The Good Neighbour


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"What do you want more than anything else in the world, Chris?"

"You and the kids in my life for the next sixty years or so."

That was the right thing to say as she kissed me again. I managed to stand up, feeling her arms and legs wrap around me as I managed to carry her to the bedroom. I pushed the door until it was nearly closed, lowering her to the bed. No surprise clothing was practically ripped off before I had her on her back, my mouth between her legs. She quickly asked me to switch, ending up on my back as she spun around, and I felt her soft lips around my cock while I continued eating her out.

She was pretty damned good at sucking my cock, that's for sure.

Sliding my cock inside her for the first time was an experience in itself. I didn't look down for a second. That felt great, but I watched her eyes. She moaned softly once I was buried, no real surprise she wrapped her legs around me. No idea how long we made love for, long enough that I came twice and she enjoyed an orgasm or two of her own. I kissed her everywhere whenever I had the opportunity. Compliments rained down on her.

Spooned against me once we'd simply had enough, I felt her fingers running up and down my arms that were wrapped around her. "I love you," I whispered.

She turned around, hugging me tightly, feeling my shoulder get a little wet, before I heard the smallest whisper of the same words returned. I held her like that until she fell asleep, holding her close the entire night.

We were woken by two young children the next morning, thankful we were covered by a couple of blankets. Laura woke up and asked if they wanted breakfast, then suggested two of them go wait in the living room for the adults to get up. Katie was awake and standing up in her crib, Laura putting on some clothes before picking her up. She was on solids now, at least.

"Ready for the madness of a Thursday morning? Got to get them fed, dressed, and off to school."

"Well, this should be an experience."

Emily talked constantly, but she was utterly delightful. Mark was a quiet child, but he was still very sweet. I looked after the kids while Laura enjoyed a longer shower than usual, ensuring Emily and Mark both dressed for the day. Emily was in kindergarten, Mark was at pre-school, while Katie went to work with Laura as there was a crèche at her office.

It was all a bit of a whirlwind as she loaded up the kids. I watched it all happen and knew what I needed to do, but I couldn't move too fast. I figured it might scare her off. Still, Emily wanted a cuddle before she went to school. When Laura asked Mark if he wanted one too, I got down on a knee and he practically crashed into my chest. "See you, little man," I said. His goodbye was very shy. He was still coming out of his shell with me.

Within an hour of going home, I was inundated by the ladies of the street, all of them wanting the latest gossip, though by the time they saw the smile on my face, they didn't need to ask a single question. But I knew I needed to be honest with all of them, so gathered them outside and confessed who I was. They were surprised but I knew nothing would change. They accepted me as Chris, the guy down the street, not whoever else I might have been.

"Still going to mow our lawns?" Sally asked.

"Nothing changes, at least in regards to that." I took a sip of my coffee. "I love her and her kids," I whispered.

They were not surprised by that confession.

I sent Laura a message, asking if she wanted me to pick up Emily. She messaged back immediately, thinking that was a great idea. Driving my Mustang to her school, I parked up outside on the street and immediately received glances from many of the mothers. I heard the school bell ring and a flood of children headed in our direction. Emily noticed me through the crowd, shouted my name and ran straight for me. I was down just in time to pick her up, tickling her immediately, her laughter echoing around. I'm fairly sure there were plenty of smiles in our direction, but I didn't notice them.

I broke the law by putting her in the front seat, but when I revved the engine, she giggled again. "It's loud, Chris!"

"I'll drive slowly."

Laura surprised me by arriving at my place well before she would normally get home. Hearing her knock at the door, she smiled as she walked in with Katie and Mark in tow. Mark joined his sister watching the TV, Katie lying on the floor next to them, as she joined me on the couch. "I'm working too many hours," she said sadly, "I'm missing too much."

"Move in with me."

"What?" she asked, bursting into laughter, though she stopped rather quickly upon seeing my face. "You're serious?"

"I've got three empty bedrooms that need little people in them. And while I enjoy living alone, I'd rather have a house full of people I love. You asked me what I want, I told you what I wanted. Move in with me. I know it's fast, but I don't want to delay and think about it." I took her hands in mine. "You know it's right. And remember what Emily said?"

She nodded, watching a couple of tears trail down her cheeks as she comprehended what I was saying, what I was offering. "You really want to be?" she asked softly.

"I'd love nothing more, Laura. Not just with your children, though. I want you with me for a long time to come."

I thought she'd think about it and worry. Instead, she leaned across and kissed me, hugging her tightly to my body. "Sorry I was such a bitch," she whispered.

"Please, totally worth it now."

I flicked off the TV as Laura and I sat on our knees in front of the kids. "Emily," Laura started, "You remember what you said to Chris, about being your daddy?"

Emily was a smart kid. She figured it out immediately. She stood up and crashed into me in floods of tears. Got to me at the same time. "I love you, munchkin," I whispered, needing to wipe my cheeks.

"I love you too," she sobbed. Mark joined his sister, as he understood what his mother meant, whispering that I loved him just as much. Katie didn't understand, but Laura picked her up and joined our group hug. "We're going to be a family?" Emily finally asked.

I glanced at Laura, who smiled and nodded. "Yes, we're going to be a family."

Things moved quickly. Very quickly. Laura was ready to move in that weekend. All she needed to bring were her personal items, the kids personal items and toys, and we'd figure out the rest going forward. The kids' beds were easy to bring across, and it was no surprise that all our friends pitched in to help to transfer anything of major importance.

"Knew you'd win her heart," Sally whispered, "Far too good a guy to go to waste. If not her, one of us would have tried snagging you."

Rebecca snorted. "Please, he was infatuated with her from the moment she told him to fuck off the first time. He had that look in his eyes that suggest 'I'll win her the fuck over or die trying'."

Emily had her own bedroom for the moment, Mark and Katie sharing a bedroom, putting them in the larger room so they had plenty of space. I had a tonne of space in my bedroom for everything Laura brought across. She realised I didn't have all that many clothes. I spent most of my life in a t-shirt and shorts, maybe a polo shirt if I felt like dressing up.

One thing I noticed was the artwork Laura did bring across. I found myself looking at them on the Sunday night after they'd moved in. The kids were in bed, Laura busy sorting out her things. I was staying out of the way as she was a little stressed with it. I'd promised her a massage once she was sorted out.

When she appeared next to me, handing me a bottle of beer, I had to ask, "Who did these?"

"I did," she replied softly, the smile forming utterly adorable.

I smiled. "You're an artist?"

"Sort of. It was a hobby for a while."

"These a good, Laura. I mean really good. If you had the time, think you could get better?"

"Practice makes perfect."

I turned to her, leaning back against the table. "Close your eyes."

"Why?" she asked, a shy smile again on her face. I kept each of those smiles in my memory.

"Trust me." She closed her eyes. "Are you happy?"

"I am. I can't remember feeling this way. It's been a long time." She opened her eyes, leaning forward to kiss me.

"So you're happy here. But are you happy with what you're doing? Say you didn't have to worry about needing to provide for your children, that you had the freedom to pursue whatever interest you had. And, I promise you, I'll support you no matter what. What do you want to do?"

She opened her eyes. "Are you sure, Chris?"

"I wouldn't offer if I wasn't serious." I took one of her pieces. "I don't know a lot about art, Laura, but I can see the talent and the passion in something like this. And if you had the time and patience to actually pursue this, maybe you would find it more fulfilling than your current job. Are you happy with your job?" The shrug told me everything I needed to know. She rarely looked thrilled heading out in the morning, and she was generally fed up arriving home. "Would you rather pursue a passion rather than a career?"

"I think everyone would prefer that." She kissed me softly. "You're being serious?"

"Hundred percent. I'm going to hang these up around the house. I'm hoping you might have some more soon."

She hugged me tightly, her head resting against my chest. "Where were you five years ago?" she whispered.

"Don't make any decisions now. Give it some thought, but whatever you decide, you have my full support."

She relaxed against me in silence, enjoying one hand stroking her hair, the other running up and down her back. I was already enjoying these moments. Compared to certain other relationships, this already felt real.

"Chris, do you want children?"

"We have three already."

"I mean do you want your own with me? I'm only twenty-five. My body is capable. Carried three already."

"We'll talk about it later. What we need to do is get married and for me to adopt Emily, Mark and Katie, make them our children." She burst into tears immediately. "What?" I asked softly.

"I'm just thinking I could have not had this. I could have completely messed this up."

"I'll be honest, Laura, I wasn't going to let that happen. I'm nothing if not stubborn."

"Takes one to know one, I guess."

Getting up the next morning with Laura, I let her get showered and dressed while I prepared the kids. Emily and Mark appeared together, already dressed, Laura having organised their clothes the night before. "Morning Daddy," Emily said brightly.

Damn girl had me crying again. She was rather good at that. Laura walked into the kitchen to find me hugging both of them, Katie sat in her high chair, giggling away about something. She knew exactly what happened, kissing my cheek. "Well, I think if anyone has earned the title, it's certainly you, Christopher Jones."

Considering I'd never lived in a house full of children, I found it remarkably easy to adapt to. We did have to make some subtle changes to the house as Katie was on the verge of starting to walk, but Laura and I quickly established a routine that kept the house at least moderately clean. She worked for another two months before just quitting on the spot. She called me, worried about my reaction. I told her to head home, and we'd go shopping for everything she would need regarding her art career on the Saturday.

Within six months of her moving in, I'd proposed, which she accepted in front of all our friends, while we began the process of my adopting Emily, Mark and Katie. By the time a year passed from the four moving in with me, Laura was now known as Mrs Laura Jones, while the three children were Emily Jones, Mark Jones, and Katherine Jones. Katie's first word was 'Mum'. Her second word was 'Dad'.

It was around eighteen months after they'd moved in that I'd driven into the city for my usual visit to the office. Things continued to get better and better. Julie was delighted to see me walking around with a ring on my finger. She loved Laura and the kids, and was now a constant visitor out west with Jennifer, the pair pretty much adopted by all the girls in the neighbourhood. I was certainly outnumbered but they adored me as much as I adored them in return. We had established friendships that would last a lifetime.

Pulling into the driveway after a long day of meetings, I walked into the house to see Laura on the couch in floods of tears. I was immediately concerned, but when she looked up and smiled at me, I was wondering what was going on. Then she showed me what was in her hand. It was a little stick I somewhat recognised. There was a screen showing two lines. Then she handed me the box.

Two lines meant she was pregnant.

"Welcome home, Daddy," she said, taking my hand and holding it to her belly, "Child number four, our first one together, will be along in a few short months. I hope it's the first one of at least three."


"I want a large family with you. I want to give you at least another son and daughter that are ours together."

We obviously had to tell the kids. Emily was ever so excited. Mark understood but didn't quite reach the heights of his sister's excitement just yet. Katie just understood the word 'baby' and giggled.

As soon as she was far enough along that all was well, we organised a party. And, of course, we had a pool party. Mum and Dad, and my sister, now in a better place, made sure to visit. We spent a long time talking about everything. She was very apologetic for almost cutting me out of her life, considering how close we'd been years ago. Laura loved her immediately, and all was forgotten and forgiven. Laura's parents and two siblings, both sisters, came along. They had all loved me from the moment they'd met me, which was a nice thing. Julie and Jennifer attended, as did Tim with his wife and now healthy son. A couple of my close friends. Laura had very few friends left from her old circle. The girls around the neighbourhood were her and our 'besties'.

No-one knew what we were announcing.

Once we did, it was one hell of a party. Fairly sure it was the biggest ever party to take place on that small street. And it was a real reminder that we were surrounded by good neighbours.

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chasbo38chasbo384 months ago

I enjoyed reading this even though it reminded me of the romance stories in my mother's Redbook Magazine from the 1950's. Simple but good fun.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Another Kleenex story. I love all of your Kleenex stories. Many of them make me think of what I have been missing through my life.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

That was a sweet and moving story. You've done it again, Sin. Then again all your stories are top-notch. Chris and Laura have both had a rough run of it in the department of love and relationships. Nice to see they found each other and were able to share wonderful life together. Oh, and those damn ninjas were cutting onions again at times during this story. :')

People like his ex-fiancé especially (and his rebound ex-girlfriend to a lesser degree) are truly horrible people. I mean who casually aborts their child because they don't want to be burdened and even plans to do it again if they fall pregnant, all the while planning to only use the guy she's with for money and living the good life? Truly abhorrent behaviour from people that barely deserve to be recognized as human. Megan was just a selfish slut. Terrible, yes, but not on the level of Samantha at least. I sincerely hope to never run into anyone like those two in my lifetime.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Some of the writing in here felt way too fast paced for me.i also tend to find philanthropists for philanthropy’s sake characters not that interesting. But I’m a simple man and anyone willing to randomly Name drop nightwish gets a 5 no matter how I feel about anything else.

WisquejacWisquejac5 months ago

Wonderful. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

We are soooo touched with words from your heart in a beautiful love story.

Yes, it’s a mushy and sweet story of nerves, hesitation, trust, and the gradual smiles opening one’s heart!!!!!

Thank you for sharing.

More please……..

Ravey19Ravey197 months ago

Very good, enjoyable read of a well crafted story.

Ravey19Ravey197 months ago

A really good story. A damed good yarn.

LovesDancingLovesDancing7 months ago

Superb story, very well written and wonderfully more about love than lust. I have to be honest and say that most of your other stories have categories I'm not much interested in, but you're clearly a very good writer!

Quaker0186Quaker01868 months ago

Excellent story that had me drawn into the story from the very start. Solid 5*.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 1 year ago

This is one of those stories that just feels good. Also having a box of Kleenex handy is a good idea when nearing the end of the story. A solid five stars and thanks.

woodrangewoodrangeover 1 year ago

Thank you. A brilliant piece of work

vanyevanyeover 1 year ago

Why were Julie and Jennifer not at the wedding?

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

A good story nicely written and well thought out, my only concern/ complaint is why the main character has to be a rich bugger? I understand it makes it easier to get to the end but it just disappoints me!

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