The Mistake Pt. 01


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Still, as perfect as our world was, there was still ugliness to it. Crude, broken and horrid reality. Reality that could not be ignored, however hard we tried to. And this reality manifested itself into two single elements. Daniel, my father, her husband and Claire, my sister, her daughter. It was important, no, absolutely imperative that they did not notice. That they did not hear and did not understand what was going on. If they did, if the worst happened, then it would be over. This infinite moment gone, ended and broken.

"Oh Ava..." I moaned into her, quiet, held back and limited.

I did not want to hold back. I did not want to keep it down and I did not want to limit myself. But I had to, I had to so this world could go on existing.

Her body, her presence, her essence, they were all one and the same. Jumbled together to form themselves into a drug, an aphrodisiac of pure unadulterated need and wicked depravity. The more I felt her, the more I took from her. The more I wanted, the more I wanted to give.

"Sam... this... ughn..." she cried, right next to my ear. Also limited, also restrained.

Damn this ugly reality. Her hands were in my hair, her fingers running through it, caressing, just like I was doing to her entire being.

"... ughn... this is..." She said something more but it came out as an unintelligible mess.

The sentiment was unmistakable though. And I echoed it with another long slow thrust. Her every move, her every breath, filled with so much need, with so much thirst and so much depravity. She was getting something that she wanted, that she needed. Something that had been denied to her, judging from my eavesdropping the day before, for a long time.

I could give it to her, the thing she desired. I could and I wanted to, and I was going to. For as long as I could and she wanted it. She was the center of our world, the pillar upon which it all rested. She deserved nothing but the best and I would fuck over anyone to give it to her.

At some point our positions reversed. I didn't really know when or exactly how, just that it did. All of a sudden she was on top of me, riding me and taking her pleasure without asking, without question. Her bare breasts bounced in time with her movements, heaving in time with her breathing. Her mouth hung wide open to get as much air in as quick as possible. I was doing the same, all in an effort to reduce noise. Her skirt covered up the full extent of our wickedness quite nicely, hiding it away from the reality around us.

Her cheeks, chest and every other exposed surface of her body were flushed red. A perfect contrast to her wild and untamed hair. Vivid red, almost like fire in the daylight. Now though in the dim light, deeper and darker. The urge to reach out was strong. To touch it, to feel it and run my fingers through it. I abstained though, content enough to just watch the picture of beauty above me. I could feel her nails on my chest through my shirt. Not painful, but a reminder of just how sharp they were.

"Oh Sam..." she breathed, throwing her head back in a strangled gasp, her fingers raking down my chest. My hands found her waist under the skirt and I used the grip to pull myself up, to meet her in the air and share yet another kiss of passion.

Her arms came around my neck once more. She used the leverage to pull herself up against me only to let herself fall back down into my lap, over and over and over. The position was incredible and I felt like I hit even deeper on each stroke.

"Yessssss," she hissed when my lips found one of her impossible nipples. Fleshy pink and standing proud and erect.

Instincts long forgotten surged back to me, like a memory that you knew you were supposed to have but just couldn't recall. The last time those nipples had been anywhere near my mouth they'd had a very specific reason for being there. Now there was still a very specific reason. Only a much less innocent and natural one. Now they were there simply because I wanted them there.

It was with a pang of disappointment and loss that I released my newfound toy. The reason for my departure was the sudden increase of fervor in her movements. It appeared out of nowhere, just like the hand that grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back down. She partially followed me, ending up with her hands back on my chest again.

This time was different though. Very different. The look in her eyes, the raw hunger and dark lust. It had all at least doubled. She began bouncing on top of me like she was possessed, throwing her head back and forth, moaning and groaning. She was still holding back, but I could see that she was having a hard time doing it. The pressure from her nails on my chest was a clear indication of what was quickly approaching.

Then she took me by complete surprise again, as her fingers twisted, curled and grabbed. The buttons of my shirt exploded in every direction as she tore it open. A bad idea, but she didn't seem to care and neither did I at that point. The sound it made though, it was louder than anything we had so far caused. A small part of me froze and listened. She didn't stop though.

No sound other than the muffled radio from the front. The RV was still moving. We remained undetected. This was good.

Then it happened, the one thing we were both striving for, that we knew was going to happen. Her eyes began to roll back into her head as every fiber of her being was trying to not scream out in ecstasy. It wasn't going to work. She knew it, I knew it. Hell, if I didn't do something then Dad and Claire would know it too in just a second or two.

I sat up, throwing myself against her, my left hand twisting upside down as I slammed it over her mouth. A loud slap reverberated in the small space and for just the briefest of moments I was horrified at how hard it had been. It didn't matter though and indeed, was just in time.

"Mhhaahahaaaaa...!" she cried out, letting go of all the breaks and shouting her climax into my hand.

I could feel it almost cramp up from the pressure I was applying, my other hand on her neck to balance it out. It was muffled, sure, but it was still way too fucking loud. And by the looks of things it wasn't going to get better. She was just getting started.

"Ahmmaaaahaamh," she continued, her arms flailing, searching for something, anything to hold on to. That something ended up being me, her hugging grip almost deathly hard.

Her hips hadn't stopped their hectic gyrating. It felt so damn fucking good and had my attention not been divided as it was I would have exploded right then and there. As it was I felt it was much more important to make sure we weren't caught. For the simple and selfish reason that I didn't want it to end.

With a quick shove I pushed her to the side, sending her down on her back. I followed her body without breaking contact at all. She was still yelling and while my hand was doing a good job of keeping it down I wasn't sure it was good enough. With me on top of her it was an easy task to grab one of the pillows to cover her mouth.

It was a lot more effective and I found that I could start enjoying the moment again. Her body was shaking, vibrating almost, underneath me, and it was... there's not a word to describe it.

I could not resist bucking my hips, resuming fucking her. And I did not go slow. No, not at all. With my full attention back on her I could feel myself draw close. There was a volcano inside me, bubbling and boiling, getting ready to erupt. A force of nature impossible to suppress or control. Fierce and hot.

She ripped the pillow from her mouth, having regained enough self control to keep her moans on the down low, and planted her lips over mine, demanding, taking and ripping.

"Ahhh fu..." I gasped into her mouth. Her hands raked my back, nails drawing long sharp lines that sent deep jolts of electricity throughout my body. "I'm... I... mo- Ava... I'm gonna..."

"Yesssss," she groaned, her tongue somehow raking across the roof of my mouth. "Doooo it... fill me uppp..."

I was pounding into her, hard enough to move her body up and down underneath me. I was at the point of no return. If I didn't stop now I wouldn't be able to.

"No... wait..." she groaned, panic all of a sudden mixed in with her needy voice. "Danny... vasectomy... no pills..."

It was too late. Far, far too late. The second after I stepped over the edge could have been years for all it was worth. The result would not have changed. I exploded deep inside her. Deep inside my mother.

"Ohfuck... ohf..." I groaned out between clenched teeth as the sexually induced spasms began, designed for the single purpose of delivering as much of me into her as was possible. Over and over, never ending.

I, Samuel Griffith, was shooting my seed deep into my mother, Ava Griffith. And I was loving every second of it. Every. Single. Second. And by the sound of it, so was she.

"Oh Sam... oh... that's... ugh..." she spoke, breathing hard and trying to catch her breath.

"I love you mom," I whispered even as I was still shooting inside her, staring deep into those brilliant green eyes of hers.

The words had never sounded truer, now with an additional layer of feelings to them. She blinked rapidly, so many emotions in there staring back at me. A smile appeared on her lips, small but perfect.

"Oh Sam... I love you too," she said and pulled me into a hug. Not needy or desperate but warm and comforting. A hug from a mother to a son. It felt so good, so right.

I laid there for the longest time, nuzzled into her neck, my dick still buried inside her. She stroked my hair, something I had always loved when she did. Other women, too, but no one had ever been able to do it like her.

"This... this was..." she breathed, her chest rising and falling, her heartbeat a constant drum in my ear.

"... amazing..." I finished for her.

"Yes... it was," she said. "But... we shouldn't have... it... was a bad idea."

I knew she was right. I knew it but I still didn't like it. Reality was settling in way too fast for my liking. Just a little more, just a few more minutes... please...

"You deserve only the best, mom," I said even as the world we had created crumbled around us.

Her hand found my cheek, lifting my head up to look at me. She was smiling, big, warm and so much my mother. "I already have it," she whispered.

My lips broke into a tentative smile as she leaned forward and kissed me. Not fast, not demanding, just quick and lovely. She had given me that kiss a thousand times before but never on my mouth.

"I don't... I don't want to go," I said, laying my head back down against her chest. "Not yet."

I could feel her nodding. "No, not yet. Eventually, yes. But not yet."

"Do you-" I was cut off by myself freezing up. So had she, her hand in my hair coming to a jarring halt.

The RV. It was slowing down. We could both feel it. I quickly pushed myself up on my arms, my dick moving inside her as a result. I glanced at her with growing panic. My distress was reflected right back at me. For the longest second we both waited with baited breath.

Maybe it was just a turn? No... the interstate went straight to LA. There wouldn't be a turn for many hours yet. At least not one that warranted slowing down this much.

A slight jerk ran through us as the RV came to a complete stop.

Her panic levels quickly rose further and so did mine. I slipped out of her causing a wet squelching sound and backed away. I had nowhere to go though. If I tried to rush back to my bunk and dad was anywhere but the front of the RV he would see me.

It was a mad scramble as I tried to get my shorts back on. She wasn't fairing much better. She'd managed to pull her top back on but with her head poked out through one of the arm holes.

"Do something," she hissed at me.

"What?" I hissed back even as I heard the pulling of drapes from the front. He was coming back here.

"I don't-" she hissed but I cut her off by grabbing her arm and pulling her to me. I had an idea. Risky, yes, but the only one on the table.

"Stop him," I hissed into her ear a second before I opened the drapes a crack and pushed her head through. She almost fell out completely but I grabbed her around her waist, keeping her steady.

"Oh honey, did I wake you?" I heard dad's whispering voice from the other side of the RV. "Is the radio too loud?"

She didn't respond. Two seconds. Three seconds. Five seconds.

"Is everything alright?" dad whispered. His voice was moving, coming closer. "You look flushed. You're not coming down with something are you?"

Say something! I couldn't verbally tell her but a quick slap on her behind sent the message across nicely. A jolt shot through her body and she stammered.

"Uh... n-no... I don't... I don't think so," she finally replied. "It's, uh, it's the heat... yeah. It's just so warm in here."

"Yeah, sorry bout that," he said, now even closer. It sounded almost like he was right on the other side of the drapes. "Can't be helped though. Do you want me to get you a glass of water?"

"No," she said, almost too quick. "I mean, no. I'm good. I was just wondering... why we're stopping?"

"Oh I just needed a bathroom break," he whispered and as he did I felt myself relax enough to continue breathing. Even she let out a sigh that sounded way too much like relief. "You go back to sleep. We should be back home before noon tomorrow. I'll just drive til' morning then Sam can take the final stretch."

"Yeah... okay," she said. "I'm really tired. This damn heat. G'night."

"Good night," he said and then I heard soft footsteps begin to walk away.

Holy shit that had been close. The tension in my back began to dissipate immediately.

"Oh and Danny?"

No no! What was she doing? Don't tempt fate even more, dammit!

The footsteps stopped. "Yeah?"

"Can you... can you turn up the radio a little? It's nice to listen to," she said.

Why the fuck would she care about th...


Fucking genius!

"Sure thing honey," he said just before the footsteps resumed.

A second after she pulled her head back the tune that was playing got a little louder. Not loud enough to wake someone sleeping, like Claire for example, but loud enough to drown out other... noises. Especially if you were sitting up at the front.

"Fuck mom. You're so fucking sexy," I whispered.

She just gave me a grin and made sure the curtains were well and truly shut.

"No more 'mom' for now," she said, crawling towards me with what I could only describe as a hungry and lecherous smile. "This has to end, yes, but not yet. I haven't been this well and truly fucked for sooo long."

My grin grew bigger than it had ever been before as I accepted her into my arms. What followed were the best few hours of my relatively short life. I lost count of how many times she came. Half a dozen, easily, but even then it didn't look like there was an end in sight. Her hunger was insatiable, having been neglected for so long that her body seemed to be making up for lost time, soaking up as much of it as she could possible take.

Even when dad stopped a second time some hours later for much the same reasons I just continued fucking her from behind as she handled it in much the same way, exchanging a few words just to make sure he wasn't coming back there. She did not appreciate that. No not at all, and she had me apologizing over and over for the next hour.

When her need was finally quenched, her pussy thoroughly fucked and nearly all her energy had been expended, that's when, in the very early hours of morning, I left the warmth of her embrace and made my way back to my bunk. I didn't want to go, but there was no choice in the matter. We were already pushing our luck and dad could decide that he had driven long enough at any moment.

My entire body ached. Not in a bad way but in a delicious, post sex, post extreme workout kind of way. I felt like I had pulled not just a double shift but a triple shift at the gym.

My bunk was refreshingly cool as I laid down on it. Even as I closed my eyes I could feel the fatigue settle in and begin the process of powering down my body. It would be good to get some sleep, but I would have much rather done it with her arms around me.

I was teetering on the edge of dreamland, about to take the plunge into the place where reality didn't exist. Where I could set my own rules and live in my own world. It wasn't to be though. Not yet. Seconds before I was lost something unexpected happened. Again. Dammit.

The curtains that I had just pulled closed around me parted just a couple of inches. Blond hair, super blond like dad's, appeared from the top bunk, hanging in loose strands. A second later the face of my sister appeared, staring at me with raised eyebrows. Her ever present pink earbuds was in her ears.

"That's illegal you know," she whispered. "Fucking your own mother."

I was immediately pulled awake again, and frozen. This time around it only lasted for a second though. I knew exactly how to deal with her. Slowly, deliberately, I turned my eyes to stare into her stormy gray ones.

"And you'll tell no one," I stated. "Because if you do I'll not hesitate to blabber about you and your boyfriend."

The corners of her mouth quirked as her eyes narrowed a fraction. "Don't worry bro. My lips are sealed as long as yours remain shut too."

"Good," I said with a nod. Then I turned my back to her, facing the wall. "Now go away. I'm gonna need at least a power nap before I have to drive again."

I was asleep within a minute.

The day had been a good one. Exhausting, yes, but absolutely perfect. There were things that needed considering, risks that needed to be examined, but all that could wait.

An opportunity had presented itself, and I had not wasted it. That, if anything, was a win in my book.


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Sex4lf57Sex4lf579 months ago

Very hot! Five stars and a favorite point!

oldmooseoldmoosealmost 2 years ago

Wow! What a writer. Simply the best story I've read on Literotica. And I've read some good ones. Thanks for sharing your work. Give my best to Dog.

Familyluv2114uFamilyluv2114uover 6 years ago
Oh Lord!!

That story was so damn erotic!

I'm at work on my lunch break and I'm rock hard,just itching to touch myself..

I really liked how the mom was drunk and forced her son to please her and "Do a damn good job doing it" as well, so delicious..

Also I've noticed you have three more chapters of this series?

Mmm, I just want to let you know I've added you to my fav list lady.😁.. I hope there's more stories coming soon..

teddybearclubteddybearclubover 7 years ago
Ahhh Yes

Very well written. We so enjoyed reading this 'together'. We're on ur way to the second part and round two. It's always better to read with someone is within me making it more erotic.


Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 8 years ago
Loved it

Plausible for her being drunk, then realizing, then getting mad about it and consummating the deed. Nerve-wracking at times, but you made the story work, although I didn't see how Claire heard if she always had in earbuds (most teens blare it). I still say 5 and I hope to read more great things about it. :)

nikycnikycalmost 8 years agoAuthor


Thank you! Yes more is coming shortly.


Thank you so much! I'm happy you're enjoying it!

RikibeeRikibeealmost 8 years ago
Great story-!

5-Stars -- very hot and well written. Looking forward to more from you. No "Mistake" about your talent!

homerjayhomerjayalmost 8 years ago
amazing story

loved it. please write more about mom and son and more. thanks.

nikycnikycalmost 8 years agoAuthor


Thank you so much! I'm pretty happy with the narrative as well.


Thank you! Part two is already up but it revolves around the sister and doesn't contain much incest. Part three is pending and Sam and Ava takes center stage once again.


Again, thank you! I already responded to your other comment if you haven't seen it yet. I'm glad i managed to make it more than just a stroker. It was a concern i had while i wrote it. The dad... yeah i feel a little sorry for him. I tried to portray him as just a regular guy who happen to suffer from something many males suffer from. He's definitely not stupid, just unfortunate, and betrayed. He'll have his moment though, maybe. Like i said in the other comment, I like to explore the emotional side of things.



Bluebomber5Bluebomber5almost 8 years ago
Honestly the best mother son story I have read in months.

I just read part two of this series today and it made me want to reread part one again. I did not comment after me first read through due being fairly busy that day. I have to say that I have read many stories where the mother and son have sex while the father drives, but this story reads better than any of them. Most of them are formulaic quick stroke stories while this story takes time to establish it characters and builds excellent tension. Also while the dad in this is fooled it's not done in a way that makes him look cartoonishly stupid. Also the sex scene between Sam and Ave was intense and was amazingly written. You captured the strange mix of emotion and physical lust in way that feels a lot more natural than in a lot of stories I have read.

Five stars and I added you to my favorite authors list.

LeonardZFLeonardZFalmost 8 years ago
Nice write

Waiting so hard for the next chapter.. Please write next one quick

MunsonManMunsonManalmost 8 years ago

I absolutely loved your story. Very well written and the narrative just flowed right along to the end. Definitely deserves a sequel.

nikycnikycalmost 8 years agoAuthor


Thank you!

@Anonymous: Loving mother:

I'm glad you enjoyed the story! That's quite a steaming imagination you have there.


Thank you for the comment! I'm happy you enjoyed it. There is indeed more on the way.

midwestmomlvrmidwestmomlvralmost 8 years ago
Very well written

Great story. Love, love, love this genre. Can't wait for more.

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