The Job Offer Ch. 13


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Luckily for Heather, it all comes down to a close, and the Major stops the exercise then gives them a pep talk. He tells Tessa that she's remarkable during the activity, taking things slow and methodical. However, her running is slow for her age and needs work. As for Heather, the Major says she needs a lot of work but gives her kudos because she didn't quit. He then informs both of them he's done for today but to be ready tomorrow at 11 am to start basic training. He continues to inform them of this week's schedule and bids them a good day before walking around the house.

The two girls are left standing and then decide to walk back into the house through the glass sliding door. Tessa turns to Heather, and says, "About that favor..."

Heather stops her and says, "Water first, then you can ask." Walking through the dining room to the kitchen, she opens the fridge and pulls out two bottles of water. Opening hers, she takes a big gulp but holds it in her mouth and slowly swallows it down gently. Turning towards her sister, she nods her head and says, "Ask."

Tessa walks up to her sister, placing her hands around her ear, and whispers, "Can you teach me on how to give a proper blowjob for Alpha?" With a slight embarrassment.

As she hears her sister's whisper, Heather's eyes open big. Nodding her head, she turns to her sister and says, "Shocked, you asked me than the master, big-sister. Sure, I can help you with this but I, too, have to ask for favor. I like to ask for something to sweeten the deal first. That would be a kiss. Is that okay with you, sister?"

Nodding her head, Tessa says, "I am ok with that. Do you want it now or later?"

Heather looks at her sis, and says, "I know you're not hot and sweaty like me. So I will do it later but before I help you with your problem. It's little after 2pm. I suggest you go back upstairs and get a couple more hours of sleep. After dinner, remind me once more, and we'll go from there. I look at my options and teach you the fundamentals outside of the house. I will teach you all I know, padawan."

Tessa smiles but says, "Padawhat?"

Heather shakes her head and says, "It's a Star Wars reference; ah, never mind. I know this is a sensitive issue for you and glad you asked me. I got you, sister. Until later, have a good sleep." With that, she continues to guzzle her water and heads back to the Lab.

Tessa smiles and knows that her sister is the best at these kinds of things. Nodding her head, she says, "You too, sister. Good luck with your project. Chat with you later." She watches her sister walk out of the kitchen and her eyes unconsciously drop to check out her sister's ass. Looking, she thinks to herself, 'It's not bad.' Pushing off the counter, she makes her way up the stairs to her room. There she takes off her workout clothes and puts on her Kirby t-shirt. Plopping down on the bed, she relaxes a bit and soon starts drifting to sleep once more.

Heather looks at the Petri dishes of both her lovers' bacteria and they are showing signs of growth. The only sad part is, it will take at least a day to get a sample to test on her blood to get the timing right and to test a theory. In the meantime, she continues working on daddy's blood to enhance it for delivery than actually getting the old fashion way through a bite. Her work is coming along; should have samples ready in a couple of days.

As for Sasha, she did all she can on her tablet. There are no new postings on either bulletin boards. Checking her email, her shipment from the Carbon Fiber/Kevlar custom-wear is on its way. Should be here in a day or two; as for her sisters, their custom Carbon Fiber tops and pants should be done and shipped out next week. She has to wait and see regarding Vivian if she wants or is interested in an active role within the supernatural world. There will be other hopefuls, she sure of it but that's going to take time. Setting her tablet on the nightstand, she sees it's after 3 pm and she has an hour yet before preparing for dinner. She rolls over on to her side and cuddles up to her Master. Placing her head on his chest and wrapping her left leg around his. Reaching out with her left hand, she caresses his chest with her nails and then tilts her head up to kiss his lips. She puts her head back on his chest and enjoys the heat radiating off of him. Still caressing him, she says, "Love you, Master."

Sam is focusing on the words and/or phrase that his slut mentioned last time in the void. Each time he repeats the words and phrase, he gets pictures or glimpses of the future. He sees a woman with long brown hair; at first it looks like his baby-girl but it's not. Her skin color is all brownish-black, with pointy elf like ears, and blue eyes. She's sporting long, sharp canines that extend from both top and bottom of her mouth and her fingertips turned into claws. The shocking thing is, she's ripped; very muscular and hot as hell. The woman looks feral, but looking into those eyes closely; she stares at me with devotion. There's something unique about her; like she's his biological child. Shaking his head, is it possible to think or see far into the future or is this some kind of dream? Taking a step back, he lets the images fade into his subconscious and just focus on his surroundings. He can feel his slut close by and cuddling up against him. His left arm rises and caresses his slut's back and shoulder. He smiles and says with a whisper, "Love you."

Sasha feels his arm wrap around her, bringing her closer. She hears his whispered words, and it brings a slight smile to her lips. Looking up at him, she wonders if he heard her and is replying to her or he's dreaming and trying to comfort her. Either way, it makes her feel special and loved. Laying next to him makes her feel calm, and it relaxes her to no end, but time flies by and her alarm on her tablet dings. Looking up at him, she says, "Wish I can stay longer, Master, but I have to get up and make your dinner. See you in an hour. Sweet dreams, my love." With that, she pulls away, setting his arm on his chest and gets out of bed. Standing at the edge of the bed, she stares at him for a moment before turning around to head to the kitchen.

An hour later, dinner is ready. Sasha cooked pork-chops, mashed potatoes, green beans and a salad. Just waiting on the timer, she reaches out to him and says, Master! Master. Dinner is ready. Time to get up and wake our third lover. See you soon, my love. From there, she walks across the Foyer and knocks on the door to the Lab. Seeing her sister working hard, she says, "Dinner is ready, sister. See you soon, baby." With that, she leaves when the timer goes off. Pulling the pork chops out from the oven, she grabs one and starts cutting it into pieces for the salad. Putting the rest on the plate, she then sets the table for her lovers. Once everything is set, she waits for their arrival.

Slowly, all Sasha's lovers walk into the kitchen. First it's Heather, followed by Tessa, and last, her Master. Seeing them all together brings a smile to her face as they sit down at the breakfast nook and start piling their plates. Tessa and Master grab three pork chops, a double scoop of mashed potatoes, and dish out some green beans. As for Heather, she got the salad with the cut up pork chops for added protein. Before they chow down, they all look at Sasha and give her thanks for a job well-done. She smiles at each and everyone but says, "It brings me joy to feed my family. Yes, all of you; I consider you all my family and I love you all. Enjoy." Her three lovers smile at her back and share their love for her. Afterwards, they all start digging into their meal.

Small talk is at a minimum since all three are starving. More so the girls, since their afternoon physical with Major Stout. Looking at both of them, Sam asks, "So, how did your physicals go with the Major?"

Heather chews her pork chop and looks at her sister. Hearing no reply from, she looks at daddy, and says, "It went well. Tessa passes with flying colors but the Major said that she needs to work on her running." She chuckles before continuing, "As for me, I need a lot of work, but gave me kudos that I didn't ask for a break or quit." As she takes her fork to stab some lettuce and pork before taking a bite.

Sam smiles at the both of them and says, "Proud of you both for taking part in your education. Hope that in the coming days it will shape you that gives you confidence in taking care of yourself in all areas of life. That's all we ask of you; we just want you to be prepared." Looking at both of them in the eye.

Tessa finishes her bite and adds to it by saying, "Guess I have a lot of work to do to improve my time while running." She snickers but continues, "All things considered, it was fun, and it gave us a chance to interact a little. Isn't that right, sister?" Seeing her sister nod her head makes her feel better.

Sam turns to his omega and says, I know it's hard to act normal, but I am glad you had fun and your relationship with your sister is getting better. I want all of us to get along and become a family. I know your big sister wants that more than anything. So any plans tonight?

Tessa looks at him, then at her sister, Heather. She then says, "Actually I do, Alpha. Heather and I are going out tonight."

Sam looks at his third mate, then at his baby-girl for confirmation. Seeing her eyes grow big by the statement. He then says, "Is this true, baby-girl?"

Heather finishes her chewing and then stutters a little, but says, "Yyyyeah. Tessa and myself are going out to do some shopping and getting better acquainted."

The news shocks both Sam and his slut, but it's understandable. They are young and don't do a lot of night stuff that young girls do. Looking at his slut first, he turns to his baby-girl and asks, "Do you need any money?"

Heather shakes her head, 'No' but says, "No, I think I can cover it. We're mostly window browsing, anyway. We did a lot of bonding during the physical and want to expand on it a little. No biggy."

Sam shakes his head and says, "Just shocked; that's all. It's good that you two ladies want to hang out and do stuff together. Makes me/us happy seeing you two getting together and along." Looking at his slut, he says, Guess we're on our own this evening. Any thoughts?

Sasha looks at her Master and bites her lower lip. She then says, I don't have any. As long as I am with you, Master, I am happy.

Sam ponders on what to do with his evening. Yeah, he can stay home and watch some Netflix or Hulu with his slut, which will probably turn into sex. Looking at the girls next to him, he thinks to himself, 'If they are going out; so shall we. Who wants to stay cooped up in the house all the time? There's stuff to do in Pasadena and my slut could use some culture since she's been cooped in the house for 25 years. Seeing his baby-girl finish her salad and his omega finishing her dinner, he gives them a quick smile and says, "Hope both of you have a good evening." To his shock, both of his girls turn towards him and give him a kiss on his cheek and say, "You too, Alpha/Daddy"; respectively.

Sasha smiles at the interaction between her Master and his other lovers. It was a sweet gesture and bets that helped his ego a little. Still staring, she envies him sometimes; her phone just vibrates and pulls it out of her pocket. She sees a text from Vivian. Opening up her phone, she reads the text, 'Hey sister. Just wanted to stop by and drop a text to you. Guess you didn't do a thorough job of cleaning me out this morning. Been dripping out Master's essence all day; making me feel so dirty (wink emoji). Can't wait to see all of you again. Hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday evening if I have time. Miss you, sister. Thanks again.'' She finishes reading the text and smiles. Looking up for a moment, she types back, "Miss you as well, sister. That would be great; just give us a heads up if you do. Will let you know if anything comes up on our end. As for his essence, Master asked me to leave some behind so you can remember what he did to you. Wish you were here right now; so I could clean that dirty pussy of yours. Have a good night. Chat later (heart emoji). " Hitting send, she exits out of her phone and puts it back into her pocket.

Both girls push back their plate or bowls and start sliding back their chairs. Heather looks at both her lovers and says, "Thanks for the dinner, sis. It was scrumptious; you know me so well. My sister and I will head upstairs to change and then head out. While we're out, let us know if you need anything. Hope you two have a good evening as well." Giving both of her lovers a smile. She watches her new sister walk around and give Sasha a kiss on the cheek before leaving. Turning to her daddy, she says, "I haven't forgotten about you or mommy. I will be with you both after our excursion. Love you, both." She was shocked that after she finished her statement, she's embraced by her two lovers. Telling and showing their love to her by giving her kisses and a triad hug. Feeling them close by once again makes her heart beat ever so quickly. She misses this so much that tears form.

Seeing his baby-girl like this, both Sam and his slut feel her emotions. It's Sam that speaks first and says, "Wipe those tears away, baby-girl. We feel it too. The original triad; we love you so much. With that said, hope you and your new sister have fun. We'll see you later for sure. Can't wait." With that, he leans forward and kisses her and pulls her into a hug. He whispers, "Love you so much, baby-girl." To his surprise, she whispers back, 'Love you more, daddy.'

Heather feels her sister's touch while hugging her daddy. When she pulls back, she turns to hug her sister and says, "Love you too, baby. See you later." She pulls back and gives her sister a quick peck on the lips. Then drops her hands and looks at both of them once more before she leaves. She heads upstairs to change back into her original clothes before heading out.

Sam turns towards his slut and says, "Guess it's just the two of us once more. With a lot of thought, I think we should do the same. Don't know yet, but I think we should head out and do something together. I bet it's been a while since you last seen the city. So a night out on the town, but first let's clean up before heading upstairs to change. Shall we?"

Sasha smiles at her Master and says that he wants to take her out. Even though it's unnecessary but it's the thought that counts. As long as she's with him, she will be happy. With a smile, she grabs plates and heading to the sink to rinse them before putting them in the dishwasher. Cleanup takes about 10 minutes and within that span of time, they hear their lovers come down the stairs together and wish them a good evening before heading out. Smiling to herself, she feels different, like how things used to feel before her Master became a werewolf. Now he wants to take her out on the town, like a date. Instantly she feels her heart warming up, but still beating at its leisurely pace. As her eyes look up at him, she feels that warmth move down from her heart and centralize down at her nether lips. She instantly feels herself getting moist at the idea of walking and holding his hand while exploring her city.

Once all the dishes were rinsed and put in the dishwasher, Sam wipes down the counters and says, "Head upstairs and dress up for a night on the town, slut." He knows that most kisses with her lead to something. Smiling, he gives a slight slap to her derriere with his left hand, then a grab to get her moving. When she does, he smiles as he stares at her backside, but shocked when she turns around to give him a sinister smile back.

Sasha felt elated when her Master descended to give her a kiss, but wished it were a little longer. She knows their kisses lead to other stuff, but she had to smile when he pulled back. Thinking to herself, 'He really wants to take me out.' She gets lost in her thoughts as that warmth between her legs becomes soaked. Luckily, she's awakened back up when her Master slaps her ass and brings her back to the present. However, when he grabs her ass, it awakens her desires but feels the push forward to get her moving. Walking, she turns around and gives him a devious smile on what ignited within her and looks forward to spending a night out with him.

Chapter 13.2

Sam watches his slut's ass as it sways from side to side as she leaves the kitchen into the foyer. So hypnotic to watch and has to blink several times to wake himself up. Tossing the dishrag into the sink, he turns off the light as he leaves the kitchen to get ready as well. Climbing the stairs two at a time, he makes his way to his room. There he opens his closet and pulls out his black denim jeans and a casual blue checkered dress shirt. As he puts on his clothes, he's shocked that they still fit. Granted, the jeans have some spandex to mould around his thick thighs but the shirt is kind of snug. Leaving a few buttons open, he rolls up the sleeves to his mid forearms. Nevertheless, he looks decent. After applying some cologne and comb through his locks with his fingers, he's ready to go. Before heading downstairs, he grabs a pair of white ankle socks and heads downstairs.

Sasha walks into her closet and stares at all her clothes. What should she wear for her Master, since tonight is date night? 'Hmm', she thinks to herself as she taps her index finger to her lips. Whatever we're doing, it will be fun and I need to wear something that makes everyone stare at us. She then smiles at herself and pulls out a blue satin party dress with chain straps. Holding it up, she looks at it and thinks to herself, 'This will be perfect. Haven't worn this dress like forever.' Looking down on the floor, she pulls open up several boxes looking for shoes with the dress. With a smile, she pulls out a pair of black, 3 inch stilettos with leather bands that wrap around the calf. Smiling to herself, she says, "This would be perfect."

Walking back into the bedroom, she lays out her dress and shoes on the bed as she slides off her yoga pants and sports bra. Walking to the dresser, she pulls out a black-laced Brazilian tanga and a strapless black bra. Looking at her outfit, she slides the tanga on and over her hips. She loves the feel; next is the bra, not just for support but to cover her nipples. Once that's done, she steps into her party dress and grabs hold of the chained straps and pulls it upwards. The dress moulds to her body as she slides her arms through the straps to secure the dress. Adjusting the dress, she aligns it in such a way to cover her bra and mould around her 36 DDD breasts. Cupping her breasts, she looks into the mirror and it looks amazing on her. Sitting on the bed, she slides her feet into her stilettos and starts pulling the moulded leather straps over her thick calves. The straps cross over each other and connect or tie into a bow behind and slightly below the knee. Walking into the bathroom, she grabs some eyeliner to highlight her eyes, and that's all she needs. Looking into the mirror, she likes what she sees and hopes that Master will say the same. Turning off the lights as she goes, she heads out and slowly descends the stairs.

Hearing the clank of heels as his slut descends the stairs, Sam stands up from the couch in the Setting room. He ganders at what she's wearing and his jaw just drops. Looking at her clothing puts him to shame, but wonders if she got confused. Walking out of the Sitting room, he meets her at the bottom of the stairs. Reaching out to her, he gives his slut a peck on the lips before pulling back and saying, "You look ravishing, slut. That dress highlights your curves and matches your eyes perfectly. You know we're driving around Pasadena, right? Not Hollywood or Rodeo Drive.."