The Personal Machine

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A stress relief machine goes off its programming.
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Aaron sighed a breath of relief as he got off the elevator on the 16th floor of his apartment building and walked down to the door near the end of the hall. It had been a long and frustrating day at the office. Although his degree was in IT security, his job mainly consisted of convincing management to invest in better equipment and technologies. Unfortunately, his people skills were not his strong suit, nor did he learn it in his programming classes. Dumbing down high level concepts and putting together convincing arguments for the non-technical, was a skill he was learning on the fly, and with mixed success.

Aaron put his wrist up to the door of his two-bedroom apartment to unlock it. A quick zip could be heard as the various deadbolts and locks disengaged and the door popped ajar. There were no door handles or latches but this was typical with a lot of the new builds. More and more devices were relying on the wrist embedded ID chips that were becoming commonplace. Aaron had spent extra to be in a more modern and centrally located building. Although smaller than he would have liked, he was only a ten minute walk to his office, or a five minute run when the need arose.

He nudged his way through the half open door and threw his backpack down on the chair beside it. An audible click could be heard behind him as his apartment door automatically closed and locked. As Aaron moved into the kitchen to get a beer, the lights, triggered by his presence immediately flickered on. His kitchen and living room were the same space, separated only by a waist height counter.

Aaron retrieved the beer from the fridge and turned around just as his pants were unfastened and quickly pulled down around his ankles. Unalarmed, he stepped out of them easily and took a sip of his beer. He glanced down briefly and saw his Personal Machine, already hard at work, following its post-work program. The machine, although human-like in shape and appearance, was just that, and followed it's after-work subroutines to the letter.

After it had cleared away Aaron's pants and boxers it immediately began to caress his balls with its preheated hand-like appendages. The machine's hands, like most of its frame, were modeled to look as realistic as possible. The simulated rubber skin, which covered a complicated web of wires and metal armatures, was smooth and perfect. It lacked the imperfections and wrinkles of a real human hand, but it came complete with fingernails and the correct articulation. It used one of those hands now to warm Aaron's testicles, palming them firmly, giving them periodic squeezes. At the same time it gently pulled and stretched his sack.

The other hand, meanwhile, reached up underneath and began pressing firmly on his taint. It ground in the heel of its hand with rhythmic pressure while using its slender, finger like appendages, to gently squeeze and scratch his butt. At random intervals those same fingers would brush the edges of his asshole too. Aaron had programmed that move in himself.

He took another swig of beer and sighed contently. He loved coming home, even more so since purchasing the piece of hardware that was squatted down in front of him. This silicone and metal machine was designed in every way to replicate the human form. It had all the correct appendages (head, legs, arms, etc) in the correct places covered in the same soft, silicone skin substitute. This model even came with close approximations to sexual organs too. The breasts, vagina, even asshole all had a realistic look and feel to them. The whole thing had cost him as much as a luxury vehicle but he lived alone and didn't have many other expenses. Besides, what was the point of working a high stress, good paying job if he couldn't splurge on the occasional luxury.

Aaron paid the machine no mind as he moved around the counter toward his couch. As always the machine moved right along with him, without interruption to its current programming. Using its variety of sensors, lightning fast processing power, and finely tuned servos, it could adapt to changes in position as fast as Aaron could make them. In this regard it did not mimic human behavior at all, as no human could continue to squat down in front of him, massaging his balls and taint as he moved, without falling over. Its feet and legs shot out at unnatural angles to maintain its balance and position in front of him, without ever being underfoot. It was made all the more impressive since the machine was wearing red, six inch heels. This was another of Aaron's custom additions as high heels were one of his kinks. Fortunately the machine had no problem adjusting its center of gravity to adapt them to its programming.

As the machine tracked with him across the living room Aaron's cock began to stir. Although not fully erect this triggered the next phase of the machine's duties. As Aaron stood in front of his TV scrolling through the various channels, the machine removed its hand from his taint and instead began to trace lines up and down his semi-erect cock. Using just its fingertips, it would start at the base of his shaft and glide along his cock until it just brushed against the bottom of his cockhead. Pausing only briefly on his frenulum, it would lightly drag its permanently manicured nails back down his length to repeat the seductive process over again.

The machine's bald, blue head, which up until now had been looking down, tilted upward, using its bright blue optical sensors to analyze Aaron's reaction. Although it wasn't a popular choice for the model Aaron had purchased, he chose to abstain from any head hair for his Personal Machine. Many people liked to make their machines as close to human as possible, but Aaron felt differently. He didn't want the machine to replace a person, as he didn't care for people all that much to begin with. Besides, many people, especially those that lived alone, started to develop unhealthy relationships with their Personal Machines. Aaron did not want to fall into that level of psychosis, so he figured the less human he made his, the better. This is probably why he also chose the pale blue skin color as well.

The machine's feminine face scrutinized him. Much like its hands, its face was smooth and flawless. Not blemish or eyelash was out of place. The features were randomly generated prior to it being built, so each one was unique. It replicated a human woman to sterile perfection. Behind the venere however were a multitude of actuators and sensors, collecting, processing, and reacting to data. Along with constantly measuring his pulse and skin conductivity, it now began to run its face recognition algorithms. By monitoring the most miniscule facial twitches and pupil dilation, the machine could judge his arousal and determine how to proceed next. All this happened while Aaron settled on a news channel, not giving his machine a second thought.

Aaron took a longer draught from his beer and plopped down onto his couch. The machine deftly followed him down, lowering to a deep squat between his legs, never breaking contact with his balls. As soon as his butt hit the cushions the machine parted its dark blue lips and took his penis into its mouth. Aaron gave a soft grunt of satisfaction as the warmed lips collapsed around the edges of his cock head. It held him there for a few seconds, only taking him in past his glans, before its rubbery tongue, wet from the pre-loaded saliva, went to work.

The tongue itself was one of the more amazing pieces of technology that came with this model. Although the texture and temperature were similar to a human tongue, the machine's also had the ability to expand, shrink, and adjust its length. Currently its program called for the narrowest setting as it poked and prodded every piece of his sensitive tip. It followed a randomized, but exquisite path across him, prodding every part of his now fully engorged cock head. Every so often, it would swipe past his urethral lips, parting them just enough to absorb the bits of moisture that were forming there, but each time digging a fraction deeper.

Aaron, still concentrating on the TV news, was not unaware of the pleasure that was building. It was him, after all, that had programmed much of what the machine was doing. It did seem to be getting better each time he used it, or perhaps he was just getting more comfortable with it. Either way, as the machine continued to tease the edges of his glans and frenulum, his cock continued to grow longer and harder.

Next was the more intense phase of the "Welcome Home" program. The lips formed an airtight seal just under his cokc heand and a pulsing suction was applied. The vacuum greatly intensified his sensitivity as it tugged at his tip's sensitive nerve endings. At the same time the machine's face began to move closer to his hips, taking more of his member into its mouth.

Soon Aaron could feel the tip of his penis come against the resistance which was the back of the machine's throat. Again this part was modeled after a human throat, but unlike most humans, the machine had no gag reflex. Its throat opened easily but still maintained a tight, narrow passage. As he pushed into it, the throat spasmed and contracted against him at random intervals. All while the pulsating suction spiked to higher and higher pressures with each pull.

Eventually its face was pushed against his pubic hair and it stopped. It also finally ceased massaging his balls, as its chin was kinda in the way. For several minutes nothing happened as the machine had a built in rest timer, allowing Aaron's pleasure to subside some, as well as to enjoy the sensation of his whole member being enveloped in a wet, warm embrace. It maintained a steady suction but the tongue and throat were now dormant. This part was also built into the machine's programming, but how long the rest period lasted was a function of his arousal. The machine was measuring his blood flow, breathing and overall cock hardness levels, feeding all this data into its complex algorithms designed to give him the maximum pleasurable experience.

Shortly after Aaron had regained his focus on the TV, he felt two hands squeeze his testicles. They tugged down on his sack with ten skillful fingers. Each hand chose a ball and began massaging and pulling it away from the other. The fingers tugged and squeezed just to the point of pain, but never crossing that threshold.

At the same time, the pulsating suction restarted and the machine's head began to pull back. It retreated until those dark blue lips made contact with the bottom of his glans then paused for half a second, before impaling itself back down his shaft. Its tongue had also widened and began to lap at his glans aggressively. This tongue, unlike a human, did not have the traditional muscular constraints. Despite how far down his shaft the face dove, the tongue lengthened and adjusted so it could continue to lick his frenulum like it was a lollipop.

Aaron did his best to follow the current events being broadcast on the television, but after the fifth or sixth deepthroat thrust, he closed his eyes and relaxed his head on the back of the couch. His engorged and overstimulated cock could not be ignored. With each throat penetration the machine narrowed its throat-like cavity, forcing him into an ever tightening, ever narrowing canal. The pace of those thrusts were also increasing in speed and intensity. The machine's femine face would bury itself deeper and harder into his pelvis each time, somehow pushing down into him just a fraction further with each stroke.

Finally Aaron could feel the tingle of an orgasm building at the base of his cock. The machine could also detect this, and quickened its face thrusting to a frantic pace. This sent Aaron over the edge. As soon as he loosed the first jet of semen, the machine bore down onto his shaft as deep as it could go. Although its head was frozen in his abdomen, inside its sleeve of a throat constricted around him. As the suction yanked on his glans from all sides, the throat rippled around him causing him to fire bolt after bolt of hot cum down into the abyss of its bottomless throat.

Underneath, the machine's hands pulled on his balls even harder than before, sending small jolts of pain to mingle with Aaron's ecstasy. This only served to intensify his orgasm as he grabbed the back of the machine's bald head and smashed his hips against it. No matter how hard he bucked into it, the machine, constructed of steel reinforced carbon fiber, would not yield and kept him pinned to the couch throughout the duration of his climax.

As Aaron's orgasm subsided, so did the machine's assault on his nerve endings. Although his cock stayed buried in its throat, it no longer constricted tightly against him. A steady, pulsing suction continued however, drawing the last few drops of cum from cock. Its hands also relinquished their punishing strain on his balls, and instead cupped them gently. Aaron could feel the relaxing warmth radiating from its hands, through his scrotum, and into the rest of his pelvis.

Spent, but enjoying the orgasmic afterglow, Aaron allowed his muscles to relax. The warming sensation from both his balls and cock put him in a place of utter comfort. He opened his eyes and glanced down at his Personal Machine. It stayed frozen against him, totally unmoving. It would continue to do so until its algorithms told it not to. It's unnaturally bright blue eyes stared back at him, as it had during the entire encounter. It constantly analyzed him and his reactions, adding the data from this session to the myriad of others. It would adjust its programming slightly to increase his satisfaction even more next time.

Aaron looked back up at the TV which was now airing a trivia game show. With a barely perceptible flick of his left wrist, the television turned off. His cock, now significantly softened, continued to lay in the machine's throat. It had ceased even the gentle suction and had slacked its grip almost entirely. Aaron looked back down at the machine puzzled. After a few minutes of basking in the warm afterglow, the machine typically withdrew to its charging station. He would occasionally recall it to his bed later in the evening, but not after a bit of food and rest.

At this point his cock had slipped out of the machine's throat like sleeve and was resting on top of its immobile tongue. Aaron leaned forward to get up off the couch but found he was pinned. Normally the sophisticated machine would do a variety of balancing acts to follow him around the apartment while staying firmly attached to his cock. This time it was if it was cemented in place. He struggled futilely against it for a few seconds and then gave up. Luckily, he found that he could bend just enough to reach his mostly empty beer.

"Alright," Aaron said after draining his beer, "I'm done, you can let go and go charge."

Aaron waited a few seconds and still nothing happened.

"Shit," he muttered, thinking his machine must have run into a fatal error. He dreaded calling customer service. Not only was it embarrassing to have to explain to the service rep that he was pinned to the couch with his cock out, but nine times out of ten, they couldn't help.

"End program," Aaron said again at the machine. No response.

"Safe reboot, alpha niner omega," he said with hesitation giving the master override control he had set. Still nothing.

As Aaron was about to make the hand gesture to call customer service, he noticed something crawling toward him from the kitchen. He watched as the machine's left hand, detached from the rest of its arm, skittered across the floor toward him, a new beer firmly grasped under its thumb. He shuddered at the sight of it. Although he knew the machine had the ability to remotely control its hand for item retrieval, and other amusements, he rarely used it. It creeped him out too much and he made a mental note to go through its code and remove the feature later.

As the hand got closer it used its incredible strength to jump up on the couch and scuttle next to him. Grasping the bottle firmly it wedged its pearly white fingernail under the cap and flipped it off with a pop. It then held it out, waiting. Aaron hesitantly took it. As soon as he had retrieved the bottle, the hand leapt off the edge of the couch and out of site. Presumably, hopefully, to reattach itself to his parent arm.

"Thanks?" Aaron replied and proceeded to take a sip of the beer, forgetting for a minute about the call he was going to place. As soon as he had swallowed the beer, the machine began to stir back to life.

The suction, which had stopped entirely, now dramatically increased all at once. The pressure pulled and stretched his limp penis toward the back of its mouth. At the same time the adaptable tongue lengthened and began to wrap itself around his member like a snake. The thin rubbery tongue could only wrap around him a few times at first, but as the suction did its job, his muscles relaxed and his blood flow increased. For each new inch the tongue wound its way around for another loop, all the while rhythmically constricting him as it did.

Aaron, still somewhat sensitive from the blowjob subroutine, instinctively tried to push the machine's head off of him, but it remained firmly anchored in place, nose buried in his pubic hair.

"Whoa, whoa, that's enough!" Aaron ordered, panic building in him slightly. It paid him no mind however and continued its ministrations. Aaron squirmed and thrashed as he soon became overwhelmed at the hypersensitivity of his member. In response the machine's hands reached up and pushed his shoulders against the back of the couch. With open palms against his chest, they held him firmly in place.

Meanwhile his cock continued to grow. The machine's tongue now had about half a dozen revolutions around his cock. Aaron felt something soft and wet tickle the underside of his ball sack as the tongue pushed out between the machine's lips, somehow not breaking the constant, intense suction still being applied. It poked and chased his testicles around his scrotum, occasionally taking a detour to lick his taint. As the tip of it darted back and forth, inside its mouth, he could feel the bulk of the tongue slide and slither up and down his length in the spiral pattern for which it was tightly wound.

After several minutes the overstimulation began to subside. Aaron's cock was nearly fully erect and was once again banging on the entrance to the machine's throat cavity. This must have triggered the next phase because instead of entering its throat once again, its face withdrew to about half way down his shaft. Aaron could now see the bright pink tongue analogue wrapped firmly around his member. It glistened and rotated around him like a meaty barber shop pole, squeezing and pulsing against his flesh. It was horrifyingly erotic.

While the tongue continued its snake-like dance around his cock and balls, Aaron heard two soft thumps and saw two red high heel shoes roll into view. A second later the machine picked up its right leg-like appendage and laid it across his left thigh. The light blue, silicon skin of its calf was cool to the touch. Once the leg was balanced on him the foot pushed into his groin. The heel dug firmly into his taint so that the sole cradled his balls and the side of his cock.

At the same moment the machine's tongue shrank and retreated back into its mouth. For the first time in a while, the head lifted completely free of his cock. The lips lingering on his cock head before finally breaking free with soft pop as the suction broke. Aaron's body prickled as the relatively cool air of his apartment hit his overheated cock.

He was only able to enjoy the cool apartment AC a little while, because seconds later the machine's toes collapsed down onto his cock. They had the same perfect, sterile look of its fingers, smooth and devoid of any imperfections. They were manicured in similar fashion to match the fingernails, but were more of a brilliant white. Each toe spread wide and curled around his swollen tip. They gripped and pinched it roughly, periodically sending a small jolt of pain with the ever constant pleasure.