The Last Car


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"You know agent Stringer many people believe the perfect crime is a scenario where all the facts lead to someone else, or away from the guilty party and that's why 99.9 percent of them are in jail. The perfect crime has nothing to do with perfection, and everything to do with convolution perplexity, and confusion. Think about it, if you're looking for something in a neatly clean room, well it won't be so hard because everything is in place. Now try to find something in a filthy, cluttered, dishevel room, and you may never find what you're looking for, and that's what good criminals and criminologist understand, but then again, why am I telling you this for Stringer, you've obviously mastered the theology. I see Monty taught you well."

"Sir I...I don't know what to say," she answers humbly.

"Why don't you start at the beginning, what led you to do this woman?"

Stringer hangs her head down fearing to look in her superior's eyes, knowing she'd see the hurt, pain, and disappointment, but this only infuriates him as he slams his fist down on the desk, denting the surface.

Stringer nearly jumps from her chair in fear of Benson, not many men could do this to her, but she'd seen first hand how aggressively powerful he could be when provoked.

He stares intently at the agent. "Now you got five minutes Agent Stringer, five fucking minutes to explain to me what the fuck happened out there, and convince me why I shouldn't throw your ass under the jail."

Stringer sighs deeply as she gathers the events in her head which led up to the present. "Remember the night...the night Monty was killed?"

"Of course, they were torturing Stanton."

"Yeah well, they weren't torturing Stanton, we were."

"What the fuck and you stood by and let him do it, Benson cries.

"He was the senior partner, besides you know Monty, once he sinks his teeth to a case, he's a pit-bull, he was pissed, funds were being deferred, and we were about to be reassigned, so he decided to push the envelope in the hopes of cracking the case. I was Monty's look out. I don't how those two guys caught me off guard, but by the time I took them down, they shot Monty."

Benson sighs in disgust and shakes his head, go on," he bellows.

"Before he died, he told me the time, location, destination of and the name of the currier. I tried to tell you, but you were so pissed about our disobeying your orders to back off, you wouldn't listen, so now I'm pissed at the red tape, the bureaucracy and even you, I came to the conclusion that this was all just a game of numbers, appearances and percentages, and I didn't want to play that game so I decided to cash in my chips, reenter the game and play by my own rules."

"Okay so you went rogue, where did those clowns from the train come in?"

"Let's just say I used the larceny in their hearts to influence them to assist me. Sir I know you're pissed and rightfully so, but if nothing else, at least the case is closed. How did you know where to find Renzo?"

"From Stanton's cell phone, but since you're filling me on your little experimentation in renegade activity, allow me to let you in on a few things Agent Stringer. We arrested Renzo and his little band earlier today. He had a shit load of illegal diamonds but this suite belongs to someone else. Naturally he claims he had no knowledge of the diamonds. We've seriously hurt the operation but only as far as the left coast. We wanted a thorough examination. Careful observation and then take the whole thing down, but thanks to your little stunt, we've only scared them which will cause them to go find another route."

The large man glances down at his younger agent with a look of disappointment. "The man you were dealing with is Harvey Longfellow, he's CIA and thank god he setup this little operation here or there would be another body in the morgue by now, yours," he snaps.

"Huh...but I thought..."

"That's the problem woman, you didn't think, I should also inform you that Harvey is a close personal friend of mine and he also owes me a favor so I suggest you start convincing me as to why I shouldn't lock your ass up for this."

"I'm not going to fight you on that sir. I know I hurt the bureau..."

"Bureau my ass, what about me," he grumbles in a hush-hush manner, " remember I fucked up nearly two decades of marriage for you Stringer, my wife's still hitting me with lawsuits and my kids don't even speak to me anymore. Of course after a messy scandalous divorce I can kiss my chances of ever becoming director goodbye, so as you stand there readily to fall on the sword, let me remind you that instead of a sword, you pulled the pin on a grenade and you've taken down a lot more than just your fucking career."

She shivers as she listens to his deep sultry and masculine voice, his large dark vascular hands that once caressed and stroked her soft skin, his massively powerful chest, wide sweeping thighs, huge muscular arms a cock built like a heavily armored tank gun made her clit swell with excitation.

"Agent Stringer are you listening to me?"

"Yes, yes sir," she quickly replies.

"I asked you, what do you think I should do with you?"

She softly licks her lips and replies, "I didn't mean to hurt you Brock, I swear I didn't. You know how I feel about you...daddy," she coos.

"You hurt me String, you...really hurt me, he replies, his voice lowering but reflecting the pain he felt."

"As if you didn't hurt me, I didn't want to wreck your marriage anymore than you, but we started something that we didn't have the strength to end. We put both our careers on the line and we paid a serious price for it."

Benson sighs again, and slams his fist through a wall. "Shit!"

After a long pause, she gathers her nerves to ask, "So what are you going to do with me, are you going to turn me over to..."

"Shut up woman, I can't do that and you know it. Thank god Harvey owes me one and we're close friends. As far as it goes, you went rogue with the intensions of taking down Renzo and his operation and without the dia...hey wait a second, where the hell are the diamonds anyway?"

"I...I don't know, I didn't think to check the case when I took it from Jerkewitz, I assumed they were inside, but I never checked?"

"Is that the truth?"

"I swear, they're not in the case?," she pleads.

"Lucky for you the case was filled with gravel and it's a good thing we swept up enough diamonds to convict the owner of that suite without having to involve your evidence. Here's the deal, I'll negotiate on the strength that you were just overzealous, reckless and if you go down, so does Monty's rep. He had a lot of pull in DC circles. If all goes well you'll have to resign but that's better than a prison sentence."

"Are you sure they'll be happy with that?"

"It'll have to do; we've only shut down this side of the operation. And I'm sure this wasn't the only canal."

"What about the men on the train," she asks, appearing innocent.

"The blonde kid's an ex-cop out of NYC, whom we believe was on the run after robbing some drug dealers and killing a girl. One of those drug dealers was not only the boyfriend of the murdered girl, but he just so happened to be the victim at the station."

"Huh...what," she cries.

"Yeah go figure. Jerkewitz already confessed to killing Winters. The guy's a paranoid basket case, but I bet he'll keep his fellow inmates interested with bed time stories.

"Thank you Brock and don't worry about me, I'll disappear and maybe you can repair your...marriage."

"Like hell you will, you owe me woman, you owe me big time, and I intend on cashing that check early and often. I'm resigning as well."

"No, no Brock you can't do that, what about your career?"

"What career, that shit is over. I got a nice little nest egg put away, I figure I'll crack it open and maybe moved to Hawaii, live out the rest of my days on the beach."

"Can I come with you...Brock?"

"You don't have a choice woman, I told you, you're gonna spend the rest of your life, paying off your debit to me. I fell on the sword for you, and now you're going to fall on this sword for me," he barks, taking hold and waving the enormous bulge in his pants in her direction.

She slowly rises from the seat, walks across the room and placing her hand over the bulge. Gently stroking and tracing her fingers along the veins of his hands and wrist. "There's nothing I'd rather do more than," she strokes his cheek and softly kisses his lips. "Since I owe you so much, you mind if I make my first installment?"

"Just so long as you pay with interests," he smiles.

Stringer slowly falls to her knees, takes his hand, caresses, kiss and suck each of his strong thick fingers like slightly smaller versions of his cock, then rubs them along her cheek. The sight of the huge bulge in his pants causes her to coo as she reaches up and grabs it firmly. She glances up into his eyes conveying her hot lust for him then unbuckles his belt, zips and yanks down his pants and boxers.

The hot funky scent of his manly odor fills her nostrils and sends a tingling sensation through her hard clit. Leaning forward she plants several adoring kiss along the long length of the hard member, then takes it firmly in her hand before sliding it into her mouth.

The hot agent stretches her mouth wide in order to engulf the thin layer of skin covering the massive pinkish brown head of his cock and moans softly when the salty precum ignites her taste buds.

Benson clenches his fist feeling the tight warm and wet mouth enclose around his 12 inch long, 8 inch wide steel hard cock. The feeling of having his cock swallowed nearly to the cock hairs, reminds him as to why he missed her so much. She seems to adore, perhaps worship his king size man tool, enjoying her service as much as he did.

Sliding the big black cock from her mouth, she pants quickly, then proceeds to slide her tongue along the cylindrical edges, tracing along the veins, flickering about the head, diving down to engulf his ballsack, then finally retracing her lustful oral journey back up to the heavy wide crown, to swallow it back down into her throat.

"Yeah...yeah baby you suck that shit, you suck that dick...hmm, I love how you do that shit."

Reaching out Stringer gently takes her lover's hands, softly caressing them as she deep throats his cock, ignoring her gagging reflexes until soon she's coughing and coating the massive cock with blotches of precum saliva mixes.

Benson feels his cock stiffen and realizes he's rapidly approaching the point of no return.

"Hold baby, goddamn slow it down, my little man's not as young as he used to be, besides, I got a powerful crazy craving for that sweet pussy of yours," he pushes her head off his cock urgently, while smiling warmly down at her.

"Come here girl," he orders, yanking her hair, wiping the desk clear of everything with one hand, then lifting her up and laying her down on the desk. Suddenly an angry sneer grows on his face. He literally grabs and rips the skirt off her, forces her legs open and dives down head first.

"Oh...oh Ben...Benson, oooh no one eats me like," she cries shrilly.

Taking his time, he plants wet soft kiss about her clit, occasionally smooching and sucking it, until he feels her body shifting trying to adjust to his erotic advances. His long thick tongue flaps and laps at her clit, then stiffens to slide inside her hot pink hole.

In spite of his immense size, the large man had a surprisingly gentle touch as he skillfully manipulates his hands, mouth and tongue about the sexually hungry woman, bringing wave after wave of full bodied orgasms.

"Ooh Ben...ssss...oooh Ben eat my pussy please," she cries loudly and her wish was his command. His full thick lips made a wet noisy smacking sound each time he smooches against her juicy pussy.

"Ahhh, ssss god me...daddy eat me!"

Knowing he had his wet hot lover exactly where he wanted her, the crafty deputy director, spreads his fingers far apart, sliding his index finger in her tight ass-ring and his thumb inside her pussy, sending his agent right over the edge.

"Ooo's's ready, put it in, take it, take me, take," Stringer moans as her pussy throbs with flaming desire.

The stout powerfully built man glances down at the small hole between her legs, then at his massive black spear, and a sinister grin grows on his face as he anticipates the outcome.

The hot young agent shivers, realizing what's in store for her and subconsciously shifts nervously in fear.

"Sensing his lover's desperate anxiety, Benson slow and seductively slides the huge crown of his cock about her clit, bringing her burning desire to a feverish pitch, all the while smiling deviously.

"Broc please don't toy with me, I want you in...inside of me," she cries.

Her words barely escape her mouth before she feels the tip of his iron hard scepter stretching open her pussy lips.

"Ah fuc...fuck, fuck...ahhhh fuck, it's so...big, ohmygod!"

Inch by inch Benson drove his big black drill inside Stringer's precious tight pink hole leaving no room movement but down deep.

By the time he forces half the length of his bulldozer size cock within her, she bites down hard on her hand trying to control her convulsing pussy walls.

"God...oooh...oooh...oooh...I don't think I can, take, take, take it!'

"Shit woman that's just half of it, so I suggest you hold on cause we got a long way to go."

"But it's so damn big...oooh daddy please, I can't take it!"

"You can and you will, this pussy's mine woman, this pussy meeee," he barks, shoving balls deep into her hungry hole.

Benson pauses for a while allowing her overstretched pussy to adjust to his massive invasion. He hovers above her staring down feeling his power and domination over her as she quivers, and grunts in painfully erotic bliss.

Stringer saw small stars before her eyes as the monstrous man tool probes and penetrates areas within the deepest regions of her hot pink pussy and beyond. She felt the hot pulsing urgency of his desire for her pumping vigorously through the coarse veins of his granite hard dick and wonders if she might pass out.

"You ready to get fucked baby," he asks as if she had a choice.

"Yes," she answers though quivering lips, "make me take it, kill me with it," she cries knowing what he would do.

"Okay then, but remember you asked for it," he warns.

"Ohhh shit,' she mumbles beneath her breath.

Like a powerful locomotive, Benson rears back his huge thick muscular ass, and thrust forward and down between her legs, building up momentum until he's pounding the living daylights out of her cute unprotected pussy.

"OoooOOOOh shit, oh shit, unnnh shit,' Stringer cries loudly, until Benson covers her mouth with his massive dark hands.

The sound of the creaking desk fills the room giving them both fair warning that it too was having a hard time dealing with the intense activity happening on the surface.

Benson removes his hand from her mouth and replaces it with his full lips. His mouth covers hers and their tongues flirt as they slap at each other revealing the urgent passion. "I think the desk is trying to tell us something," he laughs.

"Yes I think so," she concurs.

"Come on," he orders, snatching her up into his muscular arms and walks her across the room, all the while continuously pumping upwards into her pussy. They reach a small burgundy leather two-seat sofa. The broad shoulder brute takes a wide legged stance, and collapses down into the seat with his cock filled lover in his lap.

Clutching his broad volleyball rounded shoulders, Stringer holds on preventing her descent down on the majestic ebony tower.

"Uh Brock I'm afraid," she cries.

"Do it," he commands.

"But it's so damn big," she counters.

"You can do it woman, now go on, and impale yourself on that dick."

"But I'm afraid."

"Listen to me, you've done it before and you'll do it once again, or do I have to force you down," he warns menacingly.

"No, no please, please don't make me do it daddy."

"You'll do as I say bitch, impale yourself, do"

Stringer's body shivers, and although she knew it was a bit of a role they played to enhance their sexual pleasure for each other, she knew very well that his gargantuan size dick could cause her to faint if she weren't careful.

"Okay, okay I'll do it."

"Then stop talking and impale yourself."

The hot young agent slowly allows herself to slide down the length of the steel hard pole until feeling his pubic hair bristling against her own.

"Yeah that's it, hmm yeah that's it, I got you now," he growls deeply as he grips her hips and began thrusting up while yanking her down.

The powerful man pounds the small woman's pussy like there was no tomorrow.

His large hands easily palm her well-rounded ass, guiding it down the length of his vein covered shaft now covered with hot slick fuck juice.

It took her a while but once she caught the rhythm of his stroke, Stringer manages to relax and enjoy the ride, pumping her ass and allowing her hungry pussy to swallow the steely hard pole.

"You like how I fuck your dick daddy, like how I'm fucking your dick," she coos.

"Hell yeah, fuck that dick baby, baptize that shit with your pussy juice."

"I love it daddy, it's so big, it stretches my pussy out, I can feel every...every inch of it...ssss, oooh yes, yes, yessss!"

"Good I'm glad you're all warmed up, now let's change positions so I can bust that pussy completely open," he orders.

He aids her to slide off his flesh spear and quickly places her up on the sofa in a semi doggy position with one leg extending down to the floor.

"Yes, yes will you look at that tiny little hole just waiting to be filled by all this dick."

He aims and slides his fuck stick between her pussy lips and groans as he hears her cry out loudly. Taking his time, he pumps her with short quick thrust and watches her squirm about in a herky jerky fashion.

"Ooo sshi...shhi...shit, it's all in me baby, it's all in my pussy."

"That's right woman, grind your pretty little ass all around that dick, go on now, do it."

Benson took his time long dicking the hot woman from behind while gently stroking her hair and along her back.

Stringer closes her eyes enjoying waves of passion sweeping over her, as the enormous cock squeezed between the walls of her pussy, stretching them far apart.

For a rather large powerfully built man, Benson understood his strength, knowing the delicate balance between pleasure, pain, and ecstasy; he measures his stroke and allows his lover to rotate her ass cheeks as he thrusts forward.

Her well-round ass glistens beneath the fluorescent lights as he gazes down on her. Her brick red toenail polish contrasts well with her dark tan and sends erotic chills through his entire body and a rush of raging testosterone.

Fueled with passion, lust and anger, his gentle touch suddenly turns to a violent pummeling as he increases the intensity of his stroke and began slapping her ass sharply.

"Oww...ooh shit...owww...ohh daddy no, no, nooo," she cries, disregarding if anyone might be within earshot and knowing her pleas would go unanswered and thankful they weren't.

"Yeah I got you now bitch, you naughty lady, daddy's gonna punish you for all the shit you put me through," he barks slapping her again.

"Oww...oww yeah...ooh...ooh daddy please stop!"

"Not until you pay for all the trouble you caused bitch," he pulls her back by her hair as he thrusts deeply into her wet noisy pussy. The fleshly slaps reverberate through out the room each time their hot sweaty bodies collide.

"I'm sorry daddy...I'm so sor...sor...sorry," she cries.