The Neighbour


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After that, she lost coherence and just moaned as I kept up my assault.



Suddenly she was struggling and trying to get away from me. I knew she was about to cum and moved away from the source of her torment. When I looked up she looked hot and flustered. Sweat trickled from her forehead and she gasped deep breaths.

"Do it. Please do it.

Jump my bones like you mean it."

I pressed my eager dick into her, grinding my hips to screw her into the bed. It felt the perfect place to have my dick. So soft, gushing and warm. A perfect fit.

"Oh Jesus fuck."

Her legs came up sharply. Two strong, warm thighs clamping my chest with her feet resting on my back.

I fucked her. Strong hard thrusts. Over and over that drove the breath from her lungs and bounced those tits against her ribs.

"Uh. Uh. Uh."

Her eyes closed and I saw her hands wriggling where they remained firmly tied.


It was indescribable how my dick felt as it slid in and out of her. To be so hard inside her was fantastic. Magical. It was taking over my body, throbbing and pulsing with animalistic need.

Beneath me, Elaine lost it.


She became a moaning, writhing animal with no control or coherent thought as her pleasure consumed her. Her pussy contracted and gripped me. With my eyes on her rolling tits, I shot my load with a deep grunt.


My strength abandoned me and I collapsed onto her, sensing her chest rising and falling with each deep breath.

"That was bangin." She gasped.

For a moment I wanted to tell her I loved her. But she'd never used that word and I couldn't quite bring myself to tell her how I felt in case it scared her away.

"Ace." I said confirming how good it'd been.

Another first for me was sleeping under a continental quilt. No candy stripe flannelette and heavy blankets for Elaine. We'd used her bed before, but this was the first time I'd actually slept there. The first time I'd drifted into sleep with the warmth of another person lying next to me.

We woke to freshly brewed tea from a Goblin Teasmade and sat in her double bed to drink it. The two of us propped up on pillows against the headboard. This was luxury, heaven to me. It was being an adult. A moment of touching a life I dreamed of, living with the girl I loved.

"Did you like tying me up?"

Elaine was giggling. This was the fun she'd spoken about.

"Yeah. It was cool."

"It's so sexy giving up control to someone you trust."

She put her cup to the side and leaned over to kiss me. Luscious lips glided over mine as her hand caressed my chest before sliding under the cover to find my hardening dick.

"Next time it's your turn.

Imagine what I can do to this when your hands are tied to the bed."

She stroked me and I felt myself leap in arousal at the thought. Her hand moved faster and faster. I went to shag her but she pushed me back.

"No. I want you to cum in my hand."

I lay back and let her tug me off.

"I like seeing your face when you cum."

I was so close. I didn't care about my most exposed moments being seen.


My hips rocked, then jerked as my jiz exploded forth to cover her fingers.


Again I jerked and more of my spunk came out to soak her hand in a sticky mess that she spread about.

"Thank you for an amazing night."

Elaine whispered before she moved away.

"I think I've made a mess of your bed."

She peeked under the covers with a giggle.

"You can make a mess of my bed anytime."

I watched as she stepped out of the bed. That beautiful body, unashamedly in the buff for me to see as she found some fresh clothes.

"Now we need to get you out unseen." She grinned as pulled on panties.

"Saturday. They'll go shopping in Bejam's or Kwik Save. Just keep an eye open till they've gone."

"Even better.

Go clean yourself up and I'll make breakfast."

I washed myself down in the bathroom. I had my own flannel and toothbrush, even a comb. It was almost as if I lived here now. I dressed and went downstairs to find a fried egg on toast waiting for me.

"Just like being married." Elaine said as she put our plates on the table and handed me cutlery.

It was. I just wished it was for more than a few hours.

Sure enough. About ten thirty we saw the Hunter GLS backing out into the Cul-de-sac before moving away.

"How long will they be?"

"At least an hour. Probably more."

She was looking at me with that mischievousness again.

"Show me your bedroom."

I stuttered my reply.

"What? Really?"

"Yes. I want to see your room.

Come on. Quick before they come back."

It felt daring and dangerous to creep into my home with Elaine. And a little embarrassing as I subconsciously compared our two homes. Where hers was warm and vibrant with modern furniture and big lamps, mine was stuffy with figurines in a display cabinet. Perhaps a decade or more out of date.

I showed her around downstairs quickly before taking her up to see my retreat.

"Feels naughty doesn't it."

I laughed.

"A little."

"First girl you've had in your room while your parents are out?"

"You know you are"

She smiled with satisfaction before turning her attention to my room, looking around as though it was helping her to know me. I felt deflated by how dated everything was. I could see it through her eyes. The single bed of a child. Candlewick bedspread. Boring teak drawers and bedside cabinet. I'd lost most hints of my youth when we'd moved. Everything dumped or hidden away from sight. Only my Airfix models of Spitfires and Hurricanes had survived the cull. They hung on fine threads from the ceiling over the big chest in the corner.

"I made those with my Dad years ago." I said as she ran her eyes over them.

"My brother made these. We had a big one of a ship on top of the TV. HMS Hood. Our grandfather served on it before the war. The cat liked the warmth when the telly was on and kept knocking it down. John was always glueing it back together."

She turned and sat on my bed, testing its springiness.

"You hate your room don't you." She smiled seeing my expressionless face.

"Yeah. It's naff."

"It's okay.

It's a teenager's bedroom. Everyone hates their room before they move out. I did. But we're all stuck with it until we can express ourselves in our own place."

"Can't come soon enough."

For a moment her eyes lingered on me and I fantasied she might ask me to move in with her. There was something there. Was she considering it? Or working out how to keep me at arm's length. I just couldn't tell.

Elaine turned her eyes back to my room and it was gone.

"I see my competition is in prime position."

I reddened as I saw her studying Debbie Harry. She was on the wall at the foot of my bed staring down at where I lay.

"Hope she serves her purpose."

It'd been some time since Elaine had been able to send me beetroot. That managed it and I stuttered a pathetic defence.

"I don't need a poster when I have you."

She smirked.

"Oh come on. You're young. You don't wait a week without whacking one out.

And what do you think I'm doing when I can't be with you?"

My jaw dropped at the thought of Elaine ...

"Let your fingers, do the walking."

She sang the jingle from the Yellow Pages advert before curling over and laughing. That was the point where she went equally red. She rolled off the bed, letting her hair sweep over her face to hide her embarrassment.


But we all do it."

She cleared her throat and recomposed herself with a glance out of the window.

"I'd better go.

Can you imagine if your Dad caught me here?

He'd kill me."

She turned back. stepping toward me and we embraced, kissing with all the passion of our love. It felt so natural.

Elaine cleared her throat again and straightened her clothes as she stepped back. Then with a final teasing glance at my wall.

"Look after him for me Debbie."

I heard the car pulling into the drive only a few minutes after Elaine had gone. The dutiful son I opened the door for them and mum stepped inside to put her handbag on the side.

She stopped. Her eyes flicked over me then her head turned to look up the stairs. She breathed in deeply before her eyes locked on me again. I knew straight away she'd smelt Elaine's perfume. She could pick out the faintest of odours. I couldn't look at her.

I felt like saying 'Don't worry. We didn't do it in your bed'.

"Help me get the bags in Kev." Dad called, rescuing me from my moment of being discovered.

I escaped past her to help empty the boot, grateful she'd said nothing. But she knew. Dad wouldn't notice and I hoped she wouldn't tell him.

What I was left with was a sense of foreboding. The jiggling sense that something would happen soon to expose our secret and our world would change more than I could imagine.

I shivered as I carried two heavy bags to the kitchen.


Elaine was laid back on her sofa rolling her head and moaning with absolute pleasure as I held her legs over my shoulders and humped her with all my might. Before my eyes, her tits bounced and rolled on her chest in near-circular motions that mesmerised me.

It was nearly Christmas. Two weeks to go. The tree was up in the corner with just the twinkling fairy lights illuminating the room. We'd decorated it together earlier. And now her body reflected the heavenly white glow of the decorations.

"Uh. Uh. Uh."

I wasn't the trainee anymore. I no longer waited starry-eyed for instructions or permission to touch her. I had become the accomplished lover I should be. The one who Elaine wanted and needed.

I knew when to stop. When to change positions to make it more fun. This time Elaine turned away from me, kneeling on the sofa with her hands and face laid on the backrest. She wiggled her bum at me, inviting me to put it in again.

"Bang me." She said.

"Rattle my bones."

I pushed my dick back at her wet hole and it eased into her warmth.


I love that feeling." She gasped.

"You can't imagine how it feels to me."

I caressed her bum cheeks as I rocked my hips, fucking her slowly.


I let my thumb rub her ring piece. A tight crinkly circle of dark flesh that I pressed against.


She jerked and pushed back against me as I broke her barrier.

"Fuck me Kev.

Make me cum."

I didn't need any encouragement to do that. I gripped her arse cheek, pressing my thumb into her back passage and pummelled her pussy with all my might.

"Don't stop.

Uh. Uhh."

My dick was so hard. My nob was gripped by an itch that could only be eased by one outcome.

"Aw. Fuck. Yes."

Elaine came, then came again almost immediately. Two orgasms rolling into one that left her a squirming mass of hot, sweaty flesh.

"Oh god."

In that moment I felt I could move mountains. My dick throbbed. I put my head back and gasped, unable to hold back.

Then suddenly I was flying backwards, with my jiz squirting into the air as I hit the carpet.

"What the fucking hell is going on here?"

My Dad stood over me with a look of anger I'd never seen before. Behind him, Elaine was screaming and grabbing out for her clothes.

I was still shocked and dazed as Dad turned back to her. She cringed, spreading her sweater around desperately trying to cover herself.

"Get out." She almost screeched the words in her embarrassed terror.

"Get out of my house."

"What do you think you're doing with my son? You're a fucking ..."

"Dad." I screamed.

His attention came back to me with a paralysing stare that would have kept the Nazis at bay.


Get home now."

Mum was in the doorway. I hadn't seen her before. She looked ashen.

"Oh Kevin."

It was the words of a mother. One who was disappointed in her child. But I wasn't a child any more.

Suddenly I remembered my nakedness and put my hands over my dick.

"Get out." I demanded with equal ferocity.

"Both of you."

Dad let out another torrent of abuse before lashing out at the Christmas tree. It toppled and fell to the floor with baubles rolling away. The lights dulled and went out.

"Get your arse home now." He screamed at me again.

They did at least have the decency to leave after that. However, I knew it was only a foretaste of what was heading my way.

Elaine was crying as she pulled her clothes on.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

I tried to hold her but she pulled away.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have let it happen.

That cut to my soul.

"I tried so hard not to. I tried to...

It was so hard when I'd been on my own for so long. I'm so sorry."

"Elaine. I don't care what Dad thinks or says.

I love you."

I admitted my feelings. So obvious, but the first time I'd voiced them. Elaine just looked at me. Her face was expressionless. Her eyes conveyed nothing I could read.

"You should go home." She said firmly.

Tears trickled down her cheeks.

I was lost. I didn't have the maturity or independence to offer anything. I pulled my clothes back on in silence. When I was done Elaine was just sitting, staring at the carpet.

"Should I ..."

"No." She said with a firmness.

Then softer.

"Not yet.

I need ... a few days."

I didn't like the sound of that but what else could I do?

It was raining outside as I crossed the driveways but it didn't speed me up. It was a slow walk toward the guillotine for me. Inside I was cracking up. Seven months of ever-increasing bliss that had left me happier than any time I could remember had just come to an end as surely as an airliner crashing. And I had no idea what to do about it.

Mum was standing at the open door with a cigarette to calm her stress.

"Oh Kevin."


I'm eighteen. What were you doing at eighteen? Living the life of a nun?"

I stormed past. Dad was in the front room. He didn't even look up at me.

I looked out for Elaine the next day but I didn't see her. The whole weekend passed without a single hint she was in the house. The kitchen light was on in the evenings which was the only evidence of her continuing existence.

I felt helpless, unsure what to do. I wanted to go to her but that would bring Dad back down on her. And did she want me to? She'd told me to leave.

On the Monday I was watching for her to come home dad was at work and I was intent on speaking to her. I watched the road from my bedroom until long after the time she was due. Occasionally I checked her kitchen from the landing window. No lights.

Mum called me down for tea, fry up, which I ate in silence while she watched me with sorrowful eyes. Those of a mother disappointed with her little boy. Only I wasn't little any more. I was a grown man who shaved and craved the affection of a woman I loved. How could she not see that?

By Christmas Eve I accepted the house was empty. That Elaine had gone away. Her brother's home on the coast. That was it. Christmas with the family. She'd be back in the New Year.


Christmas was awful. The worst event of my life. I felt like a caged animal without the escape of work.

I didn't even stay up to see in the New Year. It was the start of a new decade. One I instinctively knew I'd hate. Punk was taking over the airwaves. Glam rock was becoming a distant memory. Even disco was being squeezed out by a more depressing genre that was intent on delivering a social lecture I wasn't interested in. Everything was going to change I knew it. Margaret Thatcher was ushering in a new politics. Good or bad was still to be seen, but with it was coming a social reaction. A parting of the old working class and the aspirational young that'd be reflected in everything from music to clothes.

For me though. The biggest change had already come. I'd become a man. And my father had snatched it away and pushed me back into my childhood. I didn't hate him. I understood his anger. His fear. But he didn't understand how deeply I'd felt for Elaine. Or her for me. He could never grasp how utterly crippled by the loss I felt.

Elaine had vanished. The house was locked up and abandoned. It sat in darkness every evening like a monolith to a previous age. No need to take her dustbin out now.

I went to a party between Christmas and the New Year. Another ex-school friend whose parents had bravely left him alone in the house while taking a package holiday to Benidorm for the holiday period. I wasn't even sure they knew he was throwing a party.

God knows why I'd gone. I was not in the party mood and just became the nerd watching everyone else enjoy themselves.

Craig was there with Shelia. They were all over one another. To be fair to her, she did seem to have settled into the relationship. She was dressing better. Mature. She'd even worn a formal evening dress for tonight.

I saw Kate. The girl I probably would have been with by now if I'd never met Elaine. She was happy with some new guy I didn't know. I was forgotten. Perhaps I should just get drunk.

"Another can?"

"Absolutely." Lloyd answered.

I looked around realising the other two had vanished.

"Where's Craig?"

"Sneaked off. One of the bedrooms."

"Really? In someone else's house?"

"No one cares.

Remember Angie?"

The little blonde that dresses like Jo Grant from Doctor Who?"

"That's the one. I heard her in the bathroom with Malc going at it hammer and tongs ten minutes ago."

Lloyd stood with his beer glass held out for me while looking into the throng of happy people dancing and laughing under a haze of cigarette smoke.

I fetched two cans from the stack in the kitchen. Lloyd poured his into a glass while I just settled for drinking straight from the tin.

"You should get in there." Lloyd indicated to the throng of young people.

"Lots of single girls here."

"Why aren't you?"

He smiled. I have someone. I was waiting to tell you."



I wasn't surprised. He'd been pursuing her all year. She was studious like him. And practical. She was going to change the world. Strike out for women in a man's world she used to say.

"Good for you. She's cute."

"She's a little goer." He smirked.

Good for Lloyd. All that time boasting of imaginary girls. Now he was getting some for real.

"So come on. How about you? Time you dipped your wick.

Use it or lose it."

I run my eyes over the girls. They all looked nice in their party dresses happily dancing to Noddy Holder banging out Merry Christmas Everybody for the millionth time this month. It was fair to say Lloyd was right. It was as though the Miss World lineup had been invited along with Benny Hill's Angels. A feast to any young man's eyes.

But not one of them could hold a candle to Elaine. At least not for me. They didn't even stir anything in my pants.

"I had someone" I answered solemnly.

"What? Really? You're kidding right?"

"She was older than me. That's why I kept it quiet."

Lloyd was dumbstruck for a moment.

"Who was she?"

He clicked without me saying a word.

"No way? Not that babe of a neighbour we saw at the Wimpy that time?

The Linda Carter look alike?"

My silence confirmed it. I didn't see any point in keeping the secret now. It was history. She'd gone and wasn't coming back.

"I knew she looked at you differently from the rest of us.

Way to go. Awesome."

"What's occurring?"

Craig was suddenly at our side looking flustered. Shelia was with him, also red in the face. It was clear what they'd been doing.

"Clock this." Lloyd was straight in.

"Kevin here's been banging that bird we saw at the Wimpy. Remember? That day we went to see James Bond."

Craig remembered. He looked a little incredulous. It didn't matter to me whether he believed it.

Shelia looked more accepting. Then she screwed it up.

"She looked the sort."

"What do you mean?" I snapped

"A cradle snatcher.
