The Gray Man 27 - 2 for 1

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TJ evens the score with those who hurt the ones he loves.
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Gray waited just outside the entrance to Walter Reed Medical Center. Angela and Gretchen were both being released. Gray had brought the Suburban to give them a ride home. Both women had been through hell and while the physical injuries had healed, the deep emotional and psychological wounds were ever present..

Gray parked the Suburban in a no parking area, flashed his badge to a security officer in a white Chevy Pick Up and walked into the hospital. The biting cold air felt good to him this morning. He was anxious and the heat in the Suburban had made him feel stifled and trapped. Gray had been through countless dangerous missions, but nothing had prepared him for the emotional toll of seeing Angela and Gretchen in that hospital, broken and traumatized.

Angela was a Marine, she understood the risk, but Gretchen? She was his cousin, he had sworn to protect her and he had failed. That failure fed his own demons. He had no time for that now though, they were his priority.

Inside the hospital, the fluorescent lights hummed softly as Gray approached the nurses' station. He requested Angela and Gretchen's discharge, a knot forming in his stomach as he anticipated their reactions. Moments later, Angela appeared, being pushed in a wheelchair by an orderly. Gray noticed that her eyes still looked haunted, but a glimmer of relief as she saw Gray.

"Hey," Gray whispered, offering her a faint smile. "You ready to go home?"

Angela nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "Yeah, I just... I need to be away from all this."

Gretchen was pushed down the hallway just behind Angela, she would not look at her cousin. Her eyes firmly fixed to the tile just between her feet as the wheelchair rolled to the elevator. Nobody said a word on the elevator ride down, the tension made the two nurses uncomfortable.

TJ pulled the Suburban up and the two women climbed inside. Angela climbed in the back, while Gretchen moved into the passenger seat. As TJ put the truck in gear Gretchen's gaze locked onto Gray.

"Ready to go home, Gretch?" Gray asked

Gretchen's eyes showed an exhaustion so deep that TJ wasn't sure how she was conscious. She looked at her cousin wearily, "Home? Hell, that's not even safe any more after you invited that monster into my life."

Gray felt the weight of her words like a physical blow, and yet he understood her pain. He had put them in danger, and they had paid the price.

"Gretchen, I..." Gray began, but she cut him off.

"No, don't even try to explain!" she snapped, tears welling up in her eyes. "I trusted you, I was fucking the man that did this, and you led him right to me. I was falling for him too.Damn you to hell! After all that I did for you, and this is what you delivered to me. A fucking dildo shoved so far up my cunt that I'll be bruised for MONTHS. A psychopath for a boyfriend that I watched die in front of me. I don't want to hear your apologies." she whispered before the tears started to flow.

Gray's heart sank, his jaw clenched with regret. He had vowed to protect them, and he had failed.

Angela stepped in, her voice gentle but firm. "Gretchen, please. We're all hurting right now, but Gray saved us in the end. It wasn't his fault."

Gretchen turned her anger towards Angela. "Don't. Just don't!"

Gray tried to reach his hand out, but Gretchen slapped it away. He fought to keep his voice steady, "I do understand, Gretchen. And whether you will hear it or not, I am sorry. I wish I could take back what happened, but I can't."

Gretchen stared daggers through her cousin, "You're right, you can't undo this. Nothing will ever be the same."

Gray felt the weight of her words, knowing she was right. Things had changed and he would have to live with the consequences.

"I know," Gray said quietly. "I'm sorry."

Gretchen raged, "Sorry doesn't fix any of this. This was a mission to you, this was my life. You'll go back to your world and there will be another mission, another cunt for you to fuck. Angela can fucking retire or take disability. Where does that leave me? A 40 year old single attorney whose too fucking scared to leave her office."

As they sat there in the cold, Gray could see the shattered pieces of their lives, and he knew it would take time to mend. But he was determined to be the support they needed, even if it meant bearing the weight of their anger and pain.

Gray put the big truck into gear and drove through the morning traffic to his and Angela's place. When they pulled in Angela tried to explain to Gretchen the plan. She reached out and touched her shoulder, "I want you to stay with us for awhile, it may help you feel safer."

Gretchen never took her eyes off of the early February snow flurries that fell from the sky, "I will stay with you, but not HIM."

As they reached the house, Gretchen slammed the door, her anger still raging like an unrelenting tempest. Her face was flushed, her eyes filled with a mix of fury and pain that she couldn't seem to contain. Angela and Gray exchanged worried glances, silently acknowledging that this wouldn't be an easy road.

"I can't believe you, Gray!" Gretchen yelled, her voice sharp and accusatory. "You were supposed to protect us, and you let this happen!"

Gray knew there was nothing he could say to soothe her anger, so he remained silent, allowing her to unleash her frustration.

"I trusted you, damn it!" Gretchen continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "And now look! Broken, scared, and scarred for life!"

Angela tried to intervene, her voice gentle. "Gretchen, we're all hurting right now, but Gray did everything he could to save us. He risked his life for us."

Gretchen turned her wrath towards Angela. "Don't Angela, just don't. You played fucking matchmaker and put a psychopath in my life."

Gray held up a hand to stop Angela from speaking further. He knew that no words would pacify Gretchen's rage at this moment. He had to let her vent, let her release the pain that was consuming her.

Gretchen paced back and forth, her breathing heavy and erratic. "I don't know how I'm going to live with this, with what happened. You took away our safety, our peace of mind. I can't even close my eyes without seeing his face."

TJ felt the rage building deep within him. At Underwood, at Johnson, at Smith, at Mei Li and her father, at Nazir and Fatima - but at the moment his anger was growing towards Gretchen.

Gray's heart ached as he watched her struggle, knowing that her pain was justified. He had failed in his duty to protect them, and he could never forgive himself for that.

At the moment however, TJ had had enough. "That is enough, Gretchen. Sit down"

She glared at her cousin in disbelief. TJ repeated, "I said, sit your ass down and take a breath."

Gretchen seemed to shrink as she slid onto the couch.

TJ dropped to one knee in front of her, "Do you think this is what I wanted? Underwood fooled all of us. I did everything I fucking could, and I am sorry that it wasn't enough or soon ernough. I haven't been able to close my fucking eyes once without seeing the two of you and what he did to you. You can blame me if that helps, I'm a big boy with broad shoulders and honestly, right now you are just one more person on the long list of people that hate me. So, take a fucking number."

After what felt like an eternity, Gretchen's tears began to subside, and she looked up at her cousin with eyes filled with anguish. "I don't know if I can forgive you for this, Gray. I don't know if I can ever trust you again."

Gray nodded, his heart heavy with guilt. "If it helps, I'm not sure I fucking trust me either." He took a deep breath, "I'm going to go pack some things and head to a hotel. I'll have Aisha and Vicky stay with you all."

Gretchen's anger returned, "I thought this was OVER."

TJ sighed, "Underwood is dead, but this is deeper than Underwood." TJ watched as his cousin's shoulders dropped and the guilt of his failure tore at him. He turned to walk up the stairs so neither of the women would see his tears. This was about their grief, not his.

Angela sat down next to her friend, "It's okay to be angry, Gretchen, but displaced anger doesn't help anyone."

Gretchen clung to Angela, as her tears returned, her sobs echoing in the quiet house. "How can you forgive him? I saw how drugged you were.

Angela took a deep breath, "Underwood was my friend. He lured me away by using my friendship. I was careless, he raped me, he drugged me - but that's on Underwood, not on TJ. Gray did what he needed to do and stopped the threat."

TJ walked out without saying a word, a black bag thrown over his shoulder. As he started the truck his phone rang. Pierce told him there was a lunch meeting today at Le Diplomate and that he needed to be present.

Ghost drove to Le Diplomate, tossed the keys to a valet and walked inside. He was running on autopilot and needed some rest. He took a deep breath as he saw Senator Davis, Malcolm Pierce, Admiral Barnett, and Allen Babin talking.

Gray listened to the conversation as he walked closer to the table.

Pierce leaned forward, his eyes locked onto Davis. "Senator, I understand your concerns, but trust me, Ghost is exactly who we need. He's the best at what he does. His track record speaks for itself."

Davis raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "I don't doubt his abilities, but this is a significant undertaking. We can't afford any mistakes."

Allen Babin spoke as Gray walked closer, his tone composed and persuasive. "Senator Davis, trust me, I would not be pouring millions into something if I didn't think he was capable. I'll just say that I have first hand experience as to his expertise."

As TJ walked up, Steven Barnett nodded, "Speak of the devil. How are you holding up Ghost?"

TJ ordered a two finger pour of Blanton's from the waiter before he spoke. "To use Navy terminology, I've taken a few hits below the waterline, but the bilge pumps are keeping up. Not going to the bottom yet."

Barnett and Senator John Davis, a graduate of the Naval Academy nodded knowingly. Barnett added, "I never saw it, Ghost, not one fucking sign."

TJ shrugged, "We've all been played. I want to put all of the cards on the table if I may. First, Senator Davis. The FBI will not find your Chief of Staff, she is currently being held in protective custody."

Davis' eyes grew outraged. "That's where I saw you. At Allen and Valierie's home just before Christmas. At the fundraiser. The day Ana disappeared."

TJ nodded, "She didn't disappear, she was apprehended. She is the 'Dragonfly.' She is in a safehouse and my associate has made her contacts believe she has COVID which is why she has been off the grid the past couple of weeks."

TJ turned to Admiral Barnett, "Dragonfly had discovered certain indiscretions and had blackmailed Chief Master Sergeant Elizabeth Johnson. Underwood wasn't the only person in the office that had been flipped. She will retire and move to Pelican as my Aide."

Davis shook his head, "This is preposterous. How do we know that you're not the one that's flipped?"

TJ shrugged, "Look at the information on Operation Dragonfly, Senator. Here is my question. The Agency knew about Dragonfly and yet they buried it. Was that perhaps at the request of the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee?"

Davis leaned in close, "What exactly are you accusing me of Sergeant Major?"

TJ nodded, his eyes narrow, "Nothing more than you are accusing me of, Senator. There are a lot of loose ends that run off into many areas. Not one of us at this table is above suspicion. You, me, Barnett had two staffers flip, Babin threw money at something he thought he could control, Pierce seems to have had all of this handed to him."

Barnett nodded, "Gentlemen, we are all on the same team." He turned to TJ, "How did you come about apprehending both Johnson and Smith without calling attention to the fact?"

TJ smirked, "I fucked them."

Davis threw his napkin on the table, "Bullshit."

Babin laughed, "Jonathon, shut up. Trust me, Mr. Gray is not lying."

John Davis turned to his friend, "How the hell do you know that, Allen?"

Allen Babin shrugged, a bit of a blush rose up his cheeks, "Because I thought it bullshit too when Pierce told me, so I put him to the test."

Barnett's left eyebrow raised, "You put him to the test?"

Babin nodded, "I did. He fucked Valerie while I watched. By the end, she would have run through a brick wall to assassinate her own mother if that was the price she would have to pay to be fucked by him again."

For the first time Pierce spoke, "That brings us to Pelican Intel."

Gray nodded, acknowledging the concerns. "Senator, Admiral, You have my word, Chief Johnson and Anastasia Smith are both safe and well, and they will be essential assets of Pelican Intel."

Davis rolled his neck, "You said they are both spies."

TJ nodded, "They are, and that's exactly why we need them. They have knowledge that would take us months to find. Granted, the knowledge is compartmentalized, however, we now have two compartments. We know that Mei Li works with her father, Robert, who is connected with the 14K Triad. 14K Triad is married to Nazir and Fatima."

Pierce addressed the elephant in the room, "Next question, why that marriage? Chinese organized crime and an Afghani Warlord?"

TJ nodded, "Rare Earth Metals. Afghanistan has more REM than the rest of the world. Chinese Organized Crime is also state run. Afghani warlords control who really has access to the mountains no matter what the government in Kabul wants the world to believe."

Davis shook his head, "Jesus." He took a deep breath, "So this is where Pelican comes in?"

Pierce nodded, "Black Book, plausible deniability. Rules of engagement are much more fluid. The only people that know about its existence are sitting at this table."

Babin nodded, "Pelican Intel will be a force multiplier, capable of tackling threats that conventional agencies can't handle."

Davis looked at his friend, "We aren't devising an investment opportunity, Allen."

Babin didn't lose a step, "Or a Campaign Promise, Senator."

TJ interjected, "We will do what others can't. It's one reason I will need folks like Johnson and Smith. They know their way around and I can keep an eye on them. Everything from FISA shit to finding what we need on other's hardware."

Barnett tented his fingers, "Who else?"

TJ thought for a minute, "Amber from your office Admiral. Malcolm, "I'd like you to see if anyone on the team you assigned to me, plus Victoria and Mario would be interested. Other than that, I need to recruit a few specialists."

Davis cocked his head, "Specialists?"

Gray nodded, "I want three people, 2 women and 1 male who are not opposed to doing whatever is necessary to accomplish their mission."

Davis sighed, "You mean fuck an enemy?"

TJ smirked, "or kill them."

Senator Davis blanched as he stood and pointed at TJ, "Plausible Deniability. If you fuck up, you'll hang."

Allen Babin giggled, "No worries there John, trust me, he's hung."

Malcolm Pierce stood, "I think that's everything. Thank you for coming, gentlemen."

Allen paid the bill as he and Gray walked outside, "I have a real estate partner looking for space. What do you need?"

TJ paused, "It needs to be bigger than we think. Server space, we will need to find someone who can quietly build a SCIF, also the best internet speeds you can find."

Allen patted Gray's back, "I made my billions in tech, the speeds and protection you will have will be faster than anything in Homeland Security."

TJ stopped, "Pardon?"

Allen smiled, "I know about the digital capabilities of everything and everyone, Mr. Gray. A small organization with dedicated servers and fiber capabilities will be the least complicated part of this venture. Are you thinking of being in an office complex or something self contained?"

TJ thought for a moment, "Self contained, something that will look absolutely non descript to anyone that drives by or flies overhead. A basement as well. Similar to your basement, but I want individual cells as well."

Allen smirked, "Kinky, I like it."

The valet brought their cars to the door. TJ nodded, "Perhaps, but also once I turn someone over then I lose the ability to question them. Due Process and all of that stuff."

TJ stayed at The Ritz Carlton in Tysons corner for the next few days. After telling Allen Babin about the situation at home, Babin insisted on making sure that TJ was well taken care of. The Presidential Suite is about 5 levels up from Gray's paygrade, but at the moment it was exactly what he needed.

On Wednesday evening at 1800 hours, Elizabeth Johnson knocked on the door of the suite. She was surprised to be greeted by a woman with fiery red hair, a thick Boston accent, and the deepest green eyes she had ever seen. She wore a short sleeved shirt that showed a Celtic Knot tattoo on her left shoulder.

"Ms. Johnson, Mr. Gray is expecting you. Please understand I need to examine your purse and frisk you."

Liz Johnson froze for a moment, "umm. Sure, I guess."

Siobhan Murphy stood 5'7" tall and was a former Boston cop before she moved to the FBI, finally hired by Allen Babin as internal security. She went through Elizabeth's purse, wanded her to check for a wire before a thorough pat down. Murphy was thorough, she kicked Johnson's feet apart and left nothing unexamined.

15 minutes later there was another knock at the door. Ron Ball walked in escorting Anastasia Smith. Ron had seen to it that Ana had gotten a haircut, all of the makeup she needed, and a shopping trip. If it weren't for the fact that she was being held against her will she felt a bit like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

Ron talked to Gray for a bit and passed him a bag. The contents of that bag terrified Ana Smith, as it contained the power pack, and the electrical probes that Gray had used on her in the barn in Virginia.

As Ball left, dinner arrived. 3 New York Strips, Caesar Salad, Grilled Carrots and Asparagus, and two bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon.

When the food was served Murphy closed the door to the private eating area and turned on two white noise machines that are most often used in doctor's or therapist's offices.

As they ate TJ lifted his glass in a toast, "To better tomorrow's." Both Liz and Ana lifted their glasses, completely confused by what this was all about.

They didn't have to wait long. Gray leaned forward, his gaze shifting between the two women. "Let's make this clear, Chief Johnson, Ms. Smith. We are here for one reason, and that is to find out what you know about Mei Li's whereabouts. I am done playing games."

Chief Johnson's face remained stoic, but a flicker of concern passed through her eyes. Smith, on the other hand, wore a defiant expression, her lips curled into a subtle smirk. "There isn't anything you can do to me that you haven't already done Mr. Gray."

Gray's voice remained steady as he continued, "Are you sure about that Anastasia?" TJ looked at the case that Ball brought in. "I only used about 20 percent of this little beauty's power. I also left a few places of your body undefiled. Think very carefully about what I am capable of, then think what a Bulgarian or someone in one of our black sites would do to a beautiful, powerful woman such as yourself. Think very, very carefully. The game has changed and I advise you to keep that in mind. You may be accustomed to operating in the shadows, but I assure you, there are lines you shouldn't cross."

Chief Johnson's shoulders tensed slightly, while Ana's smirk wavered for a moment.

Gray's gaze bore into Dragonfly's eyes. "Try me, Ms. Smith. You've been gone for a week now and nobody has found you or even knows where to look. Try me."

Anastasia's defiance faltered, replaced by a subtle unease. Chief Johnson's fingers tapped nervously on the table.