The Good Master

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A good Master saves a young woman from despair.
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Author's note: There was been an interesting discussion in the comments sections on some of my stories, and also by those who have sent me private mail, about whether 'bad' mind controllers should be allowed their wicked way with their victims or whether kinder masters should come to the rescue. To test the waters, I have decided to write a separate single chapter story in each format. This one, as the name suggests, is about the good guys. The other is called "Jacob's 'Bring a Slut' Party".

For what it's worth both stories are 'canon' within my universe and this one is a direct sequel to "The New Neighbours" sequence, beginning about 8 months after that ended. It is not necessary to read that story to understand this one, although it would add background depth.

All characters in this story are all over 18 (as established in the "The New Neighbours").


The Good Master

"We've found her Mike. Subject A1. She's 24 and her name is Carly Stone."

"That's great news. What sort of condition is she in?" asked Michael Roberts.

Philip Harris sounded grim as he answered, "It's bad Mike; very bad. She's currently in a secure facility for the criminally insane. Has a history of drug abuse, petty theft and self-harm and finally stabbed a police officer who was trying to arrest her. Fortunately, his stab-vest took most of the impact so he wasn't too badly hurt. She's served her time for that but psychological reports indicated she was too unbalanced to be released. She was assessed as a risk to herself and others."

"What was she like before? You know, before she met Geoff fucking Mills."

Harris sighed, "Usual story I'm afraid. Bright, able student, doing well at university. Pretty girl too. Whole life in front of her..." He stopped. There didn't seem anything further to say.

Mike knew exactly how he felt. "Ok, I will help her if I can. Arrange a visit to this place and we'll have a look. Also try and find out why Mills abandoned her. See if there is anything about it in his files. It might reveal something about her mental state. Can you have it organised so you have the authority to get her released into my custody if it seems safe to do so? If I can do something for her, I don't want her left in a place like that."

"Yes, sure, I can arrange all that. Everything to do with this business has a national security tag on it these days, so we can get that done. I'll let you know the details of the visit when I have them."

"Thanks Phil, see you when it's organised." Mike concluded the call.

Mike Roberts was Master to a harem of seven mind-controlled women: Jessica, who was also his wife, Ellie, Caitlin, Sakura, Becky, Sunita and Maria. There were of various nationalities and their ages varied between 19 and mid-20's, but they all had similar figures, slim but sexily curved, and they were all very good looking. And they were his slaves, obedient to his will.

And yet Mike had never enslaved a woman in his life and no intention of doing so. He had inherited this harem from the man he knew as Geoff Mills. It was Mills who had taken these innocent women and turned them into sex-slaves. Indeed, he had made Mike into his slave as well, who had not only calmly handed his wife Jessica over into a life of abuse, but had worked for Mills' enrichment.

With the help of Philip Harris and his boss Malcolm Brooke, who held a shadowy job with the British Intelligence Services, Mike had managed to free himself from Mills' control and then helped to free the women. But the seven members of Mike's current harem had proved impossible to save completely. The programming Geoff Mills had installed into them was too strong. They had a psychological need to have a Master and live in a harem.

When Mike had first discovered this, he had been extremely reluctant to become that Master for them. True, he was man enough to enjoy the idea of having seven beautiful women at his beck and call, but he was also moral enough to feel that the whole thing was deeply wrong.

It had been the girls themselves who had changed his mind. They had convinced him that their need for a Master to obey was very strong and that no one could understand that need better that him, given the experiences he had been through. Mike had come to realise that just as the women served him, to be their Master was to serve them in return.

Over the months since, he had grown into the role. He was never cruel, as Geoff Mills had been, but he had become stronger, firmer and more decisive, knowing it was what the girls needed. He no longer felt guilty about enjoying his harem sexually, again knowing that they needed that too and felt no jealousy amongst themselves. Further, he was now happy to demand whatever pleased him from his harem, knowing that they gained pleasure from fulfilling his wishes.

Caitlin Kelly was the first victim of Geoff Mills in the current harem, but she was a 'perfect' slave. It had seemed likely that she wasn't Mills' first and that he must have practiced and perfected his technique on others. With Geoff's computer in the hands of the authorities they had decoded his notes in the search for clues to what other victims might be out there.

This had identified a number of experiments Mills had undertaken while still employed as a research chemist. However, when tracked down, these men and women had only been subjected to a partial process. Nor did any great long-term harm seem to have been done to them. They reported doing some odd things and having some strange experiences, but that was about it. The search had then turned to finding the person given the code named 'A1' -- Geoff Mills' first properly mind-controlled victim. And now it seemed she had been found.

Mike Roberts had come to terms with his new life. He had even started to enjoy it. But it was only when he met Carly Stone that he understood the full magnitude of what he had saved his wife and the other women from.


It was two weeks later when Mike, accompanied by Caitlin and Sakura, met Philip Harris at the secure facility. Branch Lodge was nothing like what Mike had been expecting. True it was surrounded by security fences, but otherwise it more resembled a mid-range hotel than a prison. A female officer called Jo Briggs showed them round and explained that the inmates were treated as suffering from mental illness. They needed care and rehabilitation not punishment. Mike's hopes rose a little.

They were dashed again when they arrived at a heavy looking door. "This is the secure area for prisoners who can't benefit from our normal facilities," said Officer Briggs. "Mr. Rhodes will take you from here."

Officer Rhodes was male, large and threatening. From his belt hung a baton and something that looked like a gun, but which Mike realised was a Taser. Rhodes saw him looking at it and said, "Self-defence. These people can be dangerous." Rhodes led the little party through the door and down a corridor. The rooms off it were not quite cells, but nor were they the pleasant, airy rooms Mike had seen elsewhere in the facility. Rhodes stopped at one and spoke. "This is her: Stone. We need to be careful; she's given to violence."

The wall abutting the corridor had a window in it made of thickened glass, as well as a door, so Mike looked in. He saw that the external windows were small and barred and the room contained hardly any furniture, just a simple pallet as a bed. Rhodes explained, "She's a suicide risk, so nothing that she could harm herself with is allowed."

At first glance Mike missed Carly Stone and wondered where she was. Then he saw her. He realised that sat in a corner was a girl. She was small anyway, not much more that 5'2", and looked like she hadn't been eating well for some time, being thin and drawn. She had curled herself up into a ball, and as she was wearing some sort of pyjamas that were white in colour. The only thing that drew the eye was her short cut black hair.

She had her head down, but now suddenly looked up. Mike gazed into her eyes. Even from this distance he sensed her haunted confusion. Rhodes had said she was dangerous; Mike thought she just looked broken. If Geoff Mills had been present at that moment Mike would have happily have bludgeoned him with Officer Rhodes' baton.

Rhodes picked the wrong moment to offer his opinion. "I know that this place is about rehabilitation, but you have to accept some people are just trash. Do you know what? That bitch bit me the other day. This one will rot in here until she dies, I reckon..."

What else he might have said was lost as Mike turned on him in fury, "You have no idea what that poor girl has been through. I do. Something like it happened to me and... and to people dear to me. With that attitude you shouldn't be working in a place like this."

What Rhodes had said made up Mike's mind. "Get that door open. I'm going in to talk to her. Phil, have you got the... drink?" Mike avoiding saying 'drug'.

Philip Harris handed Mike a plastic bottle. Rhodes was looking worried. "I told you she's dangerous. Open that door and there's every chance she'll attack." His hand wandered toward the Taser.

"Don't you dare touch that thing," said Mike, still angry. "Just open the damn door."


Carly Stone dimly recalled there had been a time before she had met Geoff Mills and in that lost past, which seemed eons ago to her but was only four years ago as the world counts it, she had been a different person. She had been twenty, a university student, bright, happy and enjoying her life.

She had encountered Geoff Mills when he came to the campus to give a talk on some work he was doing on chemical effects on the human mind. It had chimed with aspects of her course, so she had attended. Carly had some supplementary questions and Geoff had taken her to the canteen and bought her a drink. It was only orange juice and so harmless, except she realised later he had spiked it with some of his will-sapping chemicals.

When he had ordered her to go with him, she had meekly obeyed. At his flat her had drugged her with more chemicals and used some kind of ultrasonic device to programme her. Carly had swiftly become more and more obedient to his will. Within a couple of days, she was sharing his bed and enjoying doing so. But that was only to beginning; Mills had enslaved her entirely to his will.

He had hollowed her out, ripping chunks of Carly's old life away and replacing them with himself. She came to understand he was her Master and that he meant everything to her. It was true he was uncaring and even cruel at times, but she always forgave him because she understood she was his slave and whatever he wanted had to be right. She even took pleasure in his treatment of her. It had taken Mills three months to completely programme Carly and he had kept her as his slave for another six.

Then he had done something worse to her, much worse. He had abandoned her. One day Geoff had left the flat they shared and simply never returned. Carly had waited alone for her Master to return for days. Finally lack of food had forced her out into the world. She had hunted for her Master everywhere she could think of but no one knew where he had gone.

After a couple of months Carly had finally realised that he wasn't coming back. Then she began a different search, for something to fill the gaping chasm Mills had left in her personality. There had been a series of disastrous relationships with men. The nice ones she had scared off with her weirdness, the bad ones had further maltreated her.

She had turned to drink and then drugs. They hadn't helped; the Master shaped need inside her remained. But she had no money and to pay for the drugs she had turned to theft, but Carly wasn't very good at it and was often caught. Her rage and anger increased and had finally snapped when yet another policeman had come to arrest her; she had stabbed him and ended up in jail, and then in this place.

Carly was relieved to learn that the police officer had not been seriously hurt, but with regard to everything else she had ceased to care. The only thing that mattered to her was her Master and he was gone. She saw no future for herself and nothing to live for.

And now some people had come to see her. She was used to that. People stared at her for a while like she was an exhibit in a zoo and then went away. Still, it was some sort of distraction, so she looked through the window at them looking at her.

There were five people, three men and two women. One of the men was Rhodes. She hated him. He was nasty to her, saying she was worthless and would be here forever. So, she had bitten him. That had felt good, for just a moment. The second man was some sort of official. She recognised the type. They always just looked at her and went away. Carly gave him no more attention.

She examined the two women. One was red-haired and pale-skinned. The other looked like she was East Asian; Chinese or Japanese, perhaps. Both were very pretty. Then she saw something about them that for the first time fully engaged her interest.

Both women were looking at the third man, the one standing in the middle of the group, in a very specific way. It was a look that Carly instinctively recognised, because she used to give Geoff Mills that same look. It was a mixture of respect, obedience, love and just the slightest hint of fear, although in her case the fear had been rather more marked. It was the look a loyal slave gave her Master.

Suddenly Carly's attention was riveted on the man the two women were looking at. He was fairly tall, probably in his late-20s in age, and looked fit. He was a handsome man too. However, what interested Carly was not his physical appearance but a certain air of command that he carried, as if he were used to being obeyed.

Then she looked into his eyes as he looked at her. She saw compassion in his gaze, but also strength and determination. For the first time in over three years, she felt an unfamiliar emotion run through her mind. For a moment she wondered what it was. Then she recognised it. It was hope.


Mike walked slowly but steadily into the room. Carly didn't move. He knelt down and looked her in the eyes. He could see she had been once been a beautiful young woman despite her current pale, thin and exhausted appearance. Her eyes looked haunted. He hoped she was not equally shattered inside.

"Carly, listen to me," he said in a steady voice. "I am your new Master. Your old Master has gone. You must forget him. You belong to me now. I order to you to drink this." He held out the plastic bottle with the lid removed. The girl was clearly uncertain, but a direct order meant something to her. She took the bottle from him and sipped from it.

The liquid was tasteless and could easily have just been water. But as it hit her stomach Carly knew it was not. It was something she was familiar with and had missed. That sip seemed to fill a tiny bit of the empty void inside her. She took another swig and immediately felt more focussed and alive.

"That's enough for the moment, Carly," said Mike in the same calm voice. "Look at me and listen. I am your Master. You belong to me and with me. You are part of my harem. I have come to take you away from here, so you can be with me. I have come to take you home. Who am I Carly?"

He waited, trying not to show the tension he was feeling. The girl looked at him. He thought, well to be honest he hoped, that she looked a little less lost and afraid.

"M... Mm... Master?" she said in a tiny voice. She sounded afraid it might not be true.

"Yes Carly, I am your Master and you belong to me. You will serve me with all your heart and I will cherish and protect you in return. Who am I Carly?"

The girl's eyes went wide as if in shock. Mike saw life in them that had not been there moments before. She suddenly threw herself forward and into his arms. Officer Rhodes started to reach for his Taser, but Philip Harris stopped him. Mike embraced the young woman, feeling how thin she was.

"Master, you're my Master," she cried. Then after a pause, "Please save me Master."

"I will," Mike promised and he meant it. If there was any way to do so, he would. He hugged her close for a minute. Carly had started crying. Mike glanced over to where Caitlin and Sakura were standing, watching the scene. He noticed they were both tearing-up as well. They had some understanding of and empathy for what Carly was going through. Geoff Mills had enslaved and then abandoned them too.

Mike gestured for them to come into the room. "Carly," he said, "this is Caitlin and Sakura. They are your sisters. They will look after you for a moment." He disentangled himself from the weeping girl and the other two women took his place, hugging her close.

Mike walked out of the door and addressed Officer Rhodes. "We are leaving now and I'm taking her with me." It was a flat statement of intent that dared Rhodes to argue.

"But... you can't just do that!" said Rhodes, surprised.

"Actually, he can," intervened Harris, flourishing an official looking set of papers, "These state that Miss Stone is to be signed over into the custody of Mr Roberts should he chose to exercise that right, which he plainly does. It has all been agreed with the Governor."

"And as I say, we are going now," Mike added with finality. He walked back into the room where Carly had been confined and picked her up in his arms. It was not difficult; she didn't seem to weigh much. Carly circled his neck with her arms and leaned into him, putting her head on his chest. Then Mike carried her out of the room, and followed by Caitlin, Sakura and Harris headed for the shortest route out of Branch Lodge.


Carly was in a daze for most of the journey. Her new Master was driving, with Caitlin in the front passenger seat, but Sakura sat in the back with her and chattered enthusiastically about how wonderful their Master was and the beautiful house they all lived in and how much her new sisters would love to meet her. It didn't make much sense to Carly's confused mind but she still found the Japanese girl comforting.

At last, they turned into an avenue with modern detached 'executive' style houses on either side, but which ended at an imposingly large and clearly much older house. To Carly's surprise they drew up on the driveway to this building. Mike got out, walked round the car and opened the door. He helped Carly out, and then put an arm round her shoulders. "Welcome to Park Manor. This is your new home."

Carly was still wearing her 'pyjama' style clothes from the secure unit, together with trainers. As she looked at the magnificent old manor house, she was suddenly self-conscious about that. But even that was a good sign; she hadn't worried much about her appearance for the last few years.

Then there was a new distraction. The front door opened and through it came five women, all seeming very excited. They were different in appearance, blonde and Latina, Indian and black, but all of unusual good looks. One of the two blondes was clearly in the early months of pregnancy, her bump just beginning to show. She seemed to have some authority over the others, as she took a central position and shushed the women so Carly's new Master could speak.

"Ladies, I want you to meet Carly. She is your harem sister. She was lost to us for so long, but now we have found her and brought her home. Come and say hello to the newest member of our family."

This was finally too much for Carly. She had been totally alone since Geoff Mills walked out on her. Now she had a Master and he was saying she belonged here with all these people and they were a family. It was overwhelming. She broke down and sobbed tears that mingled happiness and relief with sorrow for what had happened to her and the things she had done.