The Howell Club for the Aged Ch. 01

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Lakshmi volunteers at a nursing home.
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Ch. 1: Orientation

"Well hello! I'm Lily and you must be Lakshmi. Please have a seat!" Lily had been an overachiever her whole life. She graduated high school as valedictorian and went on to graduate college with two degrees with honors. But even she was surprised when she was hired as the director of The Howell Club for the Aged as her first job out of college.

She worried that she was hired by mistake, perhaps some clerical error. She suppressed her anxieties and insecurities about being exposed as an imposter and went about her job like an actor playing the role of a director of a nursing home.

To maintain the illusion of a competent director, her routine outfits were variations of the same theme: white blouse, dark blazer, and a pencil skirt. Although she had perfect vision, she donned large dark rimmed glasses. She kept her long straight black hair in a tight bun.

Despite her efforts, she could not hide the fact she was a tall, skinny, attractive 22 year old Asian American woman.

"All of us here at Howell are delighted to have you on board as our first volunteer. Have you worked with senior citizens before?" she said in her best professional voice.

"Well no, not really. I was just so inspired by the speech you gave last week at the club... I mean the Lakeview Country Club. And the next thing you know, here I am!" Lakshmi beamed as she sat in Lily's office.

Lakshmi was 32 years old and happily married to Robert, whom she met in college. He was blonde, athletic, and handsome. He was also very successful. He was on track to becoming one of the youngest CEOs at a large social media company.

Robert's income allowed them to live an extremely comfortable life. Lakshmi had given up her promising career in marketing to be a stay-at-home mother. Once the kids started private school, and still employing an au pair, she found herself with a lot more free time.

Never being the type to be content with an idle life of leisure, she maintained a busy schedule. In addition to time spent at the gym, she channeled her seemingly endless energy to various outside organizations and clubs.

Thus she became very active at the country club. She quickly rose up the social ladder and became the youngest member of the board of directors. She used this platform to spearhead many charitable initiatives, including the fund-raising gala for The Howell Club for the Aged.

"I'm sure you are going to find this a very rewarding experience." Lily continued confidently. "We don't consider ourselves just a nursing home. No, the Howell is much more. We hold ourselves to very high standards even as we age. Many of our residents are prominent and accomplished members of society."

Having just had the tour, it was obvious to Lakshmi that this was not a normal nursing home. It was like the campus of an elite historic college. A majestic iron gate opened revealing large manicured lawns with mature trees surrounded by stately brick buildings covered in ivy.

There was a library with a large central hall with tall skinny windows. The walls were lined with dark mahogany shelves brimming with books. Several heavy wooden doors opened to small private reading rooms. Each room was posh, furnished with a large desk, an overstuffed dark leather sofa and a wingback chair.

The residents were all well groomed and dressed. Several were clustered in small groups at tables and benches scattered across the lawn. A foursome was playing croquet dressed in all white. The whole scene was reminiscent of an upper-class 19th century English estate.

"Oh, I'm really looking forward to it." Lakshmi said enthusiastically. "I can't wait to meet the residents."

"Excellent. But, you should be aware that occasionally some of our residents have bouts of, um, disinhibition, or perhaps confusion. They sometimes, well, lose their sense of decorum. So if faced with any behavior, um, below the Howell standards, the best strategy is to redirect or distract them. Perhaps suggest reading a book or playing a round of croquet."

Lakshmi was petite, 5' 2" and 100lbs. She had perfect smooth tawny brown skin and thick long black straight hair. She was stunningly pretty with large dark eyes, long lashes, fine bony facial features, and full lips. She had a slim athletic body with toned arms, perky breasts, a tiny waist, a tight perfectly round ass, and shapely legs.

Her sweet, cheerful, bouncy, wholesome personality plus her physical features made her instantly the object of many men's sexual fantasies, most of which involved her being secretly wild and frisky with an insatiable sex drive.

"Um, what do you mean exactly?" Lakshmi was shaking her head slowly with a furrowed brow as she was trying to make sense of what Lily was saying. "I'm not sure I'm following you."

Lily inhaled deeply. She bit her lower lip slightly as she thought. Although having just met, she really liked Lakshmi. Then she exhaled. As she exhaled it was as if the facade of being the director fell away revealing a 22 year old woman. "Some of these old guys are horny, OK. I mean really horny." She blurted out.

Lakshmi was momentarily silent, then burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh! What?"

Lily continued in a frantic rush. "I know. No one talks about it but it's true. I mean some of these guys are relentless. They make a beeline for you, they're always trying to cop a feel, pinch your ass, rub against you... and oh, they really want to show you their cocks."

She glanced up at the ceiling as she took a breath. She looked back down at Lakshmi before declaring with a tinge of bitterness "Oh, and FYI, the distracting thing never works."

Lakshmi was staring at Lily dumbfounded with her mouth slightly open.

"Oh, don't get the wrong idea" Lily resumed speaking quickly again. "You're in no danger. I mean these are really old men. You could knock 'em over with a finger. I know it's not their fault, they're just old and whatever, but it's just that they... they can just wear you out."

"Argh!" She groaned in exasperation as she involuntarily tossed her head back with her hands clutching the air.

"Look, here's the deal. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You're just a volunteer, you can leave anytime, it's cool. But me? I'm the director here. I've gotta be here, and I've got things to do, and I can't do my job..." She made air quotes with her fingers as she said 'job' with disdain. "...with these guys all over me all the time."

Lily leaned forward resting her elbows on the desk and clasping her hands together. She gave a quick furtive glance around the room as if to make sure no one else was present. She lowered her voice as she continued more slowly.

"I'll let you in on a little secret. If you really want them to stop, you just have to give 'em a little something. You know, nothing major, just a quick..." She made a quick gesture with her hand as if she was stroking a cylindrical object followed by a nonchalant slight shrug of one shoulder. "No big deal."

Lakshmi's hand shot up covering her wide open mouth as she instantly recognized the hand gesture. With total disbelief she gasped "No way! No!"

Lily sat up straight worried she disclosed too much. The two women stared at each other for a brief moment. Then they both broke out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"I know! I know!" Lily could barely articulate her words between laughs. "And you know what's even more fucked up?" More laughter. "I got two degrees in college just so I could get a job wanking off old white men!" More laughter.

Suddenly Lily stopped laughing and stared at Lakshmi as her eyes widened. "What?" asked Lakshmi once her laughter gradually subsided. "What?"

"Oh my God." Lily said slowly. "Do you think that's why they hired me?"

The two women stared at each other again for a brief moment. Then for the second time they broke out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. This time louder than the first.

Ch. 2: Bill

Lakshmi returned to The Howell Club for the Aged the following day. She wore a pastel blue stretchy sport dress with a deep v-neck. The dress hugged the contours of her firm athletic body leaving most of her tawny brown shapely legs bare. She wore her thick black hair in a low braid.

She checked in at the administration building and was disappointed Lily was not there. She was escorted to the lawn by a staff member and introduced to several residents before being left on her own to socialize.

She mingled easily with several residents before she found herself sitting at a table with Gloria, Darlene, and Mabel. They were working on a quilt that was going to be auctioned at an upcoming charity event.

She was having a pleasant time when she suddenly felt her breast being groped by a hand reaching over her shoulder. She instinctively brushed the hand away with only the force required to brush off a piece of lint. She stood and turned to see to whom the hand belonged.

Standing directly behind her was a very small bald old man with a very large grin. She was never good at guessing ages, especially once the subject was north of 60, but she guessed 100. Although he was dressed in a suit, he appeared slightly disheveled.

"Oh, well hello there." Lakshmi said as she easily blocked his other hand as it reached for her other breast.

"You have lovely tits." the man said still grinning.

"Oh, um, well, thank you? I guess?" She was now in a perpetual state of blocking his hands as they constantly tried reaching their target.

"I'm Lakshmi, what's your name?"

"I have a hard cock."

"Hmm, somehow I don't think that is really your name." She glanced at the others at the table, hoping for some help. The three women seemed oblivious to her predicament as they continued quilting and chatting.

"You have lovely tits." He said still grinning.

"Right, you mentioned that already."

If witnessed from afar, no one could be faulted if they assumed Lakshmi and the old man were performing some sort of slow motion interpretive dance. They were facing each other motionless except for their arms.

Lakshmi had always fancied herself as a rather accomplished conversationalist, capable of holding her own in a variety of settings. But now she was questioning herself. Despite her best efforts to steer the conversation to topics such as sports, family, even the weather, she was unsuccessful.

The old man stubbornly refused to veer off from what was clearly his two favorite topics: her lovely tits and his hard cock.

They continued arm dancing, with the old man providing the all too familiar soundtrack. Lakshmi considered the official strategy mentioned by Lily at her orientation. She had a strong hunch about how it would go, but being a rule follower, she felt compelled to try.

"How about we read a book?"

"I have a hard cock."

"Maybe a round of croquet?"

"You have lovely tits." He was still grinning.

Having now followed official policy without success, she felt authorized to attempt new tactics. She settled on the strategy of ignoring him. She hoped that perhaps she could outlast him and he would tire out.

She turned around and sat back down in the chair. The arm dance continued, only now he was standing behind her trying to grope her breasts, while she sat facing the women.

Gloria smiled sympathetically. "Oh dear, when Bill gets like this the only way he'll stop is if you calm him down." The other women nodded in agreement while still quilting.

"Calm him down? How do I do that?" Lakshmi asked with interest. Despite her time spent at the gym, her arms were tiring while Bill showed no signs of fatigue. Nor was there any indication he was done complimenting her breasts or updating her on the status of his cock.

Darlene spoke. "Well, Lily takes him to the library and calms him down. It doesn't take her very long."

Mabel added "Lily calms down a lot of men in the library, sometimes several in one day." She stopped quilting for a second as she thought. "She's a really good director." The others nodded.

Lakshmi was used to succeeding in every aspect of her life. Not wanting to admit failure as a volunteer, she knew what she needed to do. 'OK, come on Lakshmi, you can do this. No big deal.' She took a deep breath and said out loud "Alrighty then, fine, I'll just calm him down. Yup, let's go Bill."

She stood up and took hold of one of Bill's hands. She led him across the lawn towards the library. With his slow shuffling gait, the walk was agonizingly long. She held onto his hand but walked an arms length in front of him so her breasts were out of his reach.

Once they reached the library, she let go of his hand and went ahead on her own. She opened the door and surveyed the large hall. There were only two residents in the large room, but it was still not private enough for her needs.

In a few moments, Bill announced his arrival "I have a hard cock."

Lakshmi walked across the hall to the first reading room. She pushed the heavy wooden door open just enough so she could poke her head inside. She was relieved to find it empty.

She fully opened the door with one hand while gently pulling Bill inside with her other hand. Bill's momentum caused him to shuffle into the room past her before he could stop and turn around. She closed the door and guided him backwards to the couch, gently pushing him to sit. She sat down next to him. Bill was still grinning as he looked at her. "Oh yeah! You want to touch my hard cock!."

Lakshmi was slightly surprised by this sudden expansion of his vocabulary. She sighed and said "So Bill, maybe you should show it to me?" Without taking his eyes off of her, he fumbled with his pants.

After a few seconds, Lakshmi realized it was going to take Bill a considerable amount of time even though his pants had no buttons, just an elastic waistband. She was getting nervous as she glanced at the door. She was a little surprised by her own eagerness as she took over the job.

Lakshmi was both scared and curious about what she would see. She was not sure what to expect. She certainly had her share of boyfriends before marriage, but she never went beyond kissing. Robert was the only person with whom she had ever had sex.

She grasped his pants and gave a quick tug. The tug caused him to slide into a semi-reclined position with his pants bunched up at his knees. He was still grinning.

"Um, uh, Bill, I'm fairly certain you said you were hard. I think you may have said it a couple of times." Lakshmi said as she stared at his limp penis.

"You are going to touch my hard cock." He now rested his head back and closed his eyes.

Lakshmi reached out with her hand. Using just her thumb and index finger she gently lifted up the limp, wrinkled, old penis. She cocked her head as she examined it. Despite it's age, it looked like a normal penis. His wrinkled scrotum was covered with surprisingly thick gray pubic hair.

She gave a couple of gentle strokes with her thumb and index finger. She frowned as it seemed to have no effect. She remembered the women mentioning that Lily was rather fast.

She gave out a soft laugh. "You know what, Bill? In for a penny, in for a pound, right?"


"Never mind." She reached over with her other hand and cupped his balls. Bill groaned slightly. She gently squeezed his balls while stroking his shaft. She smiled as she felt him getting harder. She could now easily grasp his shaft with her whole small hand.

"Um Bill, just for the record, this doesn't count. I mean I'm married, and this is not cheating. It's like charity, or just part of my job, OK?" Bill started groaning rhythmically with her stroke.

She realized she was not sure how long this was going to take. "Oh you like that, do you? You think I'm a good cock stroker?" She was hoping some dirty talk would help speed things up. Despite the absurdity of the whole situation, she was starting to enjoy herself.

"Oh Bill, your cock feels so good. If you think my hands feel good, imagine my tongue" She purred. "Ever have an Indian girl suck your cock, Bill?"

Bill continued groaning and breathing a little faster. "Oh yeah Bill, that's it... cum for me. If you cum for me, maybe next time you can cum in my mouth. Would you like that?" She was leaning into him whispering in his ear.

She was stroking him faster now. Her lips were almost touching his ear. She was now immersed in her own sexual thoughts as she closed her eyes. "Maybe, you could fuck me. Would you like that? Fucking my tight wet pussy?"

Lakshmi felt her pussy getting wet by having this stranger's cock in her grasp. "Wanna fuck me? Huh? Would you like that Bill? Maybe you could pull my hair as you fuck my tight wet pussy from behind. I bet you never fucked an Indian girl before, have you, Bill?"

Bill suddenly gave a loud groan. His body twitched. Lakshmi felt his cock pulsate in her hands. Then a feeble small drop of cum emerged and rested on his tip. She sat up. "Awww" she purred. She cocked her head and pouted. "That's so cute!"

Bill's eyes were now open and staring at her, once again grinning. She could not be certain, but she felt like his grin had a touch of satisfaction now. She smiled back at him. She looked around for a box of tissues, but there wasn't any.

She wiped up his drop of cum with her index finger and was about to rub it on something when she stopped and examined it. Almost as if in a trance, she slowly put the finger in her mouth and licked it clean. She swallowed. She looked at Bill and she giggled.

"I'm so tired. I need a nap." He said still grinning.

She laughed out loud. "I bet you do!". She helped him up, pulled up his pants and led him out of the room. She led him across the main hall and out the door.

Once outside, Bill immediately turned and started his slow shuffle. He kept repeating "I'm so tired. I need a nap."

Lakshmi watched him until he disappeared around the corner. She could not stop smiling as she thought about what just happened, about what she just did. It almost seemed like a dream. The image of Lily satisfying these old men entered her mind. She laughed to herself convinced that Lily kind of liked doing it, too.

Lakshmi cheerfully rejoined the women at the quilting table and continued her pleasant conversation in the warm sunshine.

Ch. 3: Charles

The following day, Lakshmi checked in at the administration building as per the rules. The door to the director's office was open.

"Hey, girlfriend!" Lakshmi said cheerfully as she stood in the doorway. Lily was seated at her desk.

As usual she was wearing dark rimmed glasses, a white blouse, a dark blazer and a matching pencil skirt. Her hair was in bun. She looked like a tall, slender, sexy librarian. Upon hearing Lakshmi's voice she looked up from her computer.

"Oh hey girl! How was your first day? Sorry I wasn't here... I mean I was here, cuz I'm always fucking here, but I was stuck with... whatever, it doesn't matter. Anyways, how'd it go?" After their previous conversation, Lily no longer felt compelled to maintain her work facade in front of Lakshmi.

"It was fine. And, uh, a little interesting." Lakshmi was smiling. She was dressed casually but her beauty and figure were clearly on display.

Her hair was loose framing her pretty face. The contours of her breasts were clearly defined by a slim black T-shirt. The high-waisted maroon plaid pleated skirt hugged her tiny waist before stretching over her tight round ass. Her tawny brown shapely legs were bare.

"Interesting? How?"

"Well, I met Bill."

Lily clasped her cheeks with her hands. "Oh man! I'm so sorry! On your first day, too! He fucking totally ruined your whole day, didn't he?"

"Naw, it was just for maybe, I don't know... 30, 45 minutes max. Then he said he was tired and left."

Lily leaned back in her chair taking off her glasses. She tapped her lips with the temple of her glasses in thought. "Tired, huh? Did someone tire him out?"