The Old Math Teacher's Charms

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A student thinks her teacher is mind controlling her friends.
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All characters presented in this story are 18 years or older, even if not explicitly stated in the story.

Lily's friendships with her two best and really only friends, Mina and Raven, were more important to her than nearly anything else in her life. They had become friends in 1st grade, all of those years ago. In that time, Lily had grown very protective of her friends. Lily was always more confident and confrontational. She used those aspects of her personality whenever she felt people were taking advantage of Mina and Raven's kindness.

Now they were seniors in high school and thought they were hot shit. True, Lily, Mina, and Raven didn't really have any other friends, and none of them had any boyfriends. Lily went out on a date with a guy last year, but he declined a second date with her. Something about her not shutting up about her nerd crap. The guy was a loser anyway, the three friends told themselves. The three of them would get into the same college and attract all the dudes they could want there. High school guys just didn't get them.

It was lunch before their fifth-period math class with Mr. Dugger. As usual, the three of them were sitting together alone. They were in the middle of a rambunctious conversation about Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. A common topic during their lunch.

"Jupiter could kick Mars and Mercury's ass, even if they teamed up. Read my fan fiction. It explains everything," Mina said to the other girls passionately. They, of course, had read said fan fiction many times.

"That's irrelevant. Mercury's kindness would stop the fight before it even began. I made an eighty-minute video on this exact topic on my YouTube channel," Raven practically yelled. Lily and Mina were the most active watchers of Raven's channel, typically the only ones. Sometimes, an odd viewer would find a video of hers and comment on how Raven's chest looked. This would invoke a very aggressive reply comment from Lily.

"Ladies, let's keep the volume down, please," a passing teacher told them.

"Sorry, we will," Mina said, which ended their latest anime-focused debate. With no obvious next topic, the three friends sat silently for a moment.

"You guys ready for math class," asked Lily, making small talk. Mina and Raven both perked up weirdly in reaction to this question.

"I've really been looking forward to math class all day. I wish it was earlier in the day," Mina replied.

Raven nodded in agreement. "I do, too, but then we would just complain all day after it was over about having to wait a whole other day for the next class." They both laughed at this comment.

Meanwhile, Lily was lost. "Since when do you two enjoy math class so much? It wasn't that long ago I caught you falling asleep in it, Mina."

"Okay, you got me. I really don't care about math. But Mr. Dugger is so handsome. He makes the class go by so fast," Mina said while her eyes looked into the distance at nothing in particular.

Lily laughed out loud at her jest. "That's a good one, Mina. Can you imagine someone actually thinking that about our math teacher?" But her laughter was joined by no one else at the table.

Lily's two friends gave her a dirty look before Raven spoke in agreement with Mina. "Have you noticed how strong his arms look? Can you imagine him shirtless? I think I would faint."

Lily looked hard to see signs of sarcasm from either of her friends but found none. What was causing Lily so much confusion was that their math teacher, Mr. Dugger, was fifty-five years old, mostly bald, and weighed over two hundred pounds. He had a goofy-looking face, too. He wasn't the most hideous guy at all, but no young girl in their mind would speak about him like her two friends were right now. "Are you guys talking about the same Mr. Dugger I am? You guys seriously think he's handsome and strong-looking?"

Both girls nodded their heads. "I mean, let's just admit it. The guy is hot. I know we shouldn't be talking about our teacher like this, but it's the truth," Raven said matter-of-factly.

"Do you think he's single?" Mina asked, keeping this weird conversation going.

"How could he be? But god, if he isn't, I'd be tempted to ask him out."

"I might even if he is taken!" The girls giggled at each other.

"Okay, you both have taken this joke way too far. Stop it now, please. You got me." Lily was still confident her friends were pulling a prank on her. They had never pulled any pranks in the past, but that had to be what this was.

"Lily, what is your problem? We didn't shame you when you had a crush on that jerk William, did we?" Raven's reply didn't really have much weight to it, thought Lily. William was over six feet tall, very toned, and had a strong chin. Also, he wasn't three times her age. It really wasn't the same thing as having a crush on Mr. Dugger.

However, Lily realized she should be more open-minded. Teenage girls, so she has been told, can go through phases where they find certain odd people attractive. No worries if her two friends had a weird crush on their teacher for a week or so. Soon, they would move on to talking about more age-appropriate boys. The bell rang and the group headed towards math class.

When they entered the class, Lily's two friends continued to exhibit odd behavior. "Hi... Mr Dugger. I think that shirt looks really good on you," Mina said, blushing bright red before dashing off to her desk.

"I just want to say I think your eyes are really sparkling today," Raven said almost equally as bashful. Lily felt so much embarrassment for her friends and for Mr. Dugger. But Mr. Dugger didn't respond as she had expected.

"Thank you, Mina and Raven, for the compliments. You two bring such beauty to my classroom. I look forward to the sights of both of your young bodies every day." Lily stood in front of the classroom, breaking down what had just happened in her head. Mr. Dugger spoke with such confidence. He usually speaks cautiously and professionally with students. She had heard rumors that in the past, he was accused of talking too 'familiarly' with a female student, and ever since he kept students at a metaphorical distance. But what shocked Lily the most was the comment about Raven and Mina's 'young bodies.'

"Mr. Dugger, don't ever talk about my friend's bodies again." Lily knew she was being cold and confrontational with her comment. Still, she wanted to stop whatever was happening here well before it developed into something truly bad.

"Lily! Don't be rude! She doesn't speak for us, Mr. Dugger. Thank you for the compliment," Mina said in a stern voice back to Lily. Neither Mina nor Raven have rebuffed Lily like this before. What was going on?

"Lily, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. That was not my intention. But you need to accept your two friends are adult women now and everything that comes with that," Mr Dugger said, trying, but failing in the eyes of Lily, to diffuse the situation. The last bell rang, indicating class time had now begun. Lily took her seat next to her friends, hoping all of this was a one-time incident.

Math class went along without any more weird occurrences. But when class was over, Mina approached Mr. Dugger and hugged him. "Thank you for class today, Mr. Dugger," she said. Raven, standing behind them then, also hugged the math teacher.

"Bye ladies! You are all lovely as always," Mr Dugger called out as they left.

"Did you both start hugging your teachers when you leave class," a confused Lily asked.

"Only Mr Dugger. I wasn't sure if he would let us, but I just went for it. God, I feel like I could faint," Mina said, fanning her face with her hand.
Before Lily could question her friend's odd attraction to their fifty-year-old math teacher, they went their separate ways to sixth-period class.

Lily had trouble focusing on her last two classes but was at least thankful it was Friday. That night, she was going over to Raven's house for an overnighter. Mina, of course, would be there as well. Even though it felt like five hours, classes eventually ended. After a brief visit to her home to change and grab her things, Lily arrived at Raven's home. She found Raven in her home along with Mina, who had already arrived.

"Oh my gosh, my seventh-period English class would not end," Lily said as she entered Raven's room. Her two friends smiled at her but didn't acknowledge her comment. Instead, they were already engaged in another topic.

"You should totally text him that," Raven said to Mina.

"Text what," Lily asked, settling in.

Mina read off the text currently typed out on her phone. "I have a huge crush on you, but who can blame me. You're a total stud. I long for the day I get to kiss those lips."

Lily was impressed. Mina has had crushes before, but she would never act on them. "Wow, you must really like this guy to be so forward in a text. Who's the lucky man?"

Mina pressed send, and the text was off. "It's Mr Dugger, of course. We were talking about him earlier today, remember?" Lily went a bit pale and lost her voice for a minute.

"I sent him one too! I wrote: I would love to spend more time with you outside class. I'm a good kisser, I promise," Raven read off her phone.

Lily finally found her words again. "You guys are going to get in so much trouble. You might even get Mr. Dugger fired!"

"For sending flirty texts? That's not a crime," Mina said dismissively.

"Students and teachers are not allowed to flirt with each other. Even the hint of an inappropriate relationship has gotten teachers fired in the past," Lily pleaded. It was too late to prevent those texts from getting sent, but she hoped they would text back, indicating they had sent them as a joke or by mistake. "How did you guys even get a teacher's number?"

"Oh, Mr Dugger left us both notes in our lockers. He wrote down his number and said we should get to know each other more. My heart was racing when I found it," Mina said, falling backward onto her back. That made it crystal clear to Lily that Mr. Dugger was driving this whole inappropriate relationship. This wasn't a student having a crush on a teacher but rather a teacher encouraging this behavior. This was very bad, and her friends couldn't see it. And why Mr. Dugger of all teachers?
Her friends had responded poorly earlier when she pressed them to stop this behavior, so Lily took another tactic.

"When did you both start having these... feelings for Mr Dugger? I'm just saying you didn't have them a week ago, it seems."

Mina looked like she was giving that some real thought. "Yeah, that's true. This time last week, I was a blind idiot and didn't see our math teacher for the stud he is. I remember after our last math test, Raven and I both got notes on our test to see him after school on Tuesday." Raven nodded in agreement to everything being said. This was also familiar to Lily, but she didn't go with them to this meeting.

"What happened after school? Did he talk about anything besides the test?"

Mina looked to the ground as she thought hard about it. "I... remember walking into his classroom... weird. All I remember after that is being in my bed. Raven, do you remember what we did in the meeting with Mr. Dugger?"

Raven looked equally lost. "It's the strangest thing, but that's how I recall it, too. Walking into the classroom, and then I was back home in my bed." The three girls sat silently, contemplating what this shared gap in their memory meant.

Raven then broke the silence. "I do... remember something that I did after that. Oh my god, I can't believe I'm going to share this. After the meeting, I was in bed, like I said, and started thinking about how hot Mr. Dugger is. So much so that I started fingering....myself. I even made myself... climax. It's the first time I've ever done that, I swear!"

"Oh my god! I was too embarrassed to say so, but me too! I'll admit I've tried masturbation in the past unsuccessfully, but lying there thinking about Mr. Dugger really got me motivated. I've even done it a few times since," a red-faced Mina said. The three friends never talked about such things in the past. The sudden onset of talking about exploring their sexuality and this very odd meeting with Mr. Dugger was all too much for Lily. Mr. Dugger had to have done something to her two friends.

She ran through all of the possibilities in her head as her two friends continued to gush over a man technically old enough to be their grandfather. Blackmail? No, that wasn't it. Why would they act like this when Mr. Dugger wasn't even around if that were true. Maybe they did have crushes? Again no. Two teenagers don't suddenly in the same day masturbate to the thought of their overweight math teacher, if ever. That also didn't explain the gap in their memories.

Lily knew she was dancing around another explanation. But this was real life where things like that didn't happen, right? But it explained everything, even if it was a silly yet terrifying explanation. Mind control. Hypothesis. Or whatever someone might call it. Did Mr. Dugger mind-control her two friends in the after-school meeting to become attractive to them? How would a high school math teacher even manage that?

"Take a picture of me so I can send it to him!" Hearing that, Lily came out of her deep thoughts. Raven was holding up a phone while Mina made a kissy face. How far was Mr. Dugger intending for things to go with her friends. Probably as far as he could, she concluded. Her friends were certainly crossing lines but hadn't taken things too far.

"Oh! You should do that same face but only wear your bra for the picture," Raven advised her friend.

"That's a great idea!" Mina took off her shirt, revealing her pink bra. Maybe things were moving a lot faster than she initially assumed Lily thought.

"Wait, guys. Sending pictures of yourself in a bra to a teacher is crossing a line. It's actually crossing probably a dozen lines. Let's maybe keep things to cute pictures only, okay?" Mina continued to make various poses while Raven took pictures.

"These are cute pictures, Lily. But with the added skin, they are now cute and sexy."

"So sexy," Raven added, snapping another picture. Her friends continued to not take Lily's concern seriously. They switched, and Mina started taking photographs of Raven in her gray bra.

"All my underwear is really boring. We should go shopping sometime for sexier stuff," Raven said as Mina nodded in agreement. Eventually, they had enough pictures and started flipping through them to decide what to send to Mr. Dugger. Lily tried again to persuade them not to do this.

"Mr. Dugger having pictures of students on his phone in their bras will get him fired. He will probably freak out when you guys send them." I didn't believe the words coming out of my mouth. If my theory was true, this is exactly what Mr. Dugger wanted to happen.

"I disagree. I've always read guys love it when you send them sexy pictures. Oh man, I'm so nervous, but I'm ready to send it," Mina said as both girls became very giddy about sending their math teacher a picture of themselves partially undressed.

They found the courage, and the pictures were sent. Lily grew madder and madder the more she thought about what Mr. Dugger had done to her friends. Or at least what she assumed he had done. She needed to get more information before she could act. Lily excused herself and headed to the kitchen. There, she found Raven's mother. Lily considered telling her outright what the girls were doing, but that felt like a betrayal. Instead, she took the opportunity to try to gather some information.

"Good evening, Lily. How was school for you this week," Raven's mother greeted her.

"It was a long week. Glad it's the weekend. Hey, random question. Last Tuesday, were you around when Raven came home?"

She pondered on that for a moment. "Last Tuesday? Oh yes, I was. Why do you ask?"

"Did Raven seem odd at all to you? I don't mean to alarm you or anything. It's just I wondered if something upset her after school, is all."

"Now that you mention it, yes, she was acting off. Normally, when she comes home, she goes straight to the kitchen where I was. She is always hungry and talkative. Tuesday, though, she went straight to her room. I even called out to her, and she completely ignored me," Raven's mother recalled. "Oh, but that evening, she came out for dinner and apologized. She said she did poorly on a math test, and it had her bummed."

"Yeah... that explains it," Lily said. The story she heard only further added to her concerns about mind control but gave no evidence of it.

"But since then, she has really turned her attitude around about math. She talks every day about how much she is looking forward to class. Well, seeing her teacher in particular, but I'm still glad to hear it," Raven's mother added.

Lily walked back to her friends feeling more unsettled than before. Worried about what they might have done while she was gone, she was happy to find them fully dressed. "Oh, Lily! We just got a text back from Mr. Dugger. He said, 'Wow, girls. Thank you for the awesomely sexy pictures. I am so lucky to have such fine young girls as students. I've combined the two pictures you sent into my phone's wallpaper. Now, every time I look at my phone, I'll think of both of you," Mina said, almost coming to tears.

That confirmed to Lily that at least Mr. Dugger was 100% on board with whatever was happening to her two best friends. How he was accomplishing this, she didn't know. Mina and Raven were getting emotional about the text and even discussed what to send next.

"Maybe we don't send anything else this weekend," Lily suggested to the confused looks of her friends. "Because... guys don't like it when you send them a lot of messages. They like their space. Besides, leave him wanting more. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that." Mina and Raven both accepted that logic and agreed. Lily had temporarily stopped the bleeding, so to speak, but in the longer term, this could spiral out of control.

The rest of the evening felt very normal, and the three friends did their usual activities together, which didn't include talking about how attractive they found their boomer teachers. By the night's end, Lily had almost forgotten that her friends may be mind-controlled.

But after an ordinary weekend, Monday arrived, and she was faced with the same concerns. The lunch period was filled with excitement from Mina and Raven about how great it was going to be staring at Mr. Dugger during class. Math class saw more hugs and flirting from Lily's friends. At the school day's end, Lily confronted Mr. Dugger directly. But she was greatly concerned. It was an after-school meeting that started her friends down this path. Was she about to follow them by getting hypothesized by their math teacher? Still, Lily had to risk it, she decided. She would be going into this meeting extra carefully.

Building up her confidence outside his classroom door, Lily entered. Mr Dugger was sitting at his desk writing and looked up to see her. "Ah! Lily. What can I do for you? Need help on today's homework?" Lily strategically chose to look away from her teacher, pretending to be interested in something on the wall. She figured mind control required you to look at someone's eyes or an object of some sort.

"No, the homework didn't look that bad. I wanted to talk to you about Mina and Raven. I know about the text they sent you this past weekend, including the picture," Lily said, trying to see how he would react to her knowing this.

"Did you see what I texted them back? I meant every word of it. See my phone background?" Lily could tell from the corner of her eye that he was holding up his phone, but she didn't dare look. Maybe he had some experiential mind control app that he was trying to get her to look at.