The House Boy Ch. 04

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Steven continues to enjoy his new life.
8.4k words

Part 4 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/07/2023
Created 02/14/2022
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He picked up the ringing phone as he completed reading the passage in his textbook. Looking at the screen, he smiled before answering the call. "Hello, Mum."

"Hello, sweetie. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Mum. Busy going over some coursework."

"It's a Friday night and you're studying?"

"Just a little revision before we go out later, Mum."

"Ah, going out with your housemates?"

"Yeah, we're all heading to a club later. We'll hit a pub or two first for some cheaper drinks, though I don't really want to get drunk."

"What sort of club? A... A gay club?"

"Yes, Mum. I've never been to one, so my housemates want to take me for the experience."

"Oh, that's very sweet of them. Are they treating you well?"

He smirked, as he felt Mark's cum still leaking out of him after he'd fucked him only an hour earlier. "Oh, they're treating me very well, Mum. And I'm looking after them in return."

His mother giggled before she cleared her throat. "Lots of sex, sweetie?


"What? I did read that contract and know you're their house boy. I'm not embarrassed talking about sex, sweetie, so why are you?"

"But... It's about me with men..."


"Well... um... Okay, then. Yes, I'm having lots of sex, Mum. It took a little time when I moved in to get comfortable, so it was handjobs to start before I started giving some blowjobs."

"Did they like it? Do you think you're good at it?"

"This is weird, Mum."

"You're my son and I love you, and want to know you're happy."

"I am happy, Mum. I can't remember too many times I've been this happy. They all like me, Mum. I mean really like me. And the sex is just... Wow... I mean, so good..."

"Good. I'm glad you're happy, sweetie. I miss you, so does your sister."

"I'm seeing a lack of my father and the twins."

"Dad misses you in his own way, I guess. Less said about the twins, the better. Little shits."

"I miss you too, Mum. I'll try and visit soon, but... I'm not sure how I'll handle those three."

"I'll handle them, sweetie. Don't you worry about a thing. If you don't want to stay here, your sister and I can meet you for lunch. Bring one of your boyfriends along."

"Mum," he groaned.

"Oh, please, don't act all innocent with me. Eight strapping young men who you're spending every day pleasing and pleasuring. Enough to make a middle-aged woman jealous, sweetie. And I bet they just adore you in return."

He felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "They do, Mum," he whispered. A knock at the door startled him, turning around to see Tom at the door. "Hey Mum, Tom's at the door. Want to say hello?" Putting his phone on the desk and on speaker, he added, "It's on speaker, Mum."

"Hello, Angela," Tom said, resting his arm around his chest,

"Hello, Tom. Are you well? How are things there?"

"I'm very well and things are great here. Your son has settled in quickly and is already a valued friend of the household."

"Glad to hear it, Tom. Is he keeping you all satisfied?"

"Oh, definitely, Angela. Your son is a pocket sexual dynamo. Want details?"

"Tom!" he hissed.

Angela laughed. "Oh, do tell, Tom."

"Your son is fantastic at going down on us and he loves it when we... er... Make love to him. The past couple of weeks have been wonderful, Angela. The eight of us are delighted he chose to move in with us. We adore him."

He felt his cheeks glowing again, Tom leaning down to give him a soft kiss. "We're also naked, Mum," he added.

"Oh, did I interrupt something?"

"Well, I do know Mark was in here earlier for some time with your son. But we're about to get ready to go out."

"I hear you're visiting a gay club."

"We are. Steven has never been so it'll be a good experience. Might get him to visit a gloryhole while we're there."

"Oh, I've heard of those. They're in the walls of toilet stalls? Men stick their penis through and a stranger can blow them?"

Tom burst into laughter. "Mum!" Steven almost shouted.

"Sweetie, I told you that I've researched about all of this and I've tried to learn some terminology."

"Yes, that's what a gloryhole is, Angela."

"Just be safe, sweetie. You'll look after him, Tom?"

"If not me, then Jim and William will make him their personal responsibility. They're the two biggest lads here. They won't tolerate anyone messing with our little man." He felt himself blushing again. It was a term of affection, not an insult. "I'll let you talk to you son, Angela. We're leaving in half an hour, cutie. Might want to put some clothes on before we go though I won't complain if you don't."

"If you go naked, I will, Tom."

"We won't make the club if we stay naked together, cutie." Tom kissed him, the sort of kiss that made him moan into his mouth. "Get that cute butt of yours in some very tight jeans."

"Yes, sir."

Watching him leave, he heard his mother giggling. "Sounds like he really likes you, sweetie."

"I really like him too, Mum." He paused before adding softly, "He was my first. I mean, the first man I had sex with."

"I thought he would be. I noticed the way he looked at you." She paused a moment. "I'm glad you're happy, sweetie. I know how tough high school was, and I know here at home was difficult. Rest assured, I love you and... I really miss you being here."

"I know, Mum. Really miss you too. If you want to visit here, I'm sure the guys won't mind. Might have to tell them to put on some underwear though."

"Oh, don't bother them with that on my account."

"I'll be naked too, Mum."

"Well, I'll just avert eyes and feast on some rather yummy looking young men. Shame they're all gay."

"Well, there is that. Anyway, I've got to get ready, Mum. But... Thanks for calling. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie. Have fun tonight. Be safe."

"I will. Goodnight, Mum."

"Night, sweetie. Love and kisses."

Hanging up the phone, he sat there for a minute, then he needed a little cry. He missed his mother terribly. She was the only person who had made his life at home tolerable as her love got him through each day, shielding him from the slights of his father and endless teasing from the twins. His sister was wonderful, but she was nearly six years younger and didn't understand what he had to go through. Feeling two strong arms wrap around him again, he knew it was Tom. "I'm sure she misses you just as much," he whispered into his ear.

"Can she come visit here soon?"

"Of course. Just let us know and we'll make sure she's made to feel welcome. If your sister wants to come too, we'll put on clothes when she's here."

Getting up, Tom kissed him deeply, feeling his tongue probing his mouth as always, unable to stop the smile forming when his taller, broader lover grinned in return before he turned and walked away. They'd given him ideas on what to wear. A tight t-shirt. A very tight pair of jeans that tailored his butt. A comfortable pair of shoes. Basically do everything possible to highlight his adorable boyish qualities. After spending so long worrying about how 'masculine' he appeared, he was now embracing the fact he looked younger than most eighteen year olds.

Heading downstairs once he was ready, he wasn't surprised to see the attire of all his lovers. Now that he'd been intimate with each of them, he no longer felt embarrassed by the fact he was completely and utterly turned on by all eight of them. Jim grabbed his wrist and pulled him close, kissing him hard, feeling his strong hands moving down to his arse, giving each cheek quite the squeeze. "All eyes are going to be on you, cutie, though it'll help you'll be surrounded by us," he growled. Steven smiled as he ran a hand down his chest, over his abs, towards his crotch. Jim practically growled again into his ear before he kissed him.

"Alright you two, knock it off," Mark told them, "Cabs will be outside in a couple of minutes."

Tom grabbed his hand as always when leading him outside, making sure the alarm was on and the house locked up tight before joining the others outside. The two taxi's arrived together, giving directions to a pub they frequented, only a short walk from the club they'd visit later. What Steven had learned was that the nine of them wouldn't draw any particular attention. Yes, they were eight handsome, sexy, drop dead gorgeous men but there was nothing that all eight of them were homosexual. As for himself, he figured more than most would assume something about him.

The pub they visited was casual enough, Tom buying a round of drinks, Steven sticking to a spirit and mixer as beer wasn't really to his taste. Like usual, he found himself drawn to Tom and he knew the others didn't seem to mind. Steven liked all of them. The sex was fantastic, each of them bringing something different, and all he could hope is that they found him an adequate enough lover in return.

Visiting a second pub for another drink, the conversation flowed easily, though he was surprised when another half dozen men joined them. Just like housemates, they seemed to be almost clones of those he lived with. Six strapping men that had him gazing at them, no doubt with a lustful look in his eyes.

"He's very cute," one of them stated, introduced as Brian.

"Our house boy is home tonight taking care of Stuart," Adam added, "Think the poor lad with be hobbling downstairs for breakfast tomorrow morning. Stuart was adamant he wasn't going anywhere tonight."

"So I'm not the only one?" I asked Tom.

"There are a few houses we know of that has someone like you, though some other houses do have more than one house boy."


"Does that bother you?"

"No, it means I get all eight of you to myself."

The table laughed at that, making him smile as he meant every word. After finishing their drink, Tom checked the time and suggested they make their way to the club. It was immediately obvious they were regulars, the doorman calling Tom forward, asking how many would be visiting. Hearing there were fifteen of them, and figuring that meant they'd be spending plenty of money, the group was allowed in.

Steven grabbed his hand as the place wasn't overly crowded yet, but the music was already pumping. He glanced around. It looked like a regular enough bar. Some of the pictures on the wall and other paraphernalia suggested it was different. And the clientele... He recognised drag queens and the crossdressers. One or two women he assumed were trans. And he assumed any women visiting would likely be lesbian, though knew straight women would sometimes visit as they'd usually be left alone.

Escorted to the bar, Tom was known to the three bartenders and was introduced as his house boy. They all smiled, hearing words like 'cute' and 'adorable' like usual, leaving him blushing, which made them chuckle. Tom bought him another spirt and mixer before kissing him deeply, the first time they'd kissed in such a public setting. He couldn't help moan into his mouth as he pressed himself against his taller lover.

"Down boy," Tom chuckled, "It's a long night yet. Are you wearing your plug?"

Tom had taken him to a sex shop during the last week as Steven wanted to be ready for sex at any time. Keeping himself clean was easy enough, it was keeping himself... Well, prepared to take cock at a moment's notice that he wanted. So Tom bought him more than one butt plug, and Steven found that he thoroughly loved wearing one each day. Also kept him horny throughout the day, so he was always eager to suck cock or be fucked through the day and when he got home.

"I'm wearing the medium one," he replied. Tom kissed him again, reaching down to grab his arse and pressing the plug. Steven moaned into his mouth again. "God, I'd love you to fuck me right here," he said quietly.

"Maybe later."

After buying a round for everyone, Steven aware that Tom lived in the house for effectively free, and that his parents had left him a sort of trust fund to survive on. Tom didn't tell him how much but he admitted to living off the interest if he spent wisely. Obviously, on a night out, he liked to treat his friends. It didn't take long for some to wander off to the dance floor, which was already looking a little full. Steven would admit he'd need a little liquid courage, Tom ensuring he had at least one more drink before asking if he wanted to dance.

That's how he found himself up on the dance floor. He couldn't dance to save his life, if he was honest, but finding himself pressed between the hard bodies of Tom and Jim was incredibly erotic, no missing Jim's erection as it pressed into him. Tom kissed him constantly, Jim turning him around so he could attack his mouth as well.

"Want to suck his cock?" Tom whispered into his ear.

"What, here?"

"You think anyone will care? Trust me, you're going to see a lot of things, cutie."

Jim looked at him as his hands shook slightly, helping undo the button and fly of his trousers, realising he wasn't wearing underwear, fishing out his hard cock. As he was so tall, and not particularly wanting to get onto his knees, he found he could bend over and suck his cock inside. Feeling a hand on the back of his head, he soon had his lips wrapped tightly, bobbing up and down on his thick nine inch shaft.

"Fuck yeah!" he heard Mike cry, "Get in there, Stevie. Suck that cock!"

There was cheering and applause, glancing to see most of his friends gather around, no surprise he saw more cocks being unveiled. Looking up, Jim chuckled. "Go on then, I know you want to."

Mark was the next to have his cock sucked for a couple of minutes, before he moved on to suck off Chris, turning around to blow Tom. Noticing Brian, one of their friends, standing there with his stiff cock out, he didn't hesitate in swallowing his length. "Eight and a half, if you're wondering," he groaned. After a couple of minutes, he added, "Shit, he's got some talent. You said he's new?"

"Coming up to a month with us," Tom replied for him.

He didn't make him cum, moving onto another new friend, Charlie, who announced he was seven inches. Still thick though, Steven bobbing up and down on it like his life depended on it, wondering if he'd receive a mouthful. Moving back to Jim, he finally moved down to his knees, wrapping his lips as tightly as possible, fisting his shaft at the same time. "Cum in my mouth," he moaned, "Please cum for me, Jim."

"You've got it, Stevie," Jim moaned in return.

As soon as he sensed he was ready, he sealed his lips as tightly as possible, feeling his thick cock start to throb and that first salty explosion in his mouth. He couldn't help groan as Jim filled his mouth again and again, Steven gulping it down like he'd been dying of thirst in the Great Sandy Desert. Noticing someone had an orgasm on the dance floor, he heard a bell ring behind the bar and a cheer from the clientele.

"That's an orgasm, people!" the drag queen who was hosting the evening announced.

Jim helped him to his feet, giving him a soft kiss, Tom taking his hand, leading him to the bar. Talking to the bartender, he told him, "He just sucked off Jim to orgasm." The bartender grinned at him, passing a shot across the bar, explaining it was on the house.

Knocking it back, the alcohol burned on the way down, making him cough. "Well, this is different to any other bar I know of," he had to say.

"As I said, everyone is open-minded in a place like this. If we took you to another sort of club, I'd guarantee you'd have endless sex. Put you in a sex swing and just let guy after guy fuck you, filling your arse with an ocean full of cum."


Tom chuckled. "You like that idea?"

"I mean, it sounds thrilling but... Would you be okay with it?"

He could see Tom was touched by the question, enjoying the caress of his fingers on his soft cheek. "This is your life, cutie. You do as you please, and to be honest, I'd love to see a line of hot guys lining up, just desperate to fuck your tight little butt. I know I get to sleep with you at night sometimes."

Moving back the dance floor, he wasn't surprised to see shirts had been removed, taking in all the skin on display, most of his partners already glistening with sweat. He hadn't seen complete nudity yet, wondering if that would happen. He was wondering if some nights ended in a full blooded orgy. Maybe that would only happen in male-only clubs. He didn't think any women would want to see a bunch of guys sucking and fucking each other, unless they did their own thing, of course.

The atmosphere was electric. The music wasn't exactly his taste but it was easy to find a groove. The sexual tension was thick. No doubt that everyone there wanted to fuck someone. Constantly finding himself between two bodies, he could feel their erections pressing into him both sides. It was turning him on more and more until he was almost ready to burst.

"Tom, I really need to be fucked," he moaned.

Tom grinned and took his hand. "Let's go. Guys, follow me."

Led towards a staircase, he knew the toilets would likely be upstairs. Instead, passing through a door, they ended up walking downstairs and into what looked like another lounge. This one was even darker than the club they'd just left, eventually walking out into a large room, where there were various couches and lounges. There were a few occupants, some of them engaging in sexual activities, a few others just relaxing and watching.

Tom turned him, helping take off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in just his socks. Pushing him backwards to he sat down on the couch, he was then lifted onto his knees so he could rest his arms on the back of the couch. Feeling the toy taken out of his bum, he felt lube applied immediately, glancing back to see Tom was practically naked, his thick cock now glistening with lube.

"Please fuck me," he whimpered, "I really need to be fucked right now."

Tom slid his cock into him in one swift movement, making him moan loudly. The sense of relief was palpable, almost babbling his thanks to his lover. Tom leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "I won't be the only one, cutie," he whispered.

"I don't care. Just fuck me. God... I lo..."

He knew Tom would have known what he wanted to say. Tom nuzzled into his neck, feeling him nibble and kissed him as he started to pump him. It was going to be a hard, fast fuck, the sort Steven had learned to enjoy very quickly. "I'll never tire of fucking you, cutie. I'm keeping you around."

"Fine by me. Long as I get this dick as often as I can."

Feeling him lean back slightly, a hand gripped his shoulder tightly. Then something happened for the first time. Mark appeared in front of him, naked as Tom was behind him, his hard cock ready for a wet, hot mouth. Steven didn't hesitate, taking the offered cock into his mouth. He almost giggled when he heard Mark and Tom give each other a high five. "Oh baby, I love your mouth," Mark moaned, "About time we fucked you together."

"Can't get enough of this arse, Mark," Tom moaned, fucking him harder still, "Fuck, I'm going to cum any minute."

Mark was thrusting into his mouth, meeting his movements, though when Mike appeared next to him, he moved from Mark to Mike, eagerly taking his cock into his mouth, though was polite enough to stroke Mark off at the same time, quickly alternating between the pair. Tom was fucking him harder and harder, knowing his lover was going to cum at any moment.

"Oh fuck yes... Baby... I'm going to cum..."

Steven pushed himself back as Tom lurched forward, feeling him spew his cum deep inside, pumping again and again until he was quite clearly empty. He took a minute to gain his senses before he pulled out, though he was empty for all of five seconds before he felt a thick, long cock slide inside him, glancing back to see it was Jim.