The Greatest of These is Love Pt. 02


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"No, I won't! I'm on the pill!"

"But you just said that the pill is only 91% effective."

"It's been 100% effective for me."

"And just how many guys have you taken bareback? Hmmm? Three, maybe four? You want me to tame you? Do you want to be my barefoot and pregnant woman?" When he later reviewed these utterances, John had no idea where they came from. But their effects on Dawn were magical.

"YES! Yes, I do!" she screeched. "Do it to me, John. Knock me up, put a bun in my oven! Fuck me, now!" Dawn let go of her knees and locked her legs around him by crossing her ankles.

Returning somewhat to his senses, John realized the impending danger and tried to back out to put a condom on. But Dawn was having none of that. She got her heels behind his butt and pulled him into her. His lubricated prick slid easily and happily into the gushing folds of her pussy, home once again.

"Oooh, yes, that's it, John! That's perfect! I need a nice, slow screwing with you." Dawn babbled on and on as John kept a consistent tempo of sawing his cock in and out of her. After a small, unexpected climax on Dawn's part, it wasn't too terribly long until huge orgasms hit both of them, leaving them gasping for breath and snuggling together.

Their afternoon discussion and coupling left them both emotionally and physically drained, so it was nearly 6:30 when they roused from their cuddling respite.

"Did you still want pizza, John?" Dawn inquired.

"Isn't that one of the four basic food groups for college life?" he replied as he wobbled slightly from her bed to the bathroom.

"What do you like on your pizza, John? It's strange, but I don't recall us ever having this very important conversation."

John chuckled as he relieved himself. "I like most of the meats, except anchovies. I can handle mushrooms and green peppers, but no onions or black olives, please."

"So, a modified meat lovers' with sausage, pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms, and green peppers?" Dawn asked.

"That would be fantastic, Dawn," he commented, completing his hygiene. "Would la mademoiselle care for a warm washcloth?"

"I have to douche out all the goodies you left behind in me, but yes, I'd like a warm, damp washcloth to stanch the flow, s'il te plaît." [if you please]

They cleaned up and made themselves publicly presentable once again. They thought they'd take a chance and actually eat at the pizzeria rather than order carry-out. Much to their pleasant surprise, Julie and Tom walked up behind them, so the four decided to share a booth. Tom was going to order a pitcher of beer, then realized that because they were a year behind him, it was likely that John or Dawn was underage. Rather than embarrass anyone, he ordered pitchers of Pepsi and root beer for them. They sat drinking their soft drinks and chatting as they waited for their pizzas to arrive.

Julie and Tom were circumspect about their momentous Halloween weekend, simply sharing that they enjoyed having the space to themselves. John let Dawn do all the relating of their time in Phelps Bluff. As Dawn rambled on, John noticed Tom sharing a small smile with Julie as if they were conspirators, proud to have introduced John to Dawn. Dawn also shared her parents' invitation to John to come back for the Thanksgiving break.

"How about you two?" Dawn inquired. "Any specific plans for that week?"

"No definitive plans yet, Dawn, but thanks for asking," Tom answered. "I haven't talked with Julie about anything, so I haven't asked my father about the week either. I guess I'll have to do that the next time I talk with him."

"What about your mom?" Dawn asked, oblivious to Tom's familial situation.

A crestfallen look overtook Tom's face. Julie quickly grabbed Tom's hand and held it as she tried to comfort him. She answered Dawn that his mother had died nearly a year and a half earlier from pancreatic cancer.

"It's just Dad, my younger brother, David, and me now," Tom answered softly. Dawn quickly tried to apologize for her gaff, but Tom gently waved it away. "Jules probably did not share that, so you could not have known, Dawn. Thank you for your sympathy. Maybe my mother's death is why Julie is in my life now. She looks a bit like my mother." He smiled at that.

Julie turned the conversation back to Dawn's family, asking about her brothers and sisters. Dawn giggled a little as she told of how her mother and sisters acted when they met John. She remembered at the last second not to mention buying the cologne; that was to be a surprise for Tom, perhaps at Christmas or maybe after the spring semester began in January.

Looking at John, Julie remarked, "Doesn't Dawn's family just sort of hug you to death? I loved my time with them last Spring Break. Oh, and did Gypsy Rose Lee approve of you?"

John blushed slightly but acknowledged the "hugging to death" characteristic. He told of meeting Aunt Margie, Emily's sister, and how she wrapped him up in her arms quickly as well. That led to Dawn sharing about getting the matching sweatshirts, and Julie exclaimed that she wanted to see them wear them at the same time.

"No promises, Jules, but maybe I'll coordinate something with John soon."

They got their two halves split into four carryout boxes and left the pizzeria. As it was the ladies who had driven their gentlemen, they had to remain together to return to the campus. The guys' leave‑taking was extended by the gals' desires for one last round of passionate embraces. The guys then walked to their dorm together while the roommates went inside and watched the guys as long as they could.

The girls returned to their dorm room and put their leftovers in their small refrigerator. Dawn flopped on her bed, then looked over at Julie.

"Jules, I'd like to talk about our guys, if that's okay with you," Dawn began.

"Sure, D. You and John seem pretty happy together. I guess Tom and I did something pretty nice by setting you two up together." Julie wasn't above a little preening at their success.

"Indeed, you did, J. But how do you know for certain that Tom's 'the one'?" Dawn asked. "I mean, you haven't sampled a lot to have much to compare. Not like I have."

"Oh, Dawnie, you've sampled enough for three people. Have you looked in a mirror, I mean really looked at yourself, in the last month? There's a spark in your eye now that was missing after you practically crawled home at the end of August. That twinkle had been dimming for some time. Why do you think that is?"

"All right, Jules. Mamma also commented that she could see more happiness in me. There's no doubt that John's good for me. But am I good for him? Am I good enough for him?"

"What am I hearing? Dawn Taggart is uncertain of herself?" Julie scoffed. "Okay, maybe you're too close to see it. John's been dramatically transformed, I'd dare say improved, since you two got together. Are you good enough for him? Really? Is this because of your 'sampling'?"

Dawn gave a wry grimace and nodded in response, then bowed her head to look at the floor between them. "I don't deserve him," she mumbled.

"Now hold on! Hold it right there! What do you mean, 'you don't deserve him'?"

"I've been such a slut, Jules. You know it as well as I do. I made my choices and came back unhappy and unfulfilled. Now, with John, it feels like I've won the jackpot. But I also feel like I don't deserve him." Julie was there beside Dawn, pulling her into a hug.

"Honey, please don't ever think you don't deserve the very best. You and John are so good for each other. You wanted a relationship like what Tom and I have. Well, guess what? Now you do. Be very careful what you wish for, honey; you just might get it. You are most definitely good for him!"

Dawn was teary‑eyed now and had to go clean her face. With a big hug for her best friend, she sighed, "Thanks, Jules. I needed that sisterly affirmation." Sleep was now on their immediate agenda.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

In a rare weekend occurrence, both Dawn and Julie were in their dorm's cafeteria by 9:00 am. Dawn was there because she was one of those irritating morning persons. Julie was there because Dawn wouldn't leave her alone until Julie got up and accompanied her.

"Ugh! Dawn why do you have to be such an early bird on a Saturday?" Julie moaned.

"You know the old saying: the early bird catches the worm."

"Yeah, and the second mouse gets the cheese, too," Julie retorted. "I was all warm and snug and dreaming about Tom. Then you had to drag me down here. Why did you?"

"So? Speaking of Tom, how are you two going to handle the Thanksgiving week break? Are you going to be apart? Is he going home with you, or vice versa?" Dawn asked.

"We haven't discussed it at all, Dawn. Centreville is only a hundred miles or so from Middleburg. I guess we could start in one town and finish in the other. Why do you want to know?"

"You know my parents invited John to stay with us for the whole week. With my folks in Phelps Bluff and his folks in the KC area, those places are on opposite sides of the state. It would be much harder to spend time in both places, plus a very long drive in between. Don't get me wrong, Jules, I'd love to have him home with me for the whole break. He seems to be in favor of that idea as well. And that's where I have a little heartburn, Jules. I love my family and I can't imagine being apart from them during the holidays. How can he stand to be away from his folks? I just can't fathom it."

"Not everybody has the wonderful homelife you and I do, Dawnie. It sounds like something you two should discuss this weekend. I should have the same talk with Tom and see what he is planning. Now, can I please drink my coffee in peace?"

= [] = [] =

That morning, John was quite happy to get Dawn's text, asking him to come to her room. He was quite happy to spend time with her. He wasn't quite so happy when she appended, "There's something I'd like to talk about," It wasn't quite the 'four words of doom' he had read about, ('We need to talk'), but he became a little concerned. John's heart rate was slightly elevated as he hurried to her dorm, due in part to the message and in part to the pace of his walk from his dorm to hers.

Willing his pulse to return to a more normal beat, he texted her once he was outside the dorm. Less than 30 seconds later, she was opening the door for him and demanding he pay the toll of a kiss. Satisfied for the moment, she pulled him in and led him, almost running, to her room.

"Jules, you're probably going to want to make yourself scarce for a bit," Dawn advised her longtime friend. "John and I are going to have a discussion and then we'll probably get into discussing things more in‑depth."

"Already on my way out, Dawn. Just leave him in a presentable condition once you're done."

"I make no promises," Dawn chuckled and threw the deadbolt once Julie had left the room.

"So, I suppose you want me for more than just my brilliant mind," John quipped.

"We'll definitely get to that, Big John. First, have a seat." Dawn pointed to Julie's made bed as she took a seat on her own facing him. "This is kinda important, I think."

John gulped slightly as he sank onto Julie's bed.

"Don't worry. I'm still very likely to fuck you senseless after we talk," Dawn assured him. "I'm concerned about your relationship, or lack thereof, with your parents. I love that you want to spend the break week together at my folks' place. I was so happy and thankful that Mamma and Daddy invited you back for that break. But don't you need some time back home with your folks?"

John puckered his lips and exhaled between them, gathering his thoughts. Before he could say anything, Dawn resumed.

"You saw how close my family is. I try to talk to Mamma at least every other week, if not more often. How many times since classes began have you communicated with your folks?"

"Just once, when Dad called on Wednesday about my midterm grades," John answered in a small voice.

"Only once‽ John, we've just finished the 11th week of the semester! Aside from Wednesday, when was the last time you were in contact with them?" Dawn was beginning to spin herself up.

John sighed and answered, "Friday morning, August 21st when I returned to campus after the summer off. My parents just grabbed their coffee and toast and dashed for the door, saying 'Bye' over their shoulders. Owen, my brother, dropped me off at the bus station so I could catch the 9:05 bus to here." His eyes began to mist over slightly, and there was a catch in his voice. "We haven't even tried to communicate, either. I have texted Owen a couple of times. I suppose he keeps them informed." Fully formed tears began to collect in the corner of his eyes now.

Moaning with dismay, Dawn was quickly on her knees before him and pulled his head to her shoulder. She gently rocked him and he gradually allowed his tears to flow. John was conflicted, torn between the American macho 'show no pain' ethic and the genuine, sympathetic love of his girlfriend. He held her close and the clean scent of soap and her shampoo filled his senses. Right then, he was truly happy, being there with her. His tears dried and he sat back to look Dawn squarely in her eyes.

"Better now?" Dawn asked, and received a nod from him. "Good. Now it's time for you to talk with me. Tell me everything you feel you can and should share with your 'forever' girlfriend because that's how I feel about you, my 'forever' boyfriend." She sat on Julie's bed next to him and took his hand, sandwiching it between her two. Then she waited for him to begin.

"You've heard me explain why I've chosen Business Finance as my major, right?"

Dawn nodded, and John continued.

"I don't know why, but my parents have always struggled financially, seeming to live 'hand‑to‑mouth'. They never seemed able to get ahead, money‑wise. They impressed upon my brother, Owen, and me that our college educations were our responsibilities. There has never been a handout from them. I guess I should be grateful I'm still permitted to come home on breaks. A couple of people I knew in high school were shown the door the Monday after they graduated. Now that's cold!" His anger and frustration were building.

"Anyway, phones and emails work in both directions. If they were to call, I'd answer. Otherwise, I have very little to say to them. They wanted us to stand on our own two feet, or so I've heard them say. Well, they'll receive in return exactly what they've given to me: virtually nothing! Over Halloween weekend, I felt more love and acceptance from your family than I've felt from my own in over two years! Your parents asked me to come back with you for Thanksgiving while my own probably don't even care if I show! In fact, they'll probably be relieved. One less mouth to feed." His temper peaked and dropped to absolute zero, causing Dawn to shiver slightly.

"John, there must be more to the story. It may be that you don't know the whole thing either. When were you going to tell them that you weren't coming home for Thanksgiving?"

"Probably after classes ended that Friday before," John answered without hesitation or emotion. "I can't get a bus until Saturday morning."


"What? I'd send a text to Owen or maybe email them directly."

"How can you be like that?"

"Have you ever listened to the lyrics to 'Cat's in the Cradle' by Harry Chapin?" Dawn shook her head. "I wonder if my parents ever did." John stood up and walked to the door.

{Lyrics to 'Cat's in the Cradle' may be found at the end of this submission, FYI}

"Where're you going, Big John?" Dawn asked.

"Out. I need to clear my head. Please give me a little time and space to do so. You are entirely too distracting right now. I will be back. I love and need my 'forever' girlfriend."

"Okay." Dawn's eyes began to fill with tears as John closed the door behind him.

The door closing echoed a little. Dawn's tears became full‑fledged drops running down her cheeks. John was hurting and pushing her away at the same time. She did not know what to do. Then her phone rang. Scrambling to get it and hoping it was John, she was relieved to see it was her mother.

"Hi, Mamma," Dawn answered, her voice still full of her tears.

"Sweet Pea, what's the matter?" Emily asked, hoping it was nothing serious.

"I'm just so concerned about John," Dawn explained while trying to dry her eyes. She related how distant John was toward his parents and how he was planning to treat them. Dawn shared how uncomfortable his attitude made her feel.

Emily commended her for both her concern and her discomfort.

"So, where's John now?" her mother asked.

"Out walking around, I hope. He asked for a little space to clear his mind, and I'm giving him that."

"That's very good, dear. Sometimes our guys need to work out their issues by themselves. Sometimes the best help we can be is just to leave them alone for a spell. Just not too long, though. You know what they say about idle hands?"

"Yes, Mamma. Unless something extraordinary happens, John will likely be coming home with me for the Thanksgiving week break. I hope that'll give him some time to get on a better footing with Junior and Danny."

"I'll drop a word or two in those boys' ears. I promise it'll be a better visit for him. The boys won't be surprised like they were. There toward the end, I thought it seemed like they were accepting him fairly well."

"Thanks, Mamma. Yes, they seemed to have reached a point of comfort around each other. Was there anything, in particular, you wanted to discuss?" Dawn solicited.

"I just wanted to hear your voice, Dawnie. And to remind you of why you're goin' to school."

"Yeah, you saw those midterm grades, didn't you? John's got a plan for us to bring them up before the semester ends, Mamma. He's very quick and clever that way. We will be spending more time on our studies and less on having fun with each other."

"All right, Dawn. Remember: the telephone works both ways."

"Yes, Mamma. John said the same thing about 20 minutes ago. Great minds thinking alike, I suppose. I'll call you next weekend."

"Okay, Sweet Pea, you do that. I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Mamma. Give Daddy a big hug for me. Bye!"

= [] = [] =

It was mid-afternoon before John regained his calm. He must have walked every sidewalk on campus at least twice, if not more. It didn't help that Dawn was checking in with him every hour on the hour. He knew she did it out of her concern for him. He kept asking for time and space. He reiterated that he loved her and that she was simply too distracting for him right then.

He kept talking to himself and gesticulating wildly as he reflected on how his parents treated him and his brother. Part of John's trouble was that never before had he verbalized his relationship with his parents to anyone. Saying those things aloud made them entirely too real and painful, and now Dawn knew about them. He knew she would not let him stuff those issues back into a locked and forgotten closet. Calm at last, he sat on a bench in a quiet courtyard and texted his brother.

"Owen, this is just for you. I'm going to spend Thanksgiving break with my girlfriend and her family." A couple of minutes later, Owen replied.

"I think we both know why. When are you going to tell Mom and Dad?"

"Maybe never, maybe Thanksgiving morning. If anyone asks, then you can say something. Otherwise, please keep this to yourself."

"Okay, will do. Will I see you at Christmas?"

"I believe so, at least for a part of the holiday break. Did you complete your application for State?"

"Not yet. It's filled out; I'm just waiting on my ACT scores."

"Don't wait too long."

"I will get it submitted after I get the scores. I miss you, John. It's been hard since you went off to college."