The Helldesk Ch. 01


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She looked up dumbly at me. I kicked her discarded pants away and stood to one side of her as she pulled her thighs up to her chest and arched her back, bringing her knees as close to her chin as she could. "That's right.... now pull your hands under your butt and over your feet.... come on, I know you're not that stupid or you wouldn't work here.

"That's better, but too slow for my taste."

With her hands past her butt, but before she was quite able to get them up over her feet, I dropped to the floor and leaned all my weight on her, trapping her legs against her chest, and slapped the ruler down hard across the backs of her thighs, catching the edge of her pussy lips as I did so. The guttural shriek that came out of her mouth went straight to my crotch, and I slapped the ruler down three more times, even harder now, each one covering a fresh part of her pussy.

"MOTHERFUCKER!!!" She shrieked.

"Ah no, sorry pet, that's not actually a safe word. Oh wait, what am I saying?! You don't get safe words, do you? You don't deserve them because you're a manipulative little cunt. So, let's get this out of the way."

I leaned down hard again on her legs, pinning her in place and proceeded to go to town on the backs of her thighs and rapidly reddening pussy lips with the ruler. Her cries peaked after about ten strokes and then settled into little gasps and a gentle background shuddering. The color in her skin grew in both intensity and size as I took out my earlier frustration on her wet and now rather angry looking lips. Thwack after thwack brutalized her most sensitive parts, the ruler becoming wetter and wetter, her lips becoming more and more swollen, and my erection becoming harder and harder (if that was possible).

I paused for a moment, and then looked over my shoulder at her face. Her eyes had filled with tears, a few of which had spilled over onto her cheek. I slid one finger down into her pussy, which was just as wet as it had been earlier, and noted this fact aloud to her. That familiar red blush spread across her cheeks, and I couldn't help feeling like a bit of a shit for what I was doing. However, the moment passed quickly, and I thought back to how turned on I got each time the ruler smacked into her pussy lips, and of the way it made her jump. It was time to see just what her true colors were, and how turned on she was by being on the receiving end of the kind of punishment I'd never quite felt entitled to dole out to any of my previous subs.

I reached down and retrieved the knife from where it had stuck in the floor and pulled her back up by her hair into a very awkward standing position (her wrists were still tied together, 12 inches or so apart, and as she wriggled around she was able to get them back up past her butt and behind her into the position we had started in. I pushed her forward and onto the desk, face down. I stepped inside her left leg and pressed her hip up against the edge. With one hand pressing her down firmly, I drew the point of the knife slowly down her spine, over her bonds, and just before I reached her cleft, I rotated the blade and pressed the sharp edge down into the firm flesh of her ass. I leaned towards her and whispered "No squirming now slutcake, we wouldn't want any accidental blood loss now would we?"

She froze, and I smiled as I wondered just what she thought she could do to prevent me from enjoying everything she had to offer. I was in this up to my neck now, and it was a good job there weren't any surveillance cameras in the office or I could be in seriously hot water. There was no going back, and I needed to break her spirit in order to lessen the chance of her being tempted to say anything to anyone.

I slowly traced my way over the various welts and marks left by the ruler and followed a line as it descended between her shapely ass cheeks and disappeared into her sopping folds. I ran the point down the length of one of her lips and she whimpered and shuddered a little. I increased the pressure as I dragged the point all the way back up the other until her breathing was one long, ragged moan. I placed the knife across her lower back, just a few inches from her bound wrists, as if daring her to try and grab it, and picked up the ruined panties I had discarded earlier. Wadding them into a ball, I reached back into the duffel bag and grabbed the ball gag I'd been searching for just as this sordid little episode had kicked off. I turned back so my groin was pressed up between her legs, the swollen crotch of my jeans pressed up hard against her lips, and grabbed a fistful of hair with one hand. I dropped the ball gag onto the table in front of her, and watched her eyes widen.

"Look what I just happened to have lying around, my little 'cake! But it gets even better. Open wide..."

She had the temerity to try and resist. So I moved my hand from her hair to grab her nose instead, and squeezed the nostrils shut. It wasn't long before her mouth opened and she gasped out a breath, just in time for me to stuff her soiled panties into her mouth. I wrestled the ball gag into place and managed to get the straps together and buckled up behind her neck without her being able to spit the wet cotton out. Her eyes were still firing daggers at me, so I figured it was time to start messing with her mind and get her a little more off balance.

I grabbed another of those network cables and looped it around one ankle a couple of times, before pulling her leg as far towards the edge of the desk as it would go and tying it off around the desk leg. I took more than a little pleasure in pulling her other leg just as far to the opposite side, and tying that off in the same way. I grabbed a third cable and walked around to the other side of the desk and slid the cable under her neck. Her response was instant, and she pulled sharply away, trying to straighten up (that's far harder than it sounds when you have no leverage due to your hands being unavailable).

I grabbed her hair and slammed her head back down against the desk. There was a stunned moment of silence and then a ragged breath as she tried to deal with the stars and planets that were probably circling in front of her eyes. I looped the cable around her neck a couple of times before she had a chance to recover and twisted the ends together twice before looping one end under the improvised collar for strain relief, and tied it off with a knot leaving a single stranded leash about four feet long.

I stepped back and sank into her leather clad chair. A quick tug on the leash pulled me back towards the desk, and I braced my knees against the drawers as I pulled harder, dragging her head back towards me. She grunted and extended her neck, her eyes straining to see far enough to where I was sitting.

"Well now, aren't you in quite the pickle? A very compromising position that some disreputable soul could very easily exploit." She shook her head, her breath coming out of her nostrils in little whooshes. There was a light sheen of sweat on her brow and upper lip, and I wondered just how far she went with her subs. Was she just into a little impact play and ordering them around? Did she have any inkling as to just how cruel one human could be to another when provoked, without leaving any long term marks? Well, no serious marks at least.

I stood up and looped her leash through the handle of the middle desk drawer, pulling it up tight and hitching it off, leaving her very little room to move around. I leaned down and placed my lips over her ear and whispered "Now then little tart, we're going to find out just how sadistic I can be, and just how much tolerance you have for pain".

She stiffened and then started to jerk first one way and then the other, desperately looking for a way to pull her arms or legs free. I watched for a minute to make sure she was properly restrained and then, as her struggles started to weaken, I sauntered off towards the kitchen I had seen her in earlier. I half filled the kettle with water and switched it on. Digging through the cupboards yielded a mug and a decent sized bowl, as well as a bag of popcorn and several sets of takeaway chopsticks. I dumped them all onto the worktop and then opened the freezer door to see if there was any ice. My luck was in as I found several sets of regular ice cubes as well as a tray of the long thin ones designed to fit straight into the neck of a water bottle, all of which I stacked on a tray someone had left down the side of the fridge. As the kettle clicked off, I added it to my ill gotten gains and headed back to my captive.

In the couple of minutes I'd been away, she'd stopped struggling, but her face was very red and I had an idea she'd worked herself up just short of passing out. "I told you not to struggle, my sweet, but you wouldn't listen, now would you? Ah well, let's move onto the meat of the evening shall we?"

I placed the tray on the floor, out of sight, and walked around to the other side of the desk, grabbing the last, and longest, network cable on the way. I looped it around one of the desk legs a couple of times, hitched it off and passed the free end through her improvised collar. She watched me pull the rest of the cable through and then loop it down and around the other desk leg before pulling out the slack and tying it off.

"Now, we get to the sadistic part". Her eyes closed and I could see her shoulders jerk a couple of times as I removed her leash from the chair and pushed it back out of the way. She wasn't going anywhere. You can suspend the weight of a good sized person from network cabling, and she was anything but that kind of mass. I walked back to the tray and picked one of the long, thin ice cubes from its container and held it over her rear. Her eyes were still closed until the first cold drip landed almost exactly on her cinnamon ring, at which point she bucked the table a quarter inch towards the window in shock. The icy digit slowly descended towards her little puckered starfish, and I have to give her credit as she didn't scream once until it finally touched down.

The ball gag and wadded up panties worked marvelously to stifle her cries, and I doubted they even carried as far as the kitchen. The jitterbugging desk was a different matter, so I shifted my position and perched on the edge next to her to stop it from moving. I pulled her rather lovely ass cheeks even further apart than her spread eagled position had left them and turned my head a little so that I could watch her reaction as I slowly pushed the tip of the frozen digit into her fuck hole. Her entire body stiffened and her cries became one long scream as I pushed a whole inch of the spike inside her.

"That's for acting like a complete bitch and lacking any warmth or compassion in your dealings with me" I said as I pushed another half inch inside. Her body was still straining against her bonds, but her in-breaths were now as noisy as her muffled screams. Maybe she wasn't a natural Ice Queen after all?

I don't know whether you've ever had ice in close contact with your nether regions? Unlike your mouth which will tell you that the ice is pretty cold, but which will acclimate fairly rapidly, your privates are EXTREMELY unused to that kind of thermal shock. As anyone who has sat down naked in a snow drift can tell you, the external part is pretty uncomfortable, but getting it inside you is nothing short of excruciatingly painful.

I pulled the slightly shrunken member back out and it took at least ten seconds for her body to relax even slightly and for her to stop screaming. Just as she was starting to relax onto the desk surface, I shoved the whole thing in without pausing. Her hips cannoned into the desk and bounced me off, shifting the desk another inch towards the window. The scream took about two seconds to arrive as her conscious mind caught up with her unconscious one, and she started bucking and shaking like she was having a seizure. I climbed up onto the desk and straddled her, facing forwards, letting her eject the much diminished ice tube now that it had worked its full effect. I brushed her hair to one side and turned her head slightly further so that she could see me. Her eyes were red and filled with tears, and the fire and defiance had vanished to be replaced with a pleading and much more desperate expression.

"Listen up slut. Despite the tears, I think you're enjoying this. Your mouth would probably disagree, but your traitorous pussy won't lie. No matter how much you might try and hide it, I think you've been abusing your colleague so mercilessly because it's the closest you've been able to get to living out your own fantasies." A quick check with two trusty fingers showed me she was warming back up quite nicely, and the small trail down the inside of her thigh would have made a snail proud.

I climbed back off her, picked up the ruler again and proceeded to swat her mottled thighs and pussy lips, but much more lightly this time. I took my time, and spread the strokes over the entirety of her cheeks and the tops of her thighs. Within just a few minutes, her whole body was quivering and her ass was bobbing from side to side, or as far as it could with her ankles tied so far apart. Her cunt was glistening wetly, and I had a feeling she was getting very close to orgasm.

I reached up and undid the buckle on the gag and let it fall to the desk. She spat the wadded cotton out and drew a long shuddering breath. Her exhalation was a tremulous moan of need, and as she continued to take deep breaths, I continued to beat a subtle tattoo on her pussy lips. With my other hand, I reached between her legs and gripped her hood between my thumb and forefinger. Her jaw clicked shut and breath hissed out between clenched teeth.

It was kind of difficult to make out the exact words as I continued to rain down little pattering strokes on her slit, but it was something like "ohgodfuckfuckpleasefuckpleasefuckfuuuuuck..."

I paused just as her head arched back and she froze. "WHAT? Why? Noooononono.. Please don't stop Sir. Please keep going, I'm so close, don't stop, please!"

Her use of the word 'Sir' surprised me. I hadn't expected her to transition so fluidly into the role of a submissive. The blood was pumping through my veins like water through a fire hose and I suddenly decided that I was going to take a massive gamble. To stake everything on one throw of the dice. I straightened up and leaned over her, placing my lips close to her ear.

"Listen carefully my tasty little morsel. I've never had a fully committed slave before. One who exists to satisfy my every whim, and who is to be handled exactly the way I please, with no limits or reservations. From here on out, you will exist solely to serve me, or anyone else I nominate. To cooperate with them fully, and in every single way they request, to the utmost of your ability. In return, I offer you the opportunity to dive as deeply down the rabbit hole as you can currently imagine. I'm going to use you in every way I can think up, to my heart's content, because deep down, I think that's what you want. I'm going to work hard to keep things interesting and varied, and to push you to your very limits, and maybe sometimes beyond."

"However, you also have an alternative. I'm prepared to offer you freedom, and a cessation of the punishment and tortures I have planned for you, right now, if you tell me you absolutely don't want me to do anything else to you. Just look me in the eye, and tell me you've had enough, or that I was wrong, and you're out of here. You'll have to explain and deal with the broken laptop screen, but you'd be surprised how often that happens, especially to those who travel. Either way, I will be keeping a copy of the videos for insurance, but unless you give me further cause, I'm not sending them to anyone, nor will I post them on any website."

I held her gaze, watching those piercing blue-green eyes staring right back at me. I slid two fingers down between her lips and started making small circles over her clit. Her eyes closed, and her lips parted slightly. My thumb came to rest over her wet hole, and I gradually increased the pressure until it slid slowly down inside, first up to one knuckle, and then all the way home. Her breathing was coming faster now, with an audible little moan at the beginning of each exhalation. I matched the circles of my fingers on her clit to my thumb on the front wall of her cunt.

"Slutcake, I need an answer. What's it going to be? Do you need this as badly as I think you do? Are you ready to be my fucktoy? My sexual plaything? You get no limits. You will be my willing and obedient slave, you will obey fully and with alacrity, doing whatever I tell you, with whomever I decide."

The slightest whisper escaped her lips.

"I'm sorry pet, you'll have to do better than that. I'm growing bored, and the moment is passing...."

"Yes..." she breathed, more audibly this time.

"Yes, what?" I prompted her.

"Yes, Sir. Use me as your fucktoy, and in any way you please," she said.


To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Evil man....My new hero!

Loved it

Timtom12Timtom12almost 7 years ago
Looking good!

I'm happy I found this story. Off to chapter 2!

HiddenHelixHiddenHelixalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the feedback

@Anonymous - "I stopped reading after this:"

Thanks for the note. In re-reading it's definitely clunky, and whilst I was trying to set the tone for The Admin as being a bit of a pretentious prick, this just doesn't read well, so it's been trimmed and resubmitted.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Get rid of your thesaurus

I stopped reading after this:

"caught me gleefully anticipating my all too imminent early departure to ease my worldly worries with a couple of rather superior libatory concoctions at a fancy new bar that had recently opened downtown."

Pretty bad

HiddenHelixHiddenHelixalmost 7 years agoAuthor

Chapter 02 has been submitted for publication!

HiddenHelixHiddenHelixabout 7 years agoAuthor

Thanks for all the ratings, not too bad for a first effort!

Ch. 02 should be up by Monday 6/19/17

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