The One Bomber

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A Loving Wives Story.
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The One Bomber. That would have to be his name. That asshole, Ted Kaczynski, had already used up his first choice for a name, the Uni Bomber, so he would have to go with this lesser selection to express the same idea. He was the One Bomber. The One that mattered, the One who would punish those who deserved it.

Someone once tried to tell him that that Kaczynski was not the Uni Bomber, but rather the Unabomber.

"Fuck you. What the fuck do you know, asshole?"

Gary knew what he was talking about. He always knew what he was talking about and he was always right. Gary thought about the person who had pushed him into this extreme of becoming the One Bomber. His wife. Rather, his former wife.

"I hate that bitch. That fucking cunt. That whore. I hate that fucking cunt whore bitch. Goddamn that fucking bitch!"

Gary was consumed with hate. His soul was black with seething anger and hatred. His mind, once rational, had been eaten away by the all-consuming vileness of his obsession. Daily, he experienced the intensity of a black hatred that could have only been spawned in the depths of Hell.

Burn the Bitch was too good for her. Unless, of course, he could have done it in actual reality. Like some medieval witch, chained to the stake with wood piled all around. Gary liked to think that he would have lit the whole thing and laughed while she screamed.

One day, completely without warning, she had walked into the kitchen with the announcement that changed his whole world.

"I'm leaving you Gary. My bags are packed and already loaded in my car. I want nothing from you. Everything you see is all yours. I claim nothing. Not the house, not the bank account, nothing. My car, I bought strictly with my own money. The title is in my name alone and I am using it to escape from here.

I have packed it with my clothes and personal items and anything I owned before I met you. I want nothing that has any trace of you on it. Anything we bought together is yours to do with as you please. I want nothing that will remind me that I ever knew you. I hope to forget your name."

"Why?" he asked. "Why would you ever want to leave me? I am the best thing that ever happened to you. You will never find anyone as good as me! So who is it? Who are you fucking? If you were unhappy, why didn't you tell me?"

She replied. "There's no one Gary. I am seeing no one. I have never once cheated on you. I have tried to tell you many times that I was not happy, but you were not interested in listening. You are not now, nor have you ever been, interested in anyone other than yourself.

Any subject I raised, only interested you in as far as it affected you. You never cared how anything affected me or anyone else. Anyone who holds any opinion different than yours is an idiot. Anyone who doesn't take your unsolicited and unwanted advice is stupid. You hold forth on any and every subject, including those about which you know nothing.

You are a narcissist of the highest order. Even right now, I can tell that my walking out holds no relevance for you, other than how it might inconvenience you in some possible way. You think that the entire Universe and everyone in it exists solely to tend to your needs. If some part of it fails to do so, you throw a temper tantrum worthy of a two year old.

You do not love me. You are incapable of it. The only thing in this world that you love is yourself."

She left him. Told him that she never wanted to see him again, never wanted to speak to him again, walked to her car, and drove away. He was served with divorce papers that afternoon.

At first, Gary had been stunned. How could she have done that to him? How could she have thought that there was something out there better than him? Who the hell was going to make his breakfast?

Gary went to work and announced to everyone that he had thrown his wife out.

"She was never good enough for me. She couldn't take all of the sex I wanted. She was lazy and couldn't cook worth a damn. Just like all women, she married me in order to have a way to get what she wanted.

I knew it when I married her. But I did it anyway because I took pity on her. I thought she was capable of change. But she didn't and I finally threw her out."

"Sorry Gary," one of his coworkers spoke up, "but your wife telephoned mine last week telling her that she was moving out because she could not stand another minute with your self-aggrandizing, pompous ass. Just like the rest of us that know you. No one here can believe that it took her this long."

From that moment on, Gary's passion was to get revenge on the bitch that had betrayed him. She had turned everyone against him. But the truth was that it was never going to happen. Gary was weak. He was never going to do anything to her. He was simply too afraid.

Taking actual revenge on the actual person would have involved risk. He would have to go places and arrange things. He would have to meet people who might remember him. He might get caught. Besides, it would have cost money.

Gary made up for his fear with bombastic behavior. He told everyone how his Ex had ruined their marriage. How he would never forgive her. That any man who would forgive a woman who had betrayed him was just a pussy. Any real man would get all the revenge he could. Any man who even thought about reconciliation was a fool.

"When I threw that bitch out, I told her that she could take her clothes and any personal items. She could leave if she wanted, but the bank accounts, the house and anything acquired during the marriage was mine."

Gary turned into a full time misogynistic asshole. Every woman was a whore. Women just wanted to fuck over all men and they were all secret dykes.

People just stopped listening. No one wanted to be around a negative, hate filled, loud mouthed ass. They avoided him. Only the most absolutely unavoidable conversations were allowed and those were cut short as much as possible.

Gary became increasingly isolated. The more isolated he was, the angrier he became. He hated his Ex. He hated all women. He hated any man who didn't hate woman. Gary wanted to destroy anyone whom he hated, which now included most of humanity.

And that hatred hatched a plan to bomb anyone who expressed any idea contrary to his own. They deserved it. But he wouldn't be stupid like Kaczynski.

Kaczynski tried to hide in isolation to protect his anonymity. But you can't do that forever if you are using physical bombs. Gary had a better plan. He could completely hide his identity and still bomb away all he wanted. He just had to do it differently.

He knew exactly where to find all of these sub-humans whom he hated. He had read their stories. They talked about reconciling with unfaithful wives. There were stories about forgiving and letting go. And worst of all cuckolds. Willing cuckolds. Some of whom like having their wife be unfaithful. Some who wanted to watch! They got off on it.

All of those fucking shit heads deserved to be bombed. Anyone who thought that way deserved to be bombed into oblivion. They should never be allowed to express their stupid, sick, twisted shit ever again.

The reality was that Gary knew his opinion was the only one that mattered. Everyone should bow before the brilliance of his mind. Anything that differed from his own sensibilities needed to be banned, to be destroyed.

And he was never afraid to say so in writing. As long as he remained cloaked behind the veil of Anonymous, they could never find him. They could never stop him from bombing them.

And now for the execution of his perfect weapon. Voting stars sighted. The bomb sight aligned perfectly, via his mouse, right over the first star. Click! One Bomb Away!

"Shit!" Gary said. He was going to have to change his underwear again. He came every time.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Favorited & 5*

The only problem with this story is that, unlike the usual LW fantasy of the perfect husband vs evil wife, this one is way too real.

Wilson SpaldingWilson Spaldingabout 4 years ago

Man, this guy gets around...

Best thing I've read all day. Thank you!

gordo12gordo12over 4 years ago

Full marks for that one. It's a pity you didn't stick it in LW.

KumquatqueenKumquatqueenover 4 years ago

That's brilliant. I was just thinking on line one that no, it's the Unabomber, but luckily I kept reading to line two.

I've only had a few one-bomb attacks (some people really, really didn't like my two women getting down and dirty, or maybe it was the Monty Python reference that did it), but seeing as the stories that have been one-rated also get my most favourites, I can live with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Perfect 5

So funny. When I saw the category and title I knew I had to immediately read it. You summed it up perfectly. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Didn't Work For Me

Hope it was cathartic for you to get that anger out of your system.

Jeannette_SavageJeannette_Savageabout 5 years ago
Fucking great

It got me to the point where I'd forgotten quite WHY I'd clicked on this story, then it came back round and smacked me in the head. Great job.

TatankaBillTatankaBillabout 6 years ago
I love it!

It's hilarious, beautifully done and absofuckinglutely true. I've been a troll watcher on more than one site. They're hateful dickless morons.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Not sure why those with profile names choose to castigate all anonymous commenters. Yes their are the one bombers. However, for every one of those, there is a lordslamdawgg or harryinva.

Luedon and I have exchanged thoughts from our respected positions numerous times. Most recently in comment section of Kimi1990 ''Finals Week''

I used to have profile, had reasons for taking it down...none anon related.

I do not vote unless I believe story is exceptional.

Not being as arrogantly obfuscative and derogatory as lsd, I will state a number of anons and authors have called my comments insightful with unique perspective and understandable.

I am certain most readers of this site do not create profiles. Check out number of views story has then not the minute percentage of readers who post comments.

Check out Kimi1990's story. The savagery in those comments comes from authors and profilers.

One suthor accuses another of being a anon one bomber.

I have written hundreds of essays, thousands of poems as means of expressing my thoughts and emotions. Once distributed I do not concern myself with how well they may or may not have been received.

When in grade school I was called suckhole, brownnose, teacher's pet and worse. I ignored them even through high school. I got the full ride academic scholarship, I won the scholastic awards, gave the valedictorian speech and ended up married for 36 years and retired at 50. Not wealthy but oh so comfortable.

Who cares what someone anon or profiler scores or writes about your story.

Even Christ was nailed to a cross

ChloeTzangChloeTzangover 6 years ago
One star, you sick twisted bastard

LOL. Seriously now, five stars for this beautiful story that every author who submits stories in the Loving Wives category can fully appreciate. Just had me laughing so hard I was just about crying. Well done and thank you.

twistedsickmindtwistedsickmindalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

To whomever nominated this story for best of 2015 in the Humor/Satire category. I hate to be cliche, but it is an honor just to be nominated. My gratitude to my anonymous benefactors who put the story forward for consideration and to those who voted for it. A truly unexpected pleasure. Thank you.

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
Gary The One Bomber is being deprived

There is a plot afoot, initiated by that reprobate Swingerjoe, which has become a plot afeet, with Joe now aided and abetted by Javmor. Their evil intent is to have Loving Wives authors turn off voting, thus depriving Gary of his main pleasure in life.

Loving Wives authors have a duty to the one bombers on this site. It is crucial that Gary and his ilk have an outlet for their rage at wives who wander. The best stories are about those who not only wander, but also get away with it. Being able to one-bomb and make comments about how the bitch should die of some dread disease is therapeutic. Only a sadist would deprive Gary of an outlet for his rage.

Everybody who is a regular reader of LW stories knows that the scores are meaningless. So please, authors, don't listen to Joe with his cruel plan. Turn on voting and let the one bombers have their daily therapeutic fix.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

dont know much about 1-bombing but this sounds like so many of the BTB crowd. You've got the "twistedsickmind" just right.

Now, write a story.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago

Excellent. That describes the anon's perfectly.

icebreadicebreadover 8 years ago
Every day.

he is right here with us the tosser

MayorReynoldsMayorReynoldsover 8 years ago
Fucking Gary.

I loved this. Everyone eventually gets a Gary in their comments, even if they don't post in LW.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Yeah, that's the way they are

Is Gary the guy who puts some kind of sick comment on all the good stories? Or is he the one who one bombs any story in which a man ends up loving a woman and a woman loving a man? Excellent job.

robertreamsrobertreamsover 8 years ago
God i hate the one bomber

Thank you for saying in satire what we all feel. Very cute, not overdone.

luedonluedonover 8 years ago
Brlliantly accurate, evilly perceptive

The One Bomber would read Macbeth and give it one star because Lady Macbeth is a Bitch Who Should Be Burned and her husband is a wimp. Not only that, this bloke Shakespeare should stop writing crap like this and preferably should die. The One Bomber knows he is going to one-bomb a story before he starts reading because the title and description of the story has told him the characters will be doing things he can criticise and make moral judgements about.

Unfortunately, twistedsickmind, the people your story was aimed at probably won't read it. You classified it as Humour and Satire, and they mostly read Loving Wives stories. (Humour and satire is beyond them.) And if they accidentally started reading it, the beginning is too subtle and they won't read it through to the punchline.

When I first submitted a LW story it came as something of a surprise to find that readers made their judgements on their perceived morality of the characters rather than how well the story was written or how well it developed those characters and described the situations they find themselves in. Authors just have to realise that they are providing a therapeutic service for the One Bomber.


GoldenMaiaGoldenMaiaover 8 years ago
Fun stuff!

Yes! This is so fun! Thank you!

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