The Live-In Chef Ch. 06

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Meghan stays for dinner. And dessert.
8.1k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 12/15/2023
Created 10/20/2022
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Dakota here. This chapter picks up immediately after the last so, i f you are new to the story, I recommend starting at the beginning.

However, trigger warning, the sex here is a bit more intense than in the previous chapters and includes consensual hitting and breath play. If that's not your cup of tea, I totally get it. You might want to skip this chapter though.

Also, I read every comment and I love how much support the Literotica community keeps giving me. Keep leaving me those reviews and ratings and I will keep writing this series!

They made a good team. With Meghan acting as the unofficial sous chef, Kasey pulled out ingredients from the kitchen she'd come to know so well, setting them out so her friend could prep them.

Chicken mole enchiladas was a rather involved dish but the division of labor made it a breeze. Kasey threw chicken thighs, onion, celery, and salt into a pot to boil while Meghan lightly toasted chilies on low heat. When that was done she tossed them in a blender with raisins. She let it sit while Kasey retrieved the boiled chicken, straining the broth of solids which Meghan then added to the blender. She added mole paste, bouillon paste, peanut butter, and sugar and ground the whole mess into a fine purée. That was then added to a pan on low heat while Kasey shredded the chicken. Meghan threw in a handful of chocolate chips and the simmering concoction soon filled the room with a warm aroma.

Jason came out to watch them work, having changed into shorts and a tee shirt. "That smells incredible. Looks damn sexy too."

Kasey blew him a kiss while pulling down her top, flashing one pert tit.

Meghan just blushed.

It was clear to Kasey that her friend was out of her element here. When they'd met last semester, Kasey saw her as confident, funny, and adventurous while Kasey was just taking her first steps out on her own. Now, after a few short weeks with the Lances, Kasey realized that the confidence she'd first perceived was largely a front. Meghan put on a good show for guys her own age, even for their professors, but here in front of Jason; a rich, handsome, and experienced man, Kasey watched her bravado crumble.

"So, Meghan," Jason said, focusing on her. "What do you study at The Stone Academy?"

"Um." She let out a small giggle, uncharacteristically girly of her. "I'm more of a baker. Pastries and whatnot."

"She's going to make wedding cakes for rich people." Kasey added, helpfully.

"I mean. That'd be nice. Or open a donut shop. Or just a French-style bakery. I donno, it's silly, I just love baking."

"I don't think it's silly at all." Jason said. "But I wouldn't stress about what kind of business you open. I'm sure the right idea will come to you and when it does you'll knock it out of the park."

Meghan playfully rolled her eyes, smiling. "You don't even know me. I could be the worst baker in the world. How can you be so sure?"

Jason shrugged. "I don't imagine our Kasey is in the habit of hanging with untalented people. Besides, I'm right here. Prove me right."

Meghan studied him for a moment, then looked back to Kasey, who was busy scooping shredded chicken into tortillas and packing them in a baking dish.

"You're serious?"

Kasey leaned over and slapped her ass. "We need a dessert, woman," she said playfully. "Chop chop."

Meghan, flustered, just nodded and began going through the kitchen, gathering supplies.

Charlotte walked in a few minutes later. She wore office attire; a pencil skirt that showed off her shapely legs with the aid of stylish pumps and a matching jacket over a relatively demure blouse. She looked sophisticated and powerful.

"I swear to Christ," she started, tossing her purse on the table. "If one more of these fucking engineers makes so much as a Facebook post without my personal approval, I'm burning that place to the ground!" Then upon seeing Meghan, smiled. "Hello, and who might you be?"

Meghan just stared. "Um. Hi."

"This is Kasey's friend, Meghan," Jason said. "Kasey had her over for a snack and I invited her to stay for dinner."

Charlotte looked her guest up and down. "She certainly looks like a snack. Nice to meet you." She sat down next to her husband and put a foot on his lap. He took the hint, removing her shoe, and rubbing her foot.

"So, rough day?" Kasey asked.

"Just annoying," Charlotte responded. "Cleaning up someone else's mess. Word of advice, if you ever work for a tech company that's about to go public, resist the urge to bash its proprietary software on fucking Twitter."

"Duly noted."

Jason laughed. "Is fucking Twitter like regular Twitter but with more tits?"

Charlotte grinned despite her foul mood. She pulled her foot away and replaced it with the other. "Rub harder, doctor smarty pants."

"So demanding," he said, slipping off her other shoe and repeating his massage.

"By the way, it smells divine in here. What are you making? Wait. Don't tell me. I need a pleasant surprise after the day I've had." She turned her gaze to Meghan. "And you, I imagine you're a student with our dear Kasey?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Don't call me ma'am. Charlotte will do just fine. Sometimes it's mistress but we just met."

Meghan immediately blushed again.

"So, a student? Let me guess . . ." Charlotte narrowed her eyes at Meghan. "You're more of a baker, right?"

Meghan's eyes went wide. "How did you . . ."

"Darling, you're mixing a bowl of dough. Are you making cookies?"

Meghan looked down. "Right. Yes. Sorry. I'm just a bit flustered."

"No need to apologize."

Kasey slid the tray of enchiladas into the oven and set a timer.

Charlotte continued studying Meghan, then she turned to Jason. "Our guest is indeed nervous, yes? Look at her. She's wound tighter than a spring."

"I might have an idea," Jason began. "But it's really not my place. Kasey? Would you like to elaborate?"

Kasey knew honesty and communication were sacrosanct in the Lance household. As a couple, Charlotte and Jason did not hide things from each other. Ever. That feature allowed their extracurriculars to progress unimpeded. So, even if it was uncomfortable for Kasey, if she was going to stay in their trust, she'd have to be just as forthcoming.

"Okay," Kasey began. "I sort of seduced one of my professors today."

A raised eyebrow was Charlotte's only response.

"You, what?" Meghan asked. Kasey couldn't tell if she was excited or shocked.

"And after, I was probably the horniest I've ever been in my entire life. And so I invited Meghan over for—"

"The aforementioned snack."

"Yeah. And Jason sort of caught us."

"I didn't catch anything," Jason said. "These two were going at it on a lawn chair in the backyard. I couldn't have avoided them if I'd tried."

"Wait," Meghan said, waving a spatula. "Can we go back to the part where you seduced a professor?"

"Maybe 'seduced' isn't the right word. It was more of a 'suck him off in his office as an apology' kind of thing."

Charlotte sighed. "I miss college."

"Apology for what?" Meghan asked.

"Not important," Kasey replied. "The important part is that my apology was accepted."

"Sincere apologies usually are," Jason said, nodding. "On an unrelated note, I've decided to go into teaching."

Charlotte gave him a playful backhand across his shoulder. "Yes, because it's so much more desirable to be a teacher than a surgeon."

"I think I would be downright fetching in a sweater vest, thank you very much."

Charlotte stuck out her tongue. "Yuck."

"He'd need a jacket with patches on the elbows," Kasey offered. "And a pipe. That'd be dead sexy."

Meghan snorted. "I need to introduce you to my grandfather."

"Why? Is he hot?"

"I mean, he has chronic pneumonia and is constantly running fevers, so yes."

"Sexy. Set a date. I'll wear a nurse's uniform."

That got a laugh out of the Lances but Meghan just rolled her eyes. She finished rolling out the cookie dough into balls on a tray. She flattened each one with two presses of a fork, forming a crosshatch, and popped the tray into the oven.

A few minutes passed and dinner was served with both the enchiladas and the cookies finishing at roughly the same time.

Jason poured Charlotte a glass of wine. As they sat to eat, Meghan pulled the cookies out and was fussing over them

"No wine for us?" Kasey asked, half-joking.

"Absolutely not," Jason said. "You're underage."

Kasey pouted but suspected his refusal was more for Meghan's sake than for hers. After all, she had snuck a drink at their backyard orgy just the previous weekend and he hadn't protested then.

"Honey, you're being uptight," Charlotte said.

"Maybe. But I would hate it if alcohol caused these girls to do something they might regret."

"Like what?" Kasey asked, innocently.

"Well, maybe not you," Jason replied. "I already know what you're game for. Your friend, however . . ."

"What's going on?" It was clear Meghan had only been half-listening to the conversation.

"My husband wants you to have a clear head when he fucks your brains out," Charlotte explained helpfully.

Meghan froze, the plate of still-hot cookies in hand. She looked at Charlotte and then at Jason and then, finally, at Kasey. "Wait, are you guys fucking with me?"

Charlotte leaned back in her chair, uncrossing and crossing her legs. "Is that what you want? Don't think I haven't seen you checking out my husband."

"Well . . . It's just . . . I . . ." Meghan looked to Kasey for help.

"How about we eat first," Kasey offered. "I'm starving and there's a whole dinner of sexual tension to get through."

"Splendid idea," Charlotte agreed.

Meghan sat down. "Oh, fuck," she said, clearly nervous.

"I said 'later'," Kasey replied. If she were honest with herself, she was enjoying the heck out of her friend's discomfort. She knew full well that Meghan was wildly turned on, essentially blue-balled when they were interrupted by Jason. Based on how she kept stealing glances of both Jason and Charlotte, it was clear that her nervousness was out of anticipation rather than apprehension.

Charlotte let out a near sexual moan after her first bite of the chicken mole. "You two have outdone yourselves."

"This is incredible," Jason agreed, his mouth full.

Kasey ate without paying attention to anything else. Her day had been a rollercoaster of peak sensation from the nervous sexual encounter with her professor to her bootycall of her friend, and being caught by her boss to now, this meal. She savored every bite as a conquest.

But it was hard to ignore the sexual tension between Meghan and the Lances.

"So have you guys, like, always been swingers?" she asked hesitantly, glancing between Jason and Charlotte.

Jason smiled and nodded at his wife. "You want to field that one, love?"

"Well, not at first." Charlotte took a sip of wine. "We've always been adventurous. That was a big part of why we started dating in the first place. We loved traveling, loved going off the beaten path. Our first trip together was to Amsterdam. We did mushrooms and spent six hours naked in our hotel room alternately making love or just holding each other."

"Everyone should take shrooms at least once," Jason added between bites. "It's psychologically healthy."

"Yes. But, believe me when I say, it was very intense. We sort of—this is going to sound silly—stitched our souls together. After that, marriage was just a formality. There was nothing that would separate us. We were one. The next night we visited the Red Light District."

"It was sort of accidental," Jason added. "I asked the cabbie to take us to a club for dancing but my Dutch is no good and his English was so-so."

"He took us to a club, alright." Charlotte grinned at the memory. "One of Amsterdamn's infamous sex clubs. Well, we walk in and everyone is gorgeous and scantily clad. I'm wearing a short dress and heels and I look Amish by comparison. We make our way to the bar and order drinks and this other couple immediately pounces on us."

Jason laughed. "They were pros. She went right to Charlotte and started complimenting her outfit. Her husband introduced himself and brought us drinks. Total divide and conquer." He turned to his wife. "What were their names?"

Charlotte thought for a moment. "His name was Erik and his wife's was . . ."

Jason snapped his fingers. "Giselle."

"That's right. Erik and Giselle. They were on vacation from Denmark, if I recall, and they were hot."

"You were hot," Jason corrected. "They were smitten with you."

Charlotte blushed. "Oh no, mister. I distinctly remember her sucking your dick like the cure for cancer was in it."

That got a laugh from the girls and now it was Jason's turn to blush. "Yeah, so we got pulled into our first foursome. When we got back to the states we sort of figured that was a one-time thing."

"But it was just so fun."

"At our core, we just don't do anything halfway, I guess." Jason shrugged.

Meghan sighed. "Okay, I admit that's pretty hot." She turned to Charlotte. "So you wouldn't have a problem if I slept with your husband?"

Charlotte arched an eyebrow at her. "What makes you think you're worthy of fucking my husband?"

"Well, I just thought . . ."

"That's a bit of a faux pas in the lifestyle, dear. We're a packaged deal. We participate together."

"Sorry, I just . . . I guess I don't know how any of this works."

Kasey put a hand on her thigh. "It's okay. They're really good teachers."

"Tell you what," Charlotte said. "Allow me to go and wash this day off me and my insanely lucky husband will go over some ground rules." She stood up and walked her plate to the sink. "Honey? What if you show them our hobby room?"

Jason smirked. "Fine idea."

"Wait," Meghan said, eyes wide with excitement. "You guys have a sex dungeon."

Kasey laughed. "Easy, fifty shades. It's just a spare bedroom."

"You've been in the sex dungeon?"

"Well, no." Kasey admitted. "Haven't had the opportunity. But they told me it was just a lot of pillows and whatnot."

"It's just more spacious than a single bed," Jason said. "You'll see. No whips or chains." Then he corrected himself, "Well, some whips."

They cleared the table while Charlotte disappeared into the master bedroom and then Jason led the girls upstairs. The house was rather oversized for just him and Charlotte and so there was plenty of extra space. Two bedrooms functioned as his and hers offices with Jason's lined with bookshelves and Charlotte's with modern art. It was the back bedroom that functioned as their hobby room.

If Kasey was expecting a red-walled sexual torture chamber, she was sorely mistaken. The walls were painted a dark blue and when Jason turned on the lights, dimming them so that it wasn't hard to see but it wasn't too bright, Kasey got the sense she was underwater. Privacy curtains covered the windows but it was the bed that drew her attention.

It was massive.

The 4-post frame was black metal and Kasey immediately understood the function. All manner of straps or restraints could be connected to it, whether from the rectangular frame on top or from each corner. The bed itself had to be a California king and it was covered with silky grey sheets. There were pillows everywhere, including several wedge-shaped ones.

Near the windows, there was an oddly shaped piece of furniture that reminded her of a chaise lounge. It was shaped roughly like a pillowy infinity sign and Kasey's mind immediately went to all the ways she could drape herself over it.

All in all, Lance's "hobby room" seemed designed with comfort first in mind. Except for several seemingly random accents, the room was devoid of the harsh reds that everyone seemed to think elicited lust.

Meghan let out her breath. "This wasn't quite what I was expecting."

Jason lit a few candles on a dresser and turned on a small wireless speaker. "Been in many sex dungeons, have you?"

"It's just. Like, I've seen porn."

Jason nodded understandingly. Soft lo-fi music started playing. "Real life is more fun," he said.

Kasey walked by them and threw herself on the bed, wanting to feel the silky softness of the sheets. She was still wearing her sundress and nothing else. Her panties were somewhere outside and she made a mental note to collect them after this bit of debauchery was finished.

"Ground rules," she reminded Jason.


He stood in front of Meghan, his voice suddenly warm and professional. "Consent is a must with us. No 'maybes'. No 'I guess'. No 'meh'. Yes or no. Understand?"

"Yes," Meghan whispered.

"I can't hear you."

"Yes," she said, louder.

"Good. So the first question: Do you want to fuck us?"

If Meghan was taken aback by such a direct question she didn't show it. She held his gaze for several moments, a sort of starting contest transpiring between them.

"Yes," she said, finally. She was smiling ear to ear.

Jason's expression didn't change, holding his poker face.

"Good. Now, if—

"Wait. Shouldn't I ask you? Do you want to fuck me?"

Jason's neutral expression slipped, just for a momentary grin. "Oh, yes, Meghan. I want to fuck you."

Meghan bit her lower lip, looking him up and down.

Jason continued, "Now if something starts happening and it gets too intense, let us know. This isn't a BDSM dungeon so we've never needed a safeword. Plain, simple communication. If something starts happening and you want it to stop, just say 'stop.' Whatever the reason. Yes?"

"Got it." Meghan nodded.

"Now," Jason began, sliding a hand up and seizing her by the throat. He pulled her in for a kiss. Meghan tensed and then relaxed into it, opening her mouth and closing her eyes. He pulled her away, breaking off the brief kiss. "Tell me what you like."

"I like . . ." Meghan said, quietly, as she was afraid of the words that would escape her lips. "I like being dominated."

Jason wasn't necessarily a large man. He was just over six foot but lean. He was an academic by nature, more comfortable in slacks or scrubs than in jeans or gym clothes. But, standing in front of Meghan, he looked downright intimidating. He towered over her and looked capable of picking her up and throwing her. He stared into Meghan's eyes and Kasey became wet just watching them.

Meghan leaned in to kiss him but he held her still with one hand wrapped around the side of her neck, his thumb gently over her windpipe.

"What do you mean by dominated?"

Meghan instinctively put her hands out and felt Jason's chest, wrapping them around his torso and trying to embrace him. He wouldn't let her. "I don't know," she said, finally.

"Think," Jason ordered. "What does 'dominated' mean to you?"

"I just want . . . I mean . . ." Meghan tried looking over at Kasey but Jason held her still.

"Don't look at her. She can't answer for you."

Kasey watched her friend surrender to her boss. Meghan closed her eyes and exhaled completely. "I want to be hit."

Kasey was surprised to hear her say that but Jason stayed silent, letting her continue.

"I want to be slapped. And spanked. I want you to squeeze my neck harder. I want to be treated like a filthy whore."

Jason nodded and released her, stepping back.

"Undress," he ordered.

She complied, pulling her torn Misfits tee over her head. This was too much for Kasey, watching from the bed, she pushed a hand between her legs and began teasing herself with her fingers.

Meghan turned away from them and slid down her cut-off shorts, keeping her legs straight as she gave them a view of her perfect ass. She was loving this.

She slipped off her bra, and then panties, standing naked before them. The nipples of her pert, B-cup tits stood at attention. Meghan was athletic as her toned legs and flat belly attested. Kasey was again impressed by the contradiction of her friend. How could someone who ate their weight in cake and croissants every few days look like a punk rock supermodel?