back and forth between who to choose. Eventually she’ll see the light and choose the husband. This will enrage the master and he’ll attempt to ruin their lives physically. He’ll die or be incarcerated in the end. The husband and wife will have to go through years of strenuous therapy both together and individually. But they’ll make it. Or maybe I got this author all wrong. Maybe the wife chooses the master and the series ends with her thinking or saying something along the lines of “I love pleasing my master” as her coochie juice runs down her leg or something funny like that. While the husband either finds another love or specs his days mourning and drinking. I guess we’ll see. LMAOOO

Impo_64Impo_64over 2 years ago

"If you haven't read the previous chapters this one will certainly not make sense to you" why in hell did you change the category of your story? 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I started reading this because I thought her servitude had ended, and hopefully a healthy dose of justice I didn’t finish it because it’s still definitely NOT BDSM. I mean really Blackmail = non con or at the very least dubious consent not BDSM. It’s not bloody rocket science, to qualify as BDSM it must have freely given CONSENT. She is not in a position to consent to anything that’s happened to her. Obviously that’s an irrelevant detail in your fantasy.

This reads as a checklist of ‘how many fucked up things can I do to this couple’. Best of luck with whatever this is meant to be.

Tess (uk)

26thNCuck26thNCuckover 2 years ago

5 Stars

Loved it.

-26thNC Approved

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

"If you haven't read the previous chapters this one will certainly not make sense to you." - Well, that's too bad, because I don't read Non-Con. Maybe you should have left this there.

Qwer12Qwer12over 2 years ago
Well Done Torment - 5 Star Entertainment.

Thanks for another great chapter with allowing your fans to feel all the emotions that the characters are suffering. Entertaining torment for all. Thanks for your efforts to published. 5 stars. Cheers

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