The Origins of Christmas Trees


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Back in my room, I stripped and tossed my soiled gown and underthings into the laundry and went into the bathroom. In the mirror, under the bright florescent lights, I could see the red marks on my ass, and my pussy looked sloppy and wet and still slightly enflamed. I started the shower and hopped in, trying to keep it brief, but savouring the occasional light touch on my clitty. Deciding that I'd finish the job tonight, I stepped out and dried off and brushed my hair and teeth.

When I emerged from the bathroom, Frost was standing there impatiently, pulling some clothes out of my closet. "Let's go, missy. You're going to be late."

I instinctively covered my privates, but he scoffed and said, "No need to cover yourself. I've seen it all before. Just you hurry up, mind."

I dressed quickly and he led me out into the hall and back to the elevators. Today we climbed to level 16, and he escorted me to a large room with a one-way mirror on the far wall. Dr Silverbells and the matronly elf, Chestnuts, whom I had met twice during my time here, were standing near that mirror, talking quietly. When we entered, Chestnuts came over and said, "Welcome Miss Jolly. We'll get started soon, but first, before we do, I have another shot for you. Please roll up your right sleeve."

"What's this you're injecting me with?"

She smiled and replied, "Today's cocktail includes something to boost your estrogen, as well as a pheremone booster, and something to suppress your immune responses to pollen. When some elves are in prolonged contact with the trees, they can sometimes develop allergic reactions to the pollen that the trees emit."

I was wary again; I remember the last injection I got that was supposedly harmless, but ended up making me relentlessly horny for several days. I was so worked up while I was on that stuff that I'd masturbated in public and fucked a stranger at my parents' house. So yeah, I was a little wary here.

I didn't go into detail, but I did express my wariness to her. At this point, Dr Silverbells came over and asked, "What's the problem here, Chestnuts?"

"No problems, Dr Silverbells. Miss Jolly was just expressing a little natural skepticism of the injection."

"We don't have time for this Chestnuts. Give her the injection so we can proceed with today's planned activities." At that point, Frost, who I had forgotten completely about, grabbed my right arm and rolled up my sleeve. I turned to look at him, ready to chew him out for handling me so roughly, when I felt the needle prick my skin. I turned back to yell at Chestnuts, but she was already smiling pleasantly and said, "There, that wasn't so bad, was it dear?"

Frost released my arm, and I glared at him angrily as I unrolled my sleeve. Dr Silverbells spoke again. "For today's session, Miss Jolly, you will be introduced to your potential breeding partners. We will be testing your physiological responses to one another. You will not be mating today; that will occur at the end of this week. Chestnuts, can you please bring in the trees?"

She nodded and left the room. I stood there, glowering at these two unpleasant elves, rubbing the spot on my arm where I had been injected. Both of them ignored me, instead striking up a conversation about this year's most popular gift item that the humans were requesting (something called face masks). I hear some distant thudding that steadily grew louder. The door swung open, and in came Chestnuts, followed by four hulking trees!

The trees were massive; the shortest one must have been 25 feet tall. On closer inspection, they were different species; there were two Hemlocks, a White Spruce, and a White Pine. The tallest of the group, the White Spruce, was led over to where the three of us were standing. Dr Silverbells looked up at the tree and said, "White Spruce 98995, this is Miss Jolly. She has been selected as your breeding partner. Since you won the trials, you have earned the right to breed with her first."

The tree looked at me for a moment, its cold dark eyes appraising me. It grunted, then turned and strode away. The taller Hemlock was brought over next, and a similar process repeated; the doctor introduced me to the tree and stated its position to breed with me, adding the caveat that they could only do so if successful fertilization did not occur after three attempts.

All of the trees seemed cold, aloof, and had an air of superiority about them, as if they considered us elves as a nuisance. None of the four trees so much as said a word to me at first, although the White Pine did begin to extend its appendage while it was looking at me. It seemed younger than the others, a bit more eager and less dignified. I got the sense that it was more like a fox pup, whereas the other trees were more adult and had more self-control. Dr Silverbells introduced him as White Pine 102445, then irritably told it to put its appendage away and to join the others.

At this point, another young elf entered with a tray containing a laptop, microscope, and all kinds of sample dishes, and set up near the trees. I was led over and introduced to Popcorn, who would be conducting physical tests. Popcorn asked me to strip, which I reluctantly did, noticing the lusty way he stared at my nakedness.

He went behind me and scraped a dull knife along the back of my knee, collecting skin samples into a flat dish. He then circulated among the trees, scraping their bark and collecting the samples. He combined my skin samples with each of the four trees, and he and Dr Silverbells huddled around a laptop to analyze the results.

Then Popcorn approached each of the trees and asked them to spit into a fresh dish, then asked me to spit into each dish. Back to the laptop to analyze the results.

Several more tests were conducted over the next 90 minutes. The weirdest one was removing needles from each tree, and carefully inserting them into my vagina, then examining the needles and my vagina. The trees all endured the poking and prodding stoically, silently.

I, on the other hand, began to experience the effects of the injection during the first half hour, and for the remainder of the session. It began as a warm sensation behind my breasts. My nipples were tingling and very sensitive. So when Popcorn rubbed bark against my erect nipples, it began to excite me. The warm sensation fanned out through the rest of my body and my pussy became damp.

By the end of the session, there was a puddle of my juices on the floor underneath me. I didn't have an orgasm, but that did not mean that I wasn't super aroused. I also noted that all four trees now had visible appendages. Dr Silverbells, Frost, and the two other elves didn't even so much as bat an eye at our obvious arousal. They went about their tasks efficiently, and I caught only little snippets of their conversations as they spoke in hushed tones.

"...high arousal level..."

"...trees responding to female in the 95th percentile..."

"...guarantee a successful conception..."

"...hormones appear to be boosting response to..."

I stood there, whimpering, trying my best to resist the urge to touch my soaking wet cunt to bring myself off. I didn't want to do it in front of Popcorn, Chestnuts, Dr Silverbells, and especially Frost. But as time went by, my willpower was weakening. Just as I was about to sneak a hand down between my legs, Chestnuts came over and said, "All done now dear. You can get dressed and Frost will take you back to your room. You did very well today."

Popcorn was escorting the four trees out of the room. White Pine 102445 was the only one to look back at me, and even waved one of its branches on his way out of the door. Dr Silverbells was still hunkered over the cart, poking away at the laptop keyboard and occasionally looking at the sample dishes (of which there were now about 120). Sighing, I put my gown and slippers back on and followed Frost back to my room.

On the way back, Frost surprised me by actually initiating a conversation. "You know, that White Pine really wants to fuck you. But I don't think it will get the chance. The way I figure, you'll be pregnant after your first go with that White Spruce. It's strong, you know, and will most certainly fuck you into submission." He barked a laugh at his own little joke, then continued, "Yes, I think that it's going to ruin you for all other elves, and maybe even trees too. That'll take you down a peg, won't it Miss High and Mighty?" He laughed again. I stared daggers at him, hating him and wishing he were dead.

We arrived back at my room, and Frost informed me he'd be back to escort me to dinner, and told me to have another shower because I was "leaking juices and leaving a trail on the floor". I gave him my most withering glare and slammed the door in his face before he could say anything else.

I retreated to the bathroom, and showered. All of my earlier arousal had disappeared after the cruel things Frost had said to me. I scrubbed myself clean, then put on a fresh gown and went to lay in bed. Once again, I cried as I reflected on what was happening in my life.


The next few days passed much as the previous one had; breakfast, classes with Dr Cracker, lunch, time in the lab with various technicians and doctors and the coterie of trees selected to be my mates, then dinner and finally bed. The days were boring and Frost irritated me with his very presence, however the classes with Dr Cracker were going well and I was learning a lot. The nights were long and lonely; I didn't have another opportunity to see Chocky, although I did at least receive another couple notes from her.

At meal times, I would sit with Bulbs and Merry, and sometimes some of the other treemums and lab staff; Frost and I never sat together after that first miserable meal. Once I saw Chocky sitting with Dr Silverbells and several other staff as I came in for dinner, but I didn't manage to catch her eye to speak with her.

One thing I noticed over the past few days is how wet my pussy would get when the trees were present. During one of the lessons with Dr Cracker, he explained this phenomena as being the result of the second injection. "When you inhale the pollen and pheremones from the trees, it signals your reproductive system to prepare for coitus."

And that certainly was the case. On the way back to my room from every lab session with the trees, Frost would make snide comments that I was behaving like a bitch in heat, that I was leaving a trail of my juices so the trees could come find me, that I'd spread my legs for anything. I would close my door feeling angry and humiliated, and I was continuously crying.

In short, I felt terrible and was seriously considering asking to leave. And that's when everything changed.

After lunch on the fifth day, Frost escorted me to the lab. There were several more people in the room today, including Drs Silverbells, Mistletoe and Cracker, Blitzen, Chestnuts, Cane, and Chocky. My heart soared when I saw her. She smiled at me, but it seemed like more of a nervous smile meant to reassure, rather than a 'Lover, I'm so happy to see you' smile.

As I was pondering what that meant and why all of these others were present, I could hear the approaching footfalls of a tree. The White Spruce entered alone. As it crossed the room, my pussy began to get damp, and I noticed that its appendage was extending too. By the time it reached us, the appendage was sticking 5 feet out of the lower trunk. It looked gnarled and knotted, and was at least an inch thick around. The tip was glistening with a red liquid secretion (I can recall Dr Cracker saying, "When aroused, the tree will secrete a steady stream of lubricant to aid with copulation. That lubricant can also act as a topical pain reliever, and some elves report feeling numb when they come into prolonged contact. Which might be a good thing, because you've already learned how large a tree's appendage can be.").

So this was it then; there was no backing out. Today I would be mating with my first tree.


I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, partly because my Breeding Coach hated me and hadn't provided me with information up until now. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, he has been useless other than to upset me. A plan formed in my mind. I thought maybe if I acted dumb, I could blame it on him and perhaps get him fired or reassigned. After all, Blitzen and the lead doctors were here, and surely they'd be in a position to do something about it. Before I could dwell too long on the consequences for essentially telling his bosses that he's not been doing his job, I spoke up.

"So umm, what's happening? My Breeding Coach didn't explain what I'm supposed to be doing now." I shot him a fake smile; he glared daggers back at me.

Several of the assembled elves stopped and stared at me, as if not comprehending what I was saying, so I ploughed on. "Yes, my Breeding Coach hasn't really told me what to expect, nor has he offered any advice on how this all works. The most I've learned has been from attending sessions with Dr Cracker, and a little bit I've picked up from some of the staff here." Several elves were now frowning at Frost, who had turned a furious shade of purple and was now glaring bloody murder at me.

I grew more brave by the second as I saw their reaction; he had indeed committed some sort of a transgression in the eyes of the Program. "And he's been threatening me too, and making all kinds of crude comments about my body..."

"That's a LIE!" he shouted, and lunged at me, arms outstretched like he was going to strangle me. I backed away in shock as he advanced. All of the other elves in the room were frozen in shock as well at the unexpected events unfolding before them. He was advancing quickly. I screamed and turned to run from him, and at that point I heard a loud thud, a thick squelching sound, and screaming.

I turned around to see the White Spruce standing there, looking angry, and a limp Frost, impaled by one of the branches. A scream formed in my mouth, but wouldn't come out. I noticed that Chestnuts vomited in her hands, Chocky looked very pale, several of the other elves looked on in a mix of shock and anger, and that Dr Cracker had passed out and was being attended to by Cane.

In a booming voice, Spruce exclaimed, "Nobody threatens my mate!" As if to punctuate that statement, he shook the branch onto which Frost had been impaled, and his corpse flew across the room and hit the far wall with a sickening squelch and a crack of broken bones.

Everyone was in shock. Everyone that is, except Blitzen. He merely smiled and said, "Shall we proceed? We have a schedule to keep."

We all turned to stare at Blitzen. I, for one, was disturbed by his apparent lack of reaction at what had just happened, and I suspect that I was not alone. While I hated Frost with every fibre of my being, I didn't want to see his life end like that. Chestnuts retched loudly again and threw up more of her stomach contents. Blitzen looked at us staring at him and said, "What?"

"Nn...nothing sir," replied Dr Mistletoe.

"Good. Now let's get on with it. You there, Miss Nipples or whatever your name is, check on our vessel, and make sure she's ready, then fit her into the apparatus," said Blitzen, irritably. "Cracker, pull yourself together and get the video crew in here! And Silverbells, get someone in here to clean this mess up!"

Dr Silverbells paled and swallowed a lump in his throat. "Right away sir," he said nervously and left the room.

I looked around wildly. Apparatus? What the fuck was that? The White Spruce stood impassively near the centre of the room, the other elves eyeing it warily. Blitzen had walked over to speak with Dr Mistletoe, while Cane was helping Dr Cracker back to his feet. One of the other elves was now escorting Chestnuts out of the room.

I jumped as I felt a light tap on my shoulder. It was Chocky! "Oh my stars!!!" I whispered. "What the fuck was that?"

Chocky looked nervously around the room, then whispered back, "I don't know. Are you okay Holly?"

"I'm fine. I mean, I think so. But seriously, what the fuck?"

"I'm trying to process that myself, Holly. I've heard that trees can be dangerous. I mean, they've gotta be right? After all, the trees are bred to be part of the North Pole's defence. But I never thought I'd see...that. So much blood. I...I thought he was going to kill you, you know, and then this branch came out of nowhere, and it was all...I just...I just don't know Holly." Chocky trailed off, silent, pale, and beautiful under the harsh florescent lights.

I realized we were holding hands, and she was trembling. After a moment, I squeezed her hand, and that seemed to startle her back to the present. "I don't think you should do this Holly. I mean, not today at least. I'm just going to go over to Blitzen and ask him to..."

"Stop, Chocky. Just stop. I mean, yeah, that was really messed up and all, but I just need to do this. I'm still, uhhh, all ready down there, and the Spruce appears to be ready too. I should just bite the bullet and get it over with."

Chocky appraised me for a moment, weighing the orders she'd been given and my reassurances to see whether they aligned with her own definition of whether or not I'd be okay. I was very touched by this, and my heart swelled. "Okay Holly, let's get you hooked up to the apparatus."

"What's the apparatus?"

Chocky looked at me with a shocked expression. "You mean Frost didn't explain that to you either?" I shook my head. She sighed and said, "The apparatus is designed to make your copulation with the tree easier due to your height differences and your physiology. It is a rig that suspends you off the ground and gives you the ability to back onto the tree's appendage. You control all of your own movements in the apparatus, so you can go as fast or as slow as you like, and at any angle. He really should have told you about it. I mean, that's part of a Breeding Coach's job. Disgusting."

"Yeah, well he didn't. Everything I said about him was true. He was a horrible Coach. I was actually considering dropping out of the Program instead of having to deal with him any more." Chocky's eyes widened at this, and her bottom lip quivered. Hurriedly, I said, "But I'm not now. I'm going to stay to see this through." Relief played across her face.

At this point, eight elves entered the room, wheeling in the "apparatus". It was constructed from what appeared to be wrought iron, and had a series of pulleys and ropes, as well as a fur-lined harness. Another crew came in with video recording equipment and monitors.

One of the elves brought me over and explained the pulleys and ropes, and made sure to point out the markings on the two main ropes that would eventually hang where my hands would go. The ropes were marked from 2 to 30, in 1 inch increments. The young elf explained that this would control the amount of appendage onto which I'd be descending; if I pulled myself to 13, that meant that 13 inches of appendage would be inside of me. I took all this in, although I eyed the numbers beyond 12 dubiously. I mean, who could fit 30 inches of cock inside their cavity, right? At any rate, I thanked him for the explanation. He and some of the others began to help me get inside and situated, then they backed off and Chocky came over to finish the task.

As I was being helped into the apparatus, a cleaning crew also arrived and silently began clearing away Frost's remains. Everyone, including me, studiously ignored what was going on in that corner of the room, although every once in a while, I observed other elves looking over in that direction and frowning or going pale.

As Chocky fastened the last restraint in the harness, she checked to see if I still had movement capability while being supported. Meanwhile, the cleanup crew had removed the body, and now some poor elf was doing his best to mop up the blood, but I couldn't really pay it that much attention. My pussy was burning with need.
