The Love Shack Pt. 02


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Jen surprised me by piping up, a grin on her face. "Oh, this and that. Hard subjects sometimes, mostly we just talked about whatever popped up."

She was staring at my junk. Already pleased with all the desirable females around him, he decided to rise to the occasion. It caused a good bit of merriment and Jules got a cup of ice water out of one of the coolers, pouring it right on my crotch. Gales of laughter erupted as they watched me dance and gasp.

"Tomorrow, baby, tomorrow."

We grilled, and talked about mundane things; relaxing to the point we almost forgot we were naked. The meal over, the wine came out for the girls, I opted for one of the local beers, surprised at how good it was. It was also a lot more powerful than I was used to, so I was careful to pace myself There was a lot of giggling, and the girls put on some music and formed an impromptu hula-line. The moon was full and it rose over the island, giving them a surreal glow on the white sands. To this day I can see it plain as day, one of the most sensual and erotic things I'd ever seen.

The music changed and they started bumping and grinding into each other until they were a ball of writhing flesh. I heard a few gasps and saw Rhonda grin as she copped more than a few feels. I wondered if Bonny ever thought about changing teams tomorrow, just for the experience. The way she and Vickie were rubbing their breasts together suggested she had given it some thought.

By now we were all sporting pretty good erections and the girls disengaged, coming to their partners and pulling them in different directions on the beach. "Come on, Jimmy," Bonny said as she tugged on my hand, "I've always wanted to make love on a moonlit beach."

It must have been planned, because blankets were produced. We were separated, but still in sight of most of the couples. The full moon didn't let you see much, but you could hear the sounds of passion echoing up and down the cove. Bonny ended up riding me reverse cowgirl at the end, something she had never favored for a finish. I think she did it so she could watch the other couples.

I felt eyes and looked over to see Jen sitting cross-legged at the edge of the trees, fingers buried deep as she watched. Apparently, Booger had a quick trigger and left her unsatisfied. She saw me looking and grinned as Bonny wailed out her climax. I flipped over her to her hands and knees and slammed her like I'd never done before, looking right at Jen the whole time. When I grunted and exploded, Jen put her hand in her mouth to muffle the sound of her own climax. I remember thinking it odd. I don't think anyone would have noticed, especially with Bonny screaming. I fell back and she dropped on top of me, huffing like she'd run a marathon. When I calmed down, Jen had disappeared.

I never felt more connected to my wife as I did in that moment.


All the couples gradually untwined and drifted off, some softly calling out goodnights as they went. Bonny took my hand and we walked into the warm water, letting the warm ocean water remove the juices generated from our lovemaking. We got into our bungalow and more or less collapsed on the bed.

I woke before daylight, tensing up immediately. Today was the day. After tonight, nothing would ever be the same. Bonny was a little muted when she rose. I heard the shower running and thought about joining her when I discovered the door was locked. In all our years together, I could not ever remember a door being locked in our house. It sent me a message. She didn't want me touching her today. I think I shocked the shit out of her when I asked why the door was locked.

She was toweling off, one wrapped around her waist while she vigorously dried her hair. It made her boobs dance wildly. "It was locked? I don't remember locking it."

She said it while the towel obscured her face. I could tell she was lying, but there was no use pushing it. "We don't have to do this, you know. We can just stay in our little hut and let the world pass us by."

She just grunted, still hiding behind the towel. "We've already decided. Just one night honey, then I'll be just yours forever."

I had a thought to remind her that's what she promised me at our wedding, and that wasn't working out so well. "Bonny. Bonny! Look me in the eyes, damnit!"

Her head shot up; her eyes wide. "I want you to remember this moment years down the road, and remember I offered you an out and you refused to take it. You know as well as I our relationship will never be the same after tonight. Never. This will always be at the back of everything we do going forward. I agreed and I'll honor my word, but you really need to consider what it will cost. That's all I'm going to say."

I walked out, going past the gate and up the road to the main part of the resort. I'd planned on making a nice breakfast, but you know what, fuck her! I found a nice little cafe and ordered the island special. Soon a large platter of locally grown fruit appeared, followed by eggs prepared with spices I'd never heard of and topped with two cheeses I'd never tasted, with sautéed mushrooms on the side. Despite my mental state, it was a very good breakfast.

I was almost done when Jen and Booger showed up, plopping down at the table. "Looking forward to tonight? I damn sure am."

I looked at him, trying to keep the disgust off my face. "Actually, I'm not, and I don't want to talk about it."

"Come on man, don't be like that. Just think, while Bonny is getting hers, you'll be banging this hot little box. She's got skills, man."

Jen was crimson with embarrassment. I was already building to a rage and this wasn't helping at all. "Know what, Reginald? You should kiss her ass every day because you were lucky enough to get her to marry you. You really think this is going to work out well? She'll be with real men for a change. Experiencing that and then returning to you will have to be a pretty big come down. A normal man would be disgusted by all this, but when it's over and you're with her again, the thought of her with other men will consume you. Where will it stop? You don't really expect this to be a one and done, do you?"

As much as he hated being called Booger, he hated being called Reginald even more. I took Jen's hand across the table. "I'm sorry, Jen. I'll bet every time he's with you from now on all you'll be able to think about is how a real man does it. You're not just, as he puts it, a hot little box. You have a kind heart and a good wit that happens to be wrapped in a very attractive body. Be a little more careful in choosing hubby number two, and if you need anything at all when we get back, you come to me. Understand?"

Booger snapped. "Fuck you! I think I'm gonna do Bonny's ass, too. What do you think of that?"

I had to take a deep breath and let my vision clear from the red mist of rage. I'm proud of the control I had when I answered. "I think that what Bonny does tonight is up to her. She's never been inclined that way, but on the other hand I never thought she would have sex with idiots, either, so who can tell? One thing I promise you, when we get back, if I hear you've been bragging, I will destroy you. I don't mean financially or personally; I mean becoming part of the foundation of one of my new construction projects. Look me in the eye and tell me you believe me."

He went a little pale and Jen looked like she might faint before she recovered enough to speak. "What happens on the island will stay on the island. You have my word."

"Thanks, Jen. I believe you. It's the slimy sonofabitch you're married to who concerns me. I hope he's got a lot of insurance, honey. You might just need it."

I was suddenly very tired of the whole situation. The more I thought about it the less it made sense. Bonny had been happy with me for 26 years, and I couldn't understand the change in attitude. Something just didn't add up.

I left them and walked the local market, listening to the sounds, smiling at the children as they helped their parents in their stalls. One little girl was determined to sell me something, almost following me as I tried to leave. It was a jewelry booth, mostly necklaces made of different colors and types of shells. Some were dainty and elegant. some were big and bold. It struck me they were like me and were builders and craftspeople, Bonny and me with houses and buildings and them with shells, just people trying to make a living and better their families. I bought one for both of my daughters and another for my daughter-in-law. There was another, delicately crafted so the shells formed a flower. I knew Bonny would love it and I bought it, wondering if it would be the last gift I'd ever give her.

I walked back to our compound. Jen must have told them of our conversation and they were hesitant and overly polite in speaking to me. That just seemed to add fuel to my simmering anger. I spoke to them in curt tones and they soon left me alone, all except Jules.

"This will be the end for your marriage, won't it?"

"In all likelihood. I need honest answers here, Jules. What the hell is going on? Why is she having a sudden attack of promiscuity, determined even if it ends us. What could possibly be going through her head?"

Tears trickled down her cheek. "I don't know, honey, I really don't. I've asked and she's refused to discuss it. She seems... disconnected... to anything. The only time I saw her truly smile was when she was holding the new baby and the night of the hot tub incident. For the first time ever, she doesn't share with me."

We sat in common misery for a bit, until she got up, kissed me on the cheek and left. Just as soon as she was gone Jen, Vickie, and Rhonda showed up. Vickie took one look at me and sighed. "You're not going to do it, are you?"

"No. I just can't. Not and stay married."

"If she does?"

"Then she's made her choice."

I had three sets of arms around me and felt the tears as they dripped. Jen pulled back. "I'm going through with it, just so I can rub how much better you guys are in comparison. I'll do it to hurt him, but he'll probably love it. Our clock is ticking, he just doesn't know it yet. Promise I will see you again, Jimmy. I'll probably be badly in need of a hug by then."

"I'm not going to disappear. I may be losing a marriage, but I'm not losing everything I've worked for or the people I love. I'll be sure and hug you the next time I see you. There may even be a little kissing involved." I grinned for the first time. "Maybe a lot."

"Finally! Something I can look forward to!"

Vickie and Rhonda giggled with her, and the mood improved. Vick just said what was on her mind. "I really don't know what to say, so I'll say what I want. This sucks. I've always liked Bonny and I refuse to choose sides. That being said, if you do suddenly become a free agent, you better block out a weekend and get a prescription for those little blue pills. You'll need them."

They did a good job of bolstering my confidence, but eventually they ran out of things to say. It was past lunch time now and I hadn't seen Bonny since breakfast. I found her, naked, lying on the beach, Booger hovering over her. He'd kept his distance, and as soon as he saw me, he practically ran down the beach. I sat down beside her, admiring her body. Bearing three children had taken a toll, but she wasn't flabby, the stretch marks were minimal. She had just rolled over and I admired her toned ass, the result of five-day-a-week workouts with Jules.

She finally spoke. "Where have you been?"

"Off thinking."

You could hear the exasperation in her voice. "Please don't lecture me. You agreed. It WILL happen. You got anything you want to say?"

"As a matter of fact, I have a few questions. The main one is why? Why now, after two-and-a-half decades of a pretty decent life? Please don't insult my intelligence by saying it's just to experience some strange cock. It has to run deeper than that if you're willing to risk our marriage."

She rolled over and sat up, just watching me for a few minutes. "I can't explain. You're the kindest loving man I've ever known. Lord knows you are far from perfect, but even after your blunders I still loved you. Then, about the time we started the remodel of The Love Shack, things changed. Nothing seemed to matter. It got to the point that I felt like I had one of those 36-inch zip-ties you have in the shop around my neck. It just hung there at first, but every day it seemed to tighten up one notch. Then it got uncomfortable, and now it's strangling me! I'm trying to figure a way to cut it off before it kills me."

I was so surprised I couldn't answer for a minute. When I collected my thoughts, I still didn't know exactly what to say. "Bonny, you know I don't know much about stuff like that, but it sounds like you're suffering from depression. You used to be a nurse; didn't you spot the signs? We can get help. You need to get a full physical, maybe it's hormonal or something. Let's go home and try to work though it together. If we need counseling, if I've been cruel unintentionally, or just indifferent towards you, I can change."

I felt like I had hope for the first time in a long time. She destroyed that pretty quick. "You can leave if you want to, but I'm staying. I've committed and I intend to see it through."

I realize looking back it sounded like I was begging, and I was. "Nothing is written in stone. Remember how we set it up; we have the option of saying no any time. Let's leave here and go somewhere else, anywhere your heart desires, just us, and spend some time talking with just a little loving thrown in. I'm willing to do anything to get you back to where we were."

"You just don't get it, Grunt. I don't want to go back to the way we were. I'm tired of living my life in quiet desperation. I'm hoping this triggers something and I can feel joy again."

Neither of us spoke for a long time. Finally, I got up and brushed the sand off my shorts. "Well, I've done all I can. I hope you enjoy tonight, Bonny. I won't be here to know. I'm exercising my right to opt out. See you back home."

She grabbed my hand. "Please Jimmy! Stay. I'll feel safer knowing you're here. You'll have fun, I know you will. We'll go back home reenergized. Maybe I will do as you ask, see if something is physically wrong with me. We'll be better, you'll see."

"I can look in your eyes and see you don't believe what you're saying any more than I do. Sorry, Honey, you don't know how much I'm sorry, but I won't put up with this any longer. I'd appreciate it if you'd give me a few minutes alone to pack."

She just sat there, slow fat tears running down her face, but she gave me my space. I wondered if this was the last time I'd ever see her. I packed, noting the stockings and garter belt she had laid out on the bed. It looked like that was her whole outfit for the festivities. Contacting the resort office, I requested a cab to the airport and got a confirmation it would be there in thirty minutes, and there was a flight arriving now that would be ready to leave in just over two hours if I wanted a seat. They would be happy to arrange it for me.

I walked out to the cab, looking back at the beauty of the place one more time. I would have loved the place under other circumstances. There were a few of our group on the beach, and they called out to me. I just waved, noting none of them was my wife, and got in the cab.

I got there early enough to get my ticket and sat down to wait. Twenty minutes later a woman came rushing up behind, calling my name. My heart swelled and I thought Bonny had come to her senses, but when I turned around it was Jen. There were tears in her eyes as she hugged me.

"Will you help me get a ticket?"

I bought one, glad the procedures were much more relaxed here. We sat, saying nothing. Twenty minutes before we were to board Jen had to use the lady's room and I ambled along, deciding to go then instead of the experiencing the claustrophobic feeling I got in airplane restrooms.

It was like the sun through a magnifying glass focused on dry paper. I just exploded.

There at a urinal stood Will. He was bragging to the guy next to him. "Yeah, my bitch and I set up an orgy for down here but one of the husbands turned into an asshole and insisted I not come. We're going to slip in after dark and he won't know until it's over. I'm going to really enjoy the look on his face when he sees me in the morning. Listen man, if you want to come with or without your wife, we rented all the bungalows on Half Moon Bay. Slip on down."

The man looked distinctly uncomfortable. His eye widened when he saw what must have been murder in my eyes and stepped back. I grabbed Will's shoulder and yanked him around. He was still holding his dick when I hit him as hard as I could. It landed on his ear and it exploded in a shower of blood. He went down without a sound, although he did give a couple of shrill sighs when I kicked him in the nuts as hard as I could. It was so hard it slammed him into the wall under the urinal. I'm surprised I didn't kill him, but at the time I don't think it would have mattered.

The guy had run out of the bathroom and there was no one else there. In a fit of inspiration, I yanked his wallet out of his pants, then I took my dick out and pissed all over his face, washed my hands, and walked out. I did stop and give him one more shot to the balls, in case he didn't remember the first. The last time I saw the asshole he was lying under a urinal in a puddle of piss, holding his nuts and trying to scream. I dropped the wallet just outside the door, hoping some enterprising islander would find it and put it to good use.

Jen was standing by her luggage with a puzzled look on her face. "Some guy just ran by looking like he saw a ghost. What happened in there?'

"Some drunk was trying to give blowjobs in the stalls. He was so trashed he passed out under a urinal. Let's go, it's time to board."

Just before we boarded the plane I looked back and into the startled eyes of Grace. She took off, probably to tell her Lothario of a husband I'd seen her.


We didn't talk much on the flight home, each no doubt wondering if their marriage was over. I gave her a ride home and we finally started dealing with it. I asked her what she was going to do.

"I don't know. I know I don't want to live with him right now. Maybe this is the end for us. He's been getting strange ideas since Will came back to town."

"Free advice. Until you're sure, protect yourself. Move a little money around, cancel any joint cards. You can always put the money back and get new ones later. How did he take your leaving?"

She grinned, amused for the first time. "He threw a hissy fit. Apparently, he'd made promises to Will and John. I told him if it was that important to him, he could suck their dicks."

"Not a mental picture I needed." I pulled into her driveway as she worked on her phone.

"Asshole motherfucker! He's already closed the accounts! That was awful fast. What am I gonna do now? I don't have a dime and I really do not want to be here when he gets back."

"Well, you could ask your Uncle Jimmy for help. I hear he's a sucker for pretty young girls."

"I couldn't ask you to do that. How would you explain it to Bonny?"

I think the tone of my voice said it all. "I fear my days of having to explain anything to Bonny are over. We both have personal checking accounts besides the joint account, and we both have separate business accounts. Besides, the old Bonny would think I was an asshole if I couldn't help a friend in need. Go pack what you need while I go get my truck. If nothing else we can put it in storage."

I went home, grabbed some fresh clothes and some papers from our safe. All our business lines were routed to the house in case we got an after-hours call that required immediate attention. We kept the audio on, so we could screen the calls. Every message bank was full. The phone rang while I was in our home office getting some paperwork I needed for existing projects. There was a little silence, then a snuffle, then Jules' exasperated voice. "For God's sake, Bonny, say something. Say it before it's too late."