The Phoenix Ch. 01


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"Aunty can we go? I'm hungry." Dannie asked, pulling on Erin's coat sleeve.

"Yeah sure honey."

Erin held Dannie's hand and allowed herself to be led towards the classroom door. She gripped the knob, held it for a second, then turned back to

face Wyatt.

"It was very nice to meet you Mr. Evans. " She said.

"Wyatt, please." He said back.

Erin gave a soft smile. "It was nice meeting you... Wyatt."

Erin turned away then and rushed through the door.

"It was nice to meet you too Ms. Wright!" Wyatt called after her.

"Call Me Erin!" He heard her chime in.

Erin rushed through the building, back out into the cold air with Dannie in tow. She wasted no time open the doors and getting her niece situated in the back seat. She sat in the front and gripped the steering wheel. And there she sat, for what seemed like hours.

"Aunty? Are you ok?" Dannie asked timidly.

Erin shook her head and turned back to give Dannie a reassuring smile. "Of course sweetheart! I'm fine! Now let's go get some grub. Sound good?"

Dannie clapped excitedly and they were off.


Wyatt stood in front of the window and watched Erin's car pull away. He sighed and began gathering his papers and messenger bag. He went around the classroom, giving it one more good once over, cleaning it up a bit and putting everything in their appropriate places. He then pulled on his coat, scarf, cap and gloves and made his way to outside to his car. The chilly air hit his face hard. The temperature was slowly dropping and Wyatt felt he could feel every degree. Even the whiskers of his scruff felt cold. He bum rushed to the car, quickly opened it and got in. A dull ache roared to life in his jaw and he had to stop and massage it away. He realized then that he'd been smiling the whole time.


"How much longer do we have doc?"

"About half an hour Erin. Do you have something pressing to do after this?"

Erin shook her head. "Nope. I just want to be out of here."

"Erin, why are you so stubborn at our meetings? I'm only here to help." asked Dr. Regina Sullivan, Erin's assigned psychiatrist.

"Why do you think doc?" Erin asked back snidely.

"I think that you think our meetings here are useless and that you don't need them."

"Ding ding ding!" Erin clapped, "Someone give this lady a medal."

"What, you mean one like yours?"

Erin was silenced. She glared at the doctor. "You want to say that again?"

"I said one like yours. You did receive a medal didn't you? For valor and all that."

Erin stayed quiet, her eyes trained on Dr. Sullivan.

"I notice you never bring it up. Or anything else for that matter. We've been meeting for 3 weeks since you got home and not a single mention of your rewards."

"Reward? Is that what you call it?" Erin scoffed.

"Yes. Erin you received a Purple Heart. You don't consider that a reward?"


"And why is that?"

Erin was quiet again.

"If I were you, I'd show it off to every pair of eyes available. I'd be tempted to wear it around." Dr. Sullivan was baiting Erin, and she knew it.

Erin grit her teeth and glared harder at the woman sitting across from her. "You don't know anything.

Why the fuck would I show it off?"

"As a point of pride for your accomplishments overseas."

"If I'm so accomplished, then why am I here and not there?"

"Because Erin. You were very severely injured. Your medical report states that the shrapnel that hit your back almost tore off your left arm. And you sustained a head injury that impaired your vision. And then there's your leg injury. Not to mention, Erin, that you have been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder."

"And there it is!" Erin said exuberated. "The nail in the coffin of my military career. Post- Traumatic blah blah blah."

"Erin, PTSD is a serious affliction."

"Don't I know it doc. They kicked me out of the Marines because of it."

"You were discharged with the highest of honors."

"Fuck the honors!" Erin growled. She leveled fierce gave with Dr. Sullivan's. "I got fired. They just put a pretty medal on top and sent me to you. Said I was too screwed up in the head to keep doing my job. It's bullshit."

"Erin you pulled a gun on a fellow solider during a flashback."

"I didn't mean for that to happen!"

"And the nightmares?"

"Oh come the fuck on! EVERYONE gets nightmares doc!"

Erin was standing now, unconsciously pacing back and forth. She could feel sweat blooming on her skin. She felt as if words had been carved into her skin.






She could feel each letter burn on her flesh, like someone had seared them in. The feeling was all over, etched into her, making her someone different than she used to be. But she wasn't going to tell the doctor that.

Dr. Sullivan sat patiently, keeping her voice even and calm. She watched Erin's movements, examining her closely. "Not everyone tries to shoot themselves with their service revolver Erin."

Erin stopped. He ears felt hot and full of blood.

"That wasn't what it seemed."

"No?" Dr. Sullivan pressed. She grabbed Erin's file and held it as she spoke. "Incident report, filed almost 2 months ago. Private Erin P. Wright. While in the hospital in recovery, nurses were alerted by Ms. Wright's writhing screams of agony and fear. She'd had a night terror. After seemingly calming down, she snuck out and found her service revolver among her belongings. She then climbed to the hospital roof and attempted to shoot herself. She was seen by one of the nurses, who alerted a guard and caught her before she could pull the trigger. Does that sound about right to you Erin?"

Erin looked away.

"I thought so. Erin, you weren't fired. You were discharged because you ran the risk of harming yourself and others."

"I wouldn't have harmed anyone except the enemy."

"You don't know that for sure Erin."

"Neither do you!" Erin shouted suddenly. She was breathing heavy now. Her fists were clenched tight and her eyes were ablaze.

The tension was static between the two women. Dr. Sullivan knew she had to defuse the situation. The goal for today was met. She got Erin talking.

"Erin, calm down. I'm just relating to you what I know."

"That I'm some fuckin' war crazy? Is that what you know?"

Erin's left fist was trembling. She opened and closed it without noticing. Dr. Sullivan saw this and frowned.

"Is that what they taught you to do during physical therapy?"

Erin deflated somewhat and looked down at her left hand. She frowned at it too. "No. They wouldn't want me tensing it like I did." She relaxed both hands and took deep breaths. Her anger slowly left her through her fingertips. She plopped back down on the couch and leaned her head back. She closed her eyes as she worked opened her hands over and over, releasing the tension.

"When's your next session?"

"Today. After I'm through with you." She said without looking at the doctor.

"And after that?" Dr. Sullivan prodded. "It's a Friday. Got any big plans?"

"Nope. I'm going to pick up my niece from school. She's staying after with her teacher. She's having trouble with division so Wyatt is helping her."


Erin's eyes opened when she said his name. She sat up straight again, avoiding eye contact with Dr. Sullivan. The doctor noticed.

"Wyatt? You're on a first name basis with Dannie's teacher?"

Erin shrugged, acting more nonchalant about it than she felt.

"Are you attracted to him?"

"Jesus Doc!" Erin felt her skin get warm. She bit her lip and her frown deepened.

"I'm sorry Erin. I'm just curious. You haven't mentioned any men at all in these sessions."

Erin stayed quiet, so Dr. Sullivan tried again.

"What's Wyatt's last name?"


"Wyatt Evans. W. E. Like Erin Wright. E. W."

Erin finally looked back at the doctor. "So?"

"Well. Maybe that could mean something."

"It doesn't."

"Why are you so sure it doesn't?" Dr. Sullivan asked.

"Because he's so civilian that he could be a poster boy. He wore a skinny tie like a kid. And he seemed fidgety."

Erin had yet to look Dr. Sullivan in the eyes and the good doctor noticed.

"You're wearing different glasses Erin. And I'll say they look nice on you. But wouldn't people say the hipster-looking style makes you look like a kid? Like this Wyatt guy?"

"These are at the request of my sister and niece. And that's not the point. If I'm as fucked up as you say, then there's no point pretending."


"Yes. Pretending like it's ok for me to be attracted to anyone normal."

"So you are attracted to him. At least as much as you could be from what you know and seen of him?"

Erin said nothing.

Dr. Sullivan continued. "You don't think you're good enough for him?"

"No. I don't think I'm right for...anyone. I'm different. I became different the day I joined the Marine Corps."

"But now you're retired. You're a veteran. You were different for the last 6 years and 3 tours."

"Once a Marine, always a Marine doc."

Dr. Sullivan nodded her head. "Well, even marines have friends Erin."

Erin just looked at her.

A friend.

"Maybe you're right doc."


Erin felt like a stalker. She was peeking into Wyatt's classroom, watching silently from the hallway as he helped Dannie and two other students with their math.

Wyatt was sitting at a desk half his size in front of the three kids. Dannie was in the middle, scribbling furiously on her sheet. Erin smiled. She loved that little girl.

Wyatt was correcting another student's work. The child was explaining his reasoning and Wyatt was listening intently. He wore an expression of enrapture. Whatever the student was saying seemed to be the only thing Wyatt cared about in the world. His green eyes were soft, yet focused. Erin got a chance to really look at him. His short hair reminded her of dark chocolate. His skin was a bit pale, but smooth. He had a curve to his top lip which was almost feminine. It was offset but the dark stubble on his face, which had gotten fuller since she'd last seen him. He kept his facial hair in check. It was clean looking.

Wyatt glanced up and saw Erin in the doorway. He smiled automatically.

In a panic, Erin, ducked behind the door. She heard a chair scoot back and she closed her eyes.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What the fuck are you


Wyatt pulled open the door and Erin turned back around quickly to meet him.

"Hello." He said pleasantly.

"Uh, hi." Erin said. She made an effort to look everywhere else besides his face.

"You checking on Dannie?"

Erin nodded and peered back through the cracked door.

"Well you're welcome to come in. We're just about finished."

Wyatt stepped back and opened the door for Erin. She tried to scoot by, painfully aware of the closeness. She caught his scent and almost swallowed hard. Erin was used to men being commanders and fellow soldiers, but Wyatt wasn't either one of those. He was just simply, a man.

Erin walked in and over to Dannie.

"Aunty! Hi! Wanna see my division!"

"Of course sweetheart!" Erin bent over and examined the sheet.

Wyatt took the time to look over Erin's presented bottom.

Nice. Very nice.

He automatically felt sleazy for checking her out.

Jesus dude, what's wrong with you. She's a student's aunt. Get it together.

He didn't linger there. He walked back to his seat and resumed his tutoring, checking over each student's work. He tried to ignore Erin's presence, but failed miserably. Every so often he'd look up and take in just a little more of Erin each time. Her dark hair. Her dark mocha skin. Her full lips and high cheeks.

Erin was pretty. It was a weird pretty to Wyatt. Like a withdrawn beauty that required a second look. And he was happy to look.

15 minutes later, the other parents arrived to collect their children. They each thanked Wyatt profusely for his time and effort.

"I'm going to draw you a picture Mr. Evans!" Dannie chimed as she slipped on her coat.

"I'd absolutely love that Dannie. Thank you. Are you excited about the play?"

Dannie nodded quickly. "YES! I'm so ready."

"Are you coming?" Wyatt asked Erin.

She tried not to look like a deer in headlights.

"Yes. I wouldn't miss it."

Wyatt smiled and it Erin smiled back. The tension returned, filling the air and silencing them both.

Dannie stepped between them and called to her aunt. "Ready?"

Erin took her hand and the ladies walked towards the door.

"I'll save you a seat." Wyatt said behind.

Erin just looked back and smiled.

Wyatt stood and watched her and Dannie depart. He brought his hand to his face and felt that his smile had returned.

Erin's mind was far away as she walked Dannie to the car. So much had changed the past few months. But here, right now, the world was quiet and calm. She had Morgan. She had Dannie. And though she resented it, she had Dr. Sullivan.

And then there was Wyatt.

Erin thought of him and thought of what Dr. Sullivan had said to her earlier.

"Marines have friends too."


A friend.

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KittyOh48KittyOh48almost 10 years ago
Another Good One!

You have a talent, don't let anyone tell you anything different! Take your time and update when you completely have each chapter together. I would rather wait on good quality work, than YOU rush and give us readers bad quality work any day! 5 stars I wish I could give you more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Really good!

Only just found this story, but think its a winner too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love It

Love this new series; hopefully you will update soon. If not, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
very good

Love it already, very unique

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
You are Winning

with this story. Plot, Setting, characters I sincerely hope this story gets finished would be a shame to leave this one out there unfinished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Nice change of pace

This has to be the first story I've come across with the protagonist being a female veteran. I'm all for it.

casemgrcasemgrover 10 years ago
Great start!

I hope you add a new chapter soon. I really enjoyed this beginning. Please don't make us wait long!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

service revolver? when did they start bringing revolvers back into the service?

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