The Greatest of These is Love Pt. 02


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After Josh and Emily had closed their bedroom door, Dawn turned to John and asked, "What was Daddy talking about?"

John showed a big smile as he explained, "The two mp3 files I have playing as my alarms are 'Money' by Pink Floyd and 'Money For Nothing' by Dire Straits. I was unaware that he'd noticed them, let alone remembered from our weekend here. It seems that I need to lower the alarm volume on my phone, at least while I'm visiting."

"Ah, so what's the cash register sound I heard that morning?"

John looked at Dawn with incredulity. "You didn't recognize debatably THE signature song by Pink Floyd? How is this possible?" Dawn didn't answer him, merely kissed him silent. Then she stood and went about the main floor turning off the lights, while John checked the kitchen door and the front door, locking them both. Dawn took the poker and banked the small flame still burning in the fireplace.

"Come, Big John. It's time for bed."

As they entered Dawn's room, John saw two heads quickly duck back into their rooms and gave a wry smile. Ginny and Jenny were checking on them. Before Dawn could begin to remove her t‑shirt, a soft tapping came at her door. Waving John to have a seat, Dawn opened the door to her sisters who pushed their way in.

"Come in, have a seat, sit a spell," Dawn graciously offered as the girls sat cross‑legged on Dawn's bed. "What's up?"

"What were you two talking with Mamma and Daddy about?" Jenny asked.

Dawn took a breath, but John leaped into the fray.

"Your folks were worried about how I hadn't told my mom and dad that I'd be here for the week. So, we called my dad and told him. He told my mom and she didn't take the news very well. My family's just different from yours. You know how your parents are always showing how much they love you? Well, mine aren't generally that way. I really like being with your family, especially all three of the girls."

"Oh, well, if that's all it was." Jenny rose to her feet and gave Dawn a big hug. Ginny gave John a speculative look but nodded her acceptance.

Ginny then kissed John on his cheek and softly exhaled into his ear, causing him to shiver slightly. A sneaky, secretive smile flashed across her face, then she was up and hugging Dawn good night. Though he'd only been there for two days, he worried that there was something a bit odd with how Ginny interacted with him.

Dawn closed and locked the door once her sisters had left. She turned back to face John with a look of pure lust on her face. All of John's misgivings about the phone call and Ginny evaporated from his consciousness as he took in the beauty disrobing before him. "You are MINE!" Dawn declared quietly yet intensely. "Let us put Daddy's insulation to the test."

A while later, they were laying on her bed facing each other with their heads on her pillows. They both had a light sheen of perspiration on their naked bodies and were lightly panting from their exertions. Their coupling session had been both loving and intense. Willing his heartbeat down to a more restful cadence, John took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds, then let it out.

"Dawn, we need to discuss Ginny."

"What about Ginny?"

"I'm concerned about how she's behaving toward me."

"She's twelve. Her hormones are beginning to kick in. What's your concern, John?"

"She seems quite focused on me, far more so than Jenny does. Do you remember what she said when we arrived Halloween weekend?"

"Yes, I do. It was all conditional on my letting go of you, which simply isn't going to happen. Relax a little, John. It's 'puppy love'. Almost every girl goes through it at one time or another. What's really bothering you about her?"

"When she kissed my cheek right before she left, she breathed in my ear. It excited me quite a bit."

"Yes, it did! And I reaped all the benefits. What's your point?"

"I'm concerned that she's trying to seduce me."

"Well, of course, she is. I find it all rather comical to watch, too. Jenny will probably start on you as well. John, you have only your brother in your family. I've got two brothers and two sisters. Junior went through his phase of lusting for me. Daniel's just about done with his. Danny shows it by his being ultra‑protective of me. Admit it, the cologne I had you wear when you met my mother and sisters provided a big enticement to like you. I mean, look at Mamma. She nearly lost her shit when she first hugged you.

"We fit together. We make each other better. I trust you, completely. Just be 'big brother' friendly with Ginny and Jenny. They will outgrow it and everything will turn out just fine."

"If you say so, okay," John responded. "I'm a bit tired, Dawn. You wore me out, for now. Good night, my sweet."

"Good night. Now, my love, cover us with the sheet and be my big spoon, please."

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Dawn woke early to the very pleasant feeling of John's stiff cock working its way into her pussy from behind. She loved how the flared head of his cock forced her open to penetrate followed by her opening closing up around the narrower shaft. Even clad in a condom, his prick was the key to her lock. One thing led to another and soon Dawn was face down on her bed with her face in her pillow and her hips in the air. She was thoroughly enjoying John plowing her vigorously.

"Oh, God! More, John! More! Yes, yes, yes! Oh, do that some more!" These and a litany of utterings counterpointed John's efforts to please his girlfriend as well as himself. Despite the insulation efforts of her father in preparation for their weeklong visit, it was very convenient that her pillow was close at hand to muffle the increasingly audible vocalizations of her pleasure.

She could feel his shaft thickening as his semen worked its way out of the end of his cock. She loved that feeling, of the little extra stretching it forced on her. Not today, not even next year, but someday they would be doing this purposefully when she would delight in being his barefoot and pregnant woman. For now, even though she was taking her birth control pills properly, she hoped he didn't blast through the condom. Yet once again, the condom held.

Dawn slumped to the bed while John wobbled over to the wastebasket. He removed the used prophylactic and thoughtfully wrapped it up in some tissues before placing it in the wastebasket. He returned to slip in beside her and hugged her close.

"Thank you, my love," he whispered in her ear.

"You are quite welcome, and thank you, my love," she answered, and they both shut their eyes for a few well‑satiated minutes.

BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM! The knocking on their bedroom door was not a timid set of taps like what the twins would use. This had some force behind it.

Dawn sat upright, shocked out of the dream she had been enjoying. John rolled off his side of the bed, surprisingly falling to the floor. Both were still naked as John fumbled for his glasses. He did not sleep in his gas‑permeable contacts.

"Dawn! John! Time to get up, you lazybones!" Junior's voice resounded through the door.

"We're up!" Dawn exclaimed. She looked over at the clock to see that over two hours had passed since their wake‑up coitus session.

"Mamma says food is going on the table in ten minutes. You know the rules. The last ones to the table have to do the dishes," Junior reminded her.

"We'll be upstairs before it's served," Dawn assured her brother.

"Hmmph!" was heard as he left and noisily walked down the hallway.

Dawn looked at the clock; it read 8:20 AM. She flushed slightly as she had not intended to have a two‑hour post‑coital nap.

"We need to get upstairs, lickety‑split. I don't want to have to do all the breakfast dishes and neither do you. We can take our showers afterward. Now, hustle your bustle, John!"

Dawn had slipped on sweatpants and a sweatshirt and her feet were bare as she exited her room. John was a few moments behind her, carrying his contacts and wetting solution. He'd insert the contacts after breakfast.

Dawn's brothers and sisters were in their seats when Dawn and John appeared from the lower level, but the food was not yet on the table. Dawn gave an exaggerated sigh of relief as she lowered herself into her seat. Dutifully, John sat in what had become 'his' seat between Dawn and Emily. While Ginny and Jenny were 'identical' twins, John quickly discerned how to tell them apart so he knew that it was Ginny who was seated directly across the table from him.

Both Ginny and Jenny stared at John. They had never seen him in glasses, only in his contacts. They cocked their heads slightly, taking in the changed view and considering things.

"Gin, Jen," Dawn addressed her sisters, "he's still mine alone. Don't even think about it." The twin sisters both flushed at Dawn's words and tone and made small nods of acceptance.

"So, John, have you ever been hunting?" Junior inquired, his voice a little loud for the space they were in.

"No, I've never had the opportunity or the inclination." John's response drew a quiet snicker from Danny on the other side of Dawn. "From your question and Danny's reaction to my response, I take it you guys do."

"Got it in one! Good job, City Boy," Junior smirked until he received a slap on the back of his head from his father, who had just come into the dining room from helping Emily in the kitchen. "Ow! Whadya do that for, Dad?"

"I'm going to say this just once: John comes from a different background than us. It's neither a good nor a bad background, just different. DO NOT mock or ridicule him," Josh's stentorian voice seemed to roll down the table. He then quietly directed the twins with, "Girls, go help your Mamma bring the food in, please."

"Yes, Daddy," they said in unison, and they soon returned, following Emily with all their hands full of platters and bowls of food. Bacon, scrambled eggs, biscuits, and sawmill gravy soon joined the butter and jelly on the dining table.

Conversation ceased as mouths were filled with delicious food. Dawn would occasionally rub her right hand on John's left thigh, just to touch him without being too obvious to the rest of the family. Emily noticed, however, and gave a smile as she recalled how enamored she was with Joshua Taggart.

Emily also thought back to much earlier that morning. Despite her husband's efforts, she still heard that Dawn and John had enjoyed early morning sex. She had lain there in bed, gently touching her breasts and pussy as she heard the very muffled sounds coming from the bedroom below. When they had finished their rumpus and all sounds had ceased, Emily had arisen and put the handheld shower head to good use. Then she got on with her day of caring for her family and Dawn's boyfriend.

"So, what are you two planning to do today?" Josh inquired of Dawn and John.

"I thought we'd go visit Aunt Margie at her store, then just sort of wander around downtown again," Dawn revealed. "Pretty much just chill and enjoy this little break before the final push on to finals in a few weeks."

"Ooh, can we go with you?" Jenny asked with a big grin as Ginny chimed in.

"I see no reason why not. John, is that okay with you?" Dawn inquired.

With the rest of the table looking expectantly at him, John had to accede to the younger girls' request. He just shrugged and answered, "Sure, if your parents are okay with that."

"That'd get them out of my hair for a while. Good idea, girls," Emily concluded.

"Daddy, what are your plans for today?" Dawn asked.

"Deer hunting season opened this morning. I didn't want to be part of the mad rush to the woods. The boys and I need to clean and oil our guns." Josh got nods in return from his sons, then continued. "I didn't know if John has a hunting license or if he had any interest in hunting, and I forgot to ask. Please accept my apologies. If you'd like, I'm sure we can figure something out."

John shook his head, declining the invitation.

Josh then continued, "I'm taking Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off from work, and the boys are out of school for the week. I thought we'd go out early tomorrow morning and see if we could get a buck or two. And then again, the following days while working around Junior's and Danny's schedules."

"But ..." Emily's voice trailed off at Josh's hard look in return. She bowed her head slightly and rose from her chair. "Come, girls, let's clear the table and put the food away." As John began to rise, Dawn placed her hand on John's shoulder and with a small shake of her head, wordlessly urging him to remain at the table. John stayed seated and let the womenfolk clear off the table. That drew an accepting nod from Josh, and he gathered up his sons and they headed to the basement. Once her father had left the room, Dawn returned with a hand towel for John to use while inserting his contacts. He held her hand and kissed it without saying anything.

Once John had his contacts inserted, he ventured into the kitchen. The food had all been put into the refrigerator, and the twins were at the sink washing and rinsing the dishes that did not easily fit into the dishwasher while Dawn was drying them. Emily turned to see him, and she gestured for him to take a seat at the small table. As he did so, he opened his mouth. Emily had expected this and quickly placed her hand over his mouth, stilling him.

She said in a very low volume, "Just wait until we know they're outside. They need to collect the guns from the safe and their cleaning supplies. Yes, yes, I know. We'll discuss it once they are outside and away from the house." Sure enough, in about five minutes, John could hear the guys opening the basement door to the back patio, and the door closing solidly behind them. Emily peered out the kitchen window to the backyard and saw the three stepping away from the house. She turned and nodded to the girls who quickly finished their tasks.

"Let's go back to the dining table, John," Dawn requested.

The five never made it to the chairs before John could not contain his feelings.

"Why do you let him treat you all that way?" John demanded, his irritation quite evident.

"It's just how he is, how he was raised," Emily offered in explanation. "Joshua Taggart is a man who, in most ways, is very enlightened. But he has certain things that must be done his way, and he'll never change. He's a man who needs doing for and he fills my heart with joy. So, John, please just go along with it. The girls all understand and accept this, right?" Three heads bobbed in agreement with their mother.

Dawn pulled his head around and kissed him, soundly. She whispered, "We'll talk about it once we head for downtown." She felt him nod his acceptance. Aloud, she admonished him, "John, we both need to get showers. You may go first," she said, magnanimously, and swatted his butt. That got giggles from the twins as John pretended to be insulted. His smile gave lie to his mock insult.

"Supper will be pasta bake, veggies, and garlic bread," Emily called out as John, Dawn, Jenny, and Ginny were heading out the front door. "On the table at 6:00," she added.

"Yes, Mamma," came the unison voices of all four, then giggles as the front door closed behind them.

The four got in Dawn's car and headed for downtown Phelps Bluff. Once Dawn got them rolling, John turned as much as the seatbelt would permit to look at her and Jenny, who was seated behind Dawn.

"Okay, I think I need a clearer understanding of how things work in your household," John stated.

Dawn responded with, "It's like Mamma said, in many ways, Daddy's quite enlightened. It's just that, to him, cooking and cleaning are 'women's work'. Much of that may have come from Granddaddy Taggart. That may have been part of my rebellion when I escaped to State. But it's just how things are here." Dawn's words were supported by Jenny's and Ginny's nods and hums of agreement.

"You rebelled?" Jenny asked, wide‑eyed. "How did you rebel?" Ginny chimed in.

"Girls, I don't think you're really ready to hear about that ..."

"Dawn, we got our periods in September," Ginny admonished her older sister. "We live here in the country where everybody knows how babies are made. Mamma said she's gonna get us training bras soon." Then her eyes widened as she realized the private, girl‑only topics she was discussing in front of John, as if she had forgotten he was present.

"We know you two have sex," Jenny added. "We heard you this morning. It sounds like a lot of fun. Even Mamma and Daddy have sex; we just never hear them anymore."

"I'm so not ready to have this conversation," Dawn muttered.

"It's fine, Dawn," Jenny assured her. "But I'd like to hear some more about how you rebelled once you went away to college."

"I won't tell you how I rebelled, but I will tell you this much: I never had too much alcohol and I never got involved with drugs. Nothing smoked, nothing injected. You know how Daddy is about drugs."

Both girls fervently nodded their heads.

"That's all I'm going to say at this time," Dawn declared.

"Aww! Come on, Dawn!" After a couple of minutes of pleading and getting nothing more from their big sister other than tightly pursed lips, the younger ones turned their attention to John.

"How about you, John? Any rebelling?" Ginny pressed.

"Nope, not really. Besides, I think Dawn's done enough rebelling for both of us," John grinned at Dawn's discomfort. Even so, she remained silent on any further discussion of her wayward behavior.

They arrived in downtown Phelps Bluff and parked right in front of Aunt Margie's shop. The twins raced each other to the door while Dawn and John proceeded more sedately. "Oh, John, would you please feed the meter for me? Here's a dollar in quarters. That'll hold us for a couple of hours."

Ginny and Jenny were hugging Aunt Margie when Dawn and John walked in. Margie gave a soft squeal of delight when she saw the pair, and the only other customer in the store looked up and smiled a greeting at Dawn.

"Madame Fischer, it's great to see you!" Dawn exclaimed. "Are you still teaching at the high school?" Not waiting for a reply, Dawn told John, "Madame Fischer was the one who got me interested in Foreign Languages, especially French."

"Il est formidable à faire votre connaissance, Madame Fischer," John rattled off. [It's wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Fischer] The teacher's eyes widened with both surprise and pleasure.

"Votre accent est merveilleux, Monsieur ..." [Your accent is marvelous, Mister ...]

"John Wilson, madame."

"Monsieur Wilson. I can see by the way Dawn is holding you that you are very special to her. You two were the talk of the high school after your visit at Halloween. I hope you two have a long and bright future together. Dawn, dear, it's wonderful to see you again. I'm very sorry, but I have to hurry to my next appointment. If you get the chance, please come by my classroom sometime. Au revoir!" Mrs. Fischer took her bag and quickly marched out the door.

"Wow, that was unexpected," Dawn remarked.

"After all, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" John quipped. That just drew blank stares from Dawn, Jenny, Ginny, and Aunt Margie. After a few seconds of surprised silence, John asked, "What?"

"Is that a quote from somewhere?" Dawn asked.

"Yes, it's a Monty Python skit. I'll have to pull it up on Blu‑Tube once we get back home," John answered. His words, 'back home', caused Dawn's heart to give an irregular thump, in a good way. He was referring to her home as 'back home' as if he was considering it to be his home as well. To her, it meant that he was acclimatizing, despite her brothers' and father's words and chauvinistic attitudes.

"Back to the subject at hand. Madame Fischer seemed REALLY taken with your conversational attitude toward someone you'd never met. I never gave her the chance to answer my question, either. I have to assume that she is still teaching at PBHS."