The Intern and the Creator

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Jessica gets really personal with famous news anchor/host.
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Summer, 1995.

Jessica Colby, a 22-year-old broadcast journalism major, sat among her colleagues at her internship at Kurtis Productions. Today was Friday, a brainstorming day. Each Friday, writers, production directors, editors, researchers, and the man who started it all, Bill Kurtis gathered at the round-table of the glass-enclosed boardroom to discuss stories for the next episode of 'Investigative Reports'.

Jessica sat upright, her legs crossed, notepad and pen at the ready, waited with rapt attention for Bill to speak. Bill, a tall handsome older man was sharp and wise beyond his 55 years. She always admired him for how kind and generous he was to her and his staff. Unlike most internships that Jessica worked previously, she wasn't treated less than anyone else. Rather, she was treated like a member of the team.

"Good afternoon everyone," greeted Bill, his smooth baritone voice, a caress to Jessica's ears. Not only did she admire the man, but she also had a crush on him. "So what have you guys got for me?"

The meeting ran well over two hours. When it was finally over, Jessica's hand became cramped from writing her notes and her ass was sore from sitting too long.

This weekend she will research her notes before handing in her report to Bill on Monday. She rose from one of the ergonomic chairs and stretched, sighing with relief. Her stretching did not go unnoticed by Bill, however. Throughout the meeting, he stared at the beautiful young woman interning for him often.

Her body was petite, strong and lithe like a ballerina. Countless evenings where he'd lie in bed next to his girlfriend, Bill would fantasize about how Jessica would look on top of him, riding his cock, her beautiful face flushed with lust. On other days at the office, he'd spy her hard at work, her long black hair in a bun, and those damn skirts she'd always wear. The shorter the skirt, the sexier she looked.

Ever since she interned for him 6 months ago, his desire for her never wavered. He really didn't need her at those meetings; he wanted something pretty and sexy to look at while he conducted them.

Sure, his partner of over 30 years was a looker in her own right, but what Bill needed and desired was in the form of a 22-year-old college student who stretched like an agile cat in front of him. He could see her erect nipples poking through her white shirt as she arched.

"Say, Jessica, can I speak to you for a minute?" Bill inquired. Jessica popped her eyes open in surprise. She hadn't noticed that Bill was still in the room. Usually, when the meeting adjourned, he'd hurry back to his office to get ready for the weekend. Jessica swallowed nervously. Was it something she did? She then plastered a smile on her face and replied: " Sure, Bill."

He waited until the final staff member left the room. After closing the door of the glass room, Bill said, "You know Jessica, I've been watching your progress here for a while now and I think you have what it takes to be a great journalist."

Jessica could see the intensity in his eyes as he spoke. "Thanks, Bill that means a lot." She smiled wider, showing white straight teeth.

"Are you doing anything later tonight?"

Tonight? Jessica thought. Most Friday nights for Jessica meant studying or watching tv in her apartment alone. "Well, I usually study or watch tv...." her voice trailed off. She didn't want to misinterpret anything but she could have sworn that not only was there intensity in Bill's eyes but lust, unbridled lust.

"How about I take you to dinner? Just to commemorate your time here? Your contributions so far have been valuable to both me and this company."

Jessica didn't know what to say. She had never thought in her wildest dreams she would get an invitation from one of the greatest men in broadcast journalism!

"Yes! I'd be honored!" She must have said it too enthusiastically for the people outside the room paused what they were doing to look in her direction. Jessica blushed again. "I'm sorry." she bowed her head, embarrassed.

Bill chuckled and replied, "It's okay, nothing to be embarrassed about!" He put his hand on her shoulder, reassuring her. Jessica sighed. His hand felt nice.

"So how does 9:30 sound? I'll take you to one of my favorite restaurants! You'll love it!" Jessica nodded this time, afraid to shout out again. Bill smiled back wickedly and left the room.


Later that day.....

The cell phone rang loudly, which echoed throughout the apartment.

Jessica, wearing a strapless evening dress ran out of the bedroom to answer it. "Hello?" she said breathlessly.

"Hi, are you ready?" The familiar honeyed baritone voice inquired on the other end.

"Yes. I'm ready!" was her haphazard reply. When she had run out of the bedroom, half of her hair was out of curlers and she wore one stiletto heel.

Bill picked up on it immediately. "Are you sure?"

Jessica sighed, exasperated. "No....can you give me 5 more minutes?" She hip-hopped back to her bedroom to retrieve the mate to her heels and put it on as she spoke.

Bill chuckled again. "Take your time. I'm in the lobby when you're done."


Bill arrived in front of Jessica's apartment building 10 minutes before he called her. He found a parking space for his black 1995 Lexus gs300 and parked. He was impeccably dressed in a black suit and tie, nothing extraordinary but classy he felt for a special evening with Jessica. He had told his girlfriend Donna that he had a business dinner this evening and to not wait up for him. Donna was none the wiser. When he pulled out of the driveway of their sprawling home, on the outskirts of downtown Chicago earlier, he felt not a shred of the guilt of what he was about to do.

The elevator doors opened and Jessica emerged feeling both nervous and excited at the same time. She wondered what the upcoming dinner would be like and what she and Bill would talk about. She also fantasized about what would happen after dinner. Just in case, Jessica packed a small box of condoms in her black sling purse.

Her heels clicked as she walked toward the lobby. Bill turned around towards the sound behind him. Jessica, the young intern who wore tight clothing around the office, looked an absolute knockout! Every curve of her body hugged the dress she wore, complete with high heels. Her red lipstick emphasized the fullness of her perfect lips, and her long raven hair, full of curls, bounced freely as she greeted Bill with a hug. Bill responded in kind, taking the time to smell the perfume she wore. Intoxicating.

"Wow," breathed Bill as he looked her up and down. "You look fantastic!"

Jessica smiled back and said, "Thank you, Bill. You as well!"

He then offered the crook of his arm. "Shall we go?"

As Jessica linked her arm in Bill's they slowly left the building, her excitement building with each step.

After dinner, 1:00 a.m.

Jessica and Bill arrived back at Jessica's place. Dinner was a lovely affair at one of Bill's favorite restaurants, a small, exclusive establishment, that served modern and classic French cuisine. For over two hours Bill and Jessica exchanged stories about their lives, some deep, some funny, and Jessica was enthralled by it all. To sit before this man, this great man was deeply fascinating. Sometimes she had forgotten to take bites of her Nicoise salad

because Bill's voice was so captivating.

Now, they stood in front of Jessica's door. Bill had insisted on making sure she got in her apartment okay. They had both shared a bottle of champagne earlier after dinner, so Jessica felt a little lightheaded, but alert.

"Bill, you didn't have to..." protested Jessica half-heartedly. She dug into her purse to get her keys. She groaned slightly when she couldn't locate them right away. "Let me," he purred. "No, I'm alrigh__!" Before Jessica could complete the sentence, her small purse left her hand, its contents spilled to the floor, including the box of condoms.

Jessica was instantly humiliated! He saw it; he had to have seen it! The blue box of Lifestyles stared up at her, taunting her. "Oh my God!" Jessica immediately got to her knees and frantically put the contents back in her purse. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Oh my God, oh my God!" Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Suddenly she felt her body rise and enveloped in the arms of her mentor.

"It's okay, Jessica. It's okay." His voice rumbled deep in her ear. "I'll get it." Jessica reluctantly let go of Bill as he gathered her strewn items (lipstick, compact, purse, keys, condoms) and put everything back in the purse except her keys.

Bill handed Jessica her purse, items intact. "Thank you so much, Bill," began Jessica. Then suddenly, Bill took her into his arms again and kissed her. His lips felt warm and soft against hers. At first, the kiss surprised her. It was apparent that lust replaced her embarrassment as she returned his kiss with great passion.

She didn't know how they ended up in her bedroom so quickly. All she knew was that she was enjoying this moment, a moment she had dreamt of since working for her handsome older boss. With their clothes strewn about on the floor, both Jessica and Bill continued their foreplay on the bed, their passion increased to a fever pitch. Each kiss from Bill was electric against her body. He paid special attention to her chest, kissing between her breasts before cupping them in his large hands, kneading them ever so gently.

His hard cock nestled comfortably against the soft wetness of her mons. Jessica moaned softly, stroking his head full of silver hair, wanting, needing him to be inside her... soon. He moved his hand which teased her left nipple towards her wet center and let one digit slip inside. Bill was rewarded with yet another moan from his sexy intern. As he let his finger explore her tight hole, he gazed lustily at her. Her eyes were closed, her hair slightly covered her face and her body moved sensually beneath him. Delicious.

Bill's erection grew more prominent against her as he thrust into Jessica deeply. Jessica arched her body upwards with each thrust of his fingers (his second finger has since entered her) one of which teased her clitoris.

Her orgasm was drawing near. Bill's fingers in her vagina created such a sweet assault of pleasure she felt herself tighten around him.

Suddenly, Bill stopped. Jessica's eyes snapped open, looking at Bill in askance. Bill said nothing, only smiled. Then without hesitation, he lowered his head towards her center to taste what his fingers just explored. Again Jessica arched upwards, but this time, her legs wrapped around Bill's head in such a way to keep him between her legs. Bill didn't mind, however. In fact, he enjoyed the sweet sticky juices which flowed steadily which each lick.

Jessica surrendered to Bill, her moans louder as his lapping became more and more rapid. Then it happened. Unable to control herself, Jessica came hard, still bucking her hips against his face while Bill still assaulted her clitoris and lips with his rapid-fire tongue.

"Oh my God, Bill, Oh my God...." breathed Jessica when she finally released him from her iron grip. Bill smiled again, his handsome face illuminated in the semidarkness, covered in her pleasure. He moved up from between her legs to kiss her deeply on the lips, her pussy juice prominent on his tongue.

When the kiss was over, Bill purred "Did you enjoy that?" Jessica smiled at him adoringly and said, "Oh yes. Very much." Kissing her again on her lips, neck, and both breasts, Jessica's desire renewed once more.

"Bill," she whispered as Bill suckled on her nipples. "Mmm?" he responded.

"I need you... I want you. Now. Please." Her eyes pleaded. The lovemaking, while pleasurable, was not enough for her. They said nothing more after that. Bill carefully changed positions with Jessica. Now Jessica was on top of Bill, guiding his swollen, thick member inside her. It surprised her at how thick and long he was. By Jessica's guess, Bill must be about 8" long!

Both shared the feeling of intense pleasure as they groaned simultaneously when Bill's cock penetrated her pussy. How full he felt inside her! Finding her rhythm, Jessica slowly bounced up and down on his cock, her hair, and tits bouncing in sync. "Oh Jessica," the handsome older man crooned. He held on to her waist, encouraging her to take him that much deeper into her. The lust, desire, wetness, the intensity seemed to increase by each second. Jessica gyrated against his cock, each stroke deliciously pleasurable. She mewled when Bill met her gaze and forcefully brought her lips to his while still fucking the hell out of him. Soon they were both covered in sweat, the sheets off their bodies now as they fought towards reaching climax before the other, neither conceding defeat, not yet.

The bed banged against the wall harder, their cries reaching a frenzied crescendo. Then without warning, Jessica exploded orgasmically, her pussy tightening around Bill's cock still as her juices saturated him and soon the formed into a small puddle underneath them. Bill's orgasm followed soon after. Jessica could tell because she felt his warm semen deep inside her. The lovers held each other close afterward, the silence around them, except for their labored breathing.

It was nearly noon when Jessica awoke. She was alone in her bed, though Bill's scent lingered. Rolling out of bed, Jessica went to the bathroom to relieve herself. As she did so, her landline phone rang inconspicuously. She opted not to answer it as she was still sitting on the toilet. Soon after, the phone stopped ringing and the click of the answering machine picked up.

The voice on the other end was unmistakable. "Hi Jess, I'm sorry to have to leave so soon but I wanted to tell you that I had a lovely evening with you. Last night was great. Also, don't worry about submitting the report from Friday's meeting, you deserve a break! Let's do this again real soon! I'll see you at the office on Monday. Bye."

Jessica smiled. The feeling was mutual about last's night events. Bill made her feel so special, so beautiful during their lovemaking. She did not recall having orgasms that satisfying and unrushed before in her previous relationships. Yes, Jessica thought, Let's do this again soon, Bill. Flushing the toilet and washing her hands, she returned to her bedroom to start her day, still smiling widely.


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