The Island Ch. 02

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A family hiding from criminals, finds family love, and then...
30.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/08/2021
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Guys have sex with guys in this story, so don't complain. Oh, there's plenty of regular ol' incest too. This is a very long story, but we get to the good stuff fast. And of course, I have obeyed the rule that nobody in the world even thinks about sex or is considered attractive until their eighteenth birthday. You'll have to use your imagination to correct for reality. Or check my profile.

Laura got divorced after testifying against her drug-dealer husband. Susan and I weren't surprised. He fell in with a bad crowd and got locked up for ten years. So, at the age of thirty-six, divorced, she moved into our house which thankfully is quite large. She brought her kids, Mike and Molly, twins, eighteen years old.

This presented a problem for me. Ever since Laura was eighteen I've had an interest in her. Yes, she turns me on. Yes, I stole her panties. I've peeked in on her. I've seen her naked and watched her masturbate. Susan knows. We have no secrets. But Laura never seemed to be interested so I had to be careful. Now she was back. Still the slim girl that lived here, red hair, B sized breasts, trim waist and full hips. Free of her criminal husband, she dressed very casually, very. I would regularly catch her in just a thong and a bra or tank top. She'd say nothing, like it was normal. It got worse. Molly, her daughter and Mike, her son were just as bad. Mike's a guy so I wasn't that interested, though I've been there, you know. I was a bit curious since he walked around in just white briefs from time to time and had a nice bulge for a young man. But Molly. A young woman, clone of her mother, brought back all those thoughts I had when Laura was here. And Molly still wore those cotton carters undies. I swear she did it on purpose. Susan was lucky. She'd role play and get a terrific fucking. She found it amusing. That made one of us.

Then Laura's car blew up. I don't mean it broke down spectacularly, I mean it was bombed. Laura had provided testimony and also had refused to be an alibi. It took a while but her husband's partners found us.

I farmed my numerous sources of information and the advice I got was to take everybody and disappear for a while. This advice was supported by the U.S. Marshals service that was pursuing those guys. "A while", not being assigned a number. I have been very successful so money is not a problem. The problem was where.

Our son, Sam, Laura's younger brother, gave us an option. He lives in the middle of the country and works for an international construction company.

"How badly do you need to hide, dad?"

"Very. My sources say that all our lives are in danger. This bunch dealt meth and killing means nothing to them."

Sam didn't speak for a few seconds, "I know a place. We just finished a community hall for them. It's a private island, members only and aimed at people in your income bracket. It's discreet to the point of violence. Nobody talks about who goes there, nobody. The place was closed while we worked but I got to know the manager well. Grace is her name. I'm sure I can get you all in as members..."

There was something about the way he described this place, "Sam, I don't like your tone. Is this some kind of cult or criminal enterprise? I'm not going from the pan into the fire."

"No, dad. Nothing illegal and it sure isn't a cult. I'm kinda regretting mentioning the place to you."

"Well, I'm not. Your mom and Laura are a wreck and the twins are stressed. I get the drift that this place is a bit odd. I don't care. Sam, I need you."

Sam took a deep breath, "Okay, dad. I'll call Grace and set up a meeting. You are going to need an open mind and remember you need to hide and this place will hide you better than the CIA."

"What are you getting us into?"

My son laughed lightly, "Either the most amazing experience of your life or a total family nightmare. You will all need to be very open to new things. I've already said way more than I am allowed. G'night, dad,"

At five O'clock the next day, Susan and I drove to the hotel. We made fast turns, doubled back, cut through parking lots, all to make sure we were not followed. In the movies it's cool. In real life it's stressful. We parked and got on the elevator to the top floor.

The first surprise was the table in the hall outside the suite and the young man in a black suit standing next to it. As we approached, he checked his phone. The table had one cell phone on it.

He politely requested any electronics we were carrying. We took ours out and put them next to the one on the table. The young man produced a wand and and scanned us. Next was the NDA. Short and to the point. Susan and I signed, the young man witnessed. He put his key card to the lock and the door clicked open.

The woman was not tall, five feet even, blond and blue, trim and curvy, in her forties. She was all business. A strong handshake.

"I'm Grace Simpkins, manager of Sand Haven Resort. Please be seated."

We settled into the chairs, "Ms Simpkins, Susan and I and..."

She held up her hand, "Mr. Conners, Jim, I trust Sam. He told me you are in danger and the U.S. Marshals told you to disappear. That is more than I need to know. You can join Sand Haven and spend as much time there as you need. I assure you your presence will be well protected. In the ten years we have been open we have never had a breach of security. But, there are rules and you need to know why Sand Haven exists."

"Ms. Simpkins, I'm sure we can abide by your rules. We really don't need much."

Grace smiled. It didn't look like it got much practice, "Grace, please. We only use first names. Sand Haven's members are wealthy or wealthy and famous, or just famous. They rely on our discretion. Here's why. This is a members-only sex resort. What makes us different from the rest is discretion. You will see famous and powerful people there. Our policies make sure they can enjoy Sand Haven to the maximum with no fear of exposure. Our NDA is enforced with both physical and economic force. Anybody who talks will be ruined or hurt, or both."

She stopped speaking to let everything sink in. Susan and I looked at each other.

"I see. Well, Susan and I have no problem with that but there are others."

"Yes, Laura, your thirty-six-year-old daughter and her eighteen-year-old twins, Mike and Molly."

Susan and I couldn't hide our surprise.

"Sam told me. We don't pry into our member's lives. The age of consent on this island is eighteen, if that matters. The other rule you need to know before you decide is that you must all be naked all the time. There is no clothing in Sand Haven."

Grace's words hung in the silence. She waited for any reply.

"Okay, Jim, Susan, we're done here. Think about what you want to do and let Sam know. Please remember you are under a NDA and we enforce them vigorously and with no regard to the law."

Grace got up and walked out the door. The young man came in and left our phones on a table.

Susan tucked her phone into her purse, "Well, in a million years I never would have expected that."

I laughed, "Yeah really. So, what are we going to do?"

My wife put her hand on my knee, "If it was just us, I'd go. It sounds like a lot of fun. But we need to have a meeting."


"Yes, the twins, they have to agree."

I laughed as we got up, "Can I record the meeting to get everybody's face when they hear about what goes on?"

Susan touched the swelling in my pants, "No, and I think your cock is much more optimistic than you should be."

We all sat on the patio. The day was clear and warm. Susan and I wore shorts and polo shirts. Laura and the twins came out and sat. I swear they are trying to kill me. Laura had loose nylon shorts and as she sat I wasn't sure if she had any panties on at all. Definitely no bra as her nipples pointed nicely. Molly was dressed the same and I caught the little hearts on her Carters as she settled in the chair. Mike had a snug pair of shorts on that seemed to make his young package larger, and me mildly curious.

"So, dad, we have a place to hide?" My daughter asked.

"Yes, we do. But there is a lot you all need to know before you decide."

Laura leaned back and opened her legs a little. Fuck, no panties. I could see her untrimmed bush.

"What's to know? It's safe, lets go."

Susan spoke up, "No, not so fast. Please listen and pay attention. Sand Haven is a private, very private, members only resort. They own the island. In order to belong we need to agree to never tell anybody anything about the place. They have private enforcers and accountants that will make your life hell if you talk. They are very serious."

Laura's eyebrows ticked up. The twins moved forward on their chairs.

"Mom, what goes on there? Is this some kind of cult?"

I picked up the thread, "No, definitely not. The members are very wealthy or famous people that value the extreme discretion that comes with the Sand Haven membership."

Laura leaned forward and spoke slowly, "I have two teenage kids, dad. Just why do these rich, famous people need all this secrecy? Is this some child sex slavery deal?"

I resisted being offended by her lack of trust and remembered what my daughter had lived with for a long time, "I'm sorry. I have not presented this well. I was trying to ease into it and instead created fear. Sand Haven is a hedonistic nude resort."

The twins eyes went wide and they, and Laura, flopped back into their chairs. The light chirping of birds was the only sound for a minute.

Laura took a breath, "So, what does that mean for us?"

I knew what she meant. We're hiding out. The goings on there are none of our concern, just safety.

"The only absolute is that we must surrender our phones when we arrive." I paused, "and remain nude at all times."

The three of them gasped as they looked at each other. Laura caught my eye, "That is the ONLY rule we have to agree to?"

"Yes. I can guarantee that."

"So, no means no, right, dad?"

I looked right at her, "yes, absolutely."

Mike finally spoke, "Does hedonistic mean what I think it does?"

Laura glared at me, "Well, ask your grandad, he got us into this."

Now she pissed me off, "I didn't get us into anything. We, as a group, have to all agree, and I'm just doing what I can to help solve a problem." That last was accompanied by a glare back at my daughter, who blushed in shame and lowered her head, "Sorry dad. I know you're trying to help. It's just a lot to take in."

"I understand. It took mom and I a while to talk it out. Mike, your question. We were told that the members of Sand Haven enjoy having sex. We were told to expect to see people having sex in public, frequently. Is that what you thought?"

Mike nodded, "Really? Like just out there?"

"That's what we were told."

"And we all have to be naked? All the time?"

Now I got his drift, "Yes, Mike, and we are going to have to accept that you and I are going to end up being excited by what we see. Is that what's bothering you?"

He nodded. Molly giggled. Laura shot her a look that shut her up. She put a hand on Mike's leg, "I know this is pretty wild. You two are going to have to grow up a bit fast. You won't be alone. I'm sure all the guys there will have the same problem. Dad, what age group are we talking about?"

"eighteen to seventy. You have to be in good physical shape, meaning not fat and soft. So, if you have to see folks getting it on it will at least be good looking folks."

Molly finally spoke, "What about you three?"

Damn girl is too smart for her own good, "Let's leave that for later. Any other questions?"

Everybody looked at everybody else. One by one they nodded no.

"Okay, on the dining room table is a bowl with red and black chips and two coffee cans with slits in the lid. One says 'vote' and the other says 'trash'. This is important, red means 'yes' that you want to go to Sand Haven and understand what that means. Black means no. After you vote you put the other chip in the trash can and leave the room. One 'no' vote kills the idea. We have to be of one mind for this to work. Let's all go about our evening and tomorrow morning we'll check the votes together. Take all the time you need to think about this. If it's a no, we will figure something out. You must be true to your own feelings.


I can't believe this. We might be able to go somewhere safe. I'm lying in bed in granddad's house, but we're not safe. Mom's car got blown up and I know there are friend's of my father that want to hurt us. I'm scared. Mom's been worried sick and Mike has been my only friend. Being twins we seem to think alike. I hate being scared. But that place. We have to be naked all the time. I'll finally see my brother naked. I've peeked but it's not the same. We shared a room for a while and I know he jacks off. I do too and I try to be quiet, but I'll bet he's heard me. But,I'll be naked too. Skinny me with no boobs and just a fluff around my pussy. Granddad and grandma will see me, and mom. That should bother me, but it doesn't. I'm naked now, I like being naked, I just don't know about being naked around the family.

A gentle knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.


"Sis, can I come in?"

"Yes, please."

Mike slipped in and closed the door, flipping the lock. He came over and sat on the covers of my bed. He just had his white cotton briefs on.

"Wow, some deal, huh?"

He was being nice, "Mike, I'm scared and confused."

His hand came and cupped the side of my face, "Talk to me sis. I feel the same way. This is way more than I ever expected."

"I want to be safe, us to be safe."


"Yeah, but. I mean all of us, naked, all the time, living together. And all those people around us naked."

Mike stroked my arm, "and the sex. Just doing it everywhere, right?"

"I know you look at stuff on the computer. I do too. But that's different."

"Well, at least when you see it it won't be obvious."

He was funny, "Come on bro, are you that bad?"

My words hung in silence, "Yeah, I am. Look, sis, I think we're gonna do this so I gotta tell you."


"I've peeked. Ya know?"

I quivered. That meant something to me, "I have too." I whispered.

Mike laughed quietly, "We're a couple of pervs huh? Peeking at your sib and all."

I reached out and stroked his thigh, "It's not like we can date or do normal stuff."

"Yeah," he replied, "It's tough."

I got his hint. The twin thing, "I touch myself, a lot. It helps."

His thigh twitched under my fingers. In the dim moonlight coming through the window I could see that the bulge in his briefs was getting larger.

"Me too. I know you know. I've heard you too."

I moved my hand under the sheet. My nipple was hard and long. I slipped my hand lower, between my legs. I was wet. My brother was turning me on. How bad am I?

"Mike, we do what we have to, right? Mom said it was normal and all."

He laughed and his hand moved to my shoulder, uncovered by the sheet, his fingers under the edge, "Yeah, how weird was that, her saying she does it too?"

My hand moved up his thigh, "Well, when we were in that place, we heard her. I'll bet she heard us too. I know you were doing it."

"And now we're gonna be naked all the time. You think we'll each get a room and all?"

My fingers played in the wet sparseness of my pussy hair while I moved my other hand up till I felt the fabric of my brother's underwear, "I dunno. I guess. Won't matter much, nothing to hide and all."

"Cept doin it."

Mike's fingers moved lower, pulling the sheet down a little. Maybe I'm sick, but I liked it.

"Yeah, true. But we both do it. We've heard each other, just don't admit it. We heard mom too."

"Yeah, but, well, it'll be different, that's all. Sis, how do you feel about the naked thing?"

"Mike, I'm naked now. I like it. When I'm alone, I like to be naked."

My finger was just touching my brother's very hard dick. When I told him I was naked, it twitched. I liked knowing I turned him on. I felt powerful.

"Really? Like totally?"

I giggled, "Wanna see? I voted yes, so I'm ready. Gonna have to sooner or later."

My brother answered in a rasp, "Me too. I voted yes. Yes, Molly. Show me."

I suddenly felt very wicked, "You do it bro. Take the sheet down. Strip me naked."

I could feel Mike's hands shaking as he took the sheet and slowly pulled it down. It hung up on my hard nipples and felt good when it slid over them. I quivered.

"You ok, sis? Should I stop?" Mike said, my tiny breasts now on full display and the sheet gathered on my tummy, "No, don't stop. I'm just excited."

In that faint moonlight I could see my brother's penis was really hard. The end stuck out of the waistband and there was a drop of something at the tip. My pussy gushed some more. Mike pulled the sheet lower, slowly like it hurt me to have it move. I wanted him to hurry. I wanted to be naked for my brother. He paused with the sheet just at the top of my red pussy fuzz. I hooked the sheet with my foot and yanked it off. I giggled, "Got tired of waiting. Wadda ya think?"

Mike was breathing heavy, smiling. His hand moved towards me, then stopped.

"You can touch me, bro. I'd like that. But first you gotta get naked too."

Mike stood up, not hiding his hard penis. I sat on the edge of the bed. Now I was kinda panting. My hands shook a little as I reached out and touched my brother's waist. We wrestle and touch all the time, but this was different. He shook a little and his dick twitched when I touched him. I put my fingers inside the elastic of his briefs. I moved my hand, and it touched his hard penis briefly as I pulled the band out and down. His dick was soft but hard, weird. I leaned down to push his underpants down his legs and his penis touched the side of my head. I was shaking. He stepped out of his briefs and just stood there. I lay back on the bed.

"Get in here, Mike, next to me."

Mike slid in next to me. It's a twin bed so there's not much room. We were on our sides, facing each other. He felt warm. His dick, hard and dripping, rubbed on my leg. I was shaking, I think he was too.

"You feel good."

His hand went up and around my waist, "You too. I like this."

I put my arm on him. My hand on his hip. Feeling naughty I moved it back till I held his ass.

"You got no ass, bro." I giggled.

I felt his strong hand cup my ass, "You got enough for both of us."

"Too much?"

His hand caressed my butt. Then his finger slid along my crease, "No, just right. You feel really good."

That strong finger went deeper, and I felt him, "Hey, that's my pooper."

He laughed and rubbed it some more, "I know. It feels good too."

It did. He'd just rub around it and maybe push in a little. I moved my hand and did the same to him, "This is so wrong."

Mike's mouth was by my ear, "Can't be, because it feels so good."

His hand left my butt and traced back over my hip. I knew what he wanted. I wanted it too. I opened my leg and felt his hand just touching my fur.

"May I?"

I was panting, "Yes, if I can too."

"Please," He panted as his fingers found my wetness and my hand gently grasped his hard penis.

It felt so good to have somebody else touch me and it was awesome that it was Mike, who I trust more than anybody in the world.

"You can go in. I'd like that."

One finger probed my hole. All those nerves around the entrance were short circuiting.

"Mike, I'm gonna cum. My brother is gonna make me cum."

A second finger slipped in, and I went off. I quaked and gripped him like I was drowning. My pussy gushed and gushed. He kept moving his fingers, hitting those nerves. Soon it was too much. I moved his hand away.

"Thank you, bro, that was awesome."

My brother moved on top of me. He held himself up on his elbows. I felt his dick rubbing on my fur. He was humping me. His mouth got closer. I wanted this. I angled my head and our lips met. It was magic. I opened my mouth and our tongues touched and wrestled. I pushed my sex up to rub on Mike's dick. We were both panting and making much more noise than we should. But we couldn't stop. His dick was rubbing my little button and I was going to cum again, even better.
