The Merrimans of Maine Ch. 01


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One day Sylvia didn't show and toward the low end of the afternoon sun Will caught up with the young girl as she walked back up to the farm.

"Ms. Gertrude, what in the world brings you out in these wild Maine woods this afternoon?" He flashed his wide grin and captivated her again with those brilliant blue eyes.

"Oh I walk through here every day usually down to the slate works to get a piece or two for Mama's walkway. I love the color and smell here." She bashfully replied. "You don't have to call me Gertrude. Everybody calls me Gertie unless they're mad or something."

"Well, Miss Gertie Merriman, I will. You know, this old grove is a neat place, kind of like that old sugar shack your Papa has me working on. It has character, that's what it is."

It was an innocent walk together and an even more innocent conversation but in Gertie's mind it couldn't have been more pleasing unless he had just swept her up in his strong arms and embraced in a lover's kiss. She blushed at the thought but it carried her smile all the way to the stone wall behind the blacksmith's shop.

Will bid his good bye and turned up toward the other side of the barn and when he did he missed the flash of blue gingham, the long strawberry blond hair, the lilting laugh and her mischievous skipping back to the house. He didn't see Angus watching with sated lust in his eye adjusting his prick in his trousers.

Gertie saw it all and knew what her sister had been up to. The girls at school had told her what men do to girls and with every tale, whether true or not, she blushed crimson. Now she had seen the gruff man and then she saw his eyes upon her and saw the devil himself glowing back. It was the house of hades and Cerberus with three sets of bared fangs was surely lurking. She ran past the smith shop and toward the shed until concealed within the safety of home...


It wasn't Gertie who spilled the beans on Sylvia, it was the youngest sister Mildred and one of the neighborhood girls who caught them in the act of unmentionables up in the hayloft above the sheep shed a few months later. They had climbed up there to get a couple old sparrows nests and witnessed the entire performance below them before the neighborhood girl giggled a bit too loud just as Angus Philpot began ejaculating into the naked quim of the oldest Merriman girl.

Both of the guilty parties below looked up into the innocent but giggling young faces above them and began shouting grandiose curses as both girls then slipped down the front side of the hayloft and out the door. Angus hiked his britches up and went out the back side of the sheep shed trying to take care not to be seen again as Sylvia rustled her clothes back on and went on a run to catch the two girls.

"Sylvie and Mr. Philpot, sitting in a hayloft, K-I-S-S-I-N-G... na-na-na-na-na" The two shouted out in unison before repeating it two times as Sylvia fumed in embarrassment and anger. She could feel the semen running down her thigh as steam seemed to burst through her ears in fury. Mildred and her friend tore off down the lane toward the orchid without looking back as Sylvia turned back toward the house and came face to face with a stern black haired young man with deep foreboding steely blue eyes intent on some measure of recompense.

"Sylvia, is that true? You and the blacksmith?" Will Hammond looked at the disheveled young lady, a glob of semen falling to the ground at her bare feet, two buttons below the top undone with her bare breasts and nipples visible in the gap. There was still drool on her chin and throat.

Will had been walking back through the yard when he saw and heard it all. He saw Angus sneaking back to his shop; he saw the girls come running out the sheep shed with Sylvia behind them trying to keep her clothes fastened while struggling to catch up with them.

"W-W-Will! It's n-n-not what..." she exclaimed with a caught expression before turning away and running to the house. One of her undergarments fell to the ground and Will reached down and picked it up before tossing it in a bin in disgust.

Sylvia made a beeline to her room only to find Gertie sitting there in the window sill like sly Mona Lisa; serenity composed having taken in all the proceedings.

"Have a mishap, Sylvie?"

"Don't even start anything, little sister!"

"Isn't Mr. Philpot as old as Papa, even older?"

"I told you not to start anything, Gertrude!" Sylvia's eyes flashed in anger.


Gertie made a dramatic show of tip toeing out of the room but not before she made eye contact with her sister and the sparkling life and joy in the younger sister's eyes was unmistakable...

Will had come close to leaving his job until Leland talked him into staying. No one told Leland of the goings on and Will was too embarrassed, feeling too much the fool to say anything so he kept it to himself, the girls, Angus and probably every other living breathing soul on the hill except the master of the premises.

"I wouldn't mind staying on if you can keep me busy pulling cedar in the woods this winter, Mr. Merriman. "

Leland admired the young man and had no intention of losing his services if he could help it. He set him to the task of cutting out several thousand board feet of white cedar over the winter months once he finished up the sugar shack rebuild. He wouldn't get to it until the first snow flies after Thanksgiving.

Until then Will stayed out of sight and out of mind as much as he could, perhaps due to his embarrassment at being made a chump by Angus Philpot and Sylvia Merriman as anything else. That didn't stop Gertie from continuing her strolls down through the sap grove long after the autumn leaves had fallen to the ground and taking up her favorite spot watching the object of her young heart. The two of them continued their walks back up to the farm together and by the time the first snows fell Leland felt the young Hammond boy would be making a formal call upon the household on Gertie's behalf even though she was now just approaching her seventeenth birthday.

While the courtship was very much informal on account of Gertie's young age, the budding romance of the two didn't escape the jealous eye of Sylvia or the lustful designs of the blacksmith concerning the Merriman women. With Sylvia, it was a resentment toward her sister for having what she desired and tossed aside in her wayward pursuits. Angus Philpot simply took great pleasure in taking what belonged to another man.

The unruly man made no secret of his desires when he took the farmer's wife bare and unprotected in her blond vagina. He teased and tormented her with each adulterous encounter.

"That sweet young blond bitch of yours sucks a man's cock almost as well as you do you, Mrs. Merriman." He would whisper or grunt in her ear. "A hot, wet fuck she is, for sure. That little red headed cunt of yours too... I'm looking forward to taking that little cunt when the day comes."

Perhaps Nina had succumbed to depravity for the words struck simultaneous chords in her heart; one of utter dread and fear for the sanctity of her young daughter and Will Hammond's affections and another of sheer submitted lust that fueled orgasms that shook her entire physical being.

He had her on her elbows, her naked breasts exposed and swaying to each thrust of the lewd man's cock into her wet vagina splayed open on the workman's bench, whispering these wicked thoughts to her until the stretched quim grasped the engorged prick and milked it of its seed.

The blacksmith played his lecherous game on two fronts; with the farmer's wife and the farmer's oldest daughter. Each sated his desires when he felt the need and as long as Leland Merriman remained the unwitting cuckold, Angus Philpot had every intention of continuing his defilements...

1917, on the Merriman Farm in Sebec, Maine

"Will Hammond, you do know there is the Grange Hall dinner and social coming up soon, don't you?" Gertie asked the young man who had her arm in his.

He smiled to himself pleased with his young consort's keen interest in his intentions.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything. I'm sure there will be several entertaining young ladies there."

If he hadn't had the coarse wool jacket protecting his arm from the assault, Gertie might have left an imprint with her small knuckled fist but for all intents and purposes it merely brought an amusing laugh from Will's lips.

"Well, Miss Gertie, then I shall ask of you the pleasure of accompanying me to the 32nd Annual National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, Sebec Chapter Dinner and Community Social next Saturday evening down at Four Corners. I heard there is a fiddle band providing the musical accompaniment so if you are of a mind, I'll add that you bring your square dancing shoes and be prepared for an evening of revelry." Will said as he looked into her eyes. "Oh by the way, I already asked Mr. Merriman for his permissions and he offered us the use of his buckboard for the occasion."

It was a quick embrace and only the softest of kisses that at first passed between the young couple with the heart seemingly aroused to a greater extent than the loins. Will was a gentleman by all accounts and Leland Merriman entrusted his young daughter to his care and discretion.

Of course that didn't deny the fire that roared in the emotional entanglements between these two; both souls enamored with each other.

With young men, it is a roaring desire and with young ladies and girls, it tends to be a smoldering yearning but both among the well- mannered church folk are taught from an early age to hold the pleasures of the flesh for the joys of matrimony, perhaps even more so among the Congregational variety.

But the truth of the matter is there is always the excuse; Will and Gertie were in love and they were young and aroused and with the advent of any temptation, the opportunity presented the moment. When Will first met Gertie she was a young sixteen year old schoolgirl, hardly growing into the woman she would become. Now she stood in his embrace a young woman of nearly nineteen years having blossomed into maddening beauty and a handsome pose.

The fireplace cast soft shadows upon the lengthy locks of auburn hair as two sets of eyes played with each other in the front room of Will Hammond's small cottage at the far end of the orchid lane. Gertie's face glowed with a lushness and nearly unbearable excitement as Will gingerly unfastened the buttons of the blouse revealing soft pale skin and with a quick unclasping from behind, the lace brassiere purchased from the Sears & Roebuck catalog fell free of her naked breasts.

No longer just tiny little griddlecakes with rouge colored erasers as her older sister once referred to them in a moment of cruelty, her breasts were firm and full without bearing heavily upon her chest, more like small ripened apples in size and with the gentle air hitting them, her areolas and nipples stiffened.

"My god, you are beautiful" Will whispered softly as the blouse fell to the floor and the young lady stood naked to the waist.

Their lips embraced and Leland Merriman's trusted care evaporated in the instantaneous heat of the moment. As one hand held a breast and the other slipped into the waist of Gertie's backside the lovers entwined themselves as the fire shadows danced on the walls around them.

"I'm ready. " Gertie huskily whispered into the throat of her lover as he swept her up in his arms and carried her gently to the bed.

Perhaps with a somewhat clumsy effort, Will slipped the skirt off of Gertie and paused in a bit of wonderment gazing at the near naked beauty of his love. Nervous fingers gently removed the smooth silk and lace undergarment revealing a soft auburn covering of Gertie's intimate womanhood, almost glistening in the hue of the fireplace. His strong hand gently opened a thigh revealing an arousing peek of moist flesh as he lowered himself down to kiss and suck on a stiffened pink nipple.

"Are you sure, my love?" He spoke softly and in utter foolishness.

Gertie opened her thighs wider inviting him and ruining any hesitation the young man might have inappropriately thought useful for the moment. They might laugh about it later but the young lady wanted it and had waited long enough.

"Yes, Will Hammond, I want you inside me right now." She whispered as her arms pulled his face to hers.

The romance of two virgins plays itself out in a performance best remembered as an exercise of clumsiness for most but the creator took it all in stride when he burned the mechanisms of love into an instinctual roadmap for our bodies of flesh. Somehow the instrument goes where it's supposed to in spite of our rushed hastiness and lack of experience.

The young man felt the hot moisture and his animal tried to take over, pushing against the young lady's defenses. "Am I in?" He asked. "Oh my

God, no... do it." She implored. So he did.

It was a grunt, almost an unnoticeable cry escaping from Gertie's lips as Will took his young love's maidenhood. He didn't have to ask again because the most pleasurable warmth and snugness enveloped him and banished the boy forever to be replaced by the virility of manhood.

The natural inclinations of men and women took over and the two young lovers made love for the first time even if it did just last for moments until the excitement of that first time rewarded Will with his first orgasm absent his right hand.

Several minutes later, Gertie was ready to go again having missed out on the bliss of Will's particular enjoyment. So they made love again with a slower more lasting cadence as Gertie and Will taught each other how to make love. They lay together in the soft glow of the fire caressing and exploring and tasting, not wanting it to end but the night was well on and young Gertie Merriman needed to return to her Papa's farmhouse.

"Will, you haven't asked Papa the question yet, have you?" She toyed with her lover's mind for a bit.

He stumbled around with a phrase here and there before committing himself.

"I thought I might wait until after the Grange social, Gertie. Of course, we might be thinking of the same question." He grinned and chuckled at the feigned objection of his intended beau.

"Well, you don't want to put it off too long. Winter thaw will be upon us soon and there are lots of things to do for an event in May or June."

"I'm sure there will be but for now, let's get you up the hill before Mr. Merriman comes looking for you and finds you splayed out naked in the boudoir of his hired help and I have to run all the way to Bangor!"

Will returned his young love to the farmhouse, their intimacy still an intact secret and the couple continued their courtship through the next few weeks until the two young lovers found themselves in the parlor room of the old farmhouse, waiting for Leland Merriman to join his wife, Nina.

It's an age old ritual, that of seeking the permission of parents, especially the father. It had only been a couple generations since the old customs of arranging such betrothals had slipped away into abandonment, replaced by the modern notions of love and cherished soul mates.

Nina sat in her upholstered arm chair observing the young couple, her eyes lingering perhaps a bit too long on the strong young form of Will Hammond. She watched her daughter and her infatuation with the young man or what she surmised through her jaded eyes as infatuation. Innocence had long left her grasp after six years of running to the pleasures of her assorted paramours so the enamored love of the young couple before her had become almost alien replaced by an expectation of opportune lust.

The wayward eye of her mother didn't escape the attention of young Gertie. Her quick mind studied the significance of it through a virtuous lens and a sense of displeasure settled upon her even if a finger could not be placed upon the cause. The appearance of her beloved Papa set her discomfort aside for the time being.

"So, Mr. Hammond, you wanted to see us this evening." Leland was enjoying himself immensely knowing full well the intentions of the young man.

Will glanced at Gertie and found a quick nerve to proceed.

"Yes, Sir, and Ma'am, you see, I've given, I mean we've given considerable thought over the past several months to see if we couldn't, you know... Oh heck." Will began to stumble with his words out of unnecessary nervousness before Gertie interjected.

"He wants to marry me, Papa"

Leland smiled as Will acknowledged his beau's accomplishment on his behalf. "Yes, Sir, I would like to have the hand of your daughter Gertrude to become my loving wife, if that is permissible on your account, Sir, and you too, Ma'am."

"What do you think, my dear Nina?" Leland looked to his wife who was momentarily distracted by a plume of black coal smoke rising from the smith shop.

She looked from the young couple to her husband and played with the corners of her mouth until a fabricated smile formed and she nodded in agreement to the proposal. Maybe it was with a frowning eye, she couldn't tell, that Leland acknowledged her pact as he turned and boisterously shook the young man's hand and embraced his daughter.

"For this, I propose we fetch a bottle to toast this wonderful occasion." Leland exclaimed as Nina returned her gaze to the smith house.

The young couple and the Merriman parents raised their glasses in a quiet celebration before joining the rest of the family to share the announcement...


A curl of smoke snaked its way across the roof as Nina Merriman walked back across the farmyard, her body still heated and her breasts sweated beneath the buttoned fabric. Angus had marked her, ravishing her flesh as he was wont to do on every afternoon's encounter. He watched her return to the farmer's household, his cock still stirring in his trousers and wondered aloud where that oldest Merriman girl had taken herself to.

"My little strawberry cunt, where are you when your daddy man needs a tight screw." He spoke to nobody present. Wherever she was, it wasn't within his grasp as he adjusted his prick and turned toward his workbench before catching a movement out of the corner of his lecherous eye.

Gertie Merriman had just stepped off the front porch with her younger sister Mildred as they prepared to take the buckboard wagon out on the road to carry a load of bagged corn down to one of the farms down on the North Road a piece. It was common for the farm folk to share in grain and feed toward the end of the snow season, before the cattle could graze on fresh grass.

Mildred had just turned eighteen years old the previous week and as with her older sister Sylvia she had matured into another large breasted version of her mother. Her strawberry blond hair was braided in the same fashion and her lips were full and the form of her young body was sensually athletic.

Angus Philpot watched both girls climb up into the wagon as the midday sun washed over them and they took the reins and headed down the drive.

'Pink fucking cunts, the both of them... it's only a matter of time, my little young bitches.'

He returned to his chores whistling loudly with nothing but evil upon his mind. On the work bench was the morning paper from the day before.


In the shadows, Cerberus merely smiled in the corner.

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iameaseliameaselalmost 3 years ago

Would you please come back!!!!

I do enjoy your writing and you are in the upper echelon of writers here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Please continue

Your writing is wicked good. Please continue.


patilliepatillieover 4 years ago
Cant wait for next chapt

Nicely done!

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 4 years ago
Gawd.......poor father and husband with a household of sluts.

A very enjoyable story well told with excellent visual depictions. Thanks.

SRTigerSRTigerover 4 years ago
As usual a wonderful story

I read all your stories , I enjoyed all especially Loving wives category stories. You are one of my favorite authors.I Was waiting for your new story. Pl keep writing such masterpieces.

SpencerfictionSpencerfictionover 4 years ago
Yes, infidelity and sluts side by side with innocent young love

Makes interesting and dramatic contrasts in a pastoral setting as all the most dangerous of elements in place ready as conflict and war looms. The next chapter is greatly anticipated.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsover 4 years agoAuthor
s brooks

Aw, the wonders of auto spell check

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

I hope this is continued soon, hopefully Leland will get his revenge. I'm surprised that with both Nina and Sylvia slutting it up, and both Gertie and Millie knowing about Sylvia that it hasn't busted wide open yet.

BTW, it's "orchard," not "orchid."

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 4 years ago
Starting out well

And I am eager to learn more about how this will all resolve itself.

5*, of course.

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