The Paul & Jenny Stories Pt. 05


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"They'll be at it already then."

"We'll go down when they come for breakfast."

She shivered.

"You alright?" I asked.

"I had the weirdest dream." She picked up a piece of toast and buttering it bit into a corner. "Somebody was trying to get me to kill you. It was so weird. I found myself getting out of bed twice."

"Can you remember what happened?"

"Not now." She poured tea into my cup, added milk and took a sip. "It was all so clear at the time. I knew what he wanted me to do and how to do it. He was a black man and he seemed to take me by the hand, to lead me to you. I kept saying no but twice I woke up walking towards the door."

I fingered the piece of amber hanging from the chain around my neck. It was warm to the touch.

"I saw this little old black woman, and she told him to go away." She looked concerned. "It was frightening at the time but I feel safe now." She squeezed my hand.

I took the top off an egg and offered her some on a teaspoon. She opened her mouth and allowed me to put the spoon inside her lips. I spooned some egg into my own mouth and bit into a slice of toast. Jenny took the teaspoon from the saucer and helped herself to more egg. I drank some tea. Jenny topped up the cup and took a sip.

"You have paid for two tickets. You can have a breakfast each." We looked up. It was Zoe.

"We're enjoying it this way." Jenny said biting into more toast.

"Would you like to join us?" I asked.

"Sorry. I can't at the moment. Perhaps on another occasion. I have to check out the motor launches. Make sure they're all registered. Oh yes, the Doctor would like to see you if you're not going ashore. He has a surgery at ten thirty on blue deck."

She turned and made her way through the restaurant. Bending to talk to passengers as she passed. She had a nice ass. I must have been staring as Jenny hit my thigh.

"If you want to look at somebody's backside you can see mine when we get to your room."

My prick jumped.

"I hope Howie and Carole come soon."

"I'm sure they're trying their hardest." Jenny smiled.

Just then Dorothy and Dave entered the restaurant, placed their order and joined us.

After the usual pleasantries Dorothy asked.

"What do you want to do today?"

"I thought we'd go ashore after lunch for a couple of hours then decide if we are going to stay for the carnival or not."

"We are going to do our sight seeing this morning and then stay on board for the party here."

"I can't come this morning. I have to see the Doctor." I said.

"Let's say we all meet in our cabin at six o'clock to plan the evening."

"That's fine by us." Jenny said.

Howie and Carole arrived. Carole looked flushed and sat down slowly. Everybody looked at her, then away. Dorothy stared at Howie.

"I think we'll have a big heap of flapjacks." Howie said, looking at the breakfast menu. "I've certainly got an appetite this morning."

Carole blushed.

"We're going for a stroll." I said standing up and taking Jenny's hand.

"See you in half an hour." I said looking at Howie and Carole.

"Right." Howie nodded.

Jenny followed me out of the Restaurant still holding my hand. We walked to the lobby outside the ballroom and took the right hand flight of stairs down to my cabin. Inside it I put my arms around her and kissed her, pushing my tongue between her lips.

"Lock the door." She said a little breathlessly. "I'll be right back."

I went and locked the door whilst she went into the bathroom.

I heard the toilet flush as I pulled the small curtains over the porthole.

Jenny came out naked holding her clothes and the jar of Vaseline I'd taken to carrying in my wash bag.

"Be very gentle." She looked me in the eye.

"I will. I will."

She dropped her clothes on the armchair in the corner and came to me.

I wrapped my arm around her running my fingers down her spine. We kissed. Her fingers were at the top of my trousers. She sank to her knees in front of me taking my clothes. I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my underpants and trousers. Jenny's hands were on my balls then my prick guiding it into her mouth. I closed my eyes, savouring the sensations. Her tongue wrapped around the head of my prick then pushed into my little hole. Taking it from her mouth she continued to stroke it whilst taking first one, then a second ball into her mouth. After gently sucking on them for a few seconds she released them and standing up walked to the bed. I picked up the Vaseline from her pile of clothing and followed her kneeling behind her raised and spread buttocks.

I looked down at her holes. Her fanny swollen as if she'd just been fucked, her anus tight and round.

I gently rubbed it, drawing a sigh of pleasure. I rubbed the area between her two holes, soft, with whispers of hair. I touched her fanny lips, lightly.

"Don't Paul. I'm still on." She gasped. Voice deep with passion.

"I'm just going to touch you very gently."

I rubbed and pushed at her fanny lips. Forcing them to open. I rubbed gently and slowly inside them. Then the smell arrived as I lowered my head. Jenny was always scrupulously clean in that area but now there was this smell of staleness, of blood. It was much stronger than the normal smell of her vagina, which I loved. It was the first time I'd gotten this close to her hole when she was on her period. It was not something I thought I would do again in a hurry. But this was Jenny, my Jenny. She had been pleasing me in every way she could think of since her accident and now it was going to be my turn.

"Turn over."

"Paul, you can't do it. It's too soon."

"Trust me."

I pushed her onto her back, raised her legs and spread her thighs. I lowered my mouth to her fanny and licked along its length, then back to the top to her clitoris. The taste was so much bitterer than normal but continued. I could smell and taste blood but I kept my lips and tongue working on her clitoris until she came. Her thighs tightened around my head. Her ran fingers through my hair. I straightened her legs and lay down by her side. She kissed me.

"That's horrible." She rubbed her hand across her lips. "Is that what I taste like?"

"You always taste wonderful to me." It wasn't that bad now that I'd gotten used to it.

"You deserve a medal for going down there and doing that."

"My pleasure."

"No. It was mine." She smiled. "Don't move."

My prick had gone soft so she picked it up and started wanking me. When I was hard she took the Vaseline and covered its head. Applying some to her anus she straddled me guiding my prick against her lubricated hole. I could feel the resistance of her sphincter then I was in. She cried out softly as she sank down on me. Then she raised herself slowly, dropping down again. She was moving more easily now as the Vaseline lubricated her tube. I could feel the muscles contract and relax as she moved on me. I felt her breasts through her blouse and bra, then her ass cheeks and finally, with one fingertip, her clitoris. She gasped, her anus tightening around my prick at my touch. She kept moving, her breathing shortening, until, with a cry, she came.

She climbed off without a word and lay on her side facing away from me. Holding my prick she brought her legs up parted them and guided it to her still open anus. With a single thrust I was deep inside her. I tried to be quick and I tried to be gentle but five weeks or more without being inside her made me quicken and quicken and quicken my thrusts until, with her sphincter tightening and tightening around me, I came, shooting and shooting inside her ass.

I pulled out of her and lay on my back. She turned, lying on her side to face me.

I put my arm around her and felt her ass cheeks.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Hmm. A bit sore, but it'll pass. How are you?"

"Wonderful. You don't know how much I missed not being inside you."

"Oh I know. If it's anything like I felt."

I looked down at my prick. Shrivelled and soft. Shinning in its coating of Vaseline.

"I think we could both do with a quick shower."

She got slowly to her feet. She put her hand behind her back, between her ass cheeks. She grimaced.

"Now I know how Carole felt this morning."

"Did she tell you what it was like with Howie?"

We walked to the bathroom, throwing off our remaining clothes.

"Every chance she gets. She says she feels quite sorry for me. I told her it's not the size but what you do with it the counts. She agrees with that but then she went on about size helping. Anyway, what you want to hear is what it felt like when he first put it inside her. She says she thought she was going to be split in half. She felt full when it was only half way in but it kept on coming. And when he came she thought he was going to blow her head off. And then there was yesterday. He managed to get it into her backside. Only part way in.

She was going to try to take it all this morning. It looks like she may have succeeded."

I turned on the shower. Jenny squeezed in beside me.

Chapter two.

I visited the Doctor.

The reception door was open so I went in. There was nobody there. I tried the surgery door, it was unlocked so I pushed it ajar and looked inside. There was nobody there. I went in and looked around.

I heard the outer door open and voices.

"Good there's nobody here." A male voice.

"That young man's coming to see you." I recognised Zoe's voice. "I told him half past ten."

"We only have fifteen minutes then, come on, don't fool about."

"Alright. But be quick."

I know I should have left through the other door from the surgery to the corridor but I couldn't resist taking a quick look.

I had left the connecting door open and could see through the crack.

Zoe lay on her back on the carpet. Her skirt and knickers on the floor by her side.

A man, whom I assumed to be the Doctor, knelt between her open thighs undoing the top of his shorts.

Pulling them down he exposed his already hard prick. Reaching forward he rubbed Zoe's fanny extracting moans of pleasure. Zoe reached down and took hold of his prick.

"Come on, big boy. Give it to me." She pulled him towards her by his prick. He laced his hands on the ground by her shoulders to take his weight and allowed her to guide him inside.

"Oh." Zoe gasped as he penetrated her. Bending her knees she locked her ankles behind his back and rocked to his thrusts. The Doctor raised his head and started panting as Zoe cried out in orgasm. Zoe's ass was being lifted from the floor with the force of his thrusting. Zoe came again, I could see her tighten her grip with her thighs, as, with a long out-take of breath the Doctor came collapsing on to her.

Zoe pushed against his shoulders.

"Come on, get off."

He knelt back on his heels, pulling from her, I was sure I heard a plop.

Zoe reached for his prick again but I didn't have time for this so I slipped out into the corridor and tried the reception door. I could hear voices and movement within then the Doctor's voice.

"Be with you in a minute."

The door opened and a flushed-faced Zoe stepped into the corridor.

"The Doctor can see you now." She said and walked off down the corridor.

"Ah, Mr Paul Wagstaffe, please come in."

Chapter three.

We went ashore and looked at the town, a playground of the rich, famous for it's part in the James Bond film, Thunderball.

Returning to the ship we changed and returned ashore after a hurried meal to watch the carnival.

The floats were great, not quite as good as those back home of course. The bands were certainly livelier and the punch lethal.

We returned to the ship at ten in time for the New Years Eve party.

We had all had quite a bit to drink by midnight but joined in the singing and shaking of hands. We exchanged kisses, Carole thrusting her tongue down my throat and Howie squeezing Dorothy's ass.

We would be spending the next thirty-six hours or so on board before our next Port of Call. Just drifting in and out between the Islands.

The Party would go on for some hours yet but we pleaded tiredness and left around one o'clock.

Dorothy and Dave went straight to their room whilst Howie and Carole followed Jenny and me to mine. Howie stopped on the way to talk to a steward but soon caught us up.

Once inside Carole and Howie sat on the bed and started kissing and feeling each other as if Jenny and I weren't present.

Carole had unzipped her dress and unhooked her bra and slipped one arm out of her straps showing her breasts. Howie tried to slip the strap back on but she pushed his hand away.

"Don't worry. They've seen them before." She slurred slightly. "Why did you stop with the Steward?"

"He got me some weed." Howie said taking a cigarette packet from his pocket. "Try it?"

He took one out and lit it, inhaling deeply he passed it to Carole.

She drew on it and passed it to Jenny sitting by my side on the mattress.

Jenny hesitated.

"Go on and try it." Carole said. "It's very nice."

Jenny took it to her lips and drew gently. She coughed then drew again. She passed it to me.

Howie had taken a second joint from the packet and lit up.

"You two share that." He said placing it between Carole's lips.

I placed it between my lips and drew. My first drug, and, I think, Jenny's.

It seemed the right thing to do. We weren't under any pressure, although I'm certain that if we hadn't been drinking we would have both refused the offer.

I passed it back to Jenny and watched her take in the fragrant smoke. She passed it back for my go. I was feeling very relaxed. Back to Jenny and returned to me.

I look across the room. Howie was removing the last of Carole's clothing. She stood in front of us naked.

"Like a feel, Paul?" She was wavering or was it dancing in front of me. "Jenny won't mind"

I looked at Jenny; she was smiling with a far away look on her face.

Carole sat crossed legged on the floor in front of me the spreading of her thighs opening her fanny lips. She took my hand and put it on her breast. Reaching down she took Jenny's hand and put it on her other breast. I could see Jenny's fingers squeezing her flesh. I did the same. Howie had striped off and knelt behind her, presenting a joint to her lips. She drew heavily upon it. Jenny took the last drag on ours and reached for it with her free hand. Carole's eyes were closed and her head back, resting against Howie's chest. Jenny moved her hand to Carole's thigh feeling slowly, hesitantly. Carole took her hands, and laying on her back pulled her on top of her.

I thought of trying to stop them but Howie passed me the joint.

"Breath man, breath." I lent back against the wall drawing deeply. Carole's hands were running up and down Jenny's spine, unzipping her dress and unhooking her bra as they passed. Jenny looked down into Carole's face and their lips met. Gently, opening, tongues touching.

Carole turned Jenny on to her back, pulling her clothes off. Her sanitary towel, streaked with red was the last thing to be removed. arole leant forward, ass in the air and placed her mouth against Jenny's fanny.

Howie took a final drag and passing me the joint knelt behind her. His prick was already hard as he pulled her cheeks apart and sank into her. Carole arched her back and gasped then returned her attentions to Jenny's fanny.

My prick was hard so dropping to my knees next to Jenny's head I placed it against her lips. She smiled up at me and opened her mouth. Taking me into her mouth she cupped my balls with her hands. She came, squeezing me tight. Carole lifted her head and Jenny pushed my prick in her direction. I shuffled along the floor and into her mouth. At the other end of Carole Howie was ramming himself in and out of her fanny. Pulling on her ass cheeks and hips. I came in her mouth as Howie shot up her other hole.

I sat back on the mattress, Carole sat by my side and, picking up my prick started to slowly wank me.

Howie had turned Jenny over onto her hands and knees. Opening the drawer on the bedside table he took out a jar of Vaseline. My Vaseline!

I watched as he spread wide her ass cheeks and spread the Vaseline over her anus. Moving forward he presented his prick to her hole and pushed. Jenny cried out as his prick slid inside her.

Something was wrong. Jenny needed help. Help. Help.

We were sitting crossed legged in a circle holding hands. To my left and right I could see the girls open fannies. Howie sat opposite, he still had a hard on. I looked down. Mine was soft and shrivelled.

I could hear a voice.

"Listen to me. I couldn't intervene before. You had to ask."

We all looked about us. The voice continued.

"The drug releases barriers in your mind's, giving me the chance to talk to you, but beware. It also allows others the same access."

I was suddenly tired. I looked at Jenny. She looked as if she was about to throw up.

"The Mambo is trying to stop you taking me home."

I closed my eyes and thought I could see the old black women from the shop in London.

"He tried to stop you that day in London when those girls, Chloe and her sister made you do those things. He wanted them to be able to tell your girlfriend what you had done, to break you up so that you wouldn't come on the cruise. You stopped him by telling her yourself."

I felt Jenny squeeze my hand. I squeezed back.

"He tried to have you strangle yourself with your chain. He made you ill. He tried to get your girlfriend to harm you but she resisted."

"Did he cause the car crash?" I had to ask.

"No. That was another."


"I cannot tell."

There was silence.

"It will soon be dawn and you will be safe." Her voice continued. "Please do this for me. When you get to Haiti a car will be made available. Take it to my village. You will know the route. Bury me in my grave. You will know which one. Avoid the Mambo and return to your ship. He will not bother you after I am safely in the ground. My power will grow to protect you. Please do this."

I thought I heard Jenny's voice.

"Yes we will."

"Sleep now. I will watch over you."

All events and characters are fictitious.

The Caribbean Cruise of Paul and Jenny. By Paul

Part 10.

Chapter 1.

My head was thumping. My mouth felt as if I'd been eating shit. I had difficulty breathing. It felt as if there was a weight on my chest. I opened my eyes. I was on my back on the mattress. Jenny was lying face down across me, naked. Her nipples were hard against my ribs. She turned onto her back. Her head was crushing my prick and balls.

I struggled to sit upright. I felt awful.

Jenny opened her eyes.

"I feel awful." She said, and she looked it.

"Must go to the toilet." I could speak, just.

I walked unsteadily to the bathroom. Jenny followed. Carole lay on her back, on the bed, naked. One knee was bent exposing her fanny. I looked at it for a second but felt no reaction.

Inside the bathroom I sat on the toilet. My bowels opened with a rasping fart. I leant back against the bulkhead. Jenny switched the shower on and stood under the spray. I finished, wiped myself, flushed the bowl and went to the sink. I opened my wash bag and took out my toothbrush and toothpaste. My felt better after using them, took out my razor and had a quick shave. Rinsing my face I went to the shower. Jenny was sitting on the toilet. She cried out. I heard the plops as her shit hit the water. It occurred to me that this might be a good time to watch her doing her business but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I stood under the water in a daze. Jenny squeezed in beside me and soaped between her ass cheeks. I stood close behind her watching as she held them apart to allow the water to rinse away the suds.
