The Houseguest

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A daughter's friend packs a surprise that tempts her mother.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2020
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Part one, all characters depicted are consenting adults. Part two is in my head but not on paper, always happy to hear ideas, inspiration and friendly feedback.



When my daughter Kendra asked if a friend from college could come to visit for a few weeks over the summer, I was slightly surprised. She never really had many close girlfriends in high school, and to be fair I understood why. She turned into kind of a terror through puberty and she didn't shake it off. I love her dearly of course but I had to admit she was kind of a bitch to other girls, me included. Around men and boys, however, she was sugary sweet, draping them with attention that they eagerly lapped up. And who could blame them? She was a super cute SoCal girl, 5 foot 3 inches and endowed with my curves that she loved to flaunt. But with women, I think she just never liked the threat that attention might be focused on someone else.

So I was curious who this new friend could be, and in my mind I thought they would have to be a pretty dowdy creature happy to play second fiddle. I was never expecting the confident beauty that walked through the door with Kendra. Orange County has its fair share of beautiful women but I can't remember ever being as awestruck by another woman as I was when I saw Jada for the first time. She must have been close to six foot as she towered over the two of us but instead of a waifish model's frame she was incredibly shapely, large gravity defying boobs straining under her tank top, a tapered waist complimenting attractive hips to complete the hourglass. She looked mixed race with deliciously deep brown skin, her hair done in stylish soft curls that only black women could pull off and large emerald green eyes worthy of a Disney princess.

The awkwardness of me trying to drink in her aura was broken as Kendra threw her arms around me and introduced us.

"This is Jada, isn't she gorgeous?" I laughed, not knowing how to respond to her but thankfully Jada broke into a winning smile and surprised me with an embrace and a kiss on the cheek.

"It's so nice to meet you Ms. Lindstrom, Kendra has told me so much about you!"

"She has? Please call me Kathy..." for some reason I felt nervous, wishing I had made myself look a bit nicer. Kendra didn't give us much time for chitchat and she grabbed Jada by the hand to show her around.

When they did find the time to catch up the second thing that I noticed after I learnt to not stare at Jada was how Kendra was behaving in such a new light. She was positively gushing over everything, not to mention how tactile she was with Jada, sitting on her lap or touching her arm. It was behavior I had only seen when she was around men. It was quite clearly flirting but she had never shown any inclination that she was into girls.

As far as Jada went, her personality matched her looks, she was engaging, intelligent and polite. It was slightly amusing to watch her around Kendra as she seemed always to hold the upper hand, a dynamic I wasn't used to while raising her as a teenager. Jada had an air of confidence about her and was quite happy to get Kendra to dote on her.

My husband Carl was equally impressed when hegot home and I caught him stealing glances at her figure when he could.

"Jada seems like a nice girl..." he tried to say casually when we were getting ready for bed.

"I bet she does!" I laughed as I leaned into kiss him, feeling the beginnings of an erection through his underwear. He was clearly feeling frisky and I had to admit that I was as well but at the time I wasn't willing to admit it was the presence of our new guest.


Barely two days passed when I made a shocking discovery. The two girls had done the typical college summer activities, heading to the mall and beach but they were determined to relax by the pool that Thursday, they both tried to get me to come outside with them but I had an article to finish up so I holed away in my home office upstairs.

Things weren't exactly flowing so I took a break to stare out the window in the hopes of inspiration. Down on the loungers, I saw Kendra rubbing sun cream into Jadas back as she lay on her front. I took in the scene wistfully, two pretty girls on a beautiful summers day. It was once again hard not to admire Jada's figure, an elegant v shaped back that led to a full annoyingly perfect ass barely covered by a bikini thong and then long toned legs. I heard Kendra giggle as she undid the bikini string to continue rubbing the sun cream in.

I felt a twinge of jealousy, and while I dismissed it as a yearning for youth, deep down I knew I wanted to be there touching her back, if only to confirm it's softness. As Kendra's hands slowly made their way down to her ass I was getting the nagging feeling that what was happening was not altogether platonic. Her touch was becoming lighter, more teasing.

I told myself to give them privacy and that Kendra would tell me when the time was right but another voice was like a teenage boy hoping that Jada would turn around so I could see if her breasts were as perfect as they had looked covered.

God Kathy, if you want to touch yourself just do it, it wouldn't be the first time you had fantasized about a woman.

It was true, the urge had risen, and while the idea made me feel dirty to masturbate while looking at my daughter's friend, the secrecy made me hot.

I slipped a hand down my pants, knowing the reflection of the sun on the window would keep me hidden. I rubbed myself slowly as Kendra finished with Jada's legs, then my heart quickened as I realized she was turning around casting her bikini away. Her boobs were perfect, decorated with large black nipples that stood to attention; my hand quickened as I imagined myself sucking on them. My eyes moved down her body and then I froze.

There, poking out from her small bikini thong was what appeared to be nothing else but a penis, and by the amount that was uncovered a large one. I thought it was a joke at first but then Kendra's hand gripped it and I saw Jada close her eyes and tilt her head back in unmistakeable pleasure. My jaw dropped and my heart tripled in speed.

I began pacing around, afraid to look out the window again. I tried to rationalize what I saw but my head was spinning with questions and words, is she transgender? A hermaphrodite? A word got stuck in my head that I had heard from my Japanese friend when I was there working on a story: futanari. I calmed myself down, shocked yes, but angry? No. It was 2019 and I should be prepared for anything; it would be my duty as a mother to be open to this new relationship my daughter was having.

I resolved to have a heart to heart with her when the opportunity arose. As my brain walked its way back from going a little haywire, I realized that between my legs things were still far from settled down. I scolded myself and pushed away all images I had seen in the previous thirty minutes to get back to work.


"Kendra honey, the other day I saw something by the pool, are you and Jada more than just friends?" A guilty look had crossed her face.

"What did you see?" Jada was still upstairs in the shower.

"Well it looked like you guys were...becoming intimate, and that Jada is not quite..."

"Oh my god this is embarrassing," she blushed and half laughed, "yeah I mean it's college and sometimes we fool around a bit, sorry you saw that, I was just kinda playing around."

"Ok but try to be more discreet, you're an adult and I can't stop you but not in the yard...and Jada, she's..."

"She's a girl Mom, simple as that, she was just born different. Apparently doctors have offered surgery but she's happy with who she is and so am I, there's nothing wrong with her."

I had to agree with her, over the past couple of days I had paid Jada more scrutiny but she still was just a beautiful confident young woman, admirable in the way she hadn't let any difference in physiology affect her. I gave her a reassuring smile.

"You're right, I think she's great too, she's welcome to stay as long as she wants." This was the honest truth, Jada's presence had put a spring in everybody's step. Kendra was the sweet daughter again that I loved, Carl's sex drive was finally reawakening and me, well I just liked being around her.

"Let's just not mention this to your father, you know how much of a fuddy duddy he can be."


That night I was the last person up trying to finish something for work. I saw a crack of light coming from under Kendra's door and against my better judgement I moved closer to it for some old fashioned eavesdropping.

"Oh feels so good," it was my daughter's voice but not like I had ever heard her. It was the unmistakeable pitch of a woman in the throes of sexual pleasure. Among her whimpers I could make out Jada whispering unintelligibly with groans of satisfaction. A pit of jealousy planted in my stomach. I moved away although I really wanted to know how they were making love. Instead I was left to my wicked imagination. Was Jada taking my daughter from behind? Or was it more intimate, face to face as Kendra straddled Jada's lap? My mind ran through the possibilities to find something unappealing but when I reached my bedroom there was an inescapable ache between my legs.

Fidelity isn't easy, and while I had experienced lust for other people before this was the first time it dawned on me that I needed to act on it. Looking at my husband snoring in the dark, the sharp urge inside me wasn't for him or my hands, or any toy in my drawer, it was for Jada.


"Jesus Christ Mom! Are you going to leave anything to the imagination?" Kendra had stopped her laps to look up at me from the pool. I had put on a pretty skimpy bikini to lay out in, or at least lay next to Jada in.

"Oh stop, you're not the only one who can show skin in this household..." she gave me a peevish look I had been used to over the years, the type of pout when she was threatened of being over shadowed. I was on the verge of feeling foolish when Jada piped up.

"I think you look great, you may as well flaunt it if you have it. If only I have a body like that when I'm older..."

"Why thank you Jada," I moved over to sit on the sun lounger beside her, happy to catch her eyeing me up and down. "If only I had a sweet daughter like you," I put my hand on her arm and beamed sarcastically at Kendra who rolled her eyes and then pushed off from the poolside to continue swimming.

"Thought I'd take a bit of a break today, I finished the article and wanted some girl time." I put on my sunglasses so I could discreetly drink in every inch of Jada. The only difference between her and a swimsuit model was the noticeable bulge in her bikini bottoms.

"I'm happy you did Mrs. Linds...sorry Kathy, you guys have been so welcoming...also..." there was an awkward pause as she thought her next words through, "Kendra mentioned the chat you had with her and...I just want to thank you for being so open minded. It's really rare for someone of your generation to be like that, I mean I've never even been comfortable just wearing a bikini around a swimming pool." I winced a little when she mentioned my generation, it made me feel distant from her when I was trying to get close.

"Hey I'm not that old! Listen I just want you to be you, you make Kendra happy...and you make me happy too," I squeezed her arm that I had been reluctant to let go of, "if there's anything I can do or if you want to talk..," she interrupted me by springing up and hugging me with a peck on the cheek, our breasts pressing against each other for a glorious moment.

"Thank you," she beamed and lay back down, giving me my cue to do the same. Even though this was a manufactured moment that I had planned I had little else to add, all I knew before I came down was that Kendra would swim for 30 minutes giving me a window for some one on one time.

"She's an awesome swimmer..."

"Not good enough for varsity, a little too much drag," I joked.

"I wonder where she got that from," Jada grinned and playfully nudged me on the arm.

"It's a curse, trust me..."

"I enjoy them..." she was barely getting the words out without cracking up.

"Ha! I was talking about me!"

"Maybe I was too," she arched an eyebrow and grinned impishly. This was easier than I thought, I had to keep it going.

"Well you're pretty well endowed yourself..," I immediately realized the double entendre and tried to backtrack, "I mean...up top...sorry."

She clapped and burst into laughter, "ohmygod, you're so cute, please don't be sorry, that's hilarious...ahem, yeah I'm blessed I guess...both ways..." I blushed.

"Sorry I didn't mean to bring it up..." again regretting the words as they came out.

"Oh don't worry, you can bring 'it' up whenever you like..." she sat up and smiled down at me. "First of all, don't be shy talking about it, I'm certainly not." She smiled and waited expectantly. I took a stab.

"Have you always liked women?"

"Yes, but I like men too, they just seem to be a little intimidated by it...I trust women more. Kendra certainly wasn't intimidated," she grinned knowingly, "are you intimidated by it?" My heart was skipping beats now that it was obvious we were flirting.

"Should I be?" I asked coquettishly. She sat up and boldly ran her eyes down my body with intent, I could almost feel them touching me.

"If you're anything like your daughter I don't think you have anything to worry about...mmm...this is my favorite part of the game..."

"What game?" I asked slightly confused. She smiled and stretched catlike, lying back down without answering. The bulge had grown and the outline of her cock could easily be made out now, finding a way out of her bikini. My throat was dry and there was an yearning between my legs but I couldn't take my eyes off it. It pulsed and broke free, the head protruding, growing before my eyes.

"If your intention was to come down here and make me hard then mission accomplished," Jada was looking at the pool, talking under her breath so as only I could hear. "You're where Kendra gets her slutty side from, isn't that right Mrs. Lindstrom?"

I was dumbstruck by her brazen words, she just intimated I was a slut and I could feel my body tingle as if in agreement with her. Flustered, I hunted inside for a comeback or a denial, suddenly a little scared of Jada's switch from charming young woman to assertive predator. Scared or excited? I was thankfully spared by Kendra getting out of the pool.

"Your daughter is so incredibly sexy," it was hard to disagree as we both watched her towel down, wet hair slicked back. I started to feel jealous that Jada's attention was so easily diverted. Jealous and inadequate as the younger, more supple variety sauntered over to us.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked with a hint of suspicion.

"Just getting to know each a little better..." Jada smiled slyly and Kendra looked from Jada to me and then to Jada's bulge still unhidden. Heat rose to my face.

"Nice swim K?" hoping to change the subject. She ignored me.

"Think I'm going to shower and then take a nap...join me if you want," practically addressing Jada's cock rather than Jada herself. She sidled into the house letting Jada's eyes follow her ass all the way. I suddenly felt hopeless that I was trying to compete with that.

"I am feeling a little sleepy," she said rising from her lounger, "I'll look forward to continuing our chat soon." She flashed one last grin before making it my turn to follow her sumptuous behind back to the house.

And so I was left by myself, all gussied up for Jada and feeling a little humiliated. What was I doing trying to flirt with my daughter's girlfriend almost 20 years my junior? But she had flirted with me, or was she just toying with me, mocking my attempts to look sexy? An image of her cock growing flashed through me and was followed by a physical impulse to be...well...fucked is the only way to put it.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kendra's window being opened upstairs. A little odd considering we had climate control in the house. I looked up at her room and wondered what was happening, Kendra hadn't tried to disguise that a nap was the last thing on her mind. And then to rub salt into the wound it all started, low moans at first drifting down from her window, but they quickly rose to urgent cries from my daughter's mouth. There was definitely the sound of Jada intermingled but it was all but drowned out by Kendra. It was like listening to a porno she was so over the top.

That little bitch is doing it on purpose, she's letting me know that she's getting fucked and I'm down here alone.

The humiliation was bubbling into anger. I couldn't believe the gall that my own daughter would have to taunt me like this. I had half a mind to march up there and interrupt them to chastise her.

Was that the only reason Kathy? Or do you just want to stop them because you're not getting any? Do you really want to stop them or do you want to watch? And do you just want to watch or...

No, don't you dare go there Kathy.

I shook myself from my train of thought, still irritated, but also strangely turned on. As I heard Kendra's cries reach a crescendo I realized that I had never felt so sexual in my own home. Jada had made things unpredictable and I was excited by it.


I hadn't calmed down by midnight, struggling to sleep I went downstairs to the kitchen to get some ice for my water. Even though I had secretly wished it, I was still surprised when Jada appeared in flannel pj shorts and a matching top, runway worthy even at that hour.

"Can't sleep Mrs. Lindstrom?" I hadn't even bothered to turn the light on, she was only visible from the light of the oven timer and the half moon that shone through the window.

"Not really, I was..."

"Thinking about today?" She closed me down, making me back against the marble of the kitchen island as she slunk into my personal space.


"I'm thirsty too..." her voice barely above a whisper as she took another step to give us only the glass of water I was holding between us. I could feel things inside moving with anticipation that something was going to happen. I offered her the glass.

"Would you like some?" She took the glass of water from my hand and placed in on the counter beside me slowly, dipping two elegant manicured fingers into the water and then bringing them to her mouth, sucking on the tips seductively. She was glaring intently with those beautiful eyes at me, her scent filling me. Hypnotically I followed her fingers as they moved from her mouth to the shoulder strap of my nightdress, coaxing down over my shoulder to expose my boob, a large puffy nipple beginning to contract. My heart was racing but there was fear.

"What about Kendra?" I could barely get the words out.

"We're just having a drink of water..." She dipped her fingers into the water again and held them to my lips which I happily engulfed to suck the cool water off, keeping my eyes on hers. "What about your husband?" She cocked an eyebrow and removed her fingers, tracing them down my neck and breast leaving a wet trail to finish at my stiffened nipple. She pinched it with her thumb and forefinger; I gasped but she didn't let go.

"I don't care," I seemed to whisper from a million miles away. She pressed her body against mine, pinning me against the counter.

"Can you feel how hard you make me?" I nodded slowly as the her stiff length pressed against my stomach, our lips almost touching.

"Do you want me?"

"Yes," I quavered and reached out with my mouth to kiss her but I was too slow. She spun me around, forcing me to prop myself up with my hands against the counter. She pulled my hips against hers, this time her incredible hardness was pushed between my ass cheeks. I whimpered at her sexual aggression, her lips touched my neck and she squeezed my breast roughly.