The Houseguests (F/F)

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Letting bitchy Peta in her house destroyed Elena's life.
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Elena and Steven let their friend Kevin with his new girlfriend Peta to live in their apartments for a while. Elena was really reluctant first, not wanting anyone else in her beautiful house. But once she found out this Peta was that same Peta who assertively hit on her husband some time ago, KNOWING he is married, she decided having that bitch living in her house under her rules is a great idea to teach her a lesson.

Elena couldn't be more wrong as this decision turned out to be fateful for her marriage and even for her whole life...

Chapter 1

I hadn't been particularly pleased when my husband, Steven, had asked if his friend Kevin could stay at our house for a month. Kevin had apparently lost his job, and the bank had seized his house. He was completely broke and my husband really wanted to help him out.

"No," I said. "If Kevin can't hold down a job, that's his problem. He's not freeloading off me."

I didn't have a problem with Kevin. He was a nice guy, and he was easy on the eyes, so I had always been ok with him visiting. He didn't have the gorgeous big biceps of my husband, and I'd definitely married the hotter, more successful of the two friends. But he was equally tall at around 6 foot 2, and when we'd relax in my pool, I didn't mind checking out his smooth, sexy chest. Kevin always had women hitting on him, except when he hung out with my husband, who always took the spotlight. Only after a woman struck out with my husband, him preaching his loyalty to me, they would move on to the consolation prize and go home with Kevin.

My husband was cautious as he continued to probe, seeing if there was any chance of changing my mind about letting Kevin stay. He didn't want to run the risk of aggravating me and being forced to spend the next few nights in the guest room - but he wanted to test the waters and see if he could convince me to help out his buddy.

I was laying along my white leather couch, glass of wine in hand, my baby blue silk nightgown wrapped around me. My long, tanned legs contrasted against the white leather, my feet in my husband's lap. He was giving me a foot massage, just how I liked it. One of his strong hands kneading my sole, the other running lovingly across the top of my pretty ankle.

"Kevin would have to earn his keep," my husband reasoned, "Doing chores and so forth."

I thought for a moment. The idea of having the attractive Kevin taking care of the housework was appealing. But I shook my head. The answer was still no.

"He'll have Peta with him... And she'd have to respect the rules of the woman of the house..."

I smiled as I raised an eyebrow at the mention of Peta's name. He had my interest.

"Peta from the bar?"

He nodded.

I had never met Peta, but I'd heard about her. My husband, as per my rules, always told me about the girls that hit on him, only to be declined before they turned their attentions to Kevin. I recalled that he'd told me about Peta a couple of months ago. I remember scoffing.

"What kind of name is Peta?" I'd laughed.

Peta had been particularly aggressive in her pursuit of my husband that night, refusing to take no for an answer. My husband had repeatedly declined her until she FINALLY began to flirt with the single, more obtainable Kevin.

"Didn't know they were dating," I said. But my mind was already at work. The bitch who - despite my husband's wedding ring, had chased him anyway, being rejected multiple times - living under MY rules? Aha! I'd have the bitch calling me 'ma'am' scrubbing my floors in a maid's uniform by the time the month was over.

My husband knew I was considering his request, and he lifted my leg, gently kissing it, moving his lips to my ankles.

"Queen Elena," he said between kisses as he worked his way up my leg, "With a flirty little bitch AND her boyfriend... Owing you for your hospitality... Living under your rules... Doing your... Bidding... Serving you..."

He looked up at me as he reached my inner thigh, studying me to see if I was on board.

"How much prettier than her am I?" I asked, looking down my body at him, eyebrow raised. 

"No competition," he smiled, "You're superior to her... In every... Single... Way."

His kisses up my thigh won me over.

I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Make sure they know that it's my house, my rules," I said assertively as my husband began to use his incredibly talented tongue to pleasure me.

My full breasts began to heave as my husband worked his magic, a smile on my face as I imagined this girl, wondering what she looked like, thoroughly enjoying the idea of having her at my beck and call.

I was dressed to impress on the day they were to move in. I wanted little miss Peta to understand her position immediately. Of course, my husband had rejected her - his wife was smarter, richer, hotter, more successful - and now totally in charge of her. I wore tall black heels that had me standing at least 6 foot tall, and a stunning little yellow dress that showed off both my ample cleavage and my long, shapely legs.

And when I looked out of the window to see Kevin and Peta making their way up my driveway with their suitcases hand in hand, I smiled. My husband was right. Peta was simply no match for me.  

I studied her. She was my equal in terms of breast size, but I guessed she was barely 5 foot 3, meaning I was much better proportioned. Her face might rival mine for prettiness, too, with a big gorgeous smile. But that's where the comparisons ended. Like me, she had the deadly combination of dark hair and piercing blue eyes, but my hair was perfect as it gathered around my shoulders. All my friends said I had "rich-bitch hair", never a single strand out of place, whereas Peta's simply didn't have the same luxurious look and shine. She did have a nice, flat stomach, showed off by her white boob-tube - but it was no better than mine - and rather than being encased in my flawlessly tanned skin, hers was pure white. She looked like she'd never spent a day in the sun. I glanced down. Peta wore tiny denim shorts - and I wasn't sure why. I mean, sure, her thighs were thick and milky, calves with a nice definition... but no man was looking twice at those legs if someone like me was around.  

"Basic bitch," I chuckled as my studying of her concluded with me growing at her floral flat sandals that looked like she got them from Target for $10.

"Hi Elena, thanks so much for this," Kevin said, giving me a friendly hug and a quick peck on the cheek.

Peta took that opportunity to push past me.

"Steven!!!" she exclaimed, skipping over to him. "Thank you so much for having us!"

Kevin and I watched Peta wrap her arms around my husband. She rose up on her tippy toes, pressing her lips to his cheek, her body pressed right into his.  

I glanced at Kevin with a "what the fuck?" look on my face as her kiss on my husband's cheek lingered. Kevin didn't seem to notice that it was an unusually long cheek kiss, nor did he seem to notice the way Peta ran her hands over my husband's arms as she unravelled herself from the hug.

Peta had been in my house less than 30 seconds and I already hated her.

I walked over, an annoyed look on my face. Time to show her who's boss.

I extended my hand. "I'm Elena," I said assertively.

Little Peta looked down at my hand, screwed up her nose, and said "mmhm".

She turned back to my husband.

"I left my suitcase just outside the door there. Be a sweetie and grab it for me?"

As my husband moved to fetch her suitcase, Peta turned to me and smiled.  

"Such a gentleman," she said, quickly turning away. As she turned, she flicked her dark hair, and it hit me right in the chin.

I was stunned. Everyone knew that was my move. Countless skanks at bars who drew my ire caught my gorgeous locks in their face as I turned. And because I did it to be a bitch, I knew damn well Peta hadn't done it accidentally!

Peta sauntered over to her boyfriend, kissing him, turning, backing up into him, Kevin's arms wrapping around her as my husband said "I'll take this up to your room". She grinned and reached up, grazing his face with her thumb.

"Thanks, sweetie."

I swore I saw my husband blush. But I took a deep breath. He was just being a good host.

"Look," I said, taking control of the situation, "This is going to be an adjustment for all of us, so I want to lay down some ground rules."

Peta, still wrapped in Kevin's arms, just smiled.

"It's Saturday, Elena. Let's just enjoy the day. We can chat about rules later. What do you think, babe?"

"Sounds good to me," Kevin said, kissing her neck.

"What about you, Steven?" she said as my husband reappeared. "Should we talk rules or hang out by the pool and get to know each other a bit?"

Steven looked at me, giving a little shrug. "I could go for a beer by the pool."

Now I was really pissed off. Steven opened four beers, and we made our way outside. I grabbed my dark Gucci sunglasses, pulled them over my eyes, and laid down on one of the sun loungers. 

"Well, I'm taking a swim. Coming, Elena?"

I didn't give her a response, just scowling behind my glasses.

"Suit yourself," she shrugged, pulling her denim shorts off, then pulling off her boob tube over her head.

She posed there for a second, looking down at me. I had to admit she wore that black string bikini well. It barely contained her breasts, and the dark material seemed to make her white skin look less pasty and more like untouched, pure milky silk. I scanned her body for any kind of blemish, but there was none to be found. Other than lacking any hint of a tan, Peta's skin was flawless.  

I wasn't jealous of Peta - I was the physically superior woman by far - but I was frustrated that she wasn't as basic as I first thought and that despite her inferiority, she exuded the confidence of a woman who had the world at her feet. And she was about to infuriate me further. As she turned, I scowled at her curvy, silky-skin clad ass when the little bitch had tossed her slippers towards me and one of them landed perfectly on my face.

I was about to get up and tear her hair out, but my husband came over, sitting next to me on the sun lounger as Peta hurried away, giggling and playfully teased her boyfriend into the pool.

"I know she's being a bit... much," my husband said, "But tonight, we'll put them both in their place. We'll make sure they know who runs this household."

"You better," I snapped, "Or Kevin and his skank are both out of here." My husband nodded, but smiled. 

"Use the day to do what you do best, baby," he said to me. "Get to know her so you know her weaknesses, then use them against her. Nobody is better than you at that."

He always knew just what to say.

"Elenaaaaa, it's so beautiful in here," she sang, Kevin's arms around her. "Stop being such an uptight bitch and come in."

I could feel my anger simmering.  

"Let's go swimming," I snarled at my husband. 

In a few minutes' time, little miss Peta would regret that comment and would certainly regret coaxing me into the pool. I'd never met a man who didn't drool over my bikini body - and in a few moments, Peta would have to feel her boyfriend's hard on as he saw me at my absolute best.

I gave her a killer smirk as I stood in my designer dress, walking into the house.

I admired myself in the mirror after I'd changed into my gold Dior triangle bikini.

I enjoyed knowing that Peta's man would be undoubtedly checking me out in a bikini that cost more than him and his stupid bitch owned between them.

When I returned to the backyard, my husband was in the pool, the three joking with each other, splashing around. And just as I'd wanted, the two men silenced themselves as I strutted toward the pool. My husband always did say this was his favourite bikini, and clearly Kevin approved, too.

I smirked at Peta as I slowly walked down the steps of the pool into the water. For the first time since she arrived, Peta had finally shut the fuck up. I resisted the urge to taunt her instead of just enjoying the silent admiration of my husbands and our new guests.

Finally, Peta found her tongue again. "Could have brought us some fresh drinks on your way out."

I frowned at her. "If you want a drink, fetch it yourself. And serve me one while you're at it."

The men were silent as Peta and I silently challenged each other. Then, slowly, Peta grinned. She pressed down on Kevin's shoulders, and as he sunk under the water, she sat on his shoulders. Kevin rose, holding onto Peta's legs, the bikini-clad girl above him.

"I challenge you," she said playfully, "to Queen of the hill. Loser fetches the drinks."

Was she serious? It was a stupid game we used to play as kids. You'd each get up on someone's shoulders, then you'd try to topple each other off their partner's shoulders. The first to hit the water was the loser.

"I'm not playing some stupid game against you for who serves the drinks, Peta. I'm not getting the drinks. You are."

I was getting angrier and angrier as she laughed. "Oh Steven, your wife is soooo uptight."

Then she sucked me in.

"Let's raise the stakes then. If you win, I'll not only fetch the drinks... I'll sit down and listen to the rules you're so desperate to talk about."

Now she had my interest.

"And if you win?" I asked.

"You fetch the drinks," she smirked, adding, "And I get your bikini. We're the same chest size and I just know it would look amazing on me."

"You're on," I snapped.

I knew we'd win. I mean - look at my husband's arms! He was much stronger than Kevin. And with my significant height advantage over Peta, I'd be able to grab her and pull her off Kevin's shoulders before she could even reach me! And so, my husband sunk under the water as I sat on his shoulders.

We eyed each other off, the boys laughing playfully, seemingly unaware that their women were glaring daggers at each other above them.

Straight away, I used my superior reach to grab her by her shoulders, immediately trying to pull her off her man's shoulders. But I realised immediately that my move wasn't going to work. The shorter, thicker girl had a lower centre of gravity, and I wasn't going to be able to simply pull her down. Fortunately, my attempt to pull her off had her telling Kevin to get closer. I smirked as Kevin moved within reach of my husband's strong arms. My husband released my legs and began to wrestle with Kevin. He was pushing Kevin down, and soon, his best buddy would be under the water, Peta sinking with him, my husband and me victorious.

But as Kevin was brought down by my husband, his shoulders and therefore Peta almost under the water, it brought Peta's breasts level with my husband's face.

"Don't you think they'll look spectacular in your wife's bikini?" she teased.

The little bitch had gotten my husband's attention for long enough for Kevin to escape my husband's strong arms. He moved around and wrapped both his arms and legs around my husband. Steven couldn't move, arms by his side, restricted by Kevin's hold, his arms not supporting my legs.  

Peta reached forward and grabbed my hair, pulling sidewards, right off my husband's shoulders. I grabbed my husband's head with my ankles, but my body weight was now pressed against Peta. She instructed her boyfriend to retreat, and as he released Steven and took two steps back, I was suspended in the air above the pool... Ankles around my husband's neck, face humiliatingly falling into my rival's chest.

"Oh Elena, that's cute, but you should worship my breasts AFTER I put your bikini on," she laughed.

I snarled as the two men laughed with her, neither seeming to realise how serious Peta and I were.

She pulled her breasts back slowly, releasing my hair, and I started to go down into the water. And once I was low enough, she smirked at me and managed to step on my face before she finally let go of my hair, making me fall.

When I resurfaced, my hair soaked and my makeup ruined, I was flummoxed to the fact I lost to this curvy bitch and the curvy bitch was celebrating on her boyfriend's shoulders.

"I won Elena's bikini, I won Elena's bikini!" she sang, clapping her hands together.

She jumped down off Kevin's shoulders into his arms, kissing him, arms around his neck. My husband didn't seem to think our loss was a big deal, but I hated that the winning couple were now having a celebration make-out session in our pool.

"Elena, our drinks. Chop chop," she teased.

My husband saw how furious I looked and said he'd get them. But Peta said "No - Elena lost and fetching our drinks was part of the bet. Go on, waitress. I'll take a cocktail."

Kevin laughed, and even my husband found it hard to stifle a chuckle. I had no choice, getting out of the pool and walking towards the house.

"Oh Elena? I'll take my new bikini when you come back."

The boys laughed. They had no understanding of how humiliating it was to have to present this no-money bitch with my prized bikini. No understanding of the fact that this bikini was an exclusive Dior product that even a woman of my stature had to go on a waiting list to acquire. It was like a piece of art you wear! But I suspected that the little bitch knew exactly what that bikini was worth.

I changed first, into a long white designer dress that brushed along the floor as I walked. I prepared the drinks - cocktails for me and that little bitch, beers for the boys. I carried the drink tray in one hand, my lovely gold bikini in the other.

When I returned to the backyard, Peta was lying on my sun lounger in Kevin's arms. My husband sat nearby, listening attentively as the bubbly, curvy brunette told some story.

"I've got tired of waiting. Next time be faster, bitch," she giggled, the boys laughing. I gave them their beers, then served Peta her cocktail. She held out her hand, wiggling her fingers.

"Gimme my trophy, loser girl," she smirked.

Oh, how I scowled as I dropped my bikini into her open hand. Her smirk was killing me as she looked up at me. All snuggled up to Kevin, she said, "I think you'll enjoy taking this off my body tonight, babe?"

"Hell yes," he said, kissing her neck.

Seeing us like this, me serving drinks, my husband sitting near Peta's feet while she and Kevin snuggled, you'd have thought this was their house, and WE were the guests. 

As Peta turned in Kevin's arms, the two passionately kissing, I looked at my husband. His eyes were locked on the couple, and I read his facial expression. Jealousy. At that moment, he would have loved to be Kevin, making out with the fun, bubbly, charismatic, busty Peta.

His obvious jealousy of Kevin had my anger simmering even more. I was the one married to the alpha here! Kevin was broke, and though attractive, was certainly not as hot as my husband. Watching Kevin draw envy from my husband, knowing that with the help of his girlfriend, he'd outwrestled my husband in the pool, I was boiling with fury. Peta and Kevin were going to learn their place. Tonight!

It had been an awkward afternoon. Kevin and Peta were all over each other. I scowled a lot and my husband looked worried - he knew he was in trouble with me and that made him extremely uneasy. It seemed like we were out there by that pool forever, but eventually the sun began to set, and we headed inside.

It was time to take control.

"Alright," I said, "We've had a fun afternoon. Now - my house rules."

Peta yawned. "Ok, ok. We'll listen to your rules. But first - I've been in this bikini all day. Can I get changed first?"

Frankly, I wanted her to get changed. I was sick of her damn bikini body.

"I'll allow it," I said.

With her gone, I tried to tell the boys a story - but I just didn't hold their attention like Peta did. She was just so charismatic! By the time Peta returned, the boys were shooting pool.