The Monster Under the Bed


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Damien looked at his arm and saw the small drops of blood now. It no longer hurt, but it was going to get on his sheets if he wasn't careful. He stripped off his shirt and blotted at the small cuts. She took the garment from him and gently turned him so she could attend to the spots of blood on his back. They didn't seem to be bleeding much, but something needed to be done.

"Do you have bandages or something to cover these? I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. I'll get something from the bathroom. Please don't leave yet."

"I won't."

Damien returned a minute later with a stiptic pencil. "I use this for shaving cuts. It stops the bleeding." He showed her how to apply it and turned his back so she could seal the little cuts. He flinched at the sting each time she touched a point where she'd drawn blood.

"All done. I'm sorry I hurt you."

Damien took her hand and inspected her fingertips. They didn't seem sharp, and the fingernails were strange, very unlike his own. He looked quizzically at her and she smiled. "They work like this." Gwendolyn flexed her hand and her talons slid out. They were retractable needle sharp half-inch points.

"Yikes. I might need more than this thing if you grabbed me too hard."

"Do you have something like a file I can blunt them with? It would be safer for you." She knew she shouldn't condone their physical relationship, but she also couldn't resist it. This was going to happen, so she should at least try not to hurt him.

"Sure." He said, going back to the bathroom and returning with a nail file. He handed it to her and she extended her talons on one hand to dull the tips. "Do you, uh, what do you need them for?" he asked.

"I hunt with them for food, but they don't have to be this sharp."

"Oh. What, uh, what do you eat?"

"Mostly vermin, things like rats and mice."

"So, not little kids in their beds."

"Oh, you naughty boy, I might just send you off to sleep for that!"

"No! Please, no. I want to stay, I want to talk. I want to see you." His eyes strayed from her face to her tail to her tits, taking in what, to him, was an exotic and erotic sight. This was the person he considered to be his closest and oldest friend, and he'd now discovered that she was hot and sexy too.

They sat together on his bed while she worked on her nails. When her tail swished around and touched his back he looked down at it. "Can I touch your tail?"

She smiled and nodded. "Just don't pull."

It was about a meter long, as big around as his wrist at the base and tapering to a point. Her tail was scaled and quite muscular. The scales were almost microscopic, and gave an iridescent shine even in the near darkness of his room. He ran his hand up and down her tail, then it curled around his wrist. "Oh!" he said. It was prehensile.

His gaze returned again to her breasts, which jiggled enticingly as she filed her talons down. She noticed his look and one of her hands pulled his hand onto her breast. Another hand went to his own chest and fondled him there as well. That was disconcerting, as she continued to file her nails. Four arms was a very strange thing to get used to, he thought.

When she finished her nails and handed back the file they looked at each other again. "You really like how I look?" she asked.

"Yeah. You're beautiful."

"You mean that, don't you?"

"Yes. You're gorgeous."

She frowned. "I'm a monster."

"That too. But it doesn't make you less beautiful."

"I need to go. Goodnight Damien." she said. That was the spell that put him to sleep, and he slumped down onto his pillow, her dark face with its yellow eyes being the last thing he saw before sleep claimed him.


Now when Gwendolyn visited him every night in his bed, they still spent hours talking, but they also caressed each other, held each other, kissed each other, and explored each other. Damien found her endlessly fascinating, and not just physically. Now that they were facing each other in person, their discussions went further and further. Philosophy, art, science, politics, even religion.

"How do you know so much about all this, about everything?"

"I've been around a long time."

"How long?"

"Very long."

"How old are you?"

"I don't know."

"What? Like maybe five hundred years old?"

"I'm a lot older than that."

"Why me?"

"You're all over the place tonight."

He waited for her answer, if there was one. She fidgeted a bit, then sighed.

"I was hungry." she said almost inaudibly.

"Hungry? Like, you were going to eat me?" Damien's eyes widened.

"Oh, no. No. I told you, I mostly eat rats. I was hungry for, um, emotions. That's the other part of my diet. Emotion. Fear, hate, love, sadness. I can exist on rats and mice, but I need emotions too."

"What did you expect to get from me?"

"Fear. It's the easiest."

"Was I scared?"

"At first, yes. But you were curious too. Fear is easy, but other emotions are more powerful. Love is the most powerful of all. I befriended you. And I got more than simple fear."

Her words echoed in his head 'love is the most powerful'. Damien looked into her eyes and said "Love?"

Her gaze dipped for a second, which he'd come to interpret as a blush of sorts. "That's how I eventually found you here. I was in your dreams, even if you didn't know it. I could sense the echoes of your dreams, when you dreamt about me."

"And now?" His heart was beating like mad, because he was sure he was in love with her, this monster girl who came to him only at night.

"I would never have been able to take on this form for you without your love. You make me strong, powerful, you make me real."

"You've always been real to me."

"I know. I've felt that."

"So you know. You know how much I love you. How much I want you."

"Even if I'm a monster?"

"Yes. Even if you're a monster."

"You know I can never be a part of your life outside this room at night."

"I don't care. No. I do care. I care that much. So much that I'll accept those restrictions."

Her eyes glowed brighter than ever, as she fed on his emotions. Fear was easy, but love was powerful. In all her centuries, she'd never had a lover, never felt the burning of another's desire for her like this. It made her skin tingle. And she could feel not only his love but his lust too, like a liquid heat that poured into her muscles and made her stronger and faster and boosted her nerves like a powerful stimulant.

"Damien." she purred, caressing his cheek, "I'm yours." This was so wrong, but she could not help herself.

Those simple words energized him, her touch felt like electricity, so he slid up against her and embraced her. Her arms went around him, blunted talons dragging over his shirt. They could still punch holes in him if she wasn't careful. A kiss, starting slowly, and building, piling heat and desire higher and higher within her.

They separated momentarily while he pulled off his t-shirt. Now her dulled claws dug gently at his skin, stimulating and arousing him further. So many hands, all over him, all at once, all together. She leaned back, drawing him along, bringing his body over hers. Suddenly there were three hands and a tail working his shorts off while the fourth hand clutched the hair on the back of his head as they kissed fervently.

Now, finally, he was naked with her. She pushed him up, hands searching between them, finding and holding his cock. Gwendolyn purred at him as she felt his size and hardness. He wasn't big enough to hurt her, but definitely big enough to please her. They both looked down between them to see his erection jutting down, so close to her sex.

With one hand tangled in his hair, another guiding his cock, and two more holding his hips, pushing him down to where she needed him. Damien was almost lost in the sensory overload. Then he felt her tail twisting up between his legs and sliding over his thighs. That gentle ticklish contact made him thrust forward and his cock plowed through her furrow, spreading their combined wetness around.

Both of them gasped at this hot, wet contact. Gwendolyn pulled her hand out from between them and latched onto his upper arm. She pushed him down, then pulled him back up. This drove his cock along her sopping lips again, bumping into her clit at her apex. She forced him back and up again, then again, and again, rolling her hips to provide as much contact as possible between their most sensitive parts.

His desire filled her, empowered her, and now she felt she was ready. With her hands to guide him and her hips pushed up to meet him, this time his thrust gained her entrance. As his cock pressed home, splitting her for the first time, he felt her raw wet heat enveloping him. Her eyes shone a bright gold now, as if lit from within, and her claws clutched at him, all over, seemingly everywhere at once. He pushed further, sinking into her depths, and she yelped as his penetration broke through into uncharted territory.

Despite her age, she'd never been with a male, not even of her own kind. Gwendolyn desperately tried not to bite him or claw him. A certain amount of inadvertent scratching was bound to happen in the heat of their passion, but she tried to keep the damage to a minimum. He pressed on as she guided him in and out, getting deeper with each stroke. After half a dozen thrusts, he was in as far as he could go.

They were staring into each others' eyes, gasping for breath as they were united in the most intimate way. Emotional energy poured into her as it radiated from him in waves. She clutched at him and held on as his crotch ground into her clit and triggered her orgasm. Her claws raised welts on his back and his hips as their passion increased. Gwendolyn shuddered through her pleasure, growling and clutching at him, trying to focus on the moment.

Now Damien approached his climax. It wasn't a slow, loving event, it was more primal than anything else. He thrust into her wet throbbing heat over and over, faster and faster, then one last time, and he pulsed his semen into her. She could feel the energy still building inside of her. She'd never felt this full, this powerful before, as she accepted all the lust, desire, and love he poured into her.

Spent, they lay tangled in the bed. Her mind swam in glittering waves as she continued to feed on his emotions. Yes, love was the most powerful of all. It was a long time before either of them moved or spoke. The first movement was her tail, tickling its way up between his thighs. The first words were his.

"I love you Gwendolyn. Will you have me, for as long as I have with you? I know you'll outlive me, but I want as much of you as I can get, for as long as I have."

"Yes. I'll stay with you for as long you want me."

"I'm going off to University soon. How will you find me there? Do I have to bring this bed?"

"Damien, you're like a beacon for me now, I could find you anywhere you went. Any bed, any room, any place. When I'm back there, in my own dimension, I can still see you and feel you."

"So you'll follow me?"

"Yes, always. I'll be there."

"I, uh, I'm in a double room. First year students don't get much choice. We won't be able to-"

"Damien. Don't worry, it will be fine. I can silence the room from the outside, no one will hear us. And I can put your roommate to sleep. He won't notice anything."

"Okay. So long as it's safe for you."


The rest of the summer was spent not only talking and touching, but also having sex every night. When Damien started University, Gwendolyn pushed him to excel in his studies, constantly quizzing him on the details of his class work, and pressing him to go further and learn more. How she knew all this stuff was beyond him, but if she really was as old as she said, then she probably knew everything. And the sex was awesome. Gwendolyn's eyes glowed with their own luminosity now that his love was her source of power. One other thing that she pushed him into was relationships with women. She made him go to parties, go on dates, and even bring girls back to his room to make out. And eventually have sex.

When Damien asked her why she seemed to want him to be with girls when he only wanted her, she told him that children were important, and the two of them could never produce offspring. So she insisted that he try to find a mate. Even if none of these girls at school would ever be more than a passing thing, he was learning how to interact with them and how to build relationships.

Gwendolyn taught him how to perform oral sex, and how to please a woman in many and varied positions. Some of these positions required extra arms, so he couldn't do them with normal girls. Damien got a very good reputation amongst the ladies as a talented and capable lover. She also introduced him to ass-play, and her tail became a regular part of their sexual exploration. He had always thought that that kind of thing was for gay men, but Gwendolyn taught him otherwise.

In his final year of school he met and fell in love with a girl named Jennifer. The guilt he felt at seeming to abandon Gwendolyn threatened to tear him apart, but she reassured him that their relationship was unbreakable. Even if she never saw him again, their bond would be forever. All he had to do was call her at night when he was alone in bed, any bed, anywhere, and she would be there.

He and Jenny eventually got married, raised a family, lived, worked, and retired. And throughout his life, Damien called on Gwendolyn when he needed solace, advice, commiseration, or just someone to hold for a while when he was distraught or lonely. He kept his monster girl a secret that only he knew about.


Damien's granddaughter was visiting for the weekend. She was 6 years old, a cute, precocious little bundle of energy. Always inquisitive, always asking questions, non-stop. Why this, why that, and how does this work?

Amanda came running into their bedroom in the middle of the night, crying and scared. "Grampa, Gramma, I heard a noise under my bed!" They comforted their darling little grandchild and Damien said he would get her back in bed and deal with the noises.

He got Amanda settled in her bed, and she asked "What about the noises?"

"It was probably a monster under your bed."

She squeaked in fear and cuddled into her grandfather.

"Shh, it's okay. Listen, in my experience, monsters are usually very lonely. It probably just wants to be friends. How many friends do you think such a poor creature would have? Probably none. If there's a monster, then I suggest you say hello and make friends. Friends aren't scary, are they?"

"No. I like my friends. They're not scary at all."

"Okay, so if you hear a noise, just say hello and ask if they want to be friends. All right?"


"Good night Pumpkin."

"G'nite Grampa."


Damien came downstairs to find Jenny and Amanda in the kitchen. Amanda was eating breakfast, chattering away as usual.

"No more problems last night?" he asked his wife as he poured himself a coffee.

"No, but Amanda has an imaginary friend now."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, she's so cute. Talks about her new friend like she's real."

"Her name is Gwendolyn!" said Amanda with a big gap-toothed grin.

Damien smiled and said "That's a lovely name."

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bws1bws17 months ago

This blew my mind! Excellent work.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I came for smut and ended up crying. Such a sweet story. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This was surprisingly pretty dang wholesome and great

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Reminds me of a story by Robert Heinlein, Star Beast. Star Beast was an Alien keep as a pet and passed father to son to grandson. All of them named John Thomas (I, II,III). At the end it was reveled the Alien was on an adventure, was vastly more intelligent and enjoyed raising John Thomas's . The Alien was very happy John Thomas III had a girl friend and soon there would be a John Thomas IV. The adults were so boring, once they grew up got all involved in the real world.

NotAnonymousAnymoreNotAnonymousAnymore11 months ago

Wholesome, which is amazing, great work- not enough sex stuff to finish though...

HerHindHerHind11 months ago

Really nice, enjoyable tale. Thanks.

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