The Journey Ch. 04


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"Also, I'm not responsible for what my hips do if they play Suavemente."

"I don't know what that is, but clearly I'll have to go to the DJ and request it later."

The vibe between a dance club full of... ordinary folks? ... and a Latin dance club were almost not comparable. Everyone here could dance. I mean really dance. J-Lo was followed by Rikity, and Jane and I whirled each other around to the beat. At one point, when Paradinha was playing, I took her hand, held it up over her head and spun her a half dozen times. I'd expected her to come out of it dizzy, but she flung herself away from me, holding my hand, then spun back into my body as I wrapped her up, then we went straight into some salsa moves, our bodies pressed together.

After probably a dozen songs, our energy started to flag. Jane pulled me to her and spoke in my ear.

"Did you say this place had the best mojitos?" She started leading me towards the bar.

"I did in fact, let's--" I stopped, as Elvis Crespo's voice came over the speakers.

Suavemente, bésame! Que quiero sentir tus labios! Besándome otra vez!

"Oh, shit! Drinks can wait!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the dance floor. My hips went into overdrive as I circled her like a crazed flamenco dancer, while she watched me giggling. I grabbed both her hands and we started whirling around each other as we tangoed to the horns. Halfway through the song, she leaned in close.

"Tell me what the words mean."

I pulled her tight, our legs sliding between each other's knees. We swayed back and forth as I focused on Elvis' voice.

"He's saying 'Kiss me softly, slowly and calmly. Give me a deep kiss, that reaches my soul. Give me one more kiss, made for my mouth, give me a kiss slowly, give me a soft kiss'."

"Okay then." She lifted up her chin and kissed me. I held her tight, savoring it for a moment, then pulled away.

"So, uh, just FYI, the Latin community isn't necessarily the most accepting of gays. We might get some stares."

"I see. Well, I don't mind a few stares. Unless you think someone might start something."

"You never know. It's not unusual to see women dancing together but they're usually scoping out guys. Kissing, well..."

"Got it," she said, "So let's dance." Tu Mueves came on as the DJ slowed things down. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. "Tell me what the lyrics mean," she said again.

I laughed nervously.

"Okay, she's saying 'This romance between you and me, nobody will do it better. Without giving it away, you love how I move it. It's already moved away, but you haven't been able'." I paused and nervously cleared my throat.

"Keep going, I love this," Jane said in my ear. At least she couldn't see my face right now.

"'Not feasting on me makes you restless, addicted to my moans, and you live in your lie. When you move, you move, you move like this'."

She pulled away just far enough to be able to look into my eyes. "I think I really like Latin music. I may have to learn Spanish so I can appreciate it even more." She said it so matter of factly that I had no doubt that if she set her mind to it, she'd be fluent in no time.

"Seré tu profesora."


"Nothing. Ready for a drink now?"

We left the club at last call, our legs wobbly from dancing. Jane insisted on driving me all the way home as we could see a thunderstorm to the west, headed our way. The storm moved in quickly, and by the time we got to Springfield it was raining sideways. Jane pulled into the space she'd pulled into almost every time she'd driven me home from class. It made me keenly aware she'd once been my professor.

"Tonight was really fun, Viv. Thank you for taking me there."

"You said that's what you wanted. I guess that this means next time is your turn."

"That sounds great. Next Saturday again?"

"Yeah. Yeah, sounds good." I looked through the downpour towards my apartment, judging if there was going to be any kind of break in the rain soon, or if I was just going to have to go for it.

As if reading my mind, Jane reached out and grabbed my hand. "You don't have to go. Wait until it lets up."

"Thanks," I said, the relief plain in my voice.

We sat there, watching the rain, holding hands.

"What was the name of that song you loved so much? Suavemente?"


"The one about kissing."

"Oh, yeah, that's it. Elvis Crespo."

Jane pulled her feet up, then turned, lifted her knee over the center console and straddled my lap. "I liked that song." She cupped my face with her hands, kissing me. "I liked that song a lot." Another kiss. "I liked it when you whispered the lyrics in my ear." Another. "I'm not normally into making out in a parked car, but I think the rain will keep anyone from seeing us."

I still had a hard time believing she was this into me, but I sure as hell wasn't going to pass up the opportunity.

As we kissed, my hands circled her waist, then I slowly slid them down her hips. When she'd straddled me, her dress had ridden up and I could feel bare skin under my hands. Getting no sign at all that this was unwelcome, I continued until I cupped my hands under her magnificent ass, giving her cheeks a soft squeeze. She was either wearing a thong or had gone commando. Her only reaction was a soft hum of pleasure into my mouth.

I realized the incessant drum of rain on her car's roof had faded to a soft murmur. I looked into her eyes.

"I think the rain is letting up."

"Do you want to go?"

"Not on your life."

"Good." She started kissing me again. I let her. I gripped one of her knees and moved her leg so she straddled only one instead of both my legs, then I lifted my knee to press up gently between her thighs. She let out a soft gasp, then ground herself down onto my knee. Immediately, I felt her heat through the thin silk of my pants. I moved my attention back to her butt, letting my hands get more adventurous.

A thong after all, I thought as my fingers slid under the slim strap of silk that ran down between the cleft of her cheeks. I made no move to remove it, remembering her limits as to where I could take my hands the first night we'd made out, but the way she was grinding on my knee and the speed with which she had started panting into my mouth told me tonight was going to go a little further. Her hips were moving in small circles.

She stopped kissing me and leaned her forehead against mine, her hand on the back of my neck pulling us together. "Yes... yes..."

I decided to be a little bolder, letting one of my hands wander from her butt, along her thigh and to the top of her leg. She spread her knees wider, which I took as an invitation. I used one hand to pull her skirt just a little higher as my other slid down between her legs, then inside the silk of her panties. I felt my fingertip run through a triangle of curls and then between her lips. She was soaking wet, and she gasped louder as I found her clit. I rubbed it slowly, in time to her body's rocking on my knee.

Her panting got louder. "Yes... Viv, yes... yes..."

Time stretched out... Jane rocking herself rhythmically as she ground into my leg... I watched her as I stroked her wetness...

When her orgasm came, I was surprised by how quiet, yet intense it was. Her body clenched, her knees tight to my sides, and I felt her nails tenderly dig into the sides of my head. Watching her was exquisite.

"Oh! Oh! Oh, my-- yes! Yes!" she whispered, as her body quivered.

Just as she started to relax, the headlights of a car pulling into a nearby parking spot swept over us. Jane threw herself back into her seat, her foot getting tangled under my knee, making her sprawl across the seats. She started laughing hysterically.

I grinned at her, then looked out to see one of my neighbors get out of his car several spaces away and trudge towards the building, his head ducked against the lingering sprinkles. I doubt he'd seen anything.

"I feel like a teenager who just got caught making out in the driveway by my dad!" Jane said between peals of laughter.

"That sounds like an extremely specific story that I need to hear."

"Maybe after a dozen more dates." She was still fighting the giggles.

I felt a warm flush go through me. She's thinking a dozen dates ahead?

"So, um, do you want to...?" she glanced meaningfully towards my apartment.

My mind said Hell yes! Then another part of my mind stopped and thought about it. I looked over and saw Manny's truck sitting under the streetlight where he liked to park. I thought about the state of catastrophe I'd left my room in while I'd gotten ready for tonight.

I pulled her upright in the seat and thoroughly kissed her. "Not tonight. I don't usually like to bring a date home if my roommate's here. Thin walls, you know." Also, I have a feeling you aren't a fast mover, and you'll respect me more for not giving in and dragging you into my bed on our second date, even though you're offering.

"Do you take a lot of dates home?" she asked. Surprisingly, I sensed zero judgment or jealousy in the question. Just curiosity.

"It's been awhile, but there was a time when it was probably more than I should have." The honesty just slipped out, easily without any fear of judgement. This girl was getting to me.

"What about me taking care of you before you go?" she asked, sliding a hand over my thigh.

"It's okay. Tonight was my turn to run the show. And believe me, that was quite a show. You can take a turn next time."

"I like the sound of that," she said. I could see her cheeks color in the dim parking lot security lights.

I looked out of the windshield, to see the rain had completely stopped.

"Text me and let me know when and where next Saturday," I said. I kissed her again then opened the door. I heard her rustling around behind me. As I turned, she straightened herself up in the driver's seat.

"I will. I had such a good time tonight, Viv. Thank you."

"You're very welcome." I made to shut the car door, but she stopped me, holding out her hand.

"Wait! For you. To give you something to think about until next time. Good night." Her cheeks were even pinker now.

I shut the door and she quickly started her car and backed out. I watched her drive off. She usually waited for me to reach my door before she backed out. I looked down at the black thong she'd balled up and pressed into my hand. I held it up to my nose and took a deep sniff, smelling her rich, earthy scent.

"God damn, that is one sexy chick," I said to the empty parking lot.

Thank god Manny was asleep when I came into the apartment, as I started stripping off my clothes on the way to my room. I couldn't get naked fast enough. I threw myself across my bed, reaching for the drawer on the far side table, to pull out Señora Mágica, my vibrator (as I called her) and quickly switched her on. I put the tip against my clit and sucked in a breath, holding Jane's panties against my cheek with my other hand.

I dipped the tip of the buzzing cylinder into myself. I was as wet as I could remember ever being. With a single plunge, the vibrator slid straight into me, almost all the way to the control knob at the end. I could almost never do that at once, it usually took me a while to adjust to the length, but tonight... My body was hungry. The vibrations spread through my g-spot and towards my clit, through my pelvic wall. I gasped and then bit my lip. The headboard of Manny's bed was literally less than a foot away from mine. I hadn't lied about our walls being thin. Thank god Manny was a deep sleeper.

I dropped Jane's panties on my chest and started stroking my clit with my hand, adding to the mix. Slowly at first, then quicker, then almost frantically. My orgasm came fast and hard. I turned my head into the pillow, trying to keep silent. I was mostly successful. As I came down, I quickly realized that wasn't going to be enough.

Three orgasms later, my vibrator ground to a halt, the battery dead. Unfortunately, I still hadn't taken the edge off and I was wired. I lay in bed, reliving, relishing every moment of our date tonight. I grabbed my phone and looked through my texts, to the photo Jane had sent me at the restaurant, making the exaggerated pouty face. God, she's fucking adorable. I saved the photo as her profile photo in my contacts so it would come up anytime she called or texted me.

Looking over, the clock next to my bed told me (rather smugly, if you ask me) that it was almost two A.M. I sighed. I needed to get to sleep, or I was going to be late to Abuela's tomorrow for tamale day. Time for my go-to sleep aid.

I threw on a pair of gym shorts and the first t-shirt I could find from the pile of laundry at the foot of the bed and went out to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water, then set it on the counter. It took me a minute to find the bottle of Cuervo I kept on top of the fridge, mainly because I didn't want to turn on a light and I was being extra careful not to make any noise.

I took a big gulp straight from the bottle, wincing as it went down. That would have been much better with a lime, I thought. Not the best tequila, but it was cheap and what I could afford to keep around the house.

I looked out the window, down at the empty parking space where Jane had... mounted me, basically.

"Holy fuck, that woman is hot." I whispered. I couldn't wait to see what next Saturday brought. Then my brain spoke up.

How long do you think she'll string you along before it's over?

Fuck you, brain. I took another big slug of tequila. It made me hiccup twice as I put the bottle back on top of the fridge, then I collected my water and headed to bed.

Hopefully without dreams.

To Be Continued...

The character Lucia Alvarez, and the bands Insanity Hall and Graviton, are an homage to the Literotica stories ADSR and The Beast In Me, and used with gracious permission by AwkwardMD.

I have updated Viv's Dance Party Mix playlist. You can find information about it in the Bio section of my author page.

Thank you to my beta-readers, ArmyGal33, GinnyPPC, and Bramblethorn. An extra special thank you to AvidReader223, who I have come to rely on to check my priors on race, and help me keep as authentic and respectful as possible to Jane. Jane and Viv are really important to me and I want to get them as right as I can. And, as always, thanks to AwkwardMD, for her outstanding editing.

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LiberalMindsLiberalMinds7 months ago

I’m thrilled! I really like Viv, but her clouded mind worries me. Spokes! You definitely succeed in getting her (and Jane) right. They are trustworthy or realistic individuals. And that makes me personallly engaged in these two wonderful lesbians, even if me being a male. White male I might add. Oh well! I so desperately want their best. I guess there is only one way to find out.

NoLongerAnonNoLongerAnon7 months ago

Interesting piece of foreshadowing when Viv says "Get drunk or high all you want, but stay the fuck away from getting behind the wheel."

_robin_robinover 1 year ago

Oh wow. Yes, my jaw dropped when Lucia Alvarez and the car crash were mentioned. I just read that story. I love the vibe between Connie & Viv. That Connie has a wicked dry sense of humour and good timing. Jane is a sweetheart and I have a horrible sense of foreboding. This is about the point at which your characters do a runner and ghost the lover.

ChimeraLoveMeeChimeraLoveMeeover 2 years ago

I absolutely love their dynamic. I've known people like Viv who constantly under estimate themselves and this makes her feel like a real person instead instead of just a character.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

Heartwarming ..... Lovely ...... Even slow can be intense ...... Wonderful

HeartlandHarlotHeartlandHarlotover 2 years ago

Fantastic read. Characters and pacing hit the zone!

Cindy1001Cindy1001almost 3 years ago

Wow! Such a great story, I loved reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Love This 5*s +

This author is doing an outstanding job of painting vivid pictures in my mind with the descriptive dialog, pulling the reader into the story and making them a part of each scene. The introduction of Jane and her interaction with Viv had Phylicia Rashad's voice in my head more as Dr. Jane but also as girlfriend Jane; both, with her humor and precise and measured speech patterns. I enjoy the author and anticipate updates and additional offerings from this extraordinary imagination. I do have a little problem picturing Phylicia Rashad in bell bottoms tho...

Also, with different computers and browsers, each re-read gets another 5*s. WOOHOO!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

More please! You made me hate Viv for what she did to Addie. Now you have me realizing I not too dissimilar from with ,y own insecurities. Love all your stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please chapter 5 I beg of you, I'm so ready to see what happens next

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Being a Latina myself, I can see you've built Viv's character to perfection. Loved the crescendo in their relationship. Patiently waiting for next chapter.......5/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I need more 😭

AshleyyAshleyyalmost 3 years ago

Amazing I have fallen in love !!! I already see them walking down the ails 😂

BillyslateBillyslatealmost 3 years ago

Another great chapter in a wonderful story. Have avidly read all your stories, and would have a difficult time in choosing the the best on.

It is nice seeing Viv develop some level of self confidence🎉, however she continues having a long road to travel in improving that area of her life.

Anxiously Anticipating CH. 05!

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