The Good Son


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I suppose it is their nature, women can't help being sluts it's what they want, to be fucked good and hard on a regular basis by a real man. I suppose the Sons are right, the only proper place for a woman is a subjugated place. It was a happy day for me when I joined the Good Sons, a very happy fucking day! I didn't have a lot of time for that bullshit they go on about, but I'll swallow any amount of sanctimonious rubbish if this is the outcome.

He watched her the next day, carefully, to see if she showed any signs of being upset by the activities of the previous night, he didn't want her to become a snivelling wreck, but Mary just got on with her cleaning chores like she always did and smiled when she caught him looking at her. She was wearing a brown skirt today and a yellow blouse, it was possibly the most boring outfit she had, baggy and shapeless, hiding her perfect body, the skirt came to below the knee and the blouse buttoned primly at the neck with a little bow. He had an urge to rip it off her body, but instead he said, 'Mary, you're doing a great job.'

'Thank you, Sir.'

'Are you glad you came to work in my house?'

Her eyebrows furrowed, she was looking for the right thing to say, the right thing for Charlie to hear, 'Oh, I am, Sir! I love it here. It's warm and comfortable, I have my own room and... and you're a nice, kind man.'

'You don't miss your friends at the convent?'

'Well, I suppose I do, Sir. But they've all gone to jobs as well, Sir. We all moved on.'

'Um, they were all Sinful Women as well, were they?'

She blushed and looked at her feet, twisting the duster in her small hands, 'Yes, Sir. The good girls all got to go to good families when they were kids, it was only us cursed ones that stayed behind.'

'Oh, right -- of course. I forgot. Well, I guess you've got the chance to assuage that sin now.'

'Yes, Sir.'

He smiled at her and went to sit in his office, thinking about all those sinful convent girls in their new 'jobs'.

He turned on the computer and logged onto to the site, 'The Good Sons'. He bypassed the official site with its John Berming quotes and articles about a man's duty, family values and the decline of society. Two passwords and a few extra security protocols later and he was into the 'other' site, the one where his name was 'Master Charles' and when he brought up the forum, he saw that a few of the other guys were logged on too. He uploaded his video from last night and waited a few minutes.

He got several pings as members of the group congratulated him and made comments about his technique, her tight snatch and the fact that he'd got her wet. He pointed out that he'd won the wager on that one and there were several posts of a jokey nature about that. Some of the members got a bit preachy about the debased nature of all women. He ignore them. He wasn't a John Berming Acolyte, he had merely pretended to accept most of the teaching the Sons espoused about the place of women and men in modern society because the Sons organisation suited his own needs so well.

He looked to the side bar and saw that 'Master Charles' had his own 'conception graph' CG for short -- a little graphic that showed days on the vertical access and points on the horizontal access. The more days, the fewer the points. Charlie clicked the button that let him see all the group CG's, there were twelve in his group, 'The Augustine Knights', and they had all started last night. The proof was the 'breaking vid' that showed, with a date and time stamp, the moment the member's girls were broken in. That was to ensure nobody cheated and tried to jump the gun by getting in there a few days early.

The BV's were popular, Charlie's seemed to be getting quite a few hits. He often checked out the other guys BV's, but on reflection, he though his was better, spending all that cash on the camera equipment had been really worth it when he compared his offering to the grainy stilted stuff some of the other guys were posting. He frowned at the way his gut hung down, resolving to lose a few pounds, but his penis easily made up for it, there were few guys who could argue with Charlie's chunky nine inches.

He printed off the pic he had taken of the moment his glans had penetrated Mary and pasted it into his journal.

He was getting hard again thinking about that moment. But it was only three o'clock in the afternoon. He'd wait until this evening before helping Mary to take care of some more of her 'sin'. He logged off the computer and locked his office, he certainly didn't want Mary getting a look at his journal, the bank of DVRs, the screens or the other stuff he had in there. He changed into jog pants and went for a jog around his estate, his dick semi-hard all the way. He badly wanted to relieve the ache, but he had to keep all his cum for Mary. He was seriously out of shape and had to keep stopping and panting, but he made it the whole way around the garden of his estate -- eventually.

After the jog he showered and made a few phone calls. His day was improved still further when he learned that the recent acquisition and merger of a major rival had been accomplished and his company's share points had increased by twenty. His ball-breaker of an executive accounts manager, Monika Lancer spent half an hour explaining what she had done about the upcoming Spooner Corp merger and he'd sat through it, thinking how much he'd like to get her on his bed with her legs in the air. If there ever was a woman who needed to be shown her proper place with a long hard fucking, it was Monika bloody Lancer.

THE END. . .

. . . FOR NOW

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I love how you made a story about impregnation without a strong rape, cuckhold, and/or black superiority/white inferiority feel (I personally find it a bit to raciest to degrade any race). your story feels almost vanilla but with a strong sense of dominance and mind control. I personally hope our hero here gets more staff to help maintain his house.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Great story we really need a sequel

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

It will be fascinating to hear Mary's feelings in the sequels, her anxieties about pregnancy and motherhood and her relationship with Charlie

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Bareback sex is the most dominant for a man and the greatest submission for a woman, the most intimate and natural. Can't wait for the sequels.

2p1k32p1k3almost 6 years ago

Truly... A very erotic tail, and made especially special because one would assume the protagonist's views are different from your own.

In any continuing piece, perhaps introduce subplots of other genres, suggest do I. That is far from insinuating there is anything wrong with this one. Mainly it just helps broaden the audience, and keep the material fresh and entertaining for the author to write, believe do I.

Magenta_MageeMagenta_Mageealmost 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks Anon (Christie Fan)

Thanks for your comments - I can see you've thought a lot about the story and I think you've got a lot of interesting ideas. I am currently working on the rest of the tale, I may post more soon


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
More please!

Very good this reminds me of the great stories of Christie052780 on coercion, impregnation, and virginity but from the man's perspective. For the sequels he should introduce her to more types of sex, the whole Good Sons cult is good for background but the focus should for now on be on the dom/sub master/property relationship and developing their relationship. What I like about this like with Christie's stories is that the man takes the girl but without hurting her too much and not being one of those silly scenarios where she comes to enthusiastically enjoy a violent rape.

Magenta_MageeMagenta_Mageeover 6 years agoAuthor

Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback - and I'm glad you like it, Maggie

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Awesome opening

Maggie, this is a great beginning. Psychological edges and solid plot foundation with an essence of de Sade. Wonderful stuff. I look forward to more from you.

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