All Comments on 'The Lich Ch. 01'

by masterfan

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kizkizkizkizabout 10 years ago
well written

It was well written but short. Also as far as openers go it was nice but lacked any real hook. Why would he send her away? He has no car, why not make her drive him home at least? Ask her for some money for the injury?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

he felt confused, and wanted time to consider things.

some people prefer to make decisions slowly and deliberately. not quickly or impulsively. because they are more comfortable with that, and it helps them avoid making mistakes before they happen.

before this happened, he was also the kind of person who had trouble making decisions. he couldn't decide what to do with his life, and he lacked the resolve to get better grades by studying longer and better.

just because he has been given power, does not mean that he has a take charge kind of personality. or that he likes to take advantage of others. or is particularly materialistic or ambitious.

if i had that kind of power, than i would mostly only use it to get by in the world,

on little income. because there is not much that i want in life.

other than sex, sex, and more sex, that is.

spider man's dear relative said, that with great power, comes great responsibility.

and spider man usually avoided using his powers, to exploit or harm others.

even though he could have.

though he could have at least used it to get laid more often. he wouldn't even have to take off the mask or the suit while he did it. keeping his identity a secret from the world.

though if his condition really was genetic, than a small army of spider babies might appear over time.

the writer might also prefer to create shorter chapters, because some people find that to be the path of least resistance for their writing style. especially if the writer is similar to the main character in this story, in real life.

if this is true, than it is better to just let them be who they are as a writer.

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