The Office - Holiday Weekend

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An unexpected beginning to a holiday weekend.
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It was a Friday before a long holiday weekend and I was sitting at my desk wishing I'd had the forethought to ask for the day off. As it was, most of the rest of the staff was off getting an early start on their Memorial Day weekend. So here I sat...not really enthused about starting a new project. I decided I would piddle most of the day and wrap up a few loose ends here and there.

I like my job as an IT guy for a chain of department stores. I have the respect of my co-workers and enough independence to move about the state from time to time "visiting" store locations and generally making people happy. However, that wasn't the case today - I was stuck at the mostly-empty home office. I'd made the rounds enough to be seen by anyone important enough to care then sat at my desk listening to music on my office PC.

I glanced up to see Karen walking by and she seemed to catch my eye, but kept walking towards her own office in the corner. She was one of my best friends at the bank and we frequently confided in one another as we were of the same mindset on most things. I had noticed her virtually the first day I started working here several years ago. She was quite tall for a woman, nearly 6 feet tall, with short dark, curly hair that shined like it was wet all the time. She was a tiny bit pudgy around the middle but not so that anyone would refer to her as BBW. It looked good on a woman her height.

She was pretty in the girl-next-door sense and quite attractive at almost 40 years old. At a glance her most significant feature was her bust line (which she kept well-covered being the lead HR generalist). The few times I caught a glimpse of her cleavage it was obvious that they were firm and round like melons. There was no jiggling when she strode past and I assumed there was some impressive hardware keeping them in-place. There was never a hint of nipples so it was probably the kind of padded bra full-figured women had to wear. I'm no expert but guessed her breasts were much larger than D cups.

When you took the time to interact with her you quickly noticed her pretty green eyes and a very few freckles on the bridge of her nose. If you were lucky enough to witness her smile then the gods had surely found favor with you. Her smile became the center of the universe. I could never put my finger on it, but it was a fact. Like gravity, you couldn't see it or define it, but you darn sure knew it was there. I've heard men (and women) say about someone that their smile could light up a room. I never understood that until meeting Karen. The smile was genuine and so completely open that you knew she was holding nothing back.

She had an understated confidence, she knew exactly who she was and not not the least bit concerned with what anyone else thought of her. She wasn't aloof or snobby, but she was her own woman and just didn't seem phased by people's opinions of her or any temporary situation. She was very conservative in both dress and attitude but there was always an undercurrent of flirtation and innuendo between us. Being on the HR staff we were careful to be nothing other than co-workers when at the office. Over the years we had become, to my surprise, the best of friends who shared just about everything.

We frequently went to lunch together and knew more about each others' families than some spouses. When I was having a bad day she was the one I confided in, and she did the same with me. We had both married too young to know the person we took up partnership with and our respective marriages had ended not too long after they started. She had been single for about 10 years and I for about 8. I dated a little but never found anyone who made me believe our relationship would end any better than my marriage. Karen might have had a couple of dates a year and usually told me about the pathetic details the next day.

Around 10am I was listening to "Jumpin Jack Flash" by the Stones and she appeared in my doorway. This was not unusual at all, but the look on her face was much different than anything I had seen before. She asked, "What 'cha working on, buddy?"

"Nothing much", I said. "I have some reports to polish off and I was just sitting here waiting until 5 o'clock, to be honest."

"Me too!" she said. "There are only 3 people working on the whole floor and two of them are now in your office", she giggled. She took a chair from across the office and moved it beside my desk and sat down with a sigh. Since the office was practically empty she was a little bolder about spending time with me.

She had on a feminine blouse with no collar and it plunged a lot lower than just about anything I'd seen her wear before. But it still would not have raised an eyebrow since many other women in the office wore much more revealing clothing than that every day. It was only strange because it was Karen. I couldn't help noticing the sides of her generous breasts and how creamy white they were - almost like they'd never seen the sun. I would bet a paycheck they were firm enough to bounce a quarter off of.

I guess I held my stare just a bit too long and she blushed a little and pulled her blouse up to hide most of her cleavage. "Karen, I'm sorry about that", I said, blushing myself. "I didn't mean to stare at you like that. You know I'm not like that!" I said.

"Sure you're not!" she said. "Every man is like that when boobs are around and ones as big as these are especially difficult to ignore", she giggled. "I've had to keep these things covered up my whole professional life since I work in HR. I can't very well fuss at the younger girls about showing their 'assets' if mine are on display, now can I? My sister bought me this blouse and I knew better than to wear it to the office. I can't keep the damn thing p where it should be."

"I suppose not, but I still am embarrassed to have been caught leering like I was", I said.

"Nonsense!", she said. "There's no harm in looking a little and god knows we've been friends long enough for you to have taken a peek every now and then. Apparently you've never caught me checking you out before."

This threw me for a loop and I said, "What were you checking...?! Damn! Are you serious?"

She almost laughed out loud and said "You bet! I'm human too! Do you actually think that women don't notice things like that? We are just more cautious about how we go about looking."

"I can't believe that after all these years we are having a conversation like this." I said mostly to myself in disbelief.

She laughed and said, "Well mister, I've never known you to be anything but a perfect gentleman, and I have always appreciated that about you. I never had to worry about whether you were just being nice to me to work your way into my pants. You've been a great friend for so long that I really can't complain about one slightly less-than-innocent look. Hell, you're probably the only man who hasn't stared holes in my blouses wondering what was under here," she said looking downward. She took a finger and pulled her blouse downward now, showing even more that before and exposing almost porcelain skin and the edges of her lacy bra.

"Do you really think they look good?" she asked.

"Seriously?" I said surprised. "You have got to know they do whether I say so or not."

She mused, "My mother said they were enough for two girls my size. She says she spent a small fortune on bras before I left for college. She never understood how a 5" 4" skinny woman with A-cup boobs could birth a 5' 11" daughter with boobs like mine. She made me wear a bra day and night - said it was the only way they would stay firm. Maybe she was right about that."

I chuckled at that and said, "Your mom was apparently right! They seem awfully firm. That's unusual for a woman of your size," I commented, horrified that I said it the very second it came out of my mouth. "I'm so sorry!" I offered. "You know I didn't mean it like it sounded."

She laughed and said, "Rick, you don't have anything to be sorry for! We've been friends long enough for me to understand what you meant. You are my best guy-friend in the world and you have never made me feel like I was anything but your friend. Crap, the same thing can't be said of my own brothers. They are both creepy and would probably paw me like wild animals, given the chance."

Her smile hypnotized me and I found myself staring again, this time ABOVE her neckline. "What is it?" she said. I was caught again.

I said, somewhat sheepishly, "I was just noticing your pretty smile, K."

"You're suck a dork, Rick!" she said. "But I'm really glad you think so."

"Look, K" I said, "I know there was a reason you came in here and I feel like I've nearly ruined things by staring at your boobs. What's on your mind?"

"Rick, we've been friends long enough for me to just come out vent when something is pissing me off, right?"

"Absolutely, K. Is something wrong?" I said concerned.

"I wouldn't say something is wrong", she said, "but something happened this morning to ruin my holiday weekend. I was supposed to cover the HR department until quitting time today and then drive to Myrtle Beach with my sister. The plan was to lay on the beach all weekend, eat seafood, and drink lots of wine in the hotel room."

"That sounds like fun", I said. "What's the problem?"

"Well, Kathy is normally lots of fun to be around but she met this guy a few weeks ago and wants to drag him along with us. I think he is creepy as hell and I'm pissed that she would put me in that position. This has been 'our thing' every summer and she had no right to spring this on me at the last minute. I know she'll spend every minute with him and I'll be about as alone as I would be if I stayed at home," she lamented. "I should have seen this coming. Can you believe that she brought him to my apartment last week and gave him a blow job right in the middle of my living room?! I got home from work a little early and caught her with his tiny dick in her mouth like a friggin' street whore! We both let ourselves into the other's apartments from time to time when we have plans, but damn!'

"Are you kidding?" I asked.

"No!" she replied. "I guess they got a bit horny and were going to christen my living room before I got home. He looked mortified and when she jumped away from him I would swear he had a 3 inch willy. He's a loser with no job and sketchy details about his life. I can't believe she invited this weirdo to the beach with us!"

Just then, my phone rang and I recognized the number as one I could not avoid without job-affecting consequences. I held up my pointing finger in the "I've got to take this" sign and mouthed "give me 5 minutes" to her. She got up to leave and I felt like shit for putting her off. My call lasted about 15 minutes and I got up to go find her. She wasn't in her office and the entire floor was vacant except for me. I thought maybe she was in the ladies' room so I went back to my office and cranked up some Pink Floyd while I worked on some those overdue reports.

She walked back into my office a little later, closed the door and said, "Ronnie had to leave and we have the whole floor to ourselves." I jumped up the second she came through the door and went to her and gave her a friendly hug and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry I had to take that call, K. I feel like a dick for putting off my best friend." She slipped her arms around my waist, turned her head and laid it on my shoulder, and sighed heavily.

"Forget bout it", she said. "We are at work and sometimes work gets in the way of our free time." It was one of my favorite sayings and I chuckled inwardly realizing that she had begun to use several of my lame figures of speech lately. Her attempt to minimize my guilt just increased my affection for her. She made no attempt to loosen her arms. As many friendly hugs as we had shared over the years I was well acquainted with her scent and her tendency to sway from side to side a little as she "let go" of whatever it was that was weighing her down. I felt a bit of pride to be the one she came to at times like this.

After a couple of minutes and one more kiss on the forehead i said, "OK, now, how are we going to deal with this?"

She loosened her arms a little but interlocked her fingers at the small of my back and leaned back to look at me. "My long weekend is shot. I called Kathy while you were on the phone and told her I wasn't going with her to the beach this weekend. I told her I had to work because something got screwed up. She didn't exactly sound disappointed - more like relieved. I'm sure this makes her weekend much less complicated and she can play 'tonsil-hockey' with Mr. Teeny-Weenie all she wants."

I laughed so hard that I nearly choked! She held her grip until I regained my composure and when I could finally speak i said, "You are something, you know?"

"Why do you say that?"

"She treated you like crap and you let her off the hook", I said.

"She's my sister. She's really all I have and there's nothing to be gained by starting an argument with her. I'll just call up my good friends Ben and Jerry and have them over for the weekend. I'll just buy bigger panties next week and get on with my life", she chuckled.

The hurt in her pretty green eyes melted my heart and I said, "I can't believe someone as spectacular as you doesn't have a long list of people standing in line to claim every minute of your time." I leaned in slowly and planted a delicate kiss on her cheek. I had given her many friendly kisses before, but had never lingered quite this long. This kiss was different - maybe because she had been hurt so recently. She looked into my eyes and then leaned in for something a bit more serious. She tilted her head slightly and closed her eyes. Her lips met mine and then parted every so slightly as I felt her tongue gently ask for entrance. My lips parted and my tongue found hers as we shared the most sensual moment that had ever occurred between the two of us. It was as comfortable as a warm blanket and, at the same time, electricity shot through me.

She broke the kiss reluctantly and hugged me tightly. "How could any woman not love you, you big dork?" she whispered.

"Apparently it's easier than you might think. Millions of women have perfected the technique," I said in my patented smart-ass fashion.

She finally released her hug and slapped me on the side of the head. "You're such a dumb ass!"

"Nobody has ever called me that and lived!" I said in mock anger. "Prepare to die!"

She turned to scurry out of my office but forgot she had closed the door when she came in. I lunged after her, caught her by the waist and slipped both of my arms around her. She froze for an instant, waiting for my next move. I tightened my hug and pulled her close, pressing my nose into her fragrant hair. I breathed in deeply - pondering my next move.

I whispered, "K, what would you say about the two of us spending some time together this weekend? I know it wouldn't be the same as sister-time at the beach but we could have a lot of fun, if you want to. There are a couple of new movies out and we could try out the new sushi place over near the airport."

She turned quickly and I could see the beginnings of that remarkable smile forming. "Are you asking me out, Rick?"

"I guess I am. I don't know why I never have until now, but I can't think of anyone i would rather spend time with," I admitted. I cradled her face in my hands and kissed her sensually. She whimpered and returned the kiss passionately. The intensity grew and she reached down and felt my cock through my pants. Our kissing increased in passion and she pulled back a bit, knelt in front of me and unzipped my pants. I was mesmerized as she pulled down my underwear and brought my dick out into full view. Without a word she placed the head in her mouth and took the entire length in.

After backing off a bit she wrapped her hand around the base and developed a rhythm. I had never had an energetic blow job before and was about to lose my mind! Neither my wife nor any of my girlfriends cared for them and this was new to me. Within about 3 minutes I said through gritted teeth, "K, this isn't going to take long! You're about to make something happen!" Her intensity increased and I could hear her moan "Mmmmmmmmm" loudly. This was all it took and I placed my hands on the side of her head to hold her still as the first jet came forth. My knees jerked in time with the next few spurts and she held her position still until the last gentle spasms were complete. My knees were weak and my head was spinning.

Karen swallowed the large load and pulled my cock out of her mouth to examine it. She pumped it gently with her hand a few times, milking the last few drops out and then kissed it. She tried to tuck things back into place but fumbled badly so I helped her and got things back into place before zipping up. She rose to her feet and smiled proudly while blushing.

"My God, Karen! What the hell brought that on?" I asked.

She looked down and then hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry, Rick. It's just been so long and I just needed to feel like a woman right then. You are so good to me and as strange as it sounds, I wanted to do something for you."

"Damn..." was all I could say.

She stepped back, trying to regain her composure. She straightened her clothes, fluffed her hair. looked at me sheepishly and said, "See you at five, mister!" She turned on her heels, opened the door and disappeared to her office.

It was a full five minutes before I could even move from that spot. I must have looked like a crazy man standing there with my mouth open.

Five o'clock, she had said. How would I ever make it until five o'clock?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very good, plausible and no nastiness, must be thousands of single co workers out there hoping something like this story happens.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

No loving wife, but still a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

A story has a beginning, middle, and ending.

This one had a beginning, and made some progress on the middle.

Then just quit.

The story did not go very far.

Neither did my rating.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Which is it

Bank or chain of department stores

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

It's obvious you've never written anything, since grammar isn't part of your vocabulary.

Who cares that's it's in the wrong category? It appears many. Categories were established for a reason in case you didn't know that. Why do you suppose there is a category called erotic coupling, romance, loving wives, interracial etc. Are you really that dense, or just plain stupid?

cyferxcyferxalmost 7 years ago
Wrong category

No wives in this story. That's a pretty basic requirement of LW. There has to be a wife in it somewhere, whatever else you do. What possessed you to put it here and why was it approved? Otherwise, it was pretty boring, so 1* all around.

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesalmost 7 years ago
Needs more commas?

I can't believe someone said that. Yes, there were a few glitches; but this story had the best punctuation of the several stories I read today. Most authors throw in so many totally unnecessary commas. I found it to be a sweet story. Gave you a 5 rating. And who cares if it appears it was in the wrong category? That is a poor reason for rating it low. Please don't get discouraged by the hoi polloi! Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Well done

Thanks for the effort. And thanks for not making this some stupid cuckold story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
It started out as a sweet romantic discovery of office love, . . .

until she decided to play office slut. "Oh, your a nice intelligent gentleman, we've been platonic friends for so long, and now you want to date and get to know each other better? Great, let's start with me sucking your cock. Not saying they won't be loyal love birds for the rest of their lives, but she does seem to be a bit needy, and impetuous, and presumptuous. Most lasting relationships seem to have gradations of intimacy over a period of time to forge trust and respect. Guess they already got that in the bag, at least as far as she is concerned.

Reminds me of a blind date where the guy says, "Hello bitch, you wanna fuck?" "Normally no, but I will for you, you smooth talking bastard."

Thanks for the offering. This reads more like the beginning of a series. I hope you do. But unless they are going to get married, and she plans on continuing being the office slut, for other guys, this should be in the Romance category.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 7 years ago
Not a bad story

But would have scored it a point higher if it was in the right category.

Driven2ReadDriven2Readalmost 7 years ago
Does not belong in LW - EC or Romance -- but good read

I liked the story, nice effort, but pay attention to your categories or all the anony's will whine. Or expand this in a multi-part story with marriage in the mix!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

"I'm no expert but guessed her breasts were much larger than D cups."

I almost got past the fact you changed where he worked within few paragraphs, but then you turned in to a typical male writer on here and over exaggerated the size of her breasts. 1*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Gotta love all the idiots in this category

Step one: cry like a little bitch every fucking time you read a story that doesn't suit your taste.

Step two: cry like a bitch that no good authors ever post to this category anymore.

Congratulations, assholes. You reap what you sow.

gordo12gordo12almost 7 years ago
Definitely wrong category

erotic or romantic but not LW material.

And is it a department store chain or a bank?

Other than that not a bad first story. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
good start.

This appears to be the first story by this author. Very good start. and the story finished very well, leaving the end to the story to the reader. Suggest that you continue writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Nice tale

Now the finish, marriage or job loss. Romance or war. In The HR dept.

maninconnmaninconnalmost 7 years ago
Great tale!

Categories? Welllll, maybe she's on the way to becoming a loving wife. I liked it wherever it is listed!

MaxxxstylesMaxxxstylesalmost 7 years ago
I Agree, This is in the wrong catagory

But there is no need to be rude and obnoxious about it. I still think it's a pretty good story. I'm a little confused on the setting of them working in a department store or bank, but nonetheless, like the story.

I've considered writing and posting to this category, but can't get past the negative energy and feel that writing here would be a waiste of my time. I don't feel I would get the proper feedback I would need to improve. It's sad that the stories posted in LW are of little number daily. Leads me to think that writers are moving away because of the negative energy. Lit needs to really do something about it before this category no longer functions at all.

Alberta  AlAlberta Alalmost 7 years ago
Wrong Category

BUT a very good, caring, short story. I hope that you continue it.

There was probably some grammar problems, but I didn't notice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

What is this story all about? I don't see any mention of a wife or husband, two co workers get together, big deal. No story here, why Loving Wives section????

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