The Hostage Returns

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Kris is finally released, but has Heather moved on?
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I like the loving wives category but it can be difficult to come up with something different and the comments are often ruthless. I try to explore alternate realities or situations with angst.

I don't work with an editor but I do spell and grammar checks and proof read but bound to miss some. If that bothers you too much maybe think about reading something else.

Also check the tags and avoid the themes that make you angry, otherwise I hope you enjoy them, they are free and they are just stories. Best Wishes Satin.

The theme of this one isn't anything new but does include a tiny nod to the following:

Burst of Joy, a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Associated Press photographer Slava "Sal" Veder, of a returning Vietnam war prisoner reuniting with his family. Despite outward appearances, the reunion was an unhappy one. After spending more than five years in a North Vietnamese camp, three days before the picture he received a letter from his wife requesting a divorce. His wife had abandoned the marriage within a year or so after he was captured and had accepted proposals of marriage from different men.


It had been five years since Kristian Wilson had seen his homeland, five years of captivity and being presumed dead, he had finally been released.

His captors were Somali pirates in the Red Sea. They had attacked the container ship Kris crewed on. After the raiders had managed to board the vessel, Kris as ships 3rd Engineer led the effort to disable the engines rather than let it be taken. The delay and emergency distress signals enabled a Royal Naval destroyer to steam in their direction. In the ensuing panic Kris and the Chief Engineer had been taken prisoner and forced onto the pirate's rib.

Authorities waited for a ransom demand that never materialised, the Chief Engineers' body was found a few days later washed up on the coast, he had been shot. The lack of a ransom or further intelligence resulted in the consensus that Kris had suffered the same fate and limited effort was made to search for him.

In actual fact Kris was stuck in the hell hole of a series of make shift prisons, unbearably hot during the day and freezing cold through the night. He was moved around endlessly and lost all track of time.

There was one thing which kept him alive, thinking about and eventually getting back to his wife Heather. He escaped to an imaginary world, dreaming about all the things they would be doing if he was back home. He realised the exact image of her was fading, so every day he tried to recall a different memory, sometimes an image, an event, her expression or reaction to things. The one which he recalled most often was from their honeymoon. It was an insignificant event, he was returning from the washroom in a taverna on Crete and saw her sitting in the pretty yellow summer dress, staring out to sea... looking happy and smiling as she turned to see him.

He was escorted out with a hood over his head, his hands bound and bundled into a vehicle. They travelled for a long time, Kris thought this was finally this time they were going to end things. He was dragged out of the truck and forced to kneel. There were multiple voices in a language he still didn't understand and the sound of more vehicles.

Finally the hood was removed, his eyes blinded by light. Once he got a bit more used to the sun's glare, it wasn't the face of the man that caught Kris's attention; it was the relief of spotting the red crescent insignia on his shoulder patch... he had been released!

Everything was a blur after that, an urgent trip in a jeep, then doctors, a helicopter ride and finally a hospital at a British military base in Cyprus. The exact reasons for his release were unclear; he had been passed across several groups, none willing to risk a ransom and exchange. In the end he had been handed over to the humanitarian organisation, probably as they weren't sure what else to do with him.


Heather dropped the phone, she must have misunderstood: Kris was alive! He'd been a hostage all this time when everyone thought he was dead. The tears started flowing, she looked up to see her husband Paul looking on with concern.

He moved across the room and picked up the phone, getting the official version on both Kris's status and a summary of what he had been through. He was both ecstatic his friend was alive and devastated at what it could mean for him.

Paul had been Kris's best friend and a close colleague as an engineer in the same merchant shipping company. They had met at college studying naval engineering and stuck together from that point. He had helped Heather push the authorities for months to search for Kris. With the chief's body and lack of ransom demand, they assured her that there was nothing more that could be done. Over the months they became closer supporting each other through their grief.

Given the circumstances Heather was able to make a declaration of presumed death after only 3 years. That enabled her to resolve Kris's estate, by that time she was already living with Paul and they progressed their plans to marry.


Heather refused the liaison team's offer to inform Kris that she had remarried; she wanted to tell him herself. She couldn't believe how familiar he sounded on the phone; the conversation was a blur of emotions, both of them in disbelief that they were actually talking. Arrangements were made for her to travel out to see him, by all accounts he was making a rapid recovery and the last place he wanted to be after years of captivity was in hospital.

She recited the conversation to Paul, some of it made him worry, especially Heather's total focus and concern for Kris. Heather explained Kris surviving on the thoughts of her. That was difficult to hear, Paul thought of her as his now, they had been together so long. He raised his concerns but Heather was adamant she had to go; not having contact might make Kris suffer even more.

"He was your best friend; he is alive and needs us, who knows what hell he has been through. I will tell him about us, but not yet and I need to do it face to face, he deserves at least that. I dread to think what that news might do to him; we betrayed him in a way; finding out about us could be catastrophic."

"We didn't do anything wrong and we didn't betray him. It's a pile of shitty circumstances, nothing more... just remember I love you Heather."

"You saved me Paul, after Kris... I was lost. But I need to help him, imagine all those years alone and what that can do to your mind."


Paul dropping his wife off at the airport was one of the hardest things he had to do in his life; he waved her goodbye wondering what the future would hold for them. He recalled Kris and Heather as a couple, they were very much in love. Did what he had with her match that; the doubts were already creeping in.

Kris couldn't believe it; Heather looked even more beautiful than he remembered, despite the tears and look of concern across her face. She walked into the hospital room and hugged him fiercely. They kissed briefly before she buried her face into his shoulder; they remained hugging and crying for a long time. She seemed uncertain, but they had been apart so long, it was difficult to remember what normal felt like.

They talked and caught up with Kris's time in captivity, Heather struggled to imagine how he had survived it all without going completely insane. They reminisced about their past life, Heather trying to remind Kris of happier times; finally the nurses ushered her out for Kris to get some rest.

Kris was released from hospital and put up in private quarters on the base; it allowed him to spend more time with Heather the following day. Heather steeled herself for the hardest conversation she'd ever had in her life.

"Kris I need to tell you something and it's going to be really difficult for you to hear."

Kris nodded, "Is it that you've met someone else?"

"What... How did you know?"

"I had a lot of time to think, that possibility prayed on my mind quite a bit and there were hints, more what people weren't saying. We always read and understood each other so well and there were times yesterday that you seemed uneasy."

"I am so sorry; I would never have considered it if I'd had the slightest inkling you were alive. I wanted to tell you myself face to face."

"Is it Paul?"

Heather started crying, "Oh my god how can you possibly know that?"

"Well you haven't mentioned him once and we were all so close."

"I am so sorry; I know that must be a shock me being with Paul.

"It some ways but in others not so much."

Kris saw the surprised look on Heather's face, "He always liked you, and perhaps he was in love with you from the very start. As time passed I figured he'd be supportive, I could see that you guys might get together."

"That must have been awful for you, thinking about that. He was so supportive, an absolute rock; I would have been lost without him and our feelings grew from there."

"I'd hazard a guess it didn't take too long before you got together."

"I, I guess, we were both upset, it happened a couple of months after they called off the search. I'm really sorry Kris, this is the last thing you need to hear."

"Could you come back a bit later Heather, I just need a bit of time."

Kris held onto the tears until she left the room, his worst nightmare was coming true just as he'd finally thought his ordeal was over. He'd lost the love of his life, try as he might he just couldn't imagine himself with anyone other than Heather. Did he want her back and if he did was that even possible? It seemed as if she had moved on in her life and on from him.

Heather barely made it out of the room before bursting into tears, she felt terrible, what had she just done to him? It must be the worst possible news and he still looked so fragile. The fact he knew everything before she had a chance to say it worried her. Was it so obvious that she would move on to another man and what had Kris seen to know it would be Paul.

They talked the following day, tentatively and uncertain of each other. Heather repeatedly offered apologies; with Kris replying that she didn't need to. She explained what had happened between her and Paul, the search, getting together, marriage and their current life. Kris handled it far better than she ever thought possible. But as much as he was calm and reasonable, she could see the underlying hurt, he looked drained and subdued and she was really worried about him.

"Is there anything I can do Kris, to help with things?"

Kris thought about it for what seemed like an eternity but in reality was only a few moments, there was one above anything else, "The thing I missed the most was not having you to hold on to. I dreamed about it most nights, imagining being able to hold and cuddle through the night. I understand if you don't want to, I'm not asking for more and I'll be on best behaviour... scouts honour.

Heather smiled at the old phrase they shared which broke the tension, "No I'd like to do that for you Kris and I know I can trust you."

Heather got into bed with Kris, both in pyjamas which was a first for them. Kris asked permission before spooning into Heather's back, the feeling of utter contentment was difficult to describe. The smell of her hair brought back more memories; he relaxed feeling safe and content for the first time in years and fell into a deep sleep.

For Heather it was like stepping back in time, his body and breathing was so familiar and his arm around her provided a feeling of security she had always loved when they were together. She shed a tear for what they had lost and squeezed Kris's arm. True to his word he didn't try anything more and fell asleep almost immediately.

Kris woke with a start, in the dark he thought the hood was over his head again and he could hear a gun bolt being drawn back. Panicking he sat up suddenly, sweat all over his body. Heather was there with calming words and holding him, it took time for him to find his bearings.

"Sorry, sorry, I get... dreams."

"You poor poor man."

Heather wiped his brow, "Take a deep breath, you're not there anymore, you're here safe with me. Here take you top off, it's soaking."

Heather stifled a gasp as she saw the scars and lesions across Kris's torso, "Lie back Kris, keep breathing deep, relax and try to think about something else, we'll be back home soon."

Heather's words trailed away and as he started falling back into sleep, she just caught his whispered words, "Thanks gorgeous..."

The use of his old pet name for her made Heather choke back a sob. She lay awake looking at him, trailing her fingers over some of the scars, not wanting to imagine what he must have gone through.

Kris had another dream the following night, it was from when they had casually shot the Chief Engineer and dumped his body overboard. There seemed no reason for the shooting other than frustration that the hijacking was thwarted. Heather soothed him again, as she stroked his forehead he took her hand and moved it to his lips kissing it before holding it against this chest, shutting his eyes to relishing her touch.

He felt her lips on his, soft and uncertain, "Heather I...."


She kissed him again, their mouths opening. Making love was uncertain at first, they took their time, everything soft and slow but intense. Kris's motions were steady and he penetrated her, feeling every inch of each other, they kissed constantly. Heather was part way though a slow deep orgasm, when Kris finally began to cum, he looked into her eyes and never broke contact until he had completed. His eyes felt like they were boring into Heather's soul. She was immersed in the emotion and ecstasy showing across his face as they completed together.

It was as if they had never been apart, all of the memories and feelings rushing back. They cuddled and recovered, holding each other closely. Heather exploring Kris's scars and wishing she could kiss them and all the pain away.

"I'm sorry about..."

"Don't be Kris, it felt... right."

"Where do we go from here?"

"I have no idea, but we're due to go home tomorrow, we can sort it all out there."

"Do you still live in our house?"

"Yes, oh shit, I never thought about that, once you were declared as deceased it passed over to me. We'll need to get it handed back to you; it was your Granddads' after all. Then there is your insurance, pension and possessions, it's all a complete mess."

"We can sort all of that later, there are more important issues."


Kris arranged to go straight over to his only remaining family, his sister Kate. Heather went with him to make sure he was settled and had somewhere to stay.

It was an emotional reunion, Kris discovered he had a new niece and his 4 year old nephew Lucas was now 9 and seemed to have doubled in height.

Lucas looked a bit awkward, shy and in awe of the new visitors; Heather knew Kris would pick up on it.

"Tell you what I've missed almost more than anything Lucas; I just wanted to kick a ball about, are you up for that?"

"Yeah sure, I play centre forward for my team."

"Yeah, your Aunt Heather mentioned that. I was never good enough for centre forward, but I could stop people playing, usually played centre defence, come on then... show me what you got."

Heather smiled reminding herself Kris had been a very talented footballer; he now had Lucas totally at ease. It reminded her how good a dad Kris would make. She stifled a tear wondering if they would have had their own family by now if he hadn't been kidnapped. The fact Kris had still referred to her as 'Aunt Heather' also left her with a warm feeling.

Kate was desperate for Kris to stay with them; she couldn't believe she had her big brother back; she was also sympathetic to Heather realising she was in an impossible situation. Heather waited until Kris was settled returned home to see Paul, she knew it would be difficult.

She couldn't fully maintain eye contact when telling him about the trip and what Kris had gone through.

"You slept with him then?"

Heather started crying, "I am sorry Paul, he was hurting so much."

"Well it didn't take you long... what am I just the fill in."

"No it's not like that I have no idea what to do, nobody wants this situation, it hurts us all."

The air seemed to leave him, a mix of sadness and frustration, powerless in the face of an impossible situation, "We've built a life together these past few years me and you, things have moved on since Kris was... lost."

"Things haven't moved on for him, he's been in limbo for 5 years, my god Paul you should see his scars, they are horrific and he has nightmares."

"I don't need to ask how you know those things Heather... do you still love him?"

Heather frowned, "Yes, but in love with him, I don't know. He might not even be the same person, that experience might have left him damaged."

"Well I best get it over with and go meet him then."

"He is still your friend Paul, he didn't do anything wrong, the important thing is that he is alive."

"He fucked my wife, is that wrong enough?"

Despite the harsh words, Paul couldn't deny the truth of it, but by coming back his best friend might just ruin his life. They slept together that night but didn't have sex, things were awkward and they kept their distance. Paul was restless wondering if he was losing her.


Heather didn't know where to stand, trying to keep a neutral distance between Paul and Kris. She realised it was mistake meeting in their home. Kris was looking around at his old family home now filled with her and Paul's things. Paul's home was not fully his anymore, it all felt so wrong.

The awkwardness lasted only moments before Paul said, "Fuck! I can't believe it's really you, it is good to see your mate."

They hugged, "I am sorry for not coming out to see you, it just felt too awkward with... well with everything that's changed."

"That is ok; this is hard for all of us."

They caught up with how Kris was adjusting and his health, and what Paul was up to, he gave Kris a run-down of how things had changed at work. Heather could see snippets of their old friendship with some relief. They fell into the inevitable and awkward conversation by accident.

"I know it's hard Kris but me and Heather are married and we have a life together now."

"I am trying really hard to appreciate that Paul, but if I was here that would never have happened, And as I am not actually dead, I may still be legally married to Heather, not to mention you're playing happy families in my Grandfather's house."

"Things have moved on, you can't pick up from where you were."

"Yeah well it didn't you very long to move in did it! Admit it, you always fancied Heather, and you asked me to swop to go on that fucking trip in the first place. Maybe you weren't too unhappy with the outcome?"

"STOP IT!" Both of you, you're friends in a situation that no one should have to deal with; we need to work through this together. I think we all need some time apart whilst we sort this, I'll go and stay at mums.

Paul was both devastated and angry, "What! are you serious, we're married!"

"It's all just too much, I need some space to think."

There was a long silence, "Don't do that Heather, you belong here it's your home. I'll go to my brothers, as Kris says this was never my house."

Kris took a breath, "The house, money, legal stuff, none of that means anything to me anymore. It's up to you to decide what you want Heather, the rest of it is just noise."


Heather was in a total dilemma and was no further forward after a week living alone. There was no winning, neither man deserved to be deserted; doing so would harm both that person and the couple that remained. She had seen Kris and Paul a few times, not wanting either of them to feel abandoned. She decided to meet with them both again to see if that brought any resolution.