The Law of Jungle Ch. 14


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As the boat bounced from the top of each wave, the wind tore through the hair of Ashmita, a faint wind blowing off the water ruffled under Ashmita's head, and she put up her hand to keep the strand of hair falling on her forehead.

"Let me have some cool sea breeze near the railing," she said and tried to get up from the seat.

Extending a hand, he yanked her up. Laughing, she looked up into his face. A face of unyielding strength and surprising gentility. The face that made her shivers in anticipation of his surprise. He wasn't a frivolous man. The harsh life of a slum dweller running an auto-rickshaw whole day had bred a toughness that made her adore him. She stood in front of him, her back toward him, and her calves touching his knees and holding the railing, she was looking at the sea. Arjun could see her dress slinking all the way down to her ankles. She turned her back on him and shifted her hips from side to side. The fabric caught snatches of light, illuminating the gentle swell of her ass. Her slender arms rose and slipped under her thick curtain of hair, raising the long length to expose the vulnerable white skin of her neck. He could just make out the image of a small black mole on the backside of her neck. There was no denying it, he wanted her, badly. His gaze hardened as he watched her body sway to the next side.

Her soft hair fell in waves down her back. Arjun itched to wrap the long locks around his fist as he wanted to claim those full lips. She was standing so close to him that he could practically feel the warmth of her skin and ached to inhale her scent as he wanted to crush her to his chest once more. Fuck, he shifted his stance, trying to ease the increasingly pleasurable pain below his belt. Ashmita stood holding onto the stainless steel rails, and surveying all that was around her and observed the sea water. There was a slight wind blowing, the sun was warm, but not hot. It felt so peaceful out there on the blue-green water. She looked over on the other side of the boat where the sea ended at the skyline and changed from dark blue to the light blue of the sky.

Water lapped gently on the sides of the boat and the ever-present seagulls were making screeching sounds as they were flying along the shore. She turned around when she saw Arjun standing near her. Arjun stood close to her and as the craft plopped her stern down again, the spray slashed past them. The crest of each of these waves was a hill, from the top of which they surveyed, for a moment, a broad tumultuous expanse, shining and wind-driven. It was probably splendid. It was probably glorious, this play of the free sea, wild with lights of emerald and white and blue. Ashmita could see the blue sky above her and felt the breeze on her face. Then again she looked at the sea water. The manner of sea scrambled over these walls of water was a mystic thing, and, moreover, at the top of them were ordinarily these problems in white water, the dark deep blue water with white foam, the foam racing down from the summit of each wave, requiring a new leap, and a leap from the air. Then, after scornfully bumping a crest, the sea would slide, and race, and splash down a long incline, and arrive bobbing and nodding in front of the next menace.

A singular disadvantage of the sea lay in the fact that after successfully surmounting one wave you would discover that there was another behind it just as important and just as nervously anxious to do something effective in the way of swamping boats. As each slaty wall of water approached, it shut all else from the view of the men in the boat, and it was not difficult to imagine that this particular wave was the final outburst of the ocean, the last effort of the grim water. There was a terrible grace in the move of the waves, and they came in silence, save for the snarling of the crests. Viewed from a top of the dock, the whole thing would doubtlessly have been weirdly picturesque.

The sun swung steadily up the sky, and they knew it was broad day because the colour of the sea changed from slate to emerald-green, streaked with amber lights, and the foam was like tumbling snow. The process of the breaking day was unknown to them. They were aware only of this effect upon the colour of the waves that rolled toward the boat. The sea air was nice, and the view of the ocean was beautiful, Ashmita let out a sigh and pressed her forehead against the rail she'd been clinging to as she watched the waves. The cool breeze soothed her mind. She had never enjoyed like this last time when she was with Bhashkar and Arpita.

Both of them could see their boat passed near the yachts, commercial ships, and tankers. They saw oil tankers refilling from the oil station. They saw a couple of big container ships on their way.

"Waaaooo, I have never seen such splendid scene in the ocean," exclaimed Ashmita.

"Arjun, what's that?"Ashmita indicated a small island in far away in the sea.

"Madam, that is the Indian navy island," said Arjun.

Then all of a sudden they heard squawk of sea gulls flying above them and they could see a lot of sea gulls flying around the dock.

"Arjun, see these birds, flying so close to us, "cried Ashmita excitedly.

"These sea gulls are flying around for morsels of food. Most probably, the people from our neighbour cabins are feeding those chips and other snacks. Let us feed them," said Arjun and picked out two biscuit packets from his pants pocket.

"Ohhh, now I understand why did you purchase these biscuit packets?"smiled Ashmita.

Arjun was holding a biscuit through the rail and a seagull had seen it. Immediately it sat on the rail, just few feet away from them, Ashmita thought she could catch it easily by her hand. It was giving them a look of curiosity with its yellow eyes and all of a sudden it jumped and snatched the piece of biscuit through its beak from the hand of Arjun then took off back toward the sky. Then again it returned swooped low over the boat and parked on the rail in front of them.

Ashmita jumped like a child with excitement, "Arjun, give me a piece of biscuit, I want to feed this bird."

"Come around here, Madam,"Arjun said when she moved closer to him, "No, no, don't rest your body so close to the rails, I will hold you from your back so that you can easily feed the bird."

Ashmita was holding the piece of biscuit and at the same time she felt his hard cock between the cleft of her ass cheeks. Intentionally, she pushed her back towards his hard cock a little and now it was nestled between her ass cracks. In the meantime, the bird decided to alight on the top of her head to snatch the biscuit from her hand as its brown eyes were wistfully fixed upon the biscuit. Then all of a sudden, it jumped upon and snatched the biscuit from her hand.

Ashmita was so startled that with excitement, she jumped and pushed herself backward with a little scare, "Ohh, my God!"

Then she could feel the hard cock above his pant had been nestled in her ass cracks and due to her sudden jump, his hands had been encircled above her breasts. She enjoyed this and didn't react as if everything had happened accidentally.

She was holding more biscuits. The sea gull screamed. The Gulls were quite social, seagulls would scream when they would find food. Soon others joined, there were 5 or 6 birds hovering over the head of Ashmita and she was feeding them and dancing with joy but at the same time she was feeling his hands jerking on her breasts, slowly he started fondling her breasts and virtually fucking her in her ass cracks above her dress. Arjun thought the that Madam was so merged in her feeding to the birds that she could never know his slow motion pumping between her ass cracks nor she could know his soft fondling of her breasts above her bra cups.

As long as the biscuits were not exhausted both were enjoying the slow fucking above the dress. Ultimately, the biscuits were exhausted in her hand, the seagulls were no more and immediately Arjun withdrew from her and sat on the bench else Madam would watch his hard cock. Ashmita smiled silently thinking Arjun was thinking himself smart one as if she had neither felt it nor enjoyed it, as if it was an accident.

She turned towards him and said, "Arjun,I enjoyed it really."

Arjun was confused which one she enjoyed, the feeding of birds or his hard cock rubbing inside the cleft of her ass but was surprised to find her face normal as if nothing had happened seriously. He thought neither she objected nor she reacted anything in her face, definitely she must have enjoyed her hard cock in her ass cracks, near her pussy and she must be wet by this time otherwise she would have reacted. In fact, Ashmita was wet inside her pussy but acted as if nothing happened.

Then there was a knock on the door and a voice was heard, "May I come in?"

Arjun got up and unlocked the latch and slid the door. Ashmita saw a white uniformed steward standing outside smilingly. "Madam, do you wish to order any snacks and drinks?"he asked in a soft voice.

"Give me your menu,"Ashmita said and took the menu from the service boy.

After scanning the menu, she said, "Two chicken sandwiches and two chicken cutlets in one plate along with three chilled beers."

"Madam, we have two kinds of chilled beers. One is normal beer and another one is extra power strong beer," he further asked.

"Bring extra power strong beers, "she said.

"OK, Madam,"said the service boy with his bowing head.

Arjun was not surprised when she took place order of supplying beers because he knew that these rich women would not only drink beers but they would also take hard wine.

"Madam, do you take only beer or other hard drinks?"Arjun asked.

"No, in the party, I take hard drinks, particularly, I prefer whiskey, "she replied without hesitation in her voice.

After sometime, there was another knock and the steward entered with a tray containing beers and the foods, the steward unfolded a smooth and polished wooden plank which was attached on the wooden wall on their backside and it became a small hanging table. He placed all the contents along with napkins, cork opener and two glasses. After his departure, Arjun latched the door properly.

"Arjun, it is such a small place that we cannot move our bodies. So, it is better to take everything by standing, "suggested Ashmita.

"You are right, Madam,"said Arjun and both of them stood near the wooden plank where the foods and beers were kept.

The bubbles settled in their glasses after pouring the beer, They clinked glasses and both tipped the smooth, amber liquid past their lips listening to the waves lapping on the side of the boat and watching the sun start to dip towards the horizon.

Arjun had never tasted such hard beer, no doubt it must be expensive he thought. They had consumed one bottle and Arjun had opened the second bottle and started pouring in the glasses. The extra power strong beer had effect on both but she was clever and sipping her beer slowly whether the poor rickshaw driver was gulping down in a swift manner as if he would not get a chance to taste this kind of beer again. Ashmita thought this was the appropriate time to act and she would act as if she was drunk. She was also feeling a little high but she thought this little sweet intoxication would help her to act naturally. They had emptied two bottles and Arjun had already opened the last bottle. Arjun was a veteran drinker and he knew that this drink would make him nothing but the strong beer was making him slight intoxicated because he had taken extra glass than Ashmita. But he was under the impression that both were taking same quantity side by side and he was unaware of the fact that taking advantage of his unmindful while he was biting the pieces of sandwich and cutlet, Ashmita had filled in more beer in his glass.

All of a sudden, he noticed, Madam had spilled her beer from the glass and she was staggering. Her eyes were dropped. Ashmita had started her acting. Arjun could see that Madam was now drunk. She started to pick up the half bitten piece of cutlet to eat.

"No, no, madam, not that piece. You take the good one. That is my left out piece,"he vehemently protested.

"So, what! I will eat your left out piece because we are now close friends,"she said and ate that piece without any hesitation.

Arjun was stunned and thought that really this woman was drunk. Placing the now empty glass on the tray, she crossed her arms on the backside of her neck, leaned against his face; she pulled him towards her so that her two breasts pressed tightly against his chest. Her face was inches away from his face and Arjun could feel her fleshy breasts rubbing against his chest and he had a rock hard immediately and he thought that this lady might kiss him now.

She whispered, "Arjun, I need another glass. You are a good boy. I like you. You are better than my husband."

He filled in the beer in her glass and as Ashmita took a little from the glass, Arjun took her hand gently on his hand and asked, "Madam, you are so lovely. Can I kiss your hand?"

"Sure, you are now my close friend," she said in a drunken voice.

He leaned forwards to kiss her hand and Ashmita was enjoying her fake drunkenness.

"Arjun, my sweet boy, you have not finished these snacks, you are not at all eating anything,"she said in a stammering voice.

"No, Madam, I have had enough,"he protested.

"No, my handsome boy, now open your mouth, I will feed you,"she said in a drunken voice.

Arjun had no alternative but to open his mouth and Ashmita fed him the pieces of Sandwich and cutlet.

He not only realized but confirmed now that this rich woman was fully drunk and this was the right moment for him to seduce her and fuck her here but how could he fuck her here?, The space was too congested and limited, even both of them could never move their bodies comfortably, well let him kiss her, fondling her breasts, then fingering her pussy, let him explore her entire body and let him excite her sexually so that she could crave for fucking. If he couldn't fuck her here, he could fuck her later on if not today then tomorrow. Arjun nodded his head as if he was speaking with himself.

Then he heard her voice, "Arjun,I cannot finish my glass as my head is reeling. Can you finish my glass?"

"Sure, Madam, "he said and gulped down the unfinished glass of her beer.

Ashmita's feet staggard and she acted as if she was going to fall down but Arjun held her under her arm.

"Arjun, I want to need cool breeze of the sea as my head is reeling. Could you take me to the bench so that I could sit in front of the rails?

Arjun held her hand and led her to the bench and made her sit on the bench. He also sat with him. Their bodies were touched and clung intimately with each other and Arjun was thinking how to proceed further. The wind was blowing through her black hair and it sparkled in the afternoon sun. His face was totally relaxed, he was a strong man he thought and was a capable man than her old husband and definitely this lady would enjoy his young cock.

He watched her and the surroundings as the boat was heading away from the busy marina into the peaceful waters of the bay. Then again when he turned his face towards her he found her teary eyes and drops of tears were rolling down from her two eyes and falling through her polished cheeks. In her drunkenness, the lady had become too much sentimental and emotional he thought. This was the emotional moment of her and he would take the proper advantage of this moment.

He encircled his left hand around her waist and wiped out her tears in his right hand and asked, "What happened madam? Why for this tears? Don't you realize, I am always with you?"

"This is the tears of joy as I feel how much happy I am being with you!"she said softly.

"Madam, please don't tell lie. You are unhappy with your husband! He must not have slept with you for more than one year since his second wife had entered in his life. Am I right?"Arjun asked.

She knew he was watching her for her reaction although she was drunk, Arjun thought. Arjun felt her like an innocent creature in the woods who sensed danger nearby; her body reacted to the force of his gaze. There was the slight tensing of her shoulders. The way her head tilted in his direction but didn't fully turn. Her hand self-consciously rose to cover her heart as if her palm could smother the sudden rapid beating. Then with her down cast eyes, she nodded her head with consent. Arjun then thought to strike his final arrow of cupid if he could be able to seduce her.

"Do you love me? Are you ready to rock the boat with me Madam?" he asked

She angled her head a little further as she swept a thick black curl behind her ear. Arjun could just see the high curve of her flushed cheek as she trained her gaze downward, no doubt trying to catch a secretive glimpse of him from under her soot-black lashes. Her pink tongue flicked out to lick her lips. Arjun could see her girlish shy like a teen and he was thrilled to confess his first love in his life to this beautiful lady.

Ashmita's soft black hair came tickling across his neck, her hair gladdened his neck once again. He let his stare glide over her coloring face, following the swerve of bone in her exquisite cheek. Her face was lowered with shy and her eyes were closed. Another accident, her fingers ran involuntarily against his palms before she could withdraw her embarrassed hand. She was alarmed and self-conscious and nearly blushed in shy.

He pulled her towards him and lifted her chin, her eyes were closed and he could hear her heart beatings. He again asked, "Do you love me?"

She nodded her head with consent. But he again asked, "Please say in words."

Ashmita whispered, "Yes, Arjun,I love you.

No words were further needed as their lips met. She tangled her fingers in his hair and drew him down for a kiss. Just the faint brush of her lips made him want to gather her close. Ashmita placed a knee on the bench beside him; he grabbed her around the waist to steady her. She pressed a kiss to his mouth as she straddled his thighs. He held his breath as she lowered onto him. His fingers tightened at her waist as her heat scorched and closed around him like a silken fist. Arjun felt something, too, like a feather dragged lightly across the length of his body, chin to feet, and he shivered. He leaned in, his palms flat on the bench, the inside of his wrists skimming her thighs.

He searched her face; it was porcelain hue, a rosy red, and her lips moist and were parted with her black eyes still wide and dark. Surprisingly, he saw anxiousness in them, as well as something he couldn't quite identify. Arjun used his hands to hold her head, moved it with deliberate but tempered force, far more than a suggestion, from a spot on her neck to her chest. He kept his hands pressed firmly to her ears, then played with strands of her hair. He moved her head then away from himself so that he could feel her breasts there, between her breasts, and he pressed them close around his face. It was weird having those pushed into his face so hastily without patience. He was so sure of himself. So cock-cantered.

Lowering his head, he nipped her fiercely at the junction of neck and shoulder. A hiss of surprise and arousal brushed his ear. She nipped his earlobe with her teeth, the sharp bite sending a wave of heat to his already throbbing cock. He closed his eyes, savouring her nearness, the way her palm felt against his skin. He cupped the back of her head and took her lips, showing her what he wanted. His hands were rough, callused hands brushed her bangs back from her forehead. His lips were firm but demanding, the lower a little fuller than the upper, just a little brush on her lips and she gasped out in excitement as her body responded to his touch. Arjun ran the tip of his tongue on her thick full beautiful pouting wet juicy soft top and bottom inviting lips, forcing her mouth to open.
