The Hotel Clerk Sequel

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A continuation of Leslie and Jim.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 04/17/2023
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I am newly retired and decided to take a trip to Texas to visit some of my relatives there. On the way down, I stopped after the first day of travel in Dumas, Texas, at one of my preferred hotels. The air conditioning in the room did not work and according to their maintenance man was not be fixable. There were no other rooms available so I stayed in the hot room all night. The next morning I persuaded a very attractive, middle-aged hotel clerk, Leslie, to come with me to my room to observe the problem. While she was there, I kissed her several times and we ended up in bed. When we parted, we exchanged business cards and cell phone numbers.

Leslie is about 51 or 52 years old. She is very attractive and has short black hair with some graying. She is fairly short maybe 5'-3". Her body is slightly heavier than the average woman but her real attribute is her huge tits. They are oversized compared to her body. When I saw her naked, they looked like two halves of a large cantaloupe glued to her chest. They are very firm and do not sag much - certainly not enough to hold a pencil. Her areolas were about the size of a silver dollar and were a dark pink in color. She wears blouses that fit her small body but they are too small for her tits so the blouse always looks like the buttons are about to shoot off. When we had sex, I found that her slightly heavy thighs were her best feature.


After I left Dumas, I thought a lot about this woman as I headed south. When I arrived at my first destination, I called Leslie that evening to let her know that I had safely arrived at my first stop.

"Thank you for calling me," Leslie said.

"I wanted to let you know that I thought about you while I was driving today. I very much enjoyed your company and I am looking forward to seeing you on my way back home, if you don't mind," I said.

"I enjoyed the time with you but I am concerned that you might be seeing me as an easy one-night-stand," she said.

"We don't know each other yet but I can tell you that I do not have sex with every woman I meet. I have not had sex for 2 years until I met you and that was because I found that you are very special," I said.

"There you go with those pickup lines again," she said laughing.

"I expect to be visiting with my relatives for about 6 or 7 days and then I will head your way," I said.

"It would be nice if you can let me know before you get here so that I can plan for you," she said.

"I will let you know for sure the day before. I am very much looking forward to seeing you again," I said.

"Are you interested in me or just some more sex?" she asked.

"In honesty, I would say both. You are a very interesting person and you are a wonderful partner in bed," I said.

With that we said our goodbyes and hung up.


I spent 4 days with relatives in central Texas and then I headed to Houston for 3 more days. When I left Houston, I called Leslie but I got her voicemail. I left a message that I was leaving Houston and I would see her in 2 days.

I made it to Abilene the first day on my trip back. I called Leslie that night and told her that I would see her tomorrow.

First day of my visit

I arrived in Dumas about 2 pm and hoped that Leslie was off work and at home. I went to a couple of stores and bought some flowers and a bottle of Shiraz wine. I had no trouble finding her house thanks to GPS navigator in my car. She lived in a nice, one story brick home with a double car garage. I walked up to her front door and rang the doorbell. She greeted me in some green Capri pants and a nice white blouse that was stretched so tight across her big tits that the buttons looked like they would be flying off at any moment. Once inside and the door closed, she hugged me and gave me a great kiss. I gave her the flowers and the bottle of wine.

"Wow! You Texans sure know how to make a fella feel welcome!" I said.

"Please come in and sit down. I have cooked us a nice dinner but it is too early to eat. I thought that we could sit and talk. What would you like to drink?" she asked.

"I don't drink alcohol but I would like an iced tea if you would have it," I replied.

"I have a pitcher of sweet tea in the refrigerator. Would it offend you if I had a drink? It was a tough day at work," she asked.

"Please, have whatever you normally drink. I gave up drinking liquor during my college days. I think it was probably too much too soon. I occasionally will have a small glass of sherry or port after a great dinner but that is the only alcohol that I drink these days," I said.

Leslie returned with a large glass of iced tea for me and some bourbon on the rocks for her.

"Would you like to take off your suit coat?" Leslie asked.

"No, I am OK," I replied. I wear a suit coat because it helps hide the handgun that I always wear.

"Do we need to talk about your bad day at work?" I asked her.

"Oh God no! I just want to forget it. I do want to talk to you about our last meeting. I haven't had any sex for two and a half years and then suddenly I have sex with you in your room at the hotel. I don't want you to think that I am an easy mark. I hope you have not come here just to have sex and then forget about me as you return home. If all you want is sex, then I will let you stay in my guest room and that is all you will get," she said.

"Actually, I have similar feelings. I too haven't had sex in 2 years since my divorce. I didn't want you to think that I might be desperate or worse. That day at your hotel, you were very attractive and beautifully dressed. What I really intended was to get you to my room so that I could kiss you. That is all I intended! There was something about you that just ... I don't know how to describe it. Something inside of me told me to kiss you. I think the kissing got out of hand and that is my entire fault. I apologize for my behavior," I said.

"I am neither ashamed nor sorry that we had sex, but I don't want to appear as needy or easy," she said.

"Leslie, that was the best sex I have had since before my marriage. You are a wonderful partner and I am very happy that we have met each other. About my staying here, I am very grateful that you are offering me a room. I am willing to stay in your guest room to show you that I am a gentleman and not here just for some more sex," I said.

"Let's see how the evening goes before we make any decisions. In case you haven't noticed, I speak what is on my mind, and often times without any tact. I am a strong, independent woman and I don't put up with any shit. My husband was the only man that could keep me under control," she said.

"I respect a woman who is strong and independent. I always wanted a wife with spirit who was an equal partner. I did not experience that in my marriage and that is one of the many reasons that I am now single," I said.

"Well, since I am saying what is on my mind, according to your business card that you gave me, you worked for the CIA. Are you a spy?" she asked.

"I am a nuclear engineer and I work for myself. I made my living by providing nuclear consulting work to various government agencies. The last 10 years I was working at the CIA," I said.

I reached inside my coat pocket and removed my CIA ID card in its leather wallet and showed it to Leslie.

"Here is my actual ID Card that I had to use to get into work every day. We don't carry badges like the FBI," I said.

"I bet it was exciting working there," she said.

"Not really. I spent most of my time analyzing data and reviewing satellite photos. Rather boring stuff really. I can assure you that I am not 007 but just a geeky engineer," I said.

"I certainly would not call you geeky," she said laughing.

I was getting too warm so I took off my suit coat and Leslie noticed my handgun.

"I never knew that you carried a gun. You weren't wearing one in the hotel that morning.

"I had not put it on yet in the hotel. I always carry a handgun," I explained.

"If you are retired, why do you still carry a gun?" she asked.

"Some former employees have been a target of agents from other countries," I said.

Leslie took my empty tea glass and refilled it.

"If your relatives are here in Texas, how did you end up in Colorado?" she asked.

"My father was born and raised in Texas. He married my mother who is from Colorado and they settled there. I was born in a small town high up in the Rocky Mountains. I went to college in Boulder, Colorado and except for 10 years in Virginia I have stayed in the Boulder area ever since," I said.

"Tell me something about you, Leslie," I said.

"I was born and raised in Boston. I attended Boston University and received a degree in business and a little later my MBA. After college I took a job in Hartford and met my husband there. Life with him was wonderful. When he was diagnosed with cancer, we moved to Houston, Texas for treatments. After he died, I took a job with the Hilton Hotel chain and was assigned here," she said.

"I would never have guessed that you were from Boston. You don't have the accent," I said.

"I dropped it when we moved here and I accidently started to get a southern accent but I have tried to squelch it," she said.

"Tell me about your husband," I said.

"I had dated a lot at college and after I graduated. I found that I could really push men around and I could always get my way. When I met my husband, he was able to handle my strong personality and keep me under control. I really respected him for that. We had a great life together until he was diagnosed with cancer. I did research and found the best place for treatment was in Houston, so we moved there. He died 6 months later. During those 6 months I was his caretaker. It was very hard watching him die a little each day. After he passed, I had a hard time getting my life in order. I decided to take a job to give me something to do and something else to think about. I didn't need the money because we had sold our house in Connecticut for a lot of money plus I had my husband's life insurance payout. I eventually took a job with Hilton. They trained me in Houston and then assigned me to Dumas. I had no ties to Houston so I moved here," she explained.

"Do you have children?" I asked.

"No, I had a medical condition that required a full hysterectomy right after I was married so I have no children," she replied.

"What about you," Leslie asked.

"I was born and raised in a small town high in the Rocky Mountains. After high school, I went to college in Boulder. I studied mechanical engineering with a specialty in nuclear energy. When I graduated, nuclear power generating plants were no longer being built so I had to scramble to find a job. I worked a short time for a contractor who was working at a nuclear weapons plant that was about 10 miles from Boulder. I got to know the Department of Energy (DOE) engineering staff at the plant so I started my own company and provided consulting work directly to DOE. Over the years I worked for several government agencies doing nuclear consulting work. The last 10 years I have worked directly for the CIA. Over my career I made very good money so I decided to retired," I said.

Leslie and I spent the afternoon talking about growing up, hometowns, college, dating before marriage, etc. I came to realize that Leslie was very intelligent and has a strong personality. She was not the type to let people push her around. I like an independent woman!

Leslie had prepared a roast beef meal for us for dinner that was delicious. Not only is she intelligent but she is also a very good cook. After dinner she took me for a drive in her car to show me around the city. There really wasn't very much to see so we returned back to her home and put her car into the garage.

This time she sat down on the couch beside me.

"I didn't know if you wanted to leave tomorrow or if you might want to stay another day so I took off tomorrow. Since I have to get up at 4:30 am for work, I thought it would be best if I took off tomorrow so that we both could sleep in a bit," she said.

"I would love to stay another day with you if it is not an imposition," I replied.

"It is no implication at all. I am enjoying your company and it would give us a chance to get to know each other. Would you like to watch TV or talk some more?" Leslie asked me.

"If it would not offend you, I would love to pretend that we are teenagers. I see that you have a stereo and some records. Could we put on some music and dance?" I asked.

She had an older stereo system with a record player. She got out several records and put on some nice slow big band music. I took her in my arms and we danced to several songs. She was a very good dancer and was able to follow my lead. As we danced, she moved closer and put her head on my chest. She was several inches shorter than me so I had to bend down to put my head against her head. Her huge tits were boring holes in my chest. She was wearing some very intriguing perfume and holding her close was telling my dick to get hard. I know that she could feel my dick pressing against her as we danced. After a few more songs, I stopped dancing and took Leslie's hand and we walked over to her couch and sat down.

"Sorry! I am not as young as I used to be. I felt a little tired so thought we could sit one or two out," I said.

"No need to apologize. I had a long day too," she said.

I put my arm around her and pulled her to me. We kissed passionately for several minutes. I didn't know if she was expecting sex tonight but driving here really wore me out. If I stay another day with her, maybe we can have some intimate time.

"I have had a long day of driving and I am feeling very tired. I hope it will not offend you but I would like to get some sleep. Would you please show me you your guest bedroom?" I asked.

"Is that where you want to sleep?" she asked me.

"I think it would be best. I could use a good night's sleep and I don't think that would happen if I slept with you," I replied.

"Do you have some luggage?" she asked.

"Yes, I will get it after you show me to my bedroom please," I said.

"Follow me," she said.

She took me down a long hallway and showed me to her guest bedroom. The guest bathroom was just across the hall. I went to my car and got my overnight case and returned back to the bedroom. Leslie came by and gave me a quick kiss.

"Good night and sleep well. I will fix us a nice breakfast in the morning," she said.

I closed the door and undressed. I put on a robe that I carry with me, went across the hall to the guest bathroom and took a nice shower. I brushed my teeth, put on some of my favorite after shave balm and returned to my bedroom.

Sometime during the night, I heard soft knocking on my bedroom door. I tried to wake up but not fully.

"Jim, are you awake?" Leslie said softly.

"What is it, Leslie?" I asked.

She opened the door and walked straight to my bed. She pulled the covers down and crawled in with me. I always sleep in the nude but Leslie had on a nylon nightgown.

"Just hold me," was all she said.

I laid on my side and spooned her from behind. I put my arms around her and I felt her snuggle up against me.

Second day of my visit

The next morning we both woke up about the same time. We were still in the same position and she was giggled.

"I don't know if you woke up when I crawled in, but I bet you didn't expect me here this morning," Leslie said.

I gave her a kiss and gently squeezed her tit closet to me hoping to start something.

"I'll fix a good breakfast for us," she said and she was gone.

I got up and headed to the guest bathroom. I forgot the robe and went totally naked. I showered, shaved and cleaned up. I headed back to my bedroom and got dressed. By the time I got to her kitchen, I could smell bacon and it looked like she was cooking for an army. I sat down and loaded up my plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and half a waffle that was huge (Texas sized).

"Leslie, would you mind if I stayed a day or two more with you? I really enjoy your company," I asked.

"I would welcome the company, but don't you have to return home?" she asked.

"I need to get back home but not right away," I said.

"I have to go to work tomorrow but I am on a later schedule so I don't have to get up at 4:30 am," she said.

"There isn't much to show you around here so I thought we could play a card game called Skip-Bo. It was invented here in Texas. We have left-over roast and the fixings for dinner. After dinner I want to take you dancing at a local dance hall. There is a live band tonight and since you are such a good dancer, I thought it would be fun," she said.

"I would love to go dancing with you," I said.

She went into a closet and returned with the Skip-Bo cards. I had played this game before with my great aunt who also lives in Texas. Only difference is that my aunt plays for money. I always lost all my change and several one dollar bills to her.

While we played cards, we talked about many subjects such as politics, religion, UFOs, etc. When we got to sex, it became very interesting.

"As you know, I sleep in the nude. I have done that since I was a kid. I hope it does not offend you. Last night you had on a nightgown. Is that your preferred sleeping attire?" I asked.

"Yes, I have always worn one - just a habit I suppose. Do you want me to sleep in the nude with you?" She asked.

"I would like that very much if it would be acceptable to you," I replied.

"I need to ask you something. When I first met you at the hotel, were you attracted to my large breasts?" she asked.

"I did notice them but as I told you then, I am not a tit man. I really enjoy looking at a nice butt or some nice thighs," I explained.

"Throughout my life, men have stared at my breasts. Very few men ever look me in the face. All of my life, men have asked my out because they want to play with my tits. My husband did play with them but he was more interested in screwing me."

"From our encounter at the hotel, I would say that you enjoy sex. Or was that just because you have not had sex in two years?" I asked.

"Both. I have always enjoyed having sex. It is very important part of my life. My husband I had a very active sex life. We tried everything and in every position that you can imagine. However, I have never experienced sex like what you and I had at the hotel. You are able to stimulate areas inside of me that no one has ever done. I have huge orgasms with you. I am afraid to say it, but they are better than what I had with my husband and he was a wonderful lover," she replied.

"Something that I might need to know for tonight, what is your favorite position?" I asked.

"I really like being on top and riding. I can always have some good orgasms in that position. I can guess your favorite position. Doggy position. Right?" she asked.

"No, actually it is prone bone. It is where you lay on your stomach and I lay on your back," I replied.

"My husband and I did that position sometimes but he was not as long as you so he kept falling out. What is your specialty to do during sex?" she asked.

"I love to give oral sex. I believe that women achieve the best orgasms that way," I said.

"You are right about that. I certainly have my best orgasms that way. My specialty is to play with a nice cock and balls. My husband had a very nice circumcised cock and a tight ball sack that I loved to play with. He always told me that I gave a great hand job. I enjoy doing it and I especially enjoy watching the ejaculation. That is one sex act that cannot be faked. For me it gives me pleasure to know that I have satisfied my partner," she explained.