The Panties She Can't Take Off

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Her panties have an unexpected trick up its sleeve.
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Every woman has that pair of panties.

The one that just makes them feel complete and sexy.

Now, the reason may vary from lady to lady. Maybe they accentuate the curves better. Maybe they're a color that just compliments the skin tone perfectly. Maybe it's the pair of panties they wore the night of the best sex of their lives. Maybe they're just tight enough to be a subtle tease that gets them in the mood to be so easily seduced.

For Theresa, this pair was a black pair with floral patterns, just a little see-through in the front to be a tease for anyone else who saw her in them, and also for herself as she stood in the mirror.

They were tight enough to cling to her skin perfectly and at the right angle, would brush her clit lightly and send shivers up her spine. When she wore them, she felt like the sexiest woman on Earth.

Those panties were her best friend. Time after time, she wore them when she needed to feel sexy. It didn't matter where - she wore them to dates, to work, to the gym, and to the store. If she felt down, those panties were always there to give her self-esteem the little boost it needed.

Well, they were her best friend, until the day that maybe they became a little bit too much...

The day started out normally enough. She was off work and had a list of errands she needed to run. She laid out her usual clothes - a baggy pair of jeans and a black top, while her chestnut brown hair fell down around her in waves. In the baggy jeans, her figure was very unassuming, but she was what you'd consider very conventionally attractive. Her slender, toned, athletic body was matched by a round face with hazel eyes and wavy, chestnut brown hair.

As she opened her dresser and saw the panties laid out, she decided this was one of those days.

She wanted to feel sexy today, and pulled out her sexiest pair. Her black floral pair which was just so perfect for the occasion.

She slid them up her legs, past her knees, and pulled them the rest of the way up.

Yet.. something was off. They felt.. tighter than they usually do.

"Wait.. have I gained weight?" she thought to herself, confused.

She walked to the mirror and examined herself - her long, slender body stood almost naked in front of it.

She had been working hard in the gym for a few weeks, and she noticed her legs looked a little more toned than she remembered, and her ass was a little perkier than she felt like it had been previously.

"Hmmm.. maybe the gym is just paying off.." she thought to herself.

"Damn.. I look sexy right now."

She felt chills go up her spine as she admired her body in the mirror. She lightly touched the inside of her legs and ran her fingers up and down her torso as she checked herself out, almost with the lust that a man would look at her with as she lightly gave her nipples a squeeze.

The unusual tightness of her panties felt so nice on her as she kept admiring her body. She giggled to herself and put on the rest of her outfit - she had a lot of errands to run and couldn't spend all day checking herself out.

She left the house and headed for the store, but the image of her in the mirror just wouldn't leave her mind for some reason.

It was starting to turn her on, but something just felt.. Different.

She was usually horny at the thought of her fantasies, or when she saw an irresistible man walk by her in public. But this was off. She couldn't put a finger on why she was so turned on, other than she almost felt turned on by the sight of herself.

As she got out of her car and walked inside, she noticed another peculiar thing. Her panties felt even tighter.

Not tight enough to be uncomfortable, but tight enough to where with each step, it felt like they had almost fastened to her clit.

Slight tingles shot up from her clit as the panties kept rubbing against it, and the mirror pose session that morning was just unbearably at the front of her mind now.

"What is happening right now? Something isn't right.." she thought to herself. With each step she took, the slight teasing touch of the panties got ever so stronger.

She was becoming desperately horny, and stifling the moans as she walked down the aisles of the store were becoming more and more difficult. All she could think about was getting back in front of that damn mirror, and her mind was absolutely racing as she fought to maintain her composure.

Finally, she had everything she needed. Each step was a battle to not break down as she pushed herself through checkout and back to the car. Her sexy day panties had taken on a mind of their own, the soft material brutally teasing her as it almost felt.. Bonded to her?

"That's not a thing.. What the fuck is my brain on??" she thought to herself.

The tingling, teasing feeling was spreading now. It was slowly running down her legs like a soft, but strong pair of hands. She was having a hard time not gasping as her car pulled into the parking lot and she fought through more teasing steps to her apartment.

Gasping for air, she slammed the door shut behind her and didn't even bother putting her bags away. Her mind was hyper focused on one single thing, and she went straight for the mirror on her bedroom wall.

Ripping her pants off, she went straight down to the floor and stared at her body in the mirror, gasps and moans coming out of her as her hand feverishly went to the panties and started playing with her cunt.

She looked at the mirror and electricity shot through her. While she looked the same as she had that morning, she had never been so aroused at a sight in her life as she saw her body, her hand hungrily playing with the panties.

"This isn't enough.. I need more.." she thought to herself, and went to pull her panties off.

They didn't budge.

"Wait.. what?" she said aloud.

She pulled on them a second time.

Again, they didn't budge.

"What the fuck?" she sat up in terror.

As she did, she felt them fasten to her, and a bond between her and the panties was created that she immediately knew was unbreakable.

Her brain's intuition at the store was right.

"No.. no no.. what the fuck??"

She stood up, and the most incredible feeling of pleasure she had ever felt in her life immediately overwhelmed her.

Her cunt felt like static mixed with the best fucking she had ever felt, as her clit exploded with pleasure and a feeling of deep fucking that no toy or man had ever given her penetrated deep into her.

Her legs buckled as a mixture of terror and pure, depraved lust overtook her at once. She again tried to stand but again failed as her panties launched a sensory assault that nothing else could ever hope to achieve, and she wound up on her stomach.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME?" she screamed as she instinctively tried to widen her legs, not even sure if her question came from a place of fear, or a place of hoping it would never end.

As she looked back towards the mirror, she saw that she had assumed the doggystyle pose, her face covered in sweat and ruined mascara as she realized she wasn't in control of her own body anymore.

The feeling of being fucked began to go deeper and deeper, and it begin to hit a faster speed like a man was inside of her on the verge of cumming.

As the static feeling eventually ran across her body from head to toe, a scream ripped out of her as the imaginary dick exploded within her.

Her entire body shaked and convoluted like a demon possessed her as the most explosive orgasm a human could possibly hope to have shot through every inch of her body. She was no squirter, but that didn't matter either as liquid exploded out of her and gushed down her sides and onto the floor below.

She collapsed and laid on the floor, shakily drawing breaths as she couldn't piece together what had happened. The entire day had been a blur.

As she laid gasping in the puddle around her, she felt the bond break, and the device that had broken her released her from its grip and became a regular pair of panties again

"Oh.. so it was real.." were her last thoughts as she faded off to sleep.

Several hours passed before Theresa began to stir.

As she opened her eyes and came to, the memories of the day came flooding back to her as she sat up in the now cold puddle on her floor that she had collapsed in from exhaustion.

Her panties no longer felt unusually tight. There were no more chills running down her spine from the mere sight of her in the mirror. Everything felt.... normal.

She slid her panties down and took them off.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" she whispered as she inspected them in her hands.

Nothing seemed off. It was the same pair that was always her reliable sexy night pair. The black panties which were somewhat cheeky but not a thong covered in a floral design, with just a little bit of sheer see-through in the front.

She closely examined every inch. There was nothing at all off about them. And besides - even if there was, she had been wearing this pair for over a year now. Why after a year would they suddenly fasten to her and forcibly torture her with the most incredible yet terrifying wave of pleasure she had ever experienced?

Nothing made sense. Maybe her brain just made that part up yesterday, and she was simply REALLY horny. It, after all, had been over a month since she had last gotten fucked, and she wasn't really into solo play.

With a shudder, she threw them into the laundry and tried to forget about it. After all, none of what she thought she had experienced was *actually* possible.

Weeks went by. Theresa continued on with her life, trying to keep her mind focused.

She remembered how terrified and confused she was when she realized the panties became one with her. She remembered how she couldn't control her own body - the panties had taken over, almost like a symbiotic being, turning her into an unbelievably horny, purely sexual being whose only purpose for existing was desperately needing pleasure to survive.

She remembered her screams, a mixture of terror and pure, unbridled lust as she involuntarily laid there like she was in doggystyle, screaming for it to stop and yet screaming for more at the same time.

She fucking hated it, but yet.. It was all she could think about.

Her fantasies had suddenly become boring to her. She had even had a date with a man that most women would dream over. He was incredible in every sense of the word, and the sex was something that up until the day the panties took over, she would have dreamed about for months after.

Yet.. it did nothing for her. The experience from the panties was so erotic, so sexual, and so intense, that she could no longer get enjoyment from even the best sex another person could offer. It was impossible for her to cum despite his best efforts, and she finally kicked him out in frustration.

But she hated that day. At least, she kept telling herself that. She had no choice in the matter. It's not like she could just take them off. She tried as hard as she could and they didn't budge. If anything, they saw her futile attempts as a challenge and bonded with her skin and her cunt even more.

"I can't do this.. I'm throwing those things away"

She stood up from her couch and walked to her drawer. She had buried them at the bottom in the back corner.

She shuffled around and found them.

As she picked them up, she walked towards the trash can.

Again, the memories hit her like a ton of bricks.

She shuddered at the thought.

And then she felt a warm wetness down below.

"What.. did my period start? This is not when it's supposed to do so"

She reached a hand down and checked.

No... she was dripping wet, and her clit again had electric tingles beginning to spread.

"No no no no this is NOT happening", she loudly said to the empty apartment before tossing them in the empty trash can and slamming the lid shut.

She stormed back to her room, tears of frustration streaming down her face

"What the fuck is wrong with me!?" she thought.

Her clit BURNED, desperately needing to be touched and played with. Needing a release so bad, she closed her eyes and her hand reached down and began to pleasure herself.

She laid on the bed whimpering as she spread her legs and her other hand squeezed her nipples. Electric shocks of pleasure shot through her as she gyrated her hips, trying to get more sensation out of the clit play.

She shuddered as she felt the familiar last seconds before an orgasm began to build. She felt the tension rise like a tidal wave as she continued playing with her clit, desperately looking forward to the wave breaking and crashing her down into sweet release and relief.

It built, and built, and built.. And kept going higher still. The tidal wave of pleasure, despite being a gargantuan height by now, would not crash down on itself.

"Ughhhhh COME ON!" she whimpered more and more as she desperately fondled her clit. The wave kept building as she kept going for another 30 seconds.

It began to dawn on her slowly during those last few seconds.

The panties had not robbed her of her ability to feel lust, desire, and sexual urges.

The final seconds of tension before that pre-orgasimic bliss could go on forever and reach untold heights.

But the panties had robbed her of the ability to release that tension and relieve herself.

She no longer had the ability to cum.

"FUCK!!!!" she opened her eyes and slammed her hands on the bed in frustration. It had all been real. Those panties did, in fact, bond to her body and fuck her senseless in a manner that no other person or toy on this Earth could do.

And when they had finished using her, they left her with no ability to feel a release anywhere else.

As more tears streamed down her face, she shakily stood up and walked back to the living room and found the trash can.

"I fucking hate you.." she hissed as she looked down at the panties.

She picked them up and crawled back into bed, and then slipped them on.

Immediately, she felt the chills shoot from head to toe and the now familiar fastening of the material as it sealed itself to her skin.

As soon as her body was covered in goosebumps, she involuntarily shot up to a kneeling position.

Her arms raised up and spread outwards, as if they were being held by invisible rope.

Coincidentally, she was positioned perfectly in front of that mirror, and she had no option but to look directly towards it.

As she did, she examined her own body as if it was through another pair of eyes, and she felt that familiar, irresistible lust for herself return as she looked at her toned body. She hungrily let her eyes feast on her hair and her not particularly large, but still perky tits and her toned, flat stomach she worked for. Her quads as she kneeled were beautifully toned from all the squats she had done in the gym, and she knew her glutes were too, albeit she couldn't see those.

Several minutes passed by as she was held prone like this. And yet.. Nothing was happening.

She physically could not move. She was restrained by invisible bondage locking her into this position.

And she really, really had to pee.

"Ummm.. I really need to use the bathroom if anyone is out there?" she called out to her empty room tentatively.

Her arms suddenly moved down and behind her back, as if she was being handcuffed. She then felt her back lock into a rigid, perfectly upright position.

And her panties fastened even tighter against her bladder.

"What no no no this is not part of what we're.." she trailed off with a gasp as she felt them lightly begin to tease her clit again.

Rolling waves of pleasure began emitting from the panties against her clit, and the pressure on her bladder was unbearable now.

This was an emergency, and she was trying her absolute hardest to hold it.

"Please.. Please let me just get up and use the bathroom and you can keep doing this..." she sheepishly begged, almost as if she was asking a dom. But no, she was asking a fucking pair of panties for mercy.

She tried to squirm and see if she could grab her hand and hold her crotch, or tighten her legs. Neither of these two were options, as she was locked into place and all she could do was tense her muscles in a feeble attempt to hold it.

"Please.... Please....." more tears of frustration streamed down her face as she knew the dam was about to break.

"Ughhhhh.. Ughhhhhh..." was all she could manage to say as she felt the first drops of piss leak out of her.

As they hit her panties, she felt a new sensation.

The feeling of a tongue began to invade her cunt and she felt her desperate resistance melt.

The dam broke with a thunderous stream as she felt the tongue gorge itself on her, her body still locked as she screamed from the overwhelming physical sensations.

"OH MY GOD! YES! YES! JUST LIKE THAT! PLEASE!" she shouted as piss exploded out of her and ruined her bed.

As the stream continued, she felt the tidal wave return. The pleasure kept going higher and higher still. And right as she thought it was about to edge her even more...

The wave with all of the tension from the previous weeks finally broke. From head to toe, she felt a transcendent orgasm touch every part of her body as her vision became a field of stars. She didn't even know if she was screaming, nor did she care.

All she knew at that moment was that she was claimed fully. The walls of resistance she tried to build up after the first time were gone, and she was now fully a broken whore for the bonded, symbiotic panties. There was no need to fight anymore - they had won.

As the orgasmic pleasure began to subside, she also became aware of something else.

She had a new purpose in her life.

From now on, she was going to make sure others were claimed and experienced this new world of sexuality.

And that was going to start with her best friend Jenny.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Not sure what to make of this. Weird for sure but well told.

gypsyviolingypsyviolin8 days ago

That was a good read!

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