The Offer


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At that point I noticed grandma had engaged herself in some sexual activity too. Two of the male pledges were kissing her all over her body, while a third one was helping her to lay on her back on a mattress preparing to fuck her in missionary position. I went over to them and asked her if she was ok. She gave me a happy smile.

'I love it, Louise,' she answered, 'Since Lianne had taken over I felt to old for this, but I was so wrong. Come on young man, show me what you got. I won't break.'

The last was meant for the young man who was carefully inserting his sizeable dick into her womanhood. She grabbed his hip and pulled him in quite forcefully. I was sort of shocked and impressed by the sheer lust she pursued. I decided everything was fine and went to look for someone I could help loosen up.

I walked around the room and at first didn't notice anyone who needed my help. At the bar an elderly woman was drinking a glass of water. She looked a bit out of place, sitting there naked and alone I walked over to her. Her body showed signs of ageing like sagging boobs, a bit of overweight and some skin discolouring, but she still had a wonderful aura and her face looked very sweet.

'Are you okay?', I asked.

She looked up in surprise and tried to put a smile on her face.

'Mistress Louise,' she gasped: 'I am fine thank you.'

'Sure? You looked a bit unhappy.'

'I don't want to bother you miss. I was just having a drink.'

'What is your name?'

'I am Betty.'

'Betty, I want you to be honest. What is wrong?'

'I came here today only to say goodbye to Matriarch Anna, but I now feel I shouldn't have come.'


'Since my wife died I stopped coming to these events, because I feel shy about my ageing body.'

'But you came to see her for the last time?'

'Yes, I would love to thank her for all she has done for us. She has always protected our community from prejudice and hatred. When my husband at the time confessed he had always felt he was born in the wrong body we asked for a meeting with Anna. She came over and we talked for hours. She offered us her full support and she surely helped us through the whole process. She even made sure my wife could keep her job.'

'That is big. Are there more trans people in the community?'

'I do not know. I have not been here since your mother took over. We decided we were getting too old for these orgies.'

'No one is too old I'd say.'

'What man would be interested in having sex with an old woman like me?'

'I would,' I said feeling my masculine side taking over.

She looked at me in surprise. I smiled at her shy face.

'Dear Betty, would you allow me?'

She nodded and I kissed her mouth. She responded unexpectedly strong and passionately. She was a great kisser and made me forget her advanced age. After some time I guided her to the mattresses before the matriarchs throne and helped her lay down on her back. Someone helped me to support her with some pillows and soon we started to make out. She was touching me all over with a thirst I had not expected.

'You are so beautiful,' she sighed, 'Please fuck me young mistress.'

I felt excited and wanted to do this badly and the dildo began to sort of hurt inside, but needed one thing from her.

'Promise me to make someone happy again and bring them into our community.'

She started crying. Did I say something wrong? No, she seemed happy enough.

'What's happening?', I asked.

'Thank you Louise, there is this man I long for. I met him after my wife died, but I am a lesbian nowadays, so I can't.'

'If he is free, promise me to chase him. I don't care if you were married to a woman. She was your man first. Love is gender free.'

'Gender free?'

I leaned over her body aligning my fake penis to her very wet vagina.

'There are no limitations on whom you can love. Any adult young or old is fair game. I want you to find love in your life again. Find someone who wants to be your lover and friend.'

'Yes Louise, I promise.'

With these words I gently pushed my cock into her. I felt her hands on my body and locked my eyes in hers. I felt so powerful dominating her like this, pushing the long dildo deep into her yearning body.

'Oh fuck, so good!' she yelled and grabbed my hips to hold me tight to her locking her legs around mine.

I knew she had just orgasmed just by being penetrated once and expected her to push me away now, but she started to urge me to fuck her in earnest. I felt a need to chase my own release now and submit Betty to my urges.I began to move my hips to bring the cock in and out of her faster with each thrust. We were making love. I felt her long pent up sexuality flowing again and felt an orgasm of my own building. I looked up and noticed everybody in the room was looking at us. Grandma was on her knees next to us and reached out to my partners face with her shaking hand.

'Betty, is that you?''

Betty looked into my grandmothers eyes.

'Yes mistress, you were right all along, thank you' she said in a tender voice.

Betty kissed grandma's hand and closed her eyes in happiness, while moving her hips in time with mine. Relentlessly I fucked her inhibitions away and when I finally came she came with me. I kissed her once more before I unfastened the strap-on that was hurting me now. I left Betty in my nana's arms and looked at the people watching us.

I desired them all, like they desired me, I realised. Could I make love to them all? They would, if I wanted them to, I knew. I now understood the core of the matriarchy. Would I dare to become their ultimate object of desire? I longed to be be fucked and loved. I had never been this horny.

'Are you ready, Louise?', grandma asked.

I nodded.

'Say what you want,' she said.

'What do I need to say?'

'Do you want to be my successor?'

'Yes nana, I do.'

'What do you want?'

'I want to offer myself to this community. I want to be loved and used. Receive and give, be the Matriarch.'

'People,' grandma spoke, 'I present to you the next Matriarch. Are you willing to take Louise as your object of pure love?'

The whole crowd was nodding solemnly. Excited faces were looking at me in lust.

'Louise, who will be your first?'

'The community will be first.'

Grandma looked confused.

'Are you sure?'

I knew I was. This was where I needed to be.

'Come take my offer beloved people,' I said inviting them all to join me.

A wave of happiness went through the ranks of the people. Grandma got up and raised her hand to stop the approach of the people.

'Beloved, we have witnessed all how the new matriarch offered herself to the community. Tomorrow morning Louise and I will sign the needed, but now I will hand over the sign of power, the ring of love. Johanna, please help me remove it from my finger.'

Johanna stepped forward carrying a small bottle of lubricant. She sprayed some of it on the finger with the ring and gently tried to move the ring over the joints swollen by grandma's arteritis. It didn't go easy at first and I saw Johanna was hurting the old lady in the process.

'Enough Johanna,' I said, 'We will have the ring of love transferred at a better time.'

Johanna stepped back, but I noticed grandma squeezing and forcefully tugging at the ring. She somehow managed to get it over her swollen knuckle and with a huge sigh held up the ring between her thumb and index-finger. A little blood was trickling from her finger, but it seemed not too serious.

'Someone get me some ice-compress and let's proceed,' she said, 'We need to decorate our new leader. Louise, please kneel before me.'

I followed her lead and kneeled at her feet.

'I will need your hand, Louise.'

I presented my hand.

'Louise do you promise to be a good keeper of our community?'

'Yes, I promise.'

Now grandmother proceeded to put the ring on my ring finger. After that she kneeled opposite to me.

"The community is yours now,' she said softly.

I rose to my feet and stood before the people in the room that were my people now.

'Let's make love,' I said, closed my eyes and just waited for the next events to unfold.

I did not have to wait long for the first hands to touch me and soon I could not tell anymore who were touching me. Hand and body parts were everywhere. I was tasting them all and they were tasting me. I got fucked in every imaginable way and after some time I lost track of time and the number of climaxes I endured. I was in a trance like state, wanting to experience more and more.

My body was completely covered with sperm one moment, then cleaned by eager tongues and then to be soiled again by even more seed. At a few moments I was being fucked simultaneous in my ass, pussy and mouth. I loved every second of it. I am pretty sure I was even peed upon by some of the people and I didn't even care. There were no more worries, just lust.

At a certain point I noticed it was Sophie who was eating my pussy. She was doing a great job and I started climaxing quite heavily again. I could not help but releasing my overfull bladder, peeing straight in her face. To my shock she didn't protest but swallowed most. She rose to kiss me with a mischievous grin. I felt my own pee entering my mouth and to my amazement I just swallowed it like all the loads of sperm I had swallowed already that night. It tasted salty and less gross than I had expected.

'Thank you,' Sophie said looking into my face.

She had never looked happier.

'No, thank you,' I replied.

I lost track of what was happening to me. People seemed to take turns in using my body. It was a truly liberating experience, but somewhere along I decided this would be a once in my lifetime event. This wasn't truly who I was. This had major porn-star vibes and had lost all form of class. I was the star but I did not feel like myself. I had given away control, knowing I would be kept safe by my loved ones. This was a step to truly become the object of the matriarchy's desire. I felt tonight I had to submit to my feminine side, leaving my masculine side behind. Next time things would be different I promised myself.

Somewhere during this all I must have passed out, for I woke up in my bed smelling coffee and freshly baked bread. I was still naked but felt I was properly cleaned up and the only things confirming my new status as the matriarch was the raw feeling in my overused body-parts and the simple golden ring around my ring-finger. Arjen and Johanna were standing next to my bed, dressed in their professional outfits, already at work it seemed. I felt strong and confident. I sat up and let the blankets slide down.

'Good morning mistress Louise,' Arjen said softly, 'How are you today?'

'It hurts everywhere,' I whispered noticing my voice was almost gone.

'Shh, don't speak too much. Drink something,' Johanna said in a concerned voice.

She handed me a glass of orange juice and I drank it in one long sip. It was freshly squeezed. I felt I needed this badly. I was hungry too, so I accepted the plate with the croissant Johanna handed to me next.

'What happened? How did I get here?' I asked.

'You passed out somewhere during the third hour of your community love making,' Johanna said with respect.

'Three hours?', I asked.

Three hours of being fucked and being involved in other ways for their sexual pleasure. I now understood the rawness all over my body better.

'Three and a half actually. When you invited everybody to come and make love to you, you engaged in the most outrageous gang bang this community has ever seen. We didn't keep score but we are sure every member was taking part in your deep dive. The young ones and the elderly. You have made the former mistress very proud. You being queer made everybody want to join. Eventually you passed out just like we have experienced before. We were not able to wake you up again. Your GP required you to be properly bathed and put to bed for a good sleep.'

'Wait, you consulted my doctor?'

'She is a member and was fully involved in last nights events. She took charge to check on you and make sure you were okay. It was already getting late and the party was winding down anyway, the people were gradually leaving. The former matriarch was at the door thanking them all on your behalf.'

'You mean grandma?'

'Yes, you do remember she gave her ring to you, don't you?'

'Yes. So I am in charge now?'

'You will be when you have signed all the paperwork. The meeting is in half an hour.'

'Will I have the same position as mom had?'

'No, Lianne was the heiress. She reigned in Anna's place. You will be the matriarch herself. Matriarch Anna has stepped down.'

'Why is it different now?'

'I think she told you yesterday. She will be passing away soon. She wants to prepare for her last journey in peace and quiet.'

'Will Anna be in the meeting?'

'She was planning to, but she was not well this morning. We don't know,' Arjen answered.

'Arjen will you please find out? I'd like to speak to her before the meeting. '

'Yes miss.'

'Arjen wait. I want you to call me Louise. Not mistress or miss. You should know I want everybody to use my correct pronouns.'

'Sorry Louise, it won't happen again.'

After breakfast I took a short shower, just to freshen up, and got dressed. Johanna had laid out a stunningly beautiful deep red formal dress for me. The dress looked completely handmade of the finest velvets and damasks. I looked at it carefully, trying to find a label of where this had been bought. I could not find any indicators whatsoever. I noticed a lot of the embroidery was done with gold coloured thread. The dress looked antique. It's style seemed 16th century royalty couture.

'This is some dress,' I sighed.

Johanna grinned.

'Why are you laughing?' I asked.

'I am sorry Louise, but you should have seen your face.'

'I am stunned. Do you expect me to wear this? I was planning on a sweater and jeans.'

'This dress is the original dress worn by the first matriarch of your dynasty. All your mothers and grandmothers have worn it the day they came into their heritage. Anna pleaded with us to make sure you would wear it today. Last night a few tailors have been busy making sure it will fit you perfectly.'

'Why? Anna knows I do not identify as a woman.'

'Indeed I know, dear Louise,' said Anna's fragile voice.

Arjen was pushing her wheelchair into my bedroom. I turned towards the dear old lady. She looked a lot more fragile than during last nights events. I remembered her lustful face while she was pushing the young man's cock in her pussy. I loved her dearly. I shook my head to focus on the current events.

'But this dress, that is not me.'

'Still you ought to wear it. Tradition requires it.'

'Why? I could wear a suit.'

'No you cannot. The matriarchy needs to led by a woman. The dress is an homage to your womanhood.'

'I do not feel like a woman and I think clothes never define one's gender.'

'I know sweet child. But you need to comply and wear it for the signing ceremony. It is of the greatest importance. Once you are in the dress it will all fall into place. Please Louise.'

She was begging me? I looked at her in confusion. She was serious. I could not resist her plea, so I yielded and dropped my bathrobe to get into the dress. Johanna stopped me and pointed to some pretty red lingerie that was laying next to it.

'These go with the dress,' she said.

I frowned and looked at Anna. She nodded.

'Some things are written in stone,' she said.

The lingerie was pretty fancy, just like the dress.

'Also antique?' I asked.

'Not the stockings and panties, but the bra, bodice and garters are. All originally handmade 500 years ago,' grandma explained, 'I was the last heir to actually wear them. Lianne would have been the next, but now it is all yours.'

'Thank you for your trust, Anna.'

'Thank you, dear mistress.'

'I will never be your mistress. I want you to call me Louise.'

Grandma nodded.

'I will, Louise. My apologies.'

'You need to get dressed Louise,' Johanna intervened.

I looked at her sweet face and told her to help me out dressing myself with these items.

While Johanna helped me get dressed Anna informed me the people in the meeting were not members of our community. Anna emphasised the notary, the tax-specialist and the relationship banker were never to be scouted because of their extraordinary knowledge of our estate. Even a hint of conflicting interests could have a devastating effect. People could find out about the matriarchy. The whole thing could get exposed and in that case it was unpredictable what would happen.

Soon I was ready to go to the planned meeting. Arjen wheeled Anna out of my room to bring her to the elevator. Johanna held me back for a second. She handed me a largish jewellery case. It appeared to be from an expensive jeweller here in the city.

'Arjen and I have had this made for you, it is a gift we hope you will wear today.'

'Thank you, I said in surprise.

I opened the case and found the most amazing brooch. It was a small trans-flag beset with diamonds and other coloured gems set in gold. I picked it out of the case and it appeared quite heavy. I handed it to Johanna to pin it to my dress. It was the perfect accessory to the dress and I adored it. I kissed Johanna deeply after which she led me quickly to my room on the office floor. She did not enter with me, but joined Arjen in his office.

Anna was sitting at the head of the table lively chatting with the other ladies present. The visitors all got up when I entered the room. Next to grandma I only knew Hildegard my secretary who gave me a warm smile. I started introducing myself while shaking the others hands. I forgot the names of the tax-expert, the notary and the banker immediately. The ladies seemed competent, but not very interesting. Soon we were in the midst of the business of transferring all of the matriarchies assets to my name. A few signatures from Anna, myself and Hildegard as our witness confirmed everything. The banker had logged into the banks administrative system and had made all the arrangements in order and only needed her manager to confirm the transfer of ownership of the accounts to me. The notary confirmed the transfer of ownership of all real-estate to me and the tax-expert made sure all the forms for the tax department were done correctly.

Within an hour everything was done, the guests had left and had I formally become the matriarch, but I still hadn't found out the purpose of wearing this spectacular dress. I asked grandma Anna and she just smiled mysteriously.

'You'll know soon enough Louise. I will be leaving shortly. I need to be resting soon.'

I kissed her goodbye and watched her being wheeled out of the office by her nurse.

I sat behind my desk and requested Hildegard to join me.

'What is it with the dress I am wearing?'

'The King and Queen have requested an audience in half an hour.'

'The King, like the Dutch king?'

'Yes, they are on their way.'

'What do they want?'

'They want to pledge their loyalty to you.'

I looked at her in amazement.

'Are you kidding me?'

'No, you are in fact the richest person on the planet. Your grandmother is close friends with the King's mother, our former Queen. I think the King would hope for such a privilege.'

'I'd prefer the chubby crown-princess above this pretty stupid king.'

'Still you should befriend Willem Alexander, they have a lot of power in this country.'

'I do not think we could be friends. We are in completely different worlds.'

'They know a lot about the secrets you need to keep. They know how to get such things leaked to the media. The matriarchs have always respected the Orange family due to this.'

'You know about the matriarchy?'

'I have always worked for Anna and your mother. Now I will serve you. I do not want you to make the wrong choice on your first day.'