The Magic Sticker Pool Party Pt. 01

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3 sexy friends use magic to control each other's bodies.
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Chapter 1: A Well-Timed Delivery

It was a beautiful summer day as Emma rushed to get ready. As usual she was running late, and was honestly excited to hangout with Ashley and Jade. It had been a few weeks since they had last got together, not since their end of semester grad school study sessions a few months ago. As she was trying to decide which swimsuit to wear, she heard the door bell ring. She only remembered halfway to the door that she had ordered a magic sticker pack a few months ago, on a whim more than anything.

By the time she opened her front door, the delivery person and their delivery vehicle was already gone. "That is strange" Emma thought, wondering how they disappeared around the corner so quickly. She very quickly stopped wondering as she remembered what she was holding: The Dr Erotic's Mega Magic Sticker Variety Pack (TM). There had been some viral videos going around on social media with people demonstrating the various, clearly impossible, effects of these stickers. While she doubted they actually worked, she felt her cheeks flush with warmth as she imagined the (very slim) possibility that they actually worked a bit.

Though she was embarrassed by it, she had long been turned on by the idea of having someone be able to control her body and controlling other people's bodies. Ever since she could remember, she had been drawn to those types of stories and scenes in TV shows. In the overwhelming busyness of grad school, she had largely forgotten about her kink until one night Ashley, Jade, and her were watching Ella Enchanted after a study session. She had squirmed an embarrassing amount that night, though she was confident that neither of them noticed. It was at the end of that night, alone in the dark of her apartment, that Emma made a rather large impulse purchase: the Magic Sticker Mega-Variety Pack.

Perhaps inspired by the growing warmth in her cheeks, and other places, Emma rushed upstairs to throw on her sexy and tight one-piece shiny green swimsuit (that she thought showed exactly the right amount of sideboob). Throwing on some bike shorts and a tight t-shirt with a beautiful flower pattern, she ran back downstairs. She grabbed her bike, her backpack, and keys, and stepped out of the door.

There, on the doorstep, she hesitated for a moment. Feeling her cheeks flush again, she reached back into her apartment and grabbed Dr Erotic's Mega Magic Sticker Variety Pack (TM). Shoving the box into her backpack as she locked her door, she rationalized the action to herself. "I probably won't even mention it to Jade or Ashley... Plus they couldn't possibly work even if we did try them out." Feeling her breath quicken with the idea, she pushed it down and took off to Jade's house on her bike. "This is a great sunny day to go to a pool party with brilliant (and sexy) friends," Emma thought as she picked up speed on her bike.

Chapter 2: The Hot Gossip Girls


A comfortable silence had grown between Jade and I, as we waited with our legs in the pool. Not for the first time I found myself checking out Jade, who was wearing a rather sheer blue bikini. Her beautiful skin and recently grown out long blonde hair sparkling in the warm sunshine. I found myself staring as I marveled at how much Jade's hips and butt had filled out in the last few months. Jade had always been athletic, but second puberty was rather becoming on her. I could remember how awkward feeling and looking I was during my teen years, but here Jade was at 29 making it look both elegant and effortless. While her chest was rather small still, her hips and ass were becoming more and more remarkable each day (though they had always been great).

We often had to wait for Emma, but she was delightful (and sexy) enough to make it worthwhile. In this case, it was only another 20 minutes of poolside discussion with Jade before Emma could be heard making her way down the side path. Waving, Emma made her way poolside. I took in Emma's shiny green one-piece swimsuit as she took off her over-shirt and shorts. I could feel my heartbeat quicken as I saw how the green contrasted with Emma's beautiful blue eyes, and the way it hugged her not insignificant chest.

Excited to catch up, we began talking about our respective dissertation research projects, and occasionally slipped into gossiping about the grad students in our mid-sized university. After a long discussion and debate on the merits of post-qualitative research methods, the topic veered toward the rumors circulating about a group of grad students trying out a "magic" sticker pack and its effects.

"I have to imagine it was the drugs hitting a bit harder than normal," Jade said, adding, "There is no way stickers could affect your body like that."

"I have to imagine that they played up the effects for the story, you know how the arts-based research department is!" I said laughing.

Jade's and my critique of the story continued for a while, until I realized that Emma was very unusually quiet.

"What are your thoughts Em? You were the one that suggested we watch Ella Enchanted after all! You seemed pretty into the movie (I had some suspicions about that)!"

Emma stared into the gorgeous blue sky for a bit, before glancing over at her backpack. "Yah! It was a wild story... It seems like a lot of people are posting a lot of videos about it on social media though." Emma said quickly, adding, "You two are right, it probably doesn't work." As she said this, I noticed her glancing toward her backpack. She blushed then said "I must have drank too much tea, I am gonna run to the washroom." She got up, showing off her muscular legs and the high-cut bottom of her one-piece, and quickly ran into the house.

"That was an oddly simple conclusion for Emma. Do you think she is okay?" Jade asked, adding, "She seemed really into that Ella movie so I assumed she would want to discuss it further."

I glanced over at her backpack, noticing it was unusually full. Realizing it was a box, I started to formulate my own hypothesis about Emma's reaction. While I was tempted to open up the backpack to confirm my hunch, I decided to wait to ask Emma when she came back.

Chapter 3: Stick(ering) with the Third-Degree


I practically ran into the bathroom, feeling myself flush with a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. There was no way I could show them the Mega Variety Pack, they clearly thought it was all a scam.

"God, honestly I think it is likely a scam as well. What a stupid waste of $250!" I thought to myself as I looked into the mirror. As I started to gather my breath and awareness (maybe all the therapy was helping after all), I noticed my very prominent hard nipples straining against the shiny green fabric of the one piece swimsuit. I chuckled. "Well at least I got some enjoyment out of that $250. Oh well, I will just leave it in my backpack and not mention it." Feeling my resolve solidify and my heart stop racing I washed my face and headed back out to the pool.

As I sat down beside them, Ashley and Jade both checked in asking, "You okay Emma? You seem distant." I brushed off their concerns by quickly diving into the pool. As I swam laps, I noticed how much the pool water reflected off of Ashley's beautiful dark skin. Ashley had always been impossibly fit, but with a chest that could politely be described robust (emphasis on the roBUST). Her beautiful shiny silver one-piece swimsuit further enhanced her curves. It wasn't long before I caught my own reflection in Ashley's wrap-around sunglasses, making me painfully aware of how long I had been staring. As I turned to do another length of the pool, I thought I caught a smirk on Ashley's face. It was another 30 minutes of lengths before they broke the comfortable silence that had developed. Between breast strokes, Ashley lowered her glasses and asked, "So, what is in the box in your backpack?" A devious smile spread across her face.

In my surprise, I thoughtlessly answered, "Uhh a delivery."

Ashley gently pushed. "Oh, what is in said box?"

Taking too much time, the silence eating away at me, I sheepishly answered in a soft voice. "A sticker pack?"

Instantly Jade and Ashley dropped the idle things they were doing, turning their full attention to me. Their jaws were practically on the floor. There was a long silence. I could feel each beat of my heart as I got more and more worried. After an excruciating length of time Jade said something unexpected. Winking at Emma she said, "We are going to have to investigate this discovery!" To which Ashley agreed, replying "Science needs data after all!"

I was stunned, they were interested in trying out the sticker pack. Feeling my body respond, I started to imagine several possibilities as I swam over to them. I could feel my heart racing as I grabbed the box out of my backpack, turning toward them. Where I expected to see ridicule, I saw authentic excitement. Maybe this might be a great purchase after all.

Chapter 4: Sticker Shock


I could tell that Emma was excited about trying out the stickers. She seemed to practically run to the backpack, and tear into the shipping box. As I looked over Emma I noticed her nipples were very erect, straining against the fabric of her green swimsuit. I started to feel my own nipples starting to respond to the visual stimulus, so I crossed my arms to hide my growing nipples. I felt a shiver of pleasure run down my spine as I felt the sensation of my nipples pressing against the fabric of my sheer white swimsuit. Looking up I asked Emma, "So how are those things meant to work?" "According to the advertisement you just put one on and for the next 3 hours your body just responds automatically to a specific trigger word," Emma replied.

"Well, since you brought them Emma, do you want to be the first one to test it out?"

Emma paused for a moment in thought, before excitedly agreeing to trying the first few stickers.

As we all examined the first sheet of stickers, we all commented on how plain they looked. They all were clear shiny stars. Each row had a single word label beside 5 stars. The labels started fairly obvious and got more and more obscure the further they went down. While there were only 25 rows of stickers on this sheet I saw many more sheets contained in smaller boxes. Some of the labels in the box were truly impossible, no matter how fancy the technology. This sheet was labeled "introductory sheet."

Looking through them, Emma chose a benign sounding one. Peeling off one of the stickers in the row labeled "clap" she only hesitated for a moment before applying it to her toned upper arm, saying, "Here goes nothing." All of us held our breath, waiting for something to happen. Examining her face, I saw no change in her expression.

"Do you feel anything?" I asked her.

Taking a moment to scan her body, she replied, "No, nothing."

I was about to conclude that they must be fake, when I noticed that the sticker wasn't on her arm anymore. Pointing it out, I looked down at the concrete around her, expecting to see it. When I saw nothing, I started to wonder. "Did it get absorbed or something?"Jade and Emma both didn't notice if it had. "Hmm, well maybe we can try the trigger phrase?" I asked Emma, waiting for her consent.

Emma swallowed hard (ha) and said, "Sure, here goes nothing."

"Okay, Clap," I said excitedly. I could see Emma brace herself for some kind of effect, but nothing happened.

Looking disappointed, Emma said, "Huh, I thought with it disappearing it might actually be real!"

Feeling both annoyed and emboldened, I said, "Well let me give it a go!" Scanning through the various rows and labels I grabbed one that seemed fun. Peeling off a "pose" sticker, I slapped it onto my thigh. This time, everyone stared at the sticker to see how it interacted with my skin. For a few moments nothing happened, other than Jade and Emma appreciating my massive thighs (I had been on a bulk for my power-lifting competition in a few weeks). Just as I was going to complain, they all saw the sticker start to get absorbed into my skin. Starting at the edges, I could see the sticker almost shimmer as it got absorbed.

"Huh, okay, that is spooky!" said Emma.

Waiting for some type of sign or feeling, I looked at my friends. Nodding at them I braced myself and said, "Give it a try!"

Without much hesitation, Emma said, "Pose." While nothing had happened with Emma, I still braced myself. I took one, two, three breaths, still nothing happened.

Looking at the other two, I said, "Huh, must not actually work! Weird about the way it absorbs though. Seems like a lot of effort to go to for a practical joke."

Emma looked particularly frustrated, taking several other stickers and slapping them on. "I spent so much money on this, and was really hoping..." she said trailing off at the end.

Looking at the ones she had put on I looked at her to confirm she wanted me to try them out. She nodded her consent so I said, "Freeze, Pose, Flex, Hard, Flash, Rigid!" I could see Emma getting sadder and sadder with each trigger word that didn't work.

Seeing Emma really sad, I leaned over and gave her a hug, "It's okay, Em, we will have fun today. I promise!" I felt her body relax and press into mine. As I felt her breathing start to return to normal, I heard Jade say, "Ohhh, I think we have been doing it wrong! Emma Clap!" Instantly I felt Emma's body tense up, her back straightening as her hands came together behind my back with a loud clapping noise.

Emma shouted, "Holy shit, holy shit I didn't do that! My body did it on its own! What was the difference Jade?!"

Jade pointed at the instruction booklet. "It says you need to use the person's name before you say the trigger!"

I felt my heartbeat increase at that discovery. Slowly I felt Emma and Jade's eyes turn towards me, both had mischievous smiles on their faces. I sighed, nodding, and said, "Sure give it a try." Emma almost instantly burst out, "Ashley Pose!" excitedly.

I felt a sudden strange suggestion spread through my body. My back went straight, as my body slowly shifted on its own, my arms coming up to rest on my hips. It felt like cold water slowly flowing across my body, causing my body to constrict without my permission. The sticker continued to pose me, my head tilting to the side, my torso twisting towards my friends. I felt my muscles starting to tense, as the posing process seemed to reach its conclusion. The pose seemed to show off my hips and chest.

I couldn't control my body from my neck down, my body was locked in place. "Holy shit, holy shit, this is wild!" They both looked concerned so I added, "Not in a bad way, but it is strange!" Jade and Emma seemed to physically relax upon hearing that. What I didn't add was that it actually felt a bit pleasurable, I could even feel heat between my legs. It felt a bit embarrassing sitting there, showing off my body to my friends. But, if I was being honest, it was kind of turning me on. I wasn't sure what I was learning about myself, but I made a note to continue to explore this experience after my friends left.

After a few more seconds it occurred to me that I was still stuck, frozen, in a pose. "Uh, guys?! Could you give a girl a bit of help?" Quickly Emma practically shouted "Oh, uh. Ashley Pose!" I was expecting to regain control of my body, so I commanded it to relax. Instead, I felt that cool sensation of water flow across my body. My arms and legs started to move on their own again, as if responding to an invisible force. I felt myself blush even harder, and I felt the heat between my legs increase. The muscles in my core and arms constricted without my input. I felt my whole body twist towards my friends, still seated on the side of the pool. As I finished twisting, I couldn't turn my head as I felt my legs starting to spread. As if responding to the heat between my legs, I realized I was striking a much sexier pose. As my legs spread as far as they could, I felt my back straighten. At the same time, I felt my hands form a cup shape as they came under my chest. I saw Jade and Emma's eyes drift down my body as my hands pushed my chest up, showing off the size of my chest in a way I rarely did. Their eyes continued to drift down further, until I felt their gaze reach my now very exposed and wet white swimsuit fabric between my legs.

Jade and Emma were both blushing, Jade adding, "Woah, these stickers are fun!" I almost died, but felt myself get even more turned on as Emma added, "Damn Ashley, that swimsuit is very sheer!"

"I am glad you are enjoying the show Emma and Jade, but am I going to be stuck like this forever?!" I said.

It took Jade 2 minutes to find the solution to my current problem. I honestly think that it took so long because Jade and Emma both kept staring at my still pushed up chest and very exposed crotch. Finally I heard Jade say, "Ashley Release," and for a second I worried the sticker might make me cum (at this point it would not have taken too much to get me there), but luckily, I regained control of my body, letting go of my chest and slamming my legs back together.

"So they last for 3 hours? Okay, this is gonna be a fun afternoon" I said. Smiling at Emma, I said, "Okay, let's agree that if we say red we will stop?" to which they all agreed. "Emma, how about we play around with some of the many you applied?!"

Emma laughed. "Seems only fair considering the pose you just struck for so long! That was actually pretty physically impressive!"

"Thanks" I said, adding, "Emma Hard."

Emma seemed to shiver as some kind of sensation ran through her. "Woah this feels strange!" she said, adding, "But it doesn't seem to have done anything."

I pointed at her chest, where her nipples were getting harder and harder. Before the sticker was done her nipples were impossibly hard, straining against the green swimsuit fabric. Emma giggled, reaching down to touch them, she said, "Woah that is very cool!" Letting out a small moan when her fingers made contact she added, "Whoa they are so sensitive!" Looking up at me she added, "How long are you going to keep me like this?!"

In reply I said, "Emma Pose." I delighted in her shocked expression as her body started to move on its own.

Chapter 5: Sticker(ing) to it!


I felt a cool sensation wash over me as the command began to take effect. Without my input, my back straightened as I felt myself stand up. As I felt the cool sensation continue across my body, one leg shifted backward as my torso twisted into the classic "ass influencer" pose. I was so focused on the feeling of my leg and butt muscles tensing up that I didn't notice my hands pulling down the front of my shiny green swimsuit. Before I knew it, I was showing off a lot of cleavage. I suddenly felt very exposed, with my ass, cleavage, and hard nipples on full display to my friends.

I noticed a heat growing in between my legs as I actively tried to avoid looking at my cute friends. After a while their silence made me sufficiently curious so I slowly turned to look at them. I was surprised to see that both Jade and Ashley were staring at my ass and chest respectively. After a few moments they caught themselves and stopped staring.

"Damn, I don't think I appreciated how much your gym routine had been paying off! Your ass looks really good" Ashley said, blushing.

"I don't have a good excuse, but your chest and nipples look pretty amazing Emma!" Jade added.

"Wait... Were you both just checking me out?!" I said, to which they both shrugged and said "Maaaybe." I gently added, "That wasn't a complaint to be clear."