The Law of Glork Pt. 07


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When he came back to himself, she looked away, mildly taking her seat once again as his mind whirled. It wasn't a confession, per se, but her eyes had said enough. The light applause brought him back to the present.

Nelra shifted uncomfortably before standing. "I guess I'll go next." She took a deep breath before reciting.

You hear my heart

We decide our destiny

We are not stars in the sky

We can choose the paths we run

Between you and me

We tell our own story


Polite applause filled the room as she sat down, face flushing slightly. Jack smiled and gave her an appreciative nod as Lizbeth rose from her seat.

She looked at the ground as she began her recitation.

A secret

When shared

Is well shared

With a friend

Is better shared

With a sister

Is best shared

With a husband

A man

Who cannot hear you

The room broke into chuckles at the punch line, and Lizbeth ducked her head as she made her way back to her seat. It was funny, kind of, but it sounded memorized, not made. Still, he had to give her some credit for it.

The moment she was seated, all eyes turned to him. He sighed. "I'm going to have to give that one to Vilet," he admitted, looking to her. "You've really got a way with words."

Everyone applauded as Nelra frowned. "Wait... So Lizbeth won at gifts, I won at cooking, and Vilet won at poetry... Who won the interviews?"

The attention turned back to him. Ah, crap. He had had ONE job, and he hadn't even given it any thought as to compare their times together.

He smiled and raised his hands. "I guess you'll find out later tonight." The sun was already arcing its way beyond the horizon. "Er, a bit later, that is."

"Not that you've got much time left," Lily said drily. "The day's basically over."

"There's only one event left," Vilet said solemnly. "The ptnm."

Everyone went silent. Finally, Sara stood. "Alright, I'm off to bed." Her face was slightly pink.

Lily smirked and stood after her. "What, you don't want to watch? C'mon, we can make bets!" she joked, giving Jack a wink as she passed him.

Jack blushed as Howard yawned. "Lily, if we wanted porn, there's plenty at home. As for me," he said, clapping Jack's shoulder, "I'm too old for this stuff. Just..." He leaned in to whisper in Jack's ear. "For Sara's sake, maybe try to keep it down? You and Lizbeth were a bit much."

"Noted." Jack replied. Not that he could keep that promise.

Howard retreated to his room, leaving Jack alone with his wives. Fortunately, they didn't seem any more comfortable than he did with the situation.

He swallowed. Dealing with them one on one was much easier. The only dynamic he had to worry about was between the two of them. Now there were... six? Six dynamics to keep track of. Not counting the fact that his dynamic with one might upset another.

Hopefully Lizbeth would be low stress, but the other two seemed... higher maintenance.

He cleared his throat. "So... who's going first?"

The three of them shared a glance. "There won't really be turns," Nelra explained. "You have to have each of us before you ejaculate. That's the only way it's fair."

He winced. "And that's going to work by... having you all in the same room? At the same time?"

They nodded. Well, some part of him had figured that would be the case. If they were more comfortable and familiar with each other, it might actually be kind of fun in a way. Kind of like a foursome. Only with no sexual contact between any of the others... Okay, maybe not that fun.

"So... to the crn?"

Vilet nodded curtly and rose to take his arm. They stood, Nelra quickly taking his other arm and stealing a glare towards Vilet, which was returned. Lizbeth followed behind as they made their way to the top floor, a bit reminiscent of their Gtkr. It felt so far away now.

As they stepped into the room, Nelra released him to investigate. Dimly, Jack realized that she was the only one who hadn't been here yet. Not that she'd ever expressed a desire...

Vilet release him as well to sit beside the bdl. Lizbeth sat beside her, with Nelra across from them both. Jack settled on a happy medium, on the side closest to the door.

"Okay, NOW who's going first?" he asked.

Nelra hesitated. "Perhaps we should go in order of consummation. Vlt, Lzbth, then myself."

Vilet shook her head. "I'd prefer the reverse order. You, then Lzbth, then myself."

Nelra seemed torn. On the one hand, she didn't want to do what Vilet wanted, but on the other, she really needed this.

Ultimately, base instincts won out, and she silently nodded her agreement. Jack stepped into the bowl and held his hand out to her, pulling her in after.

Like earlier today, she began unwrapping herself, with a nervous glance to the other two women. Jack tugged off his shirt, his heart beginning to pound. If they were alone, this would be very different.

"Here," he said, taking the cloth from her hands. "Let me help." She let go and allowed him to begin undressing her, head bowed.

As he slowly unwrapped her, he took great care to brush his hand over the nape of her neck. She glanced up at him, and he gave his best reassuring smile. She glanced back towards their audience, so he paused to take her chin with his hand.

"Don't look at them, Nelra. Look at me." His tone was gentle, but firm.

Her eyes widened as she nodded her understanding. He continued undoing her folds, until he finally tugged it off.

That comment had apparently had an effect on her. Her breasts, already near full size, flopped out of the wrappings with a quiet slap.

Jack quickly took them in his hands and began kneading them, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. Her breathing started coming faster, and she closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck.

She grunted as he gripped her more firmly. She leaned in, resting her face against his collarbone as he began massaging her breasts in earnest.

He was faintly surprised when he felt her lips press against his skin. A shock went down his spine at the soft contact, and he smiled. She knew what he liked, and she was certainly complying.

After a few minutes, he slowly settled them both to the ground.

"How do you want to do this?" he murmured. "You want to be on top?"

Her eyes flickered behind him. "Probably not the best idea. Let's try something new."

She swiftly slipped off her skirt and turned around, placing herself on her hands and knees.

Jack almost moved forward before noticing that he still had his pants on. Cursing, he began undoing them. Nelra glanced back impatiently, and he sighed.

On an impulse, he proceeded to rip them off, damage be darned. He slipped behind his wife, but paused. With one finger, he traced the scarred tissue surrounding her vulip. The sackur was farther forward on her body, making it a bit difficult to reach from this angle.

Silently, he placed a hand on her shoulder blades, pushing her front end down. Confused, but compliant, she followed. She was decently flexible, and soon her chest was touching the ground, leaving her in a downward dog position.

From that angle, it was much easier. After briefly lubricating himself, he lined up and pressed into her precious pocket.

She shuddered, then sighed in pleasure as he pushed slightly farther in. She was still very tight, but much less foreign than the others - an advantage to her size. Still, he stretched her past her default, which was greatly stimulating to her.

She groaned as he slowly picked up the pace. His hands found their way to her hips as she began pushing back against him, matching his rhythm gently. He still hadn't made it more than halfway into her, but he was making steady progress.

He groans began building steadily into cries of pleasure. "Husband..." she moaned. "Just... keep..." she cut off with a groan as he placed a hand into the small of her back.

They had found a rhythm, and he found himself with an unoccupied hand. Remembering the events of (was it really yesterday?), he roughly grabbed her hand and held her wrists with one hand, firmly shoving her into the ground.

With his other hand, he lifted up and gripped the back of her neck, palm placed squarely over her pzp. As they rocked with each thrust, his hand ground against it, causing her to convulse in delight.

She gasped and cried out. "Ah! AHHH!"

Beneath him, he felt her body clench in orgasm. On instinct, he almost tried to shove in deeper, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"I believe it's Lzbth's turn," Vilet stated coolly. Jack looked over his shoulder to see her standing beside him, fully naked, with Lizbeth behind her.

With painstaking effort, he pulled himself from his exhausted wife's sacred gash. She shuddered again as he popped out, her breathing labored.

He leaned over her and traced his thumb over the nape of her neck. "You alright?"

She nodded, straining to catch her breath.

Satisfied, he turned around. Vilet had her arms folded across her chest, a glare on her face. But her eyes didn't seem angry. She seemed... embarrassed?

He glanced down past her arms to see that her chest was fully engorged. He bit back a chuckle. Looks like someone has a kink.

He turned to Lizbeth, who was already lying down. She didn't seem particularly aroused, her face ambivalent. "I'm ready."

Jack hesitated, trying to remember what turned her on. Right.

He positioned himself in front of her, wincing at the contrast. Nelra was full of energy and pep, and was quite large, especially when compared to the smaller woman. Standing, Lizbeth came up to the bottom of Nelra's chest. And that wasn't accounting for the difference in sheer girth.

He glanced down and was relieved to discover that her vulip was still open. Was the scr really just for the first time? Or maybe it was an extremely efficient birth control.

As he positioned himself over her, he took her hand and interlocked his fingers with hers. She looked up into his eyes and gave his hand a squeeze. "Be gentle," she murmured.

He nodded, and reached down to line himself up, when he stopped.

Jack reached down and grabbed her legs beneath the knees, then proceeded to pull them up. Unsurprisingly, her knees could nearly touch her chest with little resistance. Smiling at her confused reaction, he settled back over her and lined himself up properly.

She winced as he pressed into her. He shifted from side to side, trying to get some distance. What had he been thinking? From this angle, she was quite possibly even tighter than before.

He was about to pull back and realign, when suddenly, he slipped in deep. She cried out as he accidentally rammed into her farthermost wall - with only an inch to spare. The deepest he had eve been inside her.

He marvelled and began slowly thrusting, pulling out slowly only to slam back in with some force. She remained silent, her free hand cupping under her knee as she closed her eyes.

It came as a surprise as Vilet grabbed that hand. "You're doing well, Lizbeth," she murmured, making a deliberate effort to pronounce the vowels. "You're a good girl."

Lizbeth let out a large breath at that, her body relaxing as Vilet spoke. Jack glanced at Vilet, who was watching her friend with concern. She glanced over to see him looking at her and glanced away, face fuming.

With some newfound flexibility, he began slipping in and out of her easily. He focused back in on his tiny wife and leaned over her to whisper in her ear.


He shoved in firmly, bringing out a muffled cry in her throat.

"Does that feel good?"

He did it again, delighting in her strangled cry.

"Say it."

Her lips trembled as her mouth opened. "It feels good... Master."

From his periphery, he could see Vilet whip around to stare at her.

He grinned. "Do you want more?"

She nodded silently, but that wasn't enough. He began pulling out.

"Yes! Yes..." she cried.

"Yes... what?"

"I want more, Master!"

He thrust into her again, faintly noticing Vilet's glare across from them.

"I think Vilet is jealous of you."

Lizbeth's eyes widened, and she tried to turn her head to look at her, but Jack reached up and held her head still.

"And you know what? I think she should be."

Lizbeth gasped, her body convulsing under him.

"You're beautiful, Elizabeth," he whispered.

Immediately, he pushed in again, and this time, he didn't stop. He kept pushing and pressing, grinding firmly on her cervix in a wild and desperate bout.

Her quiet nature was overcome by the sheer sensations, psychological and physical. She howled, her voice ringing through the room as she came.

With an ounce of self-restraint left, Jack quickly had to yank himself out of her before he came. His manhood was feeling quite sore, all of a sudden. He'd need to come soon.

Lizbeth gasped for breath as Nelra watched on, eyes wide. She had sat up, her hand folded gingerly in her lap. She was clearly ready for another round, but he still had one more wife to get through.

Vilet glared at him as he sat down in front of her. She was kneeling now, her hands placed carefully on her creamy blue thighs.

Jack grinned as he leaned forward. "Like what you saw?"

Her glare didn't waver. "I certainly didn't like what I heard."

He made an obvious glance towards her exposed and bulging chest. "Something tells me otherwise."

Her glare hardened, but she didn't reply.

Jack leaned forward, cupping her face with his hand. He moved to kiss her, but she pulled away slightly, sending a glance towards the others.

"What's the matter?" Jack murmured. "Do you really care what they think?"

She pursed her lips but said nothing.

He chose not to push her. Rather, he settled for placing his hands around her hips.

She eyed him warily, trying to guess what he was going to do.

Still, she was surprised as he sat back and tugged at her to come. A bit confused, she complied until she was effectively straddling his lap, knees on the floor on either side.

Her breathing hitched as his member brushed against her opening. Their eyes met, and memories flashed through Jack's mind.

Her hands settled around his neck as they sat there looking into each other's eyes. Finally, her eyes fluttered, and she looked down.

He cupped her face again with his hand, asking silent permission. This time, she tilted her chin up in acceptance.

There was a gaps from behind him as their lips met, a feeling he had desperately missed in the time that they had been apart. It occurred to him that they were the only Vagonal and human that had ever kissed. Something they shared uniquely between them.

She quickly warmed up to it, climbing back to the same intensity that they had felt last night. Jack grunted, his arms folding around her waist as they made love with their mouths.

She seemed as desperate as he was. She pressed her chest tightly against his, every inch of their torso's pressed together in a sweet union.

When she finally pulled back, it was with a note of solemnity. Worry, even.

Jack gave her a questioning look, and she glanced down.

It took him only a moment to realize. He was about to claim her vulip.

He smiled and took her hips in his hands. As he lifted, she never broke eye contact, simply following his motions. She didn't flinch as his member lined up perfectly with her unclaimed passage.

He stopped for a moment and rested his forehead against hers. She closed her eyes and gave him a small nuzzle.

And then he took her down.

He hadn't known what to expect, but he should have. His body screamed in delight as he seamlessly fit into her hole, until it came to rest against her wall, with no room to spare.

She let out only a long, shaky sigh as they unified again. Her eyelids fluttered, and then she smiled warmly.

He captured her mouth again as she began slowly rocking, twinges of pleasure erupting between them.

He was coming soon. And she hadn't yet. He pressed more firmly into the kiss as he lifted her up once more, before plunging her back onto his stiff member

Her scream was muffled by his tongue, her groans rumbling in his chest. He lifted her again, forcefully and purposefully settling her back down.

She broke the kiss to cry out, gasping for air as he started pumping faster. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, holding on desperately as she bounced over his shaft at increasing speeds.

He built up to his climax. In one final lunge, he pushed forward, pinning Vilet onto her back as he sank into her core. She buried her face in his neck as she convulsed, their orgasms in sync with their heartbeats.

As the euphoria wore off, she kissed him again. And again. Light, sloppy kisses that expressed her pleasure.

He took several deep breaths as he collapsed beside her. Nelra quickly scooted to his side and pushed up under his arm, her face in awe.

Lizbeth slipped next to Vilet's side and took her hand around her, giving it a squeeze. Vilet returned the squeeze and gave her an affectionate look.

Jack took Lizbeth's other hand that was slung around Vilet's shoulders, and slumped back.

"That... was... amazing."

"I'll say," Nelra agreed. "You were firey tonight."

Lizbeth only squeezed his hand as Vilet nodded.

In that moment, Jack decided he could die happy. If lightning struck and miraculously left the rest of them unharmed, he'd be satisfied. He greeted the approach of sleep, surrounded by three beautiful alien women.

"One more thing, Jck..."

"Hmm?" He turned to look at Nelra.

She raised an eyebrow.

"So who won?"

Sorry for the MASSIVE delay! Had some financial trouble, and a semester of school... I'm a mess right now. But I got it done!


Love to see those comments! They really keep me making this stuff for you guys!

*{Insert year of high school here}

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

just hate it when a good, promising story is left in limbo

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Is this story dead or will it be continued?

I hate stories that are ending in this unknown limbo.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Just found and read this story. I find it compelling, thanks for writing it, please continue it!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

your best story, hope you continue it.

geek_writergeek_writer6 months ago

Your attention to detail is fantastic!!! Emotional rollercoaster!! Can't wait for more

lovernotfighter13lovernotfighter137 months ago

I've really enjoyed the story so far. I'm looking forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Hello dear. This has been an engaging story and the first time ever that I have read through each and every chapter on literotica. I am eagerly waiting to read more.

bahaman54bahaman5411 months ago

Like the series, wish you were uploading faster but it is what it is. Here is a thought for you, have Jack make Vilet free Elizabet from here vow of servitude and see what happens.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Are you going to continue the Law of glock series? Where chapter 8? Please, respond.

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