The Game of Golf: The Aftermath

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It was in the bag.
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This is the follow up tongue in cheek story of "The Game of Golf." To understand this story read the other first. This story is written to the absurd.

At the bottom is more stories of my life with my Dad.

Edited by "Word and I do not give a shit."

Remember as my teenage daughter once told me, "this is my world and are passing thru it to serve my needs.

The Game of Golf The Aftermath

It was in the bag.

"So can you forgive me?" I repeated looking into Carla's eyes and seeing nothing. Then her face started turning red with anger. She tightened her lips with her answer, "YOU LYING BASTARD YOU PLAYED TWO ROUNDS DIDN"T YOU?"

Carla stood up screaming, " I warned you what would happen if you were late. I am heading down to the bar, picking up 3 strangers and getting sealed tight as an airlock."

Picking her purse up, she stormed out the garage door slamming the door behind her so hard it rattled everything in the entire house.

I walked over to the bar and fixed myself Rum and Coke. Picking up my phone and dialed it. "Hello Bob, go ahead and have her served.............................. There has been a change in plans. Have her served at her lovers condo in an hour.

It will give her time to get going and for me time to get her suitcases packed. I was going to have her served after dinner, but this will work out to my advantage"................ No don't worry about using anything from tonight or last night..

I have gotten plenty of evidence from over the last three months. Besides I'm filing under irreconcilable differences anyway. I just want it for leverage..........................Alright catch you later.

Punching the numbers again on the phone. George, Dan here........ Alright I guess. Go ahead come on over and change the locks....................Thanks see you in thirty.

Dan sighed and walked up stairs to their bedroom. Pulling out two large suitcases, he started putting Carla's personal belongs into them. He walked in the bathroom and collected her toiletries and then went to the closet and gathered enough clothes to get her through until she can get a sheriff to escort her into the house to get the rest of her stuff. He took them downstairs and sat them outside the front door.

Around 11 I heard loud banging on the front door. I heard a female voice yelling obscenities at me thru the door. I picked up the phone and called the police. I waited until I could see the red and blue lights flashing thru the curtains before heading to the front door.

There was a knock on the door. Opening the door I could see two of the city's finest standing there with Carla. I thought it best to very courteous to the large man standing in front of me.

"May I help you officer?"

Mr. O'Shaughnessy your wife says you locked her out of her house.

"Yes sir I did, but this is not her house this is mine. Here is the deed and you see it is in my name. I just had her served with divorce papers along with a restraining order to stay at least 100 ft away from me."

Upon inspection of the documents the officer handing them back. "Do you want to press charges Mr. O'Shaughnessy?"

"No, not at this time." I replied with subdued voice. "If you ever read her comments in Literotica in the Loving Wives section you can tell she doesn't read the forwards thoroughly. She just skims them. Then she sounds like an idiot when she writes her comments no matter what level the writer writes the story at."

"Officer will you please tell Mrs. O'Shaughnessy¸ to contact a lawyer and have them contact mine and I will arrange for a neutral party to escort her in to get her stuff. All credit cards have been shut off except for one with a $500 dollar limit. There are two bags there with her stuff in them have a nice evening. I shut the door with a since of inner peace.

The following Monday. Knock, knock, I started motioning for a young engineer to come in and have a seat as I was talking on the phone. Listen Bob, I am willing to make sure Carla gets something, but legally I am broke and going into Chapter 7.

I basically have nothing, but my house and I refinanced it to make sure my people got a good severance package until I can reopen. Tell her if she doesn't make it reasonable I will send out all the VHS tapes to her family and her fellow workers.............. Alright talk to you later."

"Hello, Sandy," how are you doing with a big smile on my face.

"Great", Sandy giggled. "I assume from that call you just made you and Carla are getting divorced."

"Yea we are, I just can't put up with her antics anymore, I'm just not built that way."

I want to let you know I admitted my adultery to her in every detail Saturday night, but she called me a liar, stormed out and went to her lovers place.

Sandy sighing, "everyone here knew she was cheating on you for the last six months. We didn't say anything because we thought you might be into that type of thing. I noticed you changed about 3 months ago when I saw you become more and more distracted and sad. You just didn't seem to have to any energy in your step."

"I want to tell you something else Dan. I have been infatuated with you a long time. Even before you started our company. Why do you think I followed you from the other company. I always had a funny feeling about Carla. It was the way she acted around other men."

"It was the little things only another woman would notice. I wouldn't do anything until you were available if it were ever to happen. When I saw her with her lovers coming out of my condo complex , that is when I decided to make my move."

"I was lucky I played golf and was waiting to have a chance to play with you. I had Tim let me know when you needed a partner and he worked us into a tee off slot. I let you drink while I drank water. You were feeling pretty good."

"You made it easy by being a great golfer and getting ahead of me. I then put my plan in motion by removing my panties after that you were mine."

Dan responded in shock, "Carla told me I was clueless. I guess I was the prey. And that would make you a sexual predator."

Sandy was smiling as she nodded her head yes.

"Yea, but I turned you down and was heading back to the house."

"Well Dan you know the best laid plans and so forth. When I got to my car I came up with the idea my car wouldn't start. Lucky for me you didn't try to start it. When you needed to go to the bathroom I knew at that point I was getting laid even if I had to tie you to that bed."

"I would like for you to do that sometimes," laughing Dan.

"I know some people would think you were as guilty of cheating as Carla. But your marriage was over a long time ago. I just wanted to push you over the edge. I see now you must have found out and was already waiting to pull the trigger."

"Jesus," replies Dan, "I am clueless."

Just then the door burst open, and Carla rushed in. "You son of a bitch, my layer told me we are broke, and our company is insolvent."

Dan stood up, being 6 inches taller than his 5ft 9 inch wife. He posed as pretty intimidating figure, "sit down Carla if you wish to talk. Or I can call the police and have your ass hauled off to jail."

Carla looked over to her right to see Sandy raise up from her chair to face her.

Carla screaming, "Dan you asshole is this the slut you were hanging out with this weekend."

Sandy took a step towards Carla replying, "you stupid cow. If you weren't hanging and monkey branching off half the dicks in the city you would still have him. Trust me he didn't have a clue what I was doing. I just wanted me to be his first choice after he was thru divorcing your cheating ass. Come on let's go you old Hereford. I'll pull you dam pussy lips over your head and let you fuck yourself."

"And don't you give me any shit about the size of his cock. I have had bigger and smaller, and I am here to tell you he knows how to use the one he has quite effectively. That man can fuck!" Let me ask you this, did your threesome guys cuddle with you after you fucked or made love? Dan did with me."

"Jesus you both of you sit down and shut up!" sternly Dan demanded.

Carla sat down and assumed a docile position in the chair across him. She sighed, "I am sorry for what I did. I do not understand what happened to my brain that allowed me to ignore any and all of the consequences of my actions. I just... quit thinking Dan, you are good looking very smart, funny I just forgot."

"For what it is worth Friday was my last time. I was going off the pill after that. I really wanted your children. They would have had the best DNA a woman could want from a man."

"Please just be fair and I'll go away. I even I can understand a onetime mistake might be forgivable, but I know I went too far, and I am very sorry I hurt you."

"The only thing I want to know is how you found out I was recently tested, and I have no STDs. Did someone tell you?"

Before replying I sat back and smiled, "No, no one told me. I discovered it one day when I went to move my golf bag. Since I know you don't play golf I knew someone else had been in house. You see my dear one of your lovers switched the 7 and 5 irons around. That is the day I hired a PI."

"When I discovered you were having an affair that is when I pulled away and started playing golf so I could put my plan together."

"I know I am going to catch hell from the Loving wives section of Literotica, but if you just sign the papers and release me I will take care of you. You worked hard the last 4 years helping me start my company. I might have a chance to open another one. If I do I will give a 5% ownership in the company in non-voting stock."

Well sighed Carla, I'll take your word on it. I can thank your father for that. Oh, shit I just realized everything you told me today about her was true what you to did.

Dan just nodded his head.

"Excuse me your name is Sandy right. I have seen you at the company outings."

"Yes" it is replying Sandy.

"Please take good care of him he deserves it. Fuck up and I'll be back." Carla crying, "I'll be going now. I'll sign the papers today."

Dan exhaled deeply out a sigh of relief.

Another knock came from the door. "Come in yelling," Dan. "What can I do for you."

"Are you Mr. O'Shaughnessy?

"Yes I am." I replied The Man said, "you have been served. Sign here please."

What in the hell is this. Taking a letter opener I tore open the envelope. Taking out the 8 x10 glossy and a VHS video tape. What in the hell is this and you are suing me Sandy?"

"Yes I am," Sandy smiling.

"Sandy I am broke I spent any cash assets I had paying all you guys a severance package to keep the money away from Carla. What do you want Sandy?"

"I know about your new turbo fan design that will make jet engines 20% more fuel efficient. It will be worth millions."

"How much is it going to cost me? staring at Sandy?"

"Not cash just sex."

Dan couldn't believe what I just heard, "let me get this right. You are going to blackmail me for sex. How long and how often?"

Sandy started snickering, "I figure at least twice to three times a day to start. Maybe 5 to 10 times on the weekends. Starting right now. I checked with my lawyer and under the new sexual harassment law that just passed and signed by Bill Clinton, not only can I sue you, but you can also go to jail. You have a choice you can either be my bitch or bubba's bitch witch do you prefer?"

Dan with the biggest shit eating grin on his face, "What else do you want. If you don't won't any money?

Nothing, I am not asking for money. You said you are giving each of us that stays 5 % of your new company.

"How long is this blackmail going to last Sandy," I grinned.

"Oh, honey I'm thinking maybe 40 to 50 years at least."

"No money?"

I figure I will get whatever else I need from you when I have our 5 or 6 kids. And beside what do you have to lose Dan. I like golf, you like golf. I like sex, you like sex. I like anal you like anal. I like having my ass and pussy ate, you like eating my pussy and ass, I like giving head and swallowing and you like getting head. We're a perfect match."

I was laughing with the biggest smile, "when does this blackmail start?" Sandy moving behind the desk and pushed my chair back just far enough for her to put herself between me and the desk. She pulled up he pencil skirt to her waste. She was wearing thigh high nylons and a garter belt. No panties, I gulped.

She sat up on the edge of the desk placing her legs on the arm rest of my chair.

Sandy she leaned back in a demanding tone, "now bitch get over here and eat my pussy and then fuck me again till I tap out." I saw no choice but to obey.

30 minutes Sandy was yelling, "I tap out please, I am tapping out." I fell back into his chair with sweat pouring off me. Sandy plopped down in my lap wrapping her arms around my neck trying to catch her breath.

Sandy smiled, "honey everything is going to work out great. But I was wondering you got very little revenge on Carla, what about the guys she fucked. Are you going to let them get off Scott free."

His face tightened and he turned red faced and threw Sandy off his lap. He threw the phone across the room breaking it against the wall. He then screamed flipping the desk over and throwing his chair through the plate glass window to his office.

Hell no they are not getting off, in a seething tight lipped voice, "I am going to rein hell down on them bastards, no mercy shown. It is one thing to fuck a man's wife, but it is another to fuck with a man's golf clubs."

Epilogue. A year later Dan and Sandy were married. A year later she had triplet boys. A built in golf foursome for Dan. Not stopping there Sandy had a girl 2 years later and twins girls 18 months after that.

Dan told everybody he had to keep her pregnant to cut down on the sexual blackmail to give him some rest.

His lawyer later informed him after ten years that the statute of limitation will run out. He ordered his lawyer to never tell her.

A side note. When I lived in Atlanta years ago there was a fund raising golf event every year schedule on a secluded golf course. For $5000 a head you could sign up to play and have a stripper from a very well-known strip club drive you for the day. 6 players per group. They would pull the pin for you and straddle the hole. And the then let you take the ball out.

I never attended but was told most of the girls tips exceeded the entry fee.

Authors Notes Here are more stories about the interactions between my Dad and me;

Growing up my name during the summer was Dan Cut-the-grass. That included cutting, raking, pruning the hedges. I was his lawn service. No we didn't have electric shrub trimmers or lawn edgers. Everything was manual.

He wanted his yard cut and edge every week. I didn't like doing it, but it me taught me how to cut yards to earn money. One summer I earned over $1000 dollars in 1970. A new car Chevelle Malibu that year was around $3500 dollars.

Well we had a 50 ft Poplar tree in our front yard and about 10 pine trees scattered though out the yard. That Poplar tree had what seemed to be a billion leaves on it and each fall it became Dan Rake-the leaves. I also had to rake up all the pine needles and burn them. Back then no one seemed to mind the smoke in the fall. He wanted every dam one of them raked up, no matter how long it took.

I was his FREE lawn service. Remember we didn't have yard vacuums or leaf blowers. All done by rake. It took me three weekends during the fall to do it. Of course he was out playing golf.

The second year I came home on leave from the Air Force. My dad had picked me up at the airport for the drive home. Upon arrival the first thing I noticed was the yard. It was now 80% natural area piled up with leaves and pine straw.

I turned to my dad and he knew what I was thinking, "really dad! A natural area now that I am gone." Laughing "Yep, it was too much work for me to do all by myself. It is much easier this way now that you are gone. It interfered with my golf on the weekends." Laughing. I wasn't.

I was in middle school. My Dad wore a suite to work every day. He had quite a few pin-striped suits. I said Dad, "why don't we come up with pin stripped blue jeans." He looked at me like I was an idiot. Dan he replied. "that is the stupidest thing I have heard of. Who in the hell would be stupid enough to wear those." A few years later Gloria Vanderbilt found millions of stupid people to buy them. I never let him forget that.

One of my Dad's ways of putting off arguments with us kids was if you asked him to do something or if you needed money for something he would asked you, " you want my answer now or do you want my answer later?" You knew the answer now was always "NO". It kept down the arguments. I used that on my own kids.

I came home one day when I was a teenager upset. My boss let me go so he could bring in his nephew. I was a better worker and was always on time, his nephew was lazy. Dad wanted to know why I was pissed off. I told him I was let go and my job was taken from me. He gave me some advice to remember. " Dan, that was not your job. It was the man's job that that hired you. It belonged to him and he paid you to do it for him. Whether it is working for one person or a corporation, it belongs to them they just allow you to do it for money. Now if you want a job that belongs to you and you only, put up the money and start your own company.

I recently read a story and I apologize to the author now I forgot the story and his name. If he contacts me I will edit for credit.

It went. Why is a dog better than a wife. Lock your dog in the closet with you wife for two hours. When you let them out which one would be glad to see you.

My question to him "who would so cruel as to lock the dog into the closet with his wife?"

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NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

More crap.You don't wear a garter belt with thigh highs,they are hold ups.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is a mess. Unreadable, so I skimmed before I quit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You better get Carla one of those UNFU_K machines. That way, if she's knocked up, he'll know it's his...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Told ya, you're up there with the best!!

NitpicNitpicabout 3 years ago

Load of crap.

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