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The Lady Captains Year Ch. 03


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We continue to review the options late into the night, I proposed that she resign her captaincy, but again was persuaded that would only serve to confirm the rumours to be true. One thing she did agree to however, was my insistence that she would no longer play golf with Jerry bloody Samuels, in fact she would stop playing competitive mixed golf entirely.

The following day being a Monday, I dragged myself into work fearing the worst, but to my surprise, when Jerry and I had occasion to meet, he was all business and very professional. He kept any private issues strictly and completely below the radar.

A couple of weekends later I was just completing playing a round of golf with Bob when out of the blue he said, "Can I have a word in private?"

Thinking this was odd, Bob usually just came up said what was on his mind, I said, "Sure would now be OK?"

He replied, "Lets wait until we get somewhere a bit more private."

Instead of going into the 19th hole, we apologised to our playing partners and adjourned to a quiet little pub not far away. Once we had our beers and found a table I asked Bob, "What's this about then? We don't normally stand on ceremony we have been friends too long for that."

He said, "Look this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but how are you and Sally getting along?"

Wondering where he was going with this, I replied, "We had a sticky patch after the Drive in but are OK at the moment" and went on to explain about the events at the drive in and the aftermath.

He then said, "I think you need to be aware that I overheard Jerry Samuels talking to his golf cronies about how he was going to get into the Lady Captains knickers during his year in office."

I asked what happened and he told that he was sitting in one of the stalls when Samuels and two pf his buddies came into the toilet for a pee. He told me that they were commenting about Sally's dress at the Drive in. They were discussing anyone's chances of nailing her when Samuels just came out with his boast. Apparently they were all laughing about it and that someone said he would never succeed with getting Sally to give it out. Jerry just smiled and said that he would succeed and that to prove it, 'when he achieved it, he would hang her bra in my office for all at work to see and her panties in the Gents Changing Room for all the male club members to see.'

I felt my anger rising and stood up to storm out when Bob grabbed me and forced me to sit down,

"Look" he said, "You are reacting just as knew you would, calm down and lets take stock before you fly off the handle and beat his brains out."

He went on, "There are several things to consider, One, "What's the likelihood of Sally succumbing to the bastard."

"Two, Even if you find a pair of panties on your locker what proof do you have that their hers.?"

Three, "If you do manage to prove she is cheating on you, what are you going to do about it?"

"Jack" he said quietly, "There is something else, he also said he would pass her around to his friends when he was done with her."

I jumped up and again my anger surged through my body, "I'll kill the bastard" I said, but again Bob rose and pushed me back down.

"Think carefully" he said, "your no good to the twins if you are in prison."

So I sat there with him and we discussed my options.

Bob offered to get me some surveillance equipment from his work. His told me his job gave him access to state of the art surveillance devices.

"We a have an App that works like a GPS signal, as long as her mobile phone is switched on, you will be able to determine where she is. I could also get you a couple of small tape recorders, one to attach to the house phone and another you can hide in her car."

"Thank you for the offer but, I do not think I can take the risk of spying on Sally at the moment. She already thinks that I do not trust her and if she were to find out that I was monitoring on her whereabouts and conversations the shit would really hit he fan."

Bob said, "I understand, but the offers still open if you change your mind."

February to June

January turned into February and March was soon upon us, as promised Sally did not put her name down to play in any mixed competitions and when asked why, she just smiled and said she wanted to devote more time to her Captains' Charity fund raising.

Our home life resumed its normal pattern with one significant change, in the bedroom, Sally really got into role playing fantasies. She really enjoyed fantasising situations where I would catch her in-flagrante. When I asked her to explain this sudden fixation, she said that when I had fucked her the morning after the drive in, it released in her a dormant desire to be dominated and punished. She could not explain why she had this need to be dominated and used, but told me it was harmless fixation.

I agreed it was harmless and fun in the context of our sexual fantasies, but expressed my concerns and said, "I guess so long as it is contained within our relationship it's OK, but what if someone else discovers your Achilles heel and uses your submissive character to abuse you?"

She replied, "I know my own body and will be very careful not to place myself in such a position and if the situation does arise, you will be the first to know."

I was still concerned that she could be controlled so easily, by suggestion combined with alcohol and suggested she seek help professional help and treat this condition.

Sally, would not admit that her submissive side was a problem and refused to consider my suggestion. I did not push the matter after all I, reasoned to my self, I was the one reaping the benefits of her imagination and our sex life was certainly more frequent now. I was conscious of the fact however, that though we were fucking like rabbits, there was little room for tenderness and love in our sexual encounters.

Sally seemed to make an effort to heal the wounds in our marriage over that next few months and we had resumed having sex, but the feeling I had that something was hampering our intimacy persisted.

Summer was almost on us when the next event occurred to puncture our balloon.

When our twins were younger, money was tight and we could not afford expensive holidays so we bought a second hand Motor Home and used it for all our holidays and for weekends away. The girls loved it and we spent many weekends travelling around the countryside, we even took ourselves over to France on the car ferry. The twins decided to name our new motor home Betsy. Unfortunately, at fifteen years of age and they did not want to spend so much holiday time with their parents, much preferring the company of their friends. So Betsy became mainly redundant to though Bob and I sometimes used when we went away golfing for the weekend. Sally's dad had acquired a bit of land with and old open hay shed and he'd to rent out spaces for Motor Homes and Touring Caravans for over winter parking. Betsy was kept there free of charge when not in use.

One weekend in early May, we were discussing our summer holiday plans and touring in Betsy was rejected by the girls, I was outvoted three to one. They wanted a proper holiday in Tenerife.

I said, "That being the case, I proposed I should give Betsy a quick tart up and sell her.

The twins protested straight away, "No, please keep her, we can still use her at Bank Holidays." they protested.

Sally responded, "Best leave it for now, you never know when we may want it for something, it's not as if it's costing us anything to keep there." So I just went with the flow and put the project on the back burner.

Sally's birthday was at the end of May, so the girls and I went shopping to choose her presents. They had no difficulty in choosing theirs, but I was still floundering when we met up to go home. When they heard I had still to select something, they took me by the arm and walked me to a shop specialising in sexy lingerie. I stood back in astonishment as they discussed what they wanted with the sales assistant, they even knew Sally's vital statistics, the only choice I was given was the colour and I selected dark red. They had selected a half-cup bra with matching panties. The sales assistant, must have sensed a good opportunity to make a killing, suggested a matching garter belt would finish the gift off. I started to refuse the offer, when the girls said in unison, "Perfect, come on dad, live a little, she'll love it." Outvoted, I nodded my agreement and paid up with a wry smile. The assistant even gift wrapped it, so all I had to do was present it on the day.

Sally's birthday was on a Monday and I had booked a table for four at an up market Italian restaurant for a celebration family meal. We had agreed with Sally before hand that we would wait until the meal was over before presenting our gifts.

We had I great meal and I was delighted with the happy interaction between the four of us. Everything was going well, I had arranged with the restaurant to provide a birthday cake and they duly did so. It was a stage-managed production, the lights dimmed, the band played Happy Birthday and the waiters all stopped to sing Happy Birthday and everyone stood up and clapped.

Amy and Pippa presented their gift and Sally, obviously touched by their thoughtfulness kissed them both in gratitude. I then pulled out my carefully concealed box and handed her my gift. She carefully unwrapped the fancy paper and peaked inside the box, then faced reddening, she closed it quickly as if to hide the contents from the girls.

She looked at me with a puzzled look on her face, "Where did you get this and how did you know what size to get?"

I immediately confessed that I had little to do with it, Amy and Pippa had selected it.

Sally turned to them, smiled said, "Well since you already know what's inside the box, I do not to conceal it from you, do I?"

She then returned her attention to the contents of the box and her eyes widened when she saw the garter belt. She turned to me with a big smile and enquired, "When do you think I am going to wear this then buster?"

I said simply, "At the earliest opportunity I hope"

At that point our happy evening came to an abrupt halt. The last man on earth I wanted to see at that moment, stopped by our table. He was standing with his wife Samantha and he said, "Sorry to interrupt your meal, we have just finished our meal but we just wanted to wish Sally many happy returns." On a reflex action, Sally and I had both arisen from our seats and had little option but to greet them with the usual cheek to cheek fresh air kisses. The girls made some mumbled apology and rushed out to the join up with some friends they had spotted sitting at the little bar in Reception.

Without a by your leave, Jerry just sat down in the recently vacated seats and started to chat to Sally about the club trip to the Open Golf Championship. I tried my best to engage Samantha in conversation, but as usual when she was in Jerry's company, it was hard work to get anything other than yes or no from her. The band started playing again and Jerry insisted that Sally dance with him and pulled her onto the floor. I asked Samantha if she wanted to dance, but she shook her head, instead we watched as Sally and Jerry danced. Jerry was holding her tightly and trying to pull her closer to him and Sally was resisting by placing her arm between them on his chest. As the dance was finishing, he leaned close to her and whispered something in her ear. I saw her shake her head, again he leaned over and said something else and this time she just nodded to him. She then spun round and returned to our table.

"I want to go home." she said. When I protested that we had not even had a dance, she said coldly, "Just get me out of here!"

With that our evening came to an abrupt end, we collected the girls, who quickly sensed that change of atmosphere and kept quiet for once. We drove home in stony silence. I had no inkling what had caused this abrupt change in Sally, clearly there was something in those two short whispered conversations that triggered her response and it was a couple of more days before I was to find out.

Once at home and with girls preparing for or in bed, I tried to coax Sally into revealing what he had said to her that caused such a rapid change of mood. She simply refused to discuss the matter. Needless to say, I never got the fashion show I had been eagerly anticipating since the purchase of her birthday present.

The temperature between us remained artic through the rest of the week and into the weekend.

The atmosphere of guarded respect continued during June as Sally and I carefully sidestepped any issues likely to develop into a full blown arguments. Sally continued to attend her meetings, but I was usually in bed when she got back, thereby avoiding any contentious situations.

At some point in June, I began to suspect Sally was seeing Jerry behind my back, there were a couple of phone calls that suddenly terminated when I came into the room or she took into another room to continue, our love making had again ceased and there was no signs of affection at all.

I had to do something, I had to know for sure, so I called Bob and asked him if his offer for spy equipment was still open. He asked simply, "Has it gone that far?"

I just said simply, "Yes."

He said to meet him on Saturday after golf and we would set it up.

Saturday came around and I met Bob after his round, I decided against playing as my mind was not in any shape to even consider it, in any case Sally had informed me she intended to play that afternoon. I asked him what he thought I would need and we discussed the options. He suggested we download the GPS App we had discussed previously and also the cassettes recorders, one for our house and another to be hidden under the seat of her car.

I asked how log it would take to download the App?

"Just get me access to her phone for 15 minutes and she wont even know it's there" he replied.

We spent the next 30 minutes discussing how we would do it and the simplest thing was for me to invite over for dinner one evening and I would keep Sally busy while he downloaded the app onto her phone and install the two voice recorders.

So that's exactly how it went down, by the end of the week, I knew where Sally was and who she was talking to on the house phone. The one installed in her car was of limited value as any phone conversations were one sided.

I checked the devices daily over the next few weeks but, unsurprisingly most of the messages were normal everyday conversations, there were a couple of calls from Jerry, but nothing specific enough for me to convince me that anything was going on. They were mostly some mild flirting followed by golf club business matters.

I had gotten a bit slack in my monitoring regime as the weeks rolled by and almost asked Bob to take the devices out, but decided to give it until the end of July to be sure.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ok, so this is where I bale out. Reading the first two chapters I became concerned about the direction this was going. I forced myself to accept the utterly absurd premise that Jerry is married to the company owner's daughter and yet is openly pursuing a fellow employee's wife but when I got to the ridiculous scene where the MC, angered by the sight of his wife's hickey covered body gets an erection and is overcome by the all consuming need to fuck her, I decided that enough is enough. I've gotten angry many times in my life but never once has it resulted in my getting an erection. This is just too stupid for words. My only concern now is to make sure the door doesn't hit my arse on my way out.

PS If it's any consolation to all of you US readers, I'm English and I'm just as sick of this pathetic husband as you are!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I hate these authors and stories that try to show men to be stupid and weak. I think this author is a bull Dyke that hates men.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Stupid Bitch With Attitude To Boot

When this spoiled, arrogant woman suggested that he was "jealous" and that had caused problems he should have backhanded her hard straight on the jaw. What a stupid cunt.

The husband has one bloody moment of clarity where his balls hadn't shrunk up to the size of spring peas and THAT is what causes the problem? This stupid bitch is humiliating her husband in front of the entire club, but he expresses concern once or twice and THAT is the problem. On second thought how about drop kicking her in the cunt with hockey skates on?

Someone please explain how it is that when an Englishman hears the word "jealous" he becomes so thoroughly paralyzed with fear that his wife can browbeat him even further than she already has and then continue to cheat on him with impunity??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Too Stupid For Words

"We drove home in stony silence. I had no inkling what had caused this abrupt change in Sally, clearly there was something in those two short whispered conversations that triggered her response and it was a couple of more days before I was to find out. "

He had no inkling. No fucking inkling at all? This husband is getting on my nerves. The whole arrangement at the club and all of the situations tearing their marriage up is truly an English thing. This could have been nipped in the bud long ago, so what was it that put the breaks on any sensible action? Appearances. For fucking appearances sake - an English problem if there ever was one.

So "bloody" irritating.

ps Oh yeah, and he refuses the security/surveillance procedures. What a fool.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago

Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Any real man...

...would have nipped this situation in the bud, immediately.

Years ago when my wife was a waitress at a small diner and I was a logger, she had some unwanted advances. She said the two guys were persistent and wouldn't take no or even hell no for an answer. It turned out, they were both logging truck drivers and I was the shovel operator loading their trucks! They either didn't know she was my wife or didn't care.

I made sure we hadn't made a mistake. Now you must know, sometimes the logs I load are thousands of pounds. 14 logs will equal 'about' 80,000lbs. So when the first guy, we'll call him 'Tom', backed in that morning to get his first load of logs, I motioned him up to the cab of my shovel. I let him know with no uncertainty they waitress they were harassing was my wife and if it didn't stop immediately, I was going to 'accidently' drop a log when it was most inopportune for him. He left my cab knowing if he continued to fuck around, I was going to kill him.

Then I did the same with 'Bill'. Tom obviously hadn't warned him and I gave him the same speech. Bill started to get pissed and threatened me but I told him, keep it up and he might not make it back to his truck and showed him the business end of the pistol I was carrying. Neither man bothered my wife again, in fact, neither stopped by her café again.

I told my boss that night what I did, exactly what I said and he knew I meant every word of it. So he told me he'd take care of it, he didn't want his son in law going to prison and leave his daughter alone! Yep, I worked for my FIL!

A few years later I happened to come into contact with Tom again, at a local store. I'd seen him driving around but ignored him. He accosted me and I believe he was working up to starting something when I told him, "Tom, if you so much as throw a punch you'd better kill me because I'm warning you right now, if you do hit me, I'll either kill you or you'll kill me. One of us won't be leaving this store." He must have believed me because he turned and left. I never heard from Bill again.

It was a good thing Tom left that day. Because in my hand was a Cold Steel San Mai III with a razor sharp 6" blade and I was going to bury it in his chest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
is the author mentally retarded?

hate to say ut...Harry is correct here. At the beginning of this chapter the husband is not getting any sex. so why is the wife dressing up to go to a country club like a whore?

And when she says "maybe you will get lucky tonight" WHY doesnt he slamm her back with something ...." kniwing you i am sure you will forget" OR....wow sex from my wife for first time in 3 months..."

monkcalmmonkcalmabout 11 years ago

would you take that much time to see if you had cancer? or say blood in the urine nope you go see a doctor right away same with cheaters you would act faster if you suspect i think, no drama no real worry

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Could you have dragged this out any more if you tried?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Pathetic. What a fucking wimp.

spyintheskyspyintheskyabout 12 years ago
Very impressed

This is a very erotic story very well written, I think i am as anxious as 'you' wondering what the truth is.

allsop72allsop72over 13 years ago
no more

ok no 4th needed you wimped him, and he cleaned her .......we need the space for newer stories.. wimp cum suckers are so old....good by

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Contrived stupidity

She lets Jerry feel her and mark her and in the end hubby gets talked out of doing ANYTHING? That's absolutely ridiculous. There ate no consequences for her or Jerry? Sorry but no fuck way is that believable.

Next bob tells him what Jerry is planning yet bob talks him out of doing anything.

You've contrived everything to ludicrous heights which is ruining you story. Frankly, I no loner care when Sally fall for Jerry. I just want our hero to finally actually do something. She's throwing away the marriage for mr.asshole so she's no longer worth fighting for. She is just a piece of old used meat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

don't stop writing. Interesting story so far, plenty of suspense, opportunities abound for plot twists and unexpected occurrences, hope you continue to write and develop your craft taking what you can from the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism offered.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 13 years ago

stop writing. You suck at it


the basic issue is that the author seems unable to write and think like a " normal" or "typical" hetrosexual male.

Maybe this Husband isnt " normal".

BUT at chapter 3 his background and character should fleshed out already. NOTHING in the story explains why he is so weak & timid.

I am not saying the Husband HAS to be stronger.

In fact if the autthor WANTS him to be weak.. GREAT!

But this should be explained and it is not.

hence what we have is EPIC FAILURE.

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