The Origins of Christmas Trees


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Despite all of the fucked up events that had transpired since I entered this room, and all of the emotional turmoil, my body's arousal had been steadily building to a crescendo. It must have been the injection and my daily exposure to the trees; their pollen and pheremones were affecting me, as my pheremones were affecting the tree.

There was also a strong undercurrent of curiousity too; today was finally the day. I wondered what it was going to feel like inside of me. Would the appendage be warm or cold? What was the texture of the appendage? What sounds would the tree make, if any? Would I be able to walk after I was done? Was I really going to enjoy this?

Chocky was just finishing up, and observing me lost in thought, asked, "Whatcha thinkin?"

I smiled at her and told her I was just happy she was here for me. She smiled back at that, and finished her final few adjustments. Then she said, "Good luck Holly. I'm sure you'll do great."

"Thanks Chocky. I appreciate that."

To the room, Chocky announced that I was secured in the apparatus. At that point, the doctors asked that the assistants in the room perform a couple last-minute checks on my temperature and blood pressure to ensure I was ready. Once satisfied, Dr Silverbells announced that it was time to turn the apparatus to face the wall and begin.

The White Spruce lumbered over, all 27 feet of him. His appendage was now extended out of the bottom of his trunk. It was a lighter brown than his bark, and worn smooth. It had gnarls and contours, but it did not appear sharp, or something that was going to give me splinters (I suddenly shuddered at the thought of having splinters inside my tunnel). I could see the red secretion leaking from the blunt end of it. I stared at that inch-thick, 5 foot long monster for what felt like minutes. The tree then strode around behind me and gently turned the apparatus to face the wall, so I could no longer see it or anyone else.

There was not a sound in the room except for the clinking of the chains on the apparatus. Silence in the room, and time seemed to stretch out. I stared at the blank wall, waiting for something, anything to happen. What was everyone waiting for?

"Umm, hey. What's going on? I mean, what is next?" Again, my questions were met with silence. I was just about to yell with frustration when I felt a slight touch of a branch on my right hip. I jumped in surprise. Then I felt another branch on my left hip. Then nothing again.

I heard some hurried whispering off to the side, then footsteps, then Chocky appeared in my field of vision. "Hey," she whispered, "this is usually the Breeding Coach's job to insert the appendage inside of the treemum. But since yours... anyway, I volunteered to come over and do this part. But just an FYI, they're going to be bringing in another Breeding Coach to help you with the rest of today's procedure. Sorry about all this."

"It's not your fault Chocky. Just don't keep me hanging for too long."

She grinned at this and said that she would find a way to talk to me when this was all done. She kissed her fingertips and touched my cheek, then ducked back out of view. I was suspended in such a way, that had there been floor underneath me, I would have been on all fours. As she had been hooking me up to the apparatus, Chocky had explained how I would be able to move and change my position based on a series of pulleys, ropes, and sliding panels.

So here I was, on all fours, suspended in the air, ass high up, pussy gaping and leaking fluids, a room full of strangers, acquaintances, and my lover was about to shove what amounted to a baseball bat up my coochie. It was all so surreal.

I heard the tree grunt, then another branch on my left hip and I was shifted slightly. Then Chocky's fingers were on my labia, spreading me open. And finally I felt it; the dull end of the tree's appendage brushing up and down my soaked slit. I groaned in anticipation as Chocky, manipulating the appendage, continued to tease me. The tree grunted again too.

Then there was pressure, pulling me backwards, agonizingly slowly, The blunt end was inside of me. And still, I was being pulled back, slowly, inexorably, onto that monstrous phallus. Inch after inch was fed into me. I had never felt so full. And just when I thought I couldn't take any more, I heard Chocky inform the room that there was roughly six inches inside my vaginal cavity, and that I seemed to be taking it well. That was it? Only six inches? I couldn't believe it; I felt like I had taken in at least 18.

My lips gaped apart, glistening fuscia pink lips, dripping with moisture, surrounding a tree's phallus. And still, it kept going deeper inside me. I completely understood now why they needed to test the depth and capacity of my reproductive system; the tree was filling me up!

Chocky called out "10 inches now. We'll let her take in another couple inches, then she can start moving."

She ducked back into my view and said, "You're doing great Holly! Are you feeling okay?"

That was a bit of a tough question to answer. But I didn't want to cause her any concern, I just wanted to get this over with. As I opened my mouth to answer, I felt the dull end of the appendage brush against the opening of my cervix, so instead I emitted a sharp gasp. Chocky looked alarmed, until she saw that I wasn't in any prolonged pain. So I smiled and said, "I'm fine."

She nodded and said, "Okay, this is it for me. Now it's all up to you. Remember you can use the pulleys and sliding panels to move around on the appendage. Just keep going until you feel the tree shoot its seed inside you. At that point, we will intervene and come get you out of the apparatus and set you up for recovery. Stay strong, you got this. And from what I hear, this can be quite pleasurable too. Don't go falling in love with tall, dark, and violent here."

"I won't. And thanks again for being here, Chocky. I lo..well, let's just say I'm really glad you're here."

She blushed and ducked away again. Now it was all up to me. The tree stood still, silently, filling me up with his gigantic phallus. The appendage was neither warm, nor cold, and thankfully it was smooth, so there were no concerns over splinters. My body had now stretched and made enough room for it to fit, not comfortably, but not uncomfortably either. Time to do this.

I reached up and pulled the two pulleys that were attached to my knees, and that pulled them outwards, spreading my legs even further. It was a little fiddly, but I eventually got into a position that allowed me to line up for the next thing I wanted. I now reached for a second set of pulleys that would control my ability to slide backwards and forwards.

I tested it out by pulling down on the two ropes simultaneously about two inches. The apparatus responded and I inadvertently filled myself with two more inches of tree cock! Shit but that hurt. I released the ropes and slid back to where I had been. Okay, so I needed to release the slack to simulate the out stroke, and pull on the ropes to simulate the in stroke. Good to know.

I loosened my grip on the ropes, thereby sliding up off the appendage, then pulled on the ropes, pulling myself back down on it. It felt amazing! The gnarled, smooth texture of it, not to mention its girth, felt great as my tunnel slid along its length. I'm sure that I was providing it copious lubrication, but a new warm feeling was spreading inside of me as well. Maybe it was the red secretion that the tree was producing. Whatever it was, it felt like my cunt had just drank a really nice single malt scotch.

I began to get into a rhythm of pulling myself up the appendage by about six or eight inches, then letting go and sliding back down. After the first few minutes of this, I could feel the orgasm building deep within me. It was hard to know what was going on in the room, but at that point I didn't care. All I wanted to do was cum.

I moved my body up and down on that monster, feeling it split me wide, feeling the blunt head repeatedly bump, and in some cases penetrate, my cervix, having it touch me in places I had only known existed when Chocky had been testing me on that first day. It was all so intense and my first orgasm burst forth. I screamed in pleasure as I took that appendage deeper, then remained still, feeling my walls clench and spasm along its woody length, as well as a gush of my own juices.

After a few minutes, when my orgasm had subsided and I had caught my breath, I began again, working my body up and down on the trees cock that was buried only about a fifth of the way up inside my churning cunt. I got a bit braver and tried to let out more, to allow myself to sink even deeper onto its shaft. During one of his lessons, Dr Cracker had indicated that the trees have some nerve endings (not as many as elves or other creatures) along the last 18 inches of their appendages, the most of those appearing between 12 and 18 inches.

So if I really wanted to get this tree off, I'd need to sink more of its length inside my hungry pussy. And right now, I felt like I could take more than I had been.

The warmth had spread throughout much of my body, and some of it felt a little numb. That must be the secondary effect of the tree's secretions. My body was becoming numb to the pain of being fucked by something so large. And that buoyed my spirits and gave me the courage to try to get more of that delicious appendage inside me. When I bottomed out at 13 inches, I shifted my body in the apparatus to change the angle, then I slid down another couple inches.

The spruce, who had been silent through most of this ordeal except when it was first inserted, emitted a grunt. I remained there, impaled on 15 inches of enormous tree cock, feeling my pussy spasm and contract along its hard length. I grinned in satisfaction at producing some sort of reaction from my mate, and pulled up, sliding up its pole. This time, I pulled hard so that I came most of the way off of it, then when I was almost off, I released in fits, going down three inches rapidly, pausing, then another three. I did this a few more times until I now had 16 inches inside me.

The tree grunted again, and said in its low, rumbly voice, "Keep doing that."

So I repeated the process; a rapid upstroke, almost coming off of the appendage, then bursts of sliding back down, three inches at a time. The tree once again moaned in pleasure, and like everything else it did, it was low and rumbly. When it groaned, I could feel the vibrations travel through the appendage, and it buzzed against my engorged clit.

So I picked up the speed and intensity of my movements on its pole. Unsurprisingly, another orgasm swept through my body and I screamed out that I was cumming. I had to momentarily stop pulling on the ropes while I ground my very full cunt on it. I heard the copious gush of my juices hit the cold tile floor underneath us.

"I'm close," said the tree. That was all the encouragement I needed. I began once again to frantically start fucking its appendage. I was getting tired, and my arms were a sore from using muscles I don't normally use, but still I repeatedly impaled myself on that spruce's appendage.

After a few minutes, it bellowed, "Here it comes! Take all my seed!" An inhuman howl emanated from the tree as it began pumping its seed into me. The seed was hot, and I could feel it spurting into the inside of my womb with intensity. I lost count of the shots I felt, but the tree must have remained still, pumping me full of its cum for like five minutes! I came again, carried away on the intense feelings happening inside of my womb.

I must have passed out from that orgasm, because the next thing I remember is having Chocky, Cane, and Chestnuts helping me down out of the apparatus and into a bed on wheels. They laid me on my back, then fitted my legs into stirrups so that my legs were raised and bent at the knees. "That is to keep the tree's seed inside of you, dear," was the explanation Chestnuts gave.

I looked around the room. Only Dr Mistletoe remained, as well as the poor elf who was trying in vain to clean up what had once been Frost. He came over and said, "You did great Holly! Really first class there. We'll take you into a recovery room for the next few hours, then we'll take you back to your room. We'll be seeing you again tomorrow for your second breeding session with this tree."

All I could do was nod. I was exhausted, and an ache had started to spread throughout my lower half. I was wheeled away by Cane.

About 45 minutes later, I was laying in the recovery room when Chocky poked her head in to say hi and check up on me. As she was taking my temperature, she whispered to me, "Cameras are in here, so let's keep this brief. I wanted you to know how fucking hot and sexy it was watching you fuck that tree. My panties were so damp, that I needed to go masturbate when they let me out of the room. I wasn't sure at first how I'd feel watching that; remember it was my first time being present for that too. But watching you fuck that huge tree cock, watching you cum and squirt and go wild on it turned me on so much. All the males had erections watching you go to town on that tree, even old Silverbells! Dr Mistletoe told me afterwards that he wished it was him you were fucking like that."

I reflected on that for a moment. I didn't think he could really fuck me like that. I'd never experienced that sort of raw, carnal pleasure before. It made me wonder whether any regular elf would ever measure up again. So I merely smiled and said, "That's sweet of him to say."

Then, another thought dawned on me. "So Chocky, I'm going to need a new Breeding Coach. Is there any way you could be my Coach?"

Chocky frowned and said, "I'm sorry that Frost was not a good Coach. I had no idea he was being so nasty to you. As far as me being your Coach, I don't know. The Program hired me to be an OIS, not a Breeding Coach. Coaching requires specialized training. But, you never know. I'll go ask Dr Mistletoe. Maybe I can add something like you'll be wanting to leave the Program if I don't. We'll see. I hope I can." She then smiled and said, "Anyway, let's not dwell too much on unpleasantries, and focus on what you achieved today. "

She stepped back and resumed her normal speaking voice, "Well, Miss Jolly, it looks like your body is recovering nicely. You did a good job today. I'll leave you to your recovery." At the door, she turned and blew me a kiss, then was gone. I dozed off shortly after she left, and was able to sleep for almost three hours before Cane came to collect me and return me to my room. He said he'd bring me dinner from the dining hall, and asked what I'd prefer to eat. I gave him my order and went to take a shower while he was out getting my food.

When I emerged from the shower, Cane had left a tray of food on my bed. I casually munched on some carrot sticks while I combed my hair and put on a night gown. I thought about what was next. I couldn't leave my room - someone needed to come and open my door from the outside, and the someone who had been assigned to do that was now dead. I contemplated that, but couldn't really decide on a course of action, so I gave up and went to lay down.

I turned out the light and lay there in the dark. My mind drifted back to how good it had felt riding that massive appendage, and how fucking sexy it was to have all those elves watch me bring myself off on it. I thought about what Chocky said about all those present being aroused by my little show.

I was becoming aroused again, so I decided to do a little exploring. My fingers trailed down my flat, smooth stomach towards my centre, teasing lightly. I wasn't surprised to find my cunt becoming moist again. Apart from it being a little sore, my pussy seemed no worse for wear. I began to trace little circles on my clitty, recalling how good it had felt to take so much of the tree inside me. Those little circles were sending jolts of pleasure up my spine. I thought about how much seed the spruce had pumped inside me, and how good it felt as it was flooding my insides.

My motions increased, and with the other hand, I reached down and jammed three fingers into my quivering quim as I continued to diddle myself. I loved how full I felt when the tree's appendage was lodged 16 inches inside me. And I'd get to feel that again tomorrow! I came on my fingers as I thought of that.


"Uuugghh, I'm cumming again!" I screamed as I backed down onto the White Pine's mighty phallus, taking 18 inches and loving it. My pussy spasmed and my juices gushed around that giant fuck pole.

My first three sessions with the White Spruce did not result in a pregnancy, and neither did the three sessions with each of the Hemlocks. The doctors were starting to worry that my copulation with the trees would not produce any offspring, but that was only a minor concern for me. My major concern was that I was now addicted to tree cock!

The two subsequent times with that first spruce had been just as intense as the first time. I fucked close to 18 inches of appendage, came and squirted all over it, and milked out the tree's seed over the next two days.

The worst part came when Dr Mistletoe told me that I would now need to take a break from fucking for the month to see if the sapling had taken root. I spent close to a week masturbating furiously whenever I had spare time. After that, I was lucky enough to have a couple interludes with Chocky in the same closet we had met in earlier.

Those sessions were quick and intense, and I made Chocky fist fuck me during both, encouraging her to bury her arm up to the elbow inside me. It felt great, but compared to trees, it was a pale substitute.

I think that Chocky also sensed the change in me. I could see it behind her eyes; the unspoken question about whether she was enough for me now. And the answer hurt me, because if I was being honest with myself, no she wasn't enough. Still, I loved her. I just wasn't sure that I could tell her, or what my love might mean for her and I. And I was afraid that while there was only room in my heart just for her, there was room in my cunt for anyone, especially for trees.

The day after my first session with the spruce, Dr Silverbells came to my room, accompanied by a rather tall elf named Caramel. "Caramel is going to be your new Breeding Coach, Miss Jolly. I'll leave the two of you to become better acquainted."

Caramel was tall and handsome. He had gorgeous blue eyes, fantastic hair, chiseled chin and strong jaw line, and a lithe muscular body that spoke of stamina and endurance. If he was human, he could have been a model or a film star.

Caramel and I chatted, and he filled me in things a Breeding Coach is supposed to do, and apologized for Frost and his poor performance as Breeding Coach. He told me what to expect from the upcoming sessions. As we talked, I could see that he was cocky and very sure of himself, but he was also sweet and was a good listener. In short, I liked him a whole lot better than Frost.

My pregnancy tests, administered after my first three sessions with the spruce, came back negative, so Caramel told me I'd be trying again with a hemlock in a couple weeks when my fertility would peak again. I was let down by this news, and Caramel comforted me.

As he was hugging me, the feeling of his warm, muscular body began to arouse me, and before I really knew what was happening, I was kissing him. We made out heavily for a few minutes before I remembered the cameras and microphones in my room. I broke off and told him to take me to the closet on the lower level. He said he didn't have access to that floor, but would gladly take me to a spot he knew.
