The Nuclear Family Pt. 04

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Robbie's life isn't simple.
31.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/27/2022
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[:::: Authors Note ::::]

Welcome to the final part of The Nuclear Family. If you haven't read them, please check out Part I, Part II, and Part III before jumping into the final instalment.

I enjoy writing exaggerated drama in my stories. Emotional turmoil is often a driver of both our society's successes and more so, our failures. In writing stories like this, I find it a lot better than going up to someone in real life and screaming in their face, and I hope for you, the reader, you see both the anguish written and the resolution wrought helpful in your own emotional journey.

So returning to our story, we ended Part III with quite the drama and looking at the comments, some of you didn't like the cliché cliffhanger, but you know what, that's okay. I make no apologies for the way I write. For me writing is an outlet, and if you don't like the way I write, then may I suggest you find a different story to read 😊

Now a fair warning to everyone this is the longest part in the series at over thirty thousand words. I did think about splitting it in two, but decided to keep it as one long story.

And I would be remiss if I did not mention my editors Larry, Wayne, and especially miket0422 on this one. Miket0422 spent a lot of time with me, not just editing but talking plot points through with me. Thank you, editors, for making this story more than the sum of its parts!

Let's read, and I hope you enjoy the conclusion to The Nuclear Family.

[:::: End of Part III ::::]

Toni stood and went and got Amy's phone; Amy looked at me in absolute anguish as she unlocked the phone. Toni opened Amy's email and a message from someone called a concerned observer.

The email went:

To Amy Other,

I am sorry to be the one to tell you this. However, your husband, Robert Other, is having an affair with your sister and his ex-wife, Georgia. This has been going on since they came to visit you months ago. I know you won't believe me, but they have been meeting regularly and please find the attached photos and videos to prove it.

Yours Sincerely

A concerned citizen.

Attached to the email were several photos and even a couple of short videos. In those photos, you could see Georgia naked and posing. In a few of them, you could see Georgia spread wide and pictures of my cock, because it was my cock, fucking her. The short video showed me doing Georgia doggy style and her groaning at how much she loved taking my cock. The final picture showed Georgia and me smiling at the camera, my cum all over her face and breasts.

"Amy, it's..." I started.

"It's not what it looks like, right dear husband." Amy snapped at me.

"Look, Amy I can explain." I tried to say.

Amy, in whatever state she was in, wasn't hearing it. She was only hearing the old cheaters' cliches, not that the truth was buried beneath it all.

"Is that you in those photos?" She hissed through clenched teeth.

"Yes, it is, but...." I tried to say.

"GET OUT!" She screamed, "GET THE FUCK OUT!" she broke down hysterically.

"Amy!" I tried to say as she collapsed to the ground.

"How could you, Robbie, after everything they put you through? How could you do this to Amy!" Toni said as Amy continued to collapse.

"Toni, it's not what it looks like." I looked at Darren. He was torn between seeing the email with the photos and trying to back me. "It's not. It's truly not." I was pleading, and I felt like shit because I was sounding like I was sprouting words directly from the cheater's handbook, which I was, but in this case, I wasn't.

"Just go. Leave Robbie," Amy wept.

My world fell apart again.

[:::: The Nuclear Family - Part IV ::::]

Standing there watching my pregnant wife sob, I just wanted to explain. I wanted to hold her. I desired to take the pain of what I knew she was feeling away. But as Darren and I stood there looking at Toni, who was trying to comfort Amy while staring daggers at me, my logical mind knew it was useless. Neither of the pregnant ladies in front of me would listen to reason.

Even Darren, who I would call my closest friend, bar Amy, was doubting my innocence based on what he had just read and seen on Amy's phone.

"Common Robbie," Darren said, just about dragging me by my ear like a petulant child out and back to his car. Within five minutes, we were down the road at our local pub. I followed him inside, tail between my legs, defeated. Despite our training and strict diet regime leading up to a professional fight, Darren bought us a couple of rums and almost slammed them down in front of me.

"Alright, explain." He stated; it was a demand, not a request. I could see anger on his face. Darren had seen the pictures and video on Amy's phone of me naked with Georgia, my ex-wife. It was evident that it was me. The email stating I was having an affair with Georgia was topping it off and adding fuel to the fire.

"Darren," I sighed. "You should know that I would never cheat on Amy. After what Georgia put me through, you should know that, hell, all three of you should know that."

As I said it, I took a sip on my rum, my emotion at feeling panicked about Amy's breakdown giving way to a bit of anger as the gears started processing in my mind.

"Then what about the email, those pictures, that video?" He asked me, still angry but listening as he watched the kaleidoscope of emotions begin to play across my face.

"Darren," I said, looking at my friend. Yeah, I was feeling a little embarrassed, he had seen me naked in a sexual encounter a few minutes ago, but I knew I had to be truthful.

"Have you and Toni never taken a few private pictures or videos of yourselves?" I asked. "After all your years together, can you tell me that on your phone, there are no pictures of her tits and ass that are for your viewing alone?"

He looked at me for a moment, caught out by the question. For a moment, he looked thoughtful.

"Of course there are," he snorted embarrassingly. "But they are mine and Toni's private pictures. But the email and those pictures, Amy just got them..."

"Darren," I said, interrupting him before he spun back into the wrong way of thinking. "I know each of those pictures. They are almost a decade old. But think of who I was married to back then. I thought I was happily married to Georgia at the time..." I said. I watched his face; it took a moment.

He processed what I said, then swore, his anger suddenly redirected away from me, "son of a bitch."

"Yeah," I said, nodding my head. "I am the one in those photos. They were private pictures of Georgia and me. Now I think my family is using them to break up my marriage to a woman I love more than life itself."

Neither of us said anything for a moment; we both sipped our drinks, lost in our thoughts.

"Robbie, I'm sorry," Darren said apologetically. "I didn't want to believe it, but it makes sense. I can see how Amy and Toni... I can see how they wouldn't think of that."

I shrugged, "They are two very pregnant, hormonal women. Without insulting them, I don't know that deductive reasoning is always front of mind."

We spoke for a couple more minutes, the anger building that someone, most likely someone in my family, had sent pictures and videos that were very private to Amy. Darren sent a text to Toni and Amy.

[ I've spoken at length with Robbie. He is correct in that it isn't what it appears. Those are images from when he was married to Georgia. He is NOT having an affair. He loves Amy. ]

We sat for a few more minutes finishing our drinks, I still felt like shit for what my past was doing to Amy.

Darren sighed, putting his phone back into his pocket. "Common Robbie, let's get you back up to the house and sort this mess out."

As we were walking out the door, my phone rang. I was relieved to see it was Amy. I expected to hear relief following Darren's text message, but I got panic.

"Robbie?" Amy started. She sounded mere moments away from hysteria.

Thinking she was still winding down from earlier, I talked in the most calming tone possible. "I'm here, my love. I'm coming home and will explain it all."

"Robbie, I'm scared," Amy said; I could hear she was giving everything to try and hold herself together.

"It's okay, baby, I'm coming. I'm sorry that you saw..." I started, she interpreted.

"Not that Robbie, um, Robbie, I'm bleeding, help me?" she pleaded. I now heard the note of desperation in her voice; it had nothing to do with pictures.

Before she could finish the sentence, I took off at a sprint, bypassing the car and running straight up the hill. Darren was instantly at my heels, knowing something was very wrong.

"I'm coming Amy!" I almost yelled. I looked at Darren, who was running beside me. People parted without question, seeing two large, very fit men running at speed along the sidewalk was enough to get them to step aside, and nothing was going to stop me from getting to Amy. "Darren," I almost yelled. "We need an ambulance at home now. I'm on the phone with Amy, and she's bleeding."

"Shit," he swore, immediately pulling his phone out, dialling 000 emergency.

A couple of minutes later, I was in the door and running straight to the bathroom. Amy was seated on the floor with a thin line of blood between her legs.

I rushed straight to her, wrapping her in my arms, letting her know that an ambulance was on its way.

"I don't care if you're cheating on me. I love you, Robbie; I need you even if you don't love me." She sobbed, her earlier anger going into grief. "Our Baby..." she exclaimed.

"Is going to be fine," I told her. "Amy, I am not cheating on you."

"But..." she started, and I put my finger to her lips.

"Those photos are years old from when I was married to your sister; someone is bending the truth. I am not, nor will I ever cheat on the most perfect woman I know." I told her, kissing her on the head as the flashing lights of an ambulance came through the bathroom window. Amy relaxed a little.

Moments later Darren led the ambulance crew to the bathroom. After some quick check-ups, Amy was loaded up, and both of us were transported to the local hospital, Darren and Toni following close behind with William.

Being a bleeding pregnant woman, she was given a high priority at the hospital, and it wasn't long before she was admitted. As the doctor examined her, I was standing outside the curtain when Darren and Toni came in. Darren was holding a sleepy William. A very coy Toni came straight to me and hugged me. Then Darren handed my son to me, who immediately snuggled into me and sighed contented. I tried not to squeeze him too hard.

"Robbie, I am so sorry," Toni said very contritely. "I mean, we saw the email with those photos and never thought to question anything. Darren told me the truth. I am so so sorry."

"It's alright, Toni, really it's alright; none of us could have anticipated something like that. Right now, I need to make sure Amy and the baby are all right; retribution on those trying to screw with my life will come later."

We spoke for a few more minutes before the doctor pulled back the privacy screen.

"Mr Other, your wife and baby are fine. She had a minor bleed from the lining around her uterus. The cause sounds like stress caused by your events this evening." He looked at me a moment. "I'm sorry, but your wife told me the highlights to help with diagnosis."

I looked over at Amy. She blushed about the same time that I did.

"Mrs Other is out of immediate danger," the doctor continued. "And your baby is in perfect health. But there will be a lot of bedrest from now until delivery, so there is no further strain on mother or baby. That means now strenuous activity."

The doctor and I spoke for a few more minutes. Then he left us, and we all gathered around Amy. I brought William over to say hello to his mother, then we agreed that Darren and Toni would take William to the late-night hospital café to give us a few minutes.

I sat beside Amy's hospital bed, immediately reaching out to hold her hand. She was hooked up to two monitors. The first showed her heart rate, the second a fetal heart monitor showing our baby's heartbeat. Her hand latched onto mine the moment it was offered.

"They want to monitor both of us for a few hours before anything..." she started, then squeezed my hand as I stared at her belly.

"Baby, I am so sorry," my wife told me sadly. "I saw those photos after reading the email. You were naked with Georgia. I didn't think, I just read then email, then opened the attachements. From there I just assumed... I mean the email and then seeing it... And I felt like you could leave me, that you may not love me..."

I hugged her gently, "Amy Grace Other, I love you more than life itself. What I had with Georgia is not even a fraction of what we have; my marriage to her is like a faded memory. I'm embarrassed that anyone saw them, but those photos were taken when Georgia and I were together. They are just like our private photos and videos."

"I know that now Robbie. I'm sorry, I just got upset." She then looked at me, "Are there any more than what was sent to me?" she asked.

"Yeah, a few; I mean, Georgia is not as photogenic or beautiful as you," we smiled at each other. "But yeah, there are likely a few dozen more photos and a couple more videos out there. I'm sorry, Amy. I deleted them off my phone not long after we started dating. The last time I looked at them was perhaps three months before I found Brad and Georgia together. It never entered my mind that someone else might have them or that they would use them against us.

"I am so embarrassed that Darren, Toni, and you saw my intimate photos with someone other than you."

"You mean you want them to see our intimate photos instead." She said tongue and cheek, a smile creeping over her face for the first time since I arrived home.

I laughed, "no way, your body is mine, just as I am yours."

She looked at me seriously, "Robbie?"


"Can you take out your phone for me?"

"Sure baby; why?"

"This is why." As I opened my phone, she lifted her shirt showing me her pregnant breasts. She held the top-up. "Please, baby, take a photo before someone comes in."

I smirked, as she grinned back at me while I took a couple, satisfied, she put her shirt down. Fortunately, it was just as Darren and Toni came back with William. Our son was awake now and wanted to sit with his Mum. Darren gave me a look. "Did we interrupt something?"

"Kinda," I smirked a reply.

They stayed for another twenty minutes agreeing to take William home, agreeing to stay at our place for the night when the doctor returned to recheck Amy. I held her hand as he examined her, We all sighed when he pronounced the bleeding had stopped. But, he explained, he would like to monitor her overnight. I stayed in the chair beside the bed that night as Amy fell asleep.

It was perhaps three in the morning when Amy woke and started swearing like a sailor.

"Fuck it, fuck it all, I'm gonna kill that fuckwit." She screamed, startling me awake from the uncomfortable position I had been sitting in.

"Amy? Are you alright?" I asked as I started trying to massage a kink in my neck.

She looked at me, suddenly aware of where she was and reddened.

"Sorry baby, I had a dream that it was your brother sending those emails to break us up, then once we were divorced, he forced me into his bed. I was screaming for you as he took off his pants..."

I came over to my wife; we had been through so much, this recent issue just another in a long line of being fucked around by what I suspected was my family, most likely my brother. A similar thought must have gone through Amy's head as we both looked at each other simultaneously.

"Brad!" we exclaimed to each other.

"Hand me my phone Robbie," Amy said.

I handed it to her and asked, "You're not going to do something stupid, are you?"

She snorted, "hardly," she dialled a number.

"Hey Dominic, yeah, I know what time it is. You never sleep anyway. Look, I need you to do something for me; privacy is of utmost importance. There is an email in my inbox from this evening with photos of Robbie and his ex in it that was emailed to me. Can you break open the message headers and trace the email back to its source for me in the next twenty-four?"

She listened for a few minutes, giving a couple more details, then hung up.

"Done; Dominic is going to get the information for me. If it's from your brother or anyone in that family, I'll have George throw the book at them." Amy gave me a wan smile and reached out a hand for me.

"Robbie, my love, again, I am so sorry I reacted without talking to you. Can you forgive me?"

I snorted. "It's alright, Amy. I likely would have initially reacted as you did. I am also sorry it happened. I never thought those photos would be seen by anyone, let alone my wife and closet friends."

We spoke for a while until Amy felt tired. I watched her drift back to sleep. In the morning, the hospital released her. I got her home, settled her into bed with her laptop and phone with orders for light work only. I also spent the day working from home. Things were quiet until lunchtime when Amy got a message from Dominic.

"Fan-fucking-tastic!" she exclaimed triumphantly as I walked into the bedroom. "It's confirmed. The email came from Brad Jr's phone. IP tracking proves it. I'm going to put something together for George."

Amy spent the next hour on her laptop and, with my permission, she reluctantly put an email with her gathered evidence ready to go to George. However, about two minutes before she hit send, another email came in from the same address.

"Robbie?" Amy said, her sudden fever at getting the legal ball rolling faltering.

"Another email just arrived, more attachments, including more video." She said, trying not to be upset.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"I know we need to send it to George and the police, but can you look at the photos for me and make sure they are what I think they are. I love your body, but I don't know I can stand seeing you in bed with my sister again."

I nodded, frowning, taking Amy's laptop off her and opening the attachments one at a time. She carefully got up heading for the bathroom. I watched my pregnant wife move, her curves still excited me, but she had been through a lot these last few days.

Turning my attention to the screen, I noted these pictures would have had me turned on at one time, making me randy in moments. But now, looking at them, I felt shame. My brother was using them to try and cause a split between Amy and me.

The pictures were more of the private images between Georgia and I. This time, there were several pictures of us fucking, a couple of us posing together naked and even one of me eating her pussy with me looking adoringly at her ass. The two videos, this time, were quite graphic; erotic for Georgia and me at the time, but in this context, a total violation of trust.

The first video was taken with the phone mounted on our bedside table and had about three minutes of us making love. We were kissing a lot, and you could clearly see our faces and the rest of our bodies. The second video was of me fucking Georgia's ass, and in what was now embarrassing to me, you could see me reach release.

I was blushing as I closed the video. The text in the email was simple.


I am again sorry to do this. I can't stay quiet about your husband's affair with his ex-wife. I can't believe they would be so perverted as to take these pictures of their trysts while married to other people.
