The Ponytail Express Ch. 05


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"Holy shit," Deb whistled. "You can smell disease? That's a thing."

Fred chuckled. "It is indeed a thing."

Deb eyed the unconscious Benji, nodding to herself. "Could be the gout."

"I'd like to bounce something off you, Deb."

She laughed. "Bounce away, babe."

They both laughed. Fred continued.

"We're on a strange journey that's going to change us."

Fred could feel Deb grinning beside him. He enjoyed the experience of her, holding hands, her hand on his leg, tracing circles on his thigh. He released his hand, putting his arm around her. She snuggled in.

"It already has changed me, Freddy. Not in a bad way, I think. I've done things I never thought I'd ever do. It's like I have this moral line that I won't cross. Well, I keep crossing it, and I love the way it makes me feel when I do."

Fred was curious. "You mean like yesterday when you watched Oni giving me a pretty nice blowjob under the were turned on, right?"

"I was indeed, Freddy. And you were too. Have you bounced what you wanted off me yet?" Fred sensed Deb was comfortable; there was no tension, she was in a good place.

"Were you attracted to Oni?"

Deb got contemplative. She really thought about it for a time before she answered.

"Afraid not. I love her as a friend, but I don't swing that way. The thrill of getting caught, coupled with how salacious the whole situation was really did it for me. The scandal of it pushed my buttons."

Fred's manhood twitched. He was full of questions.

"If you watched me with another woman would you be into it?"

"I think yesterday answers that question, Freddy. Depending on the situation. When you were getting--blown by Oni, I felt like I was part of it. She was enjoying it so much. How would you feel about me with another man?"

Fred nodded. "Deb, if it was something you were keen on doing, then I would watch you with another man while wearing a furry suit. I'm not sure if I'd want to join in, though. Would that turn you on?"

"You watching me as I had sex with someone else? Yeah, I think it would."

"I was talking about the furry suit, Deb."

She laughed. "You kook."

Fred had to know. "When I asked for permission to cum in Oni's mouth, you didn't say no."

"I didn't say yes either," She hedged.

"When I felt you orgasm into our hands, I thought that was the go-ahead."

"It sort of was, wasn't it?" Deb admitted.

"You know what would turn me on?"

"Let me guess. Me with another woman."

Fred looked crestfallen. "How did you know?"

"Freddy, don't be a letch. You want to see me and Oni together, don't you?" She didn't sound into it.

Fred thought honesty would be the best policy.

"Not necessarily Oni, but yeah. You with another woman. Isn't it funny that I'd be more into you with another woman than with another man?" Fred wondered aloud.

"It's fairly common, Fred. Is that your thing, seeing me with another woman?"

Fred grinned sheepishly. "After your pep talk last night, I guess I see us as a team united against the 'ScSc.' The odds I'm going to be engaging in sexual relations with other women is high and I don't want to hurt you. I want you with me."

"That's kind of you to say. Freddy, you may not know this about me, but in the realm of sex, I'm still pretty much a novice. I've messed around, done some stuff, but last night was my first."

"First what?" Fred asked, not putting two and two together.

"First time making love, first time giving someone a real blowjob."

"Well," Fred answered, "In the realm of sex, last night was the first time that I felt like I didn't completely embarrass myself. My first time was...not good. Oh, and you were--top shelf last night."

Deb laughed. "Flatterer. You weren't bad, either. We'll have to work on your stamina, though."

"Promise?" Fred asked.

"Promise," Deb answered as Fred turned into the parking lot of the Brass Nugget Casino.

Situated 15 miles outside Cantella Forks, the Nugget had seen better days. Ownership had switched hands multiple times during the last two decades and the quality of both the casino and its patrons had gone downhill. The primary clientele was largely an unwelcome element. Drugs and prostitution both thrived.

Wednesdays weren't that crowded; most folks were either on the casino floor engaged in either the slots, table games, or the buffet. Built into the side of the casino, the Diamond was a dive bar with an even worse reputation. Students that paid the casino and bar a visit came back with bruises and lost money and that was if you were lucky.

The parking lot was horribly paved; yellow lines had long since faded. Pickups and motorcycles were clearly the vehicle of choice with a periodic although there was a smattering of four door sedans. There was not a limousine to be seen. Fred slowly drove through the parking lot, looking to park further out nearer the highway. The plan was to hang around only long enough to convince Mia to meet in town about the softball team, if not get an agreement. Plan B was finding an opportunity to get her into Fred's pickup, where his pheromones were at their strongest. With any luck, they'd be out before dark.

"Hey Deb, I wanted to say I appreciate you."

She arched her eyebrow. "How so?"

He caressed her cheek with his other hand, tilting her chin up so he could kiss her on the lips. Her breath was hot on his face.

"You're putting more trust in me than I feel I deserve. So, I appreciate the high bar you set regarding those expectations. Far as I see it, those are expectations worth trying to live up to. I won't be perfect, but I hope to make you proud." Fred spoke from the heart. He could tell it was having the desired effect. Deb's eyes teared with emotion.

"Thank you, Freddy. That's one of the nicest things anyone has said to me."

"Now if it's all the same to you, I would very much like to return the favor, if you catch my drift."

"That might be a tall order considering sleeping beauty over there." After the great reaction to the second blowjob she'd ever given, she had anticipated this conversation after they got back to her room. Deb wasn't completely sure she should have had sex with him so soon, but it was like she kept finding more things to like about him. ScSc or not, she had grossly misjudged him. He treated her better than any other guy ever had.

"Yeah, it's too bad we couldn't just order him to stand guard outside the truck while we had some fun." Fred put some extra sarcasm on for emphasis.

Thirty seconds later, Benji was outside standing guard.

Inside the cab, Deb was on her hands and knees across the front seat, this time facing the opposite direction from earlier. Fred was still in the driver's seat but turned towards Deb's backside, less than a foot away from that magnificent ass. Her jeans had been pulled down to just below her calves, and Fred couldn't help but squeeze one of her thighs. Her panties clung invitingly to her ass, which had broken out into goosepimples in anticipation over what was to come.

"Fuck Deb, you are perfect." His voice came out as a whisper, choked with desire. To make it even more erotic, she arched her back, tossing her hair as she looked back over her shoulder. The back of her hand was pressed against her mouth, pinky extended around her full lips. She was already breathing rapidly. "Terminal," She spoke.

"Cupcake," Freddy responded. Deb was giving the reins over to him, which made his cock get even harder. Her eyelids fluttered as her tongue darted out around her pinky. He moved her panties down, exposing her gorgeous assflesh and pink furrow with just the barest tuft of pubic hair. He marveled at the sight.

"Tell me how this feels, Deb." He licked his own lips and with both hands spread her out, face coming to rest between her legs. A sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh rewarded him as he kissed around the small of her back and her ass. He was emotionally unable to keep the torture up and quickly dove for her buttery crease. He worked his tongue as far into her vaginal wall as he could, slathering back out. He felt her labored breathing and heard her needful moans. Her bottom trembled as he French kissed her labia.

"Nnnng, lick it, Freddy, Ohfuckthatssogoood!" Her back arched erotically, beautiful face contorted in sexual bliss as Fred's tongue began to find his rhythm in and around her pussy. Her voice became higher pitched.

"Uh huh, Uh huh, Uh Huh!" Deb repeated, hips oscillating in small circular motions. Fred's hand traveled to her incredibly toned belly. He thrilled as he felt her abs contract as her hips rolled over his mouth. He found her clit with his tongue and flicked it over, around, and into the engorged pebble at varying speeds and pressure. He felt both Deb's legs start to spasm so he ventured from her abs to palm one of her heaving breasts. Gooseflesh formed on both the small of her back and her flexing ass. He took his face off her womanhood roughly, smacking her ass playfully with his free hand. Deb opened her eyes from a hard squeeze to half lids, a line of saliva spider-webbed from the bottom of her lip to the upholstery.

This was where Fred wanted to be.

For Deb, sandalwood assailed her nostrils, and a taste of butterscotch was on her tongue. She was lost somewhere in time and space, not knowing where Fred's tongue ended, and her vagina began. All she knew for sure was the train was about to come into the station. Her insides twitched and the line of spittle broke as she dropped to an elbow, her hand currently around her slobbering mouth now moving between her legs to assist her boyfriend. For a novice, he had proven a quick study. He'd proven to be quite the catch, period. Before Sunday she would never have conceived of this moment, but as she heard him slurping up her juices, she couldn't bear to be without him.

Fred moaned into her sex, and she nearly choked with desire from the vibrations. Her lover's tongue scooped gobs of her into his enthusiastic mouth. She cried his name as she gyrated her hips in accompaniment to the orchestral maneuver he played not just with tongue and mouth, but with lips, chin, nose, jaw. Fred was really going all out; she wasn't sure how she would be able to one-up him after getting her pussy licked like this.

"Nnng, lick it, Freddy Oh fuckthatssogoooood!" Her breasts ached as they strained against her bra and Freddy's hand. She bit her lower lip, keening as love convulsions careened through her.

"Oh God, Freddy it's the best, You're the..I can't..."

The first wave of an orgasm interrupted what she was trying to say. Her backside emphasized that fact as it rocked into Fred's face. Deb surfed the next two subsequent waves like a champion waverider. Her boyfriend was merciless in his assault on her womanhood.

"Tha'sfuckingincrediblefreddy," Deb's luscious frame quavered. She extricate her own fingers from her quivering mound, bringing their moisture to her own lips as she sucked noisily on them.

"Oh god, Freddy," She cooed. She felt Fred move her and she assisted as he turned her around, pulling her up to face him. He was a handsome mess, and Deb wasted no time in devouring both his lips and tongue into her mouth, reveling in the concoction of both sweat and cum.

"Freddy, that was sooo awesome." She moaned between wet kisses.

"Deb, I think I sprained my tongue."

She laughed. "Plus, Benji is still outside. Give me a couple minutes to get ready and we'll go in."

"Hey, Deb. We make a good team, don't we." Fred said as he opened the door.

"That we do." Deb agreed. She never wanted to fuck anyone so bad in her life. "Terminal Cupcake," She muttered to herself, and just like that, Freddy's smell was torn from her.

Over the speakers someone crooned about a sad old heart. Fred didn't mind the music all that much. He preferred classic rock but heard great music from other genres and kept himself open. Subdued resignation was the mood inside the Diamond. It could have been either the smoke-filled haze or dim lighting, but Fred guessed the average age of the twenty or so patrons to be north of fifty. Off to the back and left there was an open chamber that led to the casino proper. Off to the back right a hallway went back into the restrooms, judging by the smell. A tired, burly old man who resembled a biker version of Santa Claus let Deb through with a wave, but accosted Benji for his ID, which the well-rested jock was only too happy to give. Once satisfied, it was Freddy's turn.

"I'm not drinking sir." Fred explained. Santa most definitely did not smell festive. In fact, it smelled like Santa had a tumor in his left lung. He eyed the ID, then leveled an intimidating stare Fred's way.

"Damn right you ain't, son. I see you drinkin alcohol, you're out." With that he looked over his shoulder to the bartender and gave a motion that Fred assumed was "This one doesn't drink." He followed Biker Santa's gaze toward the tall redhead. Deb waited patiently close by; her head was on a swivel. It wasn't the old urine, excrement, cigarette smoke, or old vinyl smells that concerned Fred, it was the coppery scent of blood.

As the trio took stools at the bar, Deb made sure she was on the end with Fred in the middle and Benji on his right. A leathery man in a leisure suit moved his drink when Benji looked at him. Fred rolled a 20-dollar bill in his hand.

The bartender, a 6-foot-tall redhead, took Benji's drink order. Her bloodshot eyes were strikingly green under her furrowed brow, making her appear uneasy. Freckles dotted her hardened features. She wore a day-old shiner and a split lip like a badge of office, unapologetically and with no makeup. Aside from that, her only facial accessory was a small silver nose-ring on her outer left nostril. Incredibly thick red hair was unkempt but pulled back, giving her an almost flippant, disheveled look. On her left shoulder she had a tattoo of a green bat wrapped in black barbed wire. She rocked a pair of red leather pants a black push up bra supported her massive 38D breasts, a blue tank top over that, and an apron completed the ensemble. A physically beautiful woman lay underneath the grime and ash. Fred guessed she hadn't showered in a couple of days; despite this, she smelled of leather, hops, popcorn, and cigarette smoke.

He suddenly realized she was now watching him checking her out. Well, fuck.

"What can I get you, hon?" She drawled in a voice like gravel.

"I'll have a glass of tonic water no ice, please and thank you."

She turned around to reach over and grab a glass and Fred did not want to check out her ass so he looked over at Deb, who he noticed was also looking at the bartender. Deb looked at him and mouthed the word "Mia." The redhead spritzed tonic water into a glass and brought it over, leaning in while she did so.

"Hey sport, don't be pissed about Ira. We don't get a lot of college students in here."

Fred shook it off, offering the twenty to her.

"For the three of us."

Redhead shook her head. "Only two."

Fred inclined his head, curious.

"How so?"

"It's on the house. Casino rule." She motioned to Deb.

Red moved down to get Deb's order. Fred was curious why Deb drank for free.

"What do you want to drink, toots?" Red checked out Deb. Fred thought the bartender saw something she didn't quite like in Deb.

Deb looked at her. "Pomegranate Margarita. That seems like a weird rule if you don't mind me saying..."

"I don't mind at all. It's the rules Mr. Terry makes. We follow them." There was a finality to the tone Fred felt uneasy with. Something in the way she moved made Fred suspect Mr. Terry was in some way the cause of both her shiner and split lip. The Redhead changed out Fred's twenty and began making Deb's drink.

"Bartender. Sorry, instead of a margarita I'll just have a water." Deb did not want to owe Mr. Terry and Fred couldn't blame her. Switching gears, the redhead brought Deb's water.

"You guys here for the buffet or the casino?" She asked.

"Neither one." Deb answered.

Fred took the lead. "Your name is..."

"Grace." Huh. Going by her middle name.

"Butter and salt, or just salt?" Before she could answer, he continued. "On your popcorn."

The question took her off-guard, even managed to get her a surprised little grin.

"Butter and salt, how else are you supposed to eat it?"

"Favorite movie?"

"Training Day. Incredible movie."

"Pleased to meet you, Grace. I'm Fred."

"Fred. Nice to meet you, too." Grace was checking him out.

As Fred chatted up Grace/Mia, Deb found herself struggling with intense pangs of jealousy that seemed to shoot out from nowhere. Fred was manifesting confidence and had the redhead's interest even before his delicious fragrance took hold. Deb liked his newfound confidence; it was extremely sexy. She saw Mia as a threat to their relationship. In that moment she no longer wanted Mia on Ponytail Express or anywhere near Fred.

What the hell? Deb took a cleansing breath. No, she was not jealous of Mia, she had nothing to worry about. Fred's upper lip still had some of her pussy on it. Then why was she feeling this way? Was it Fred's scent fucking with her? She couldn't smell it but maybe it was working on her. No, if it was working on her she'd be humping his leg and inviting Mia to join them in outside for one of those elicit three-ways Fred obviously wanted her to have with him.

Once she had a better hold on herself, Deb remembered when she was sixteen, she had asked for Mia's autograph, and she'd given it. She had no clue what Mia had gone through in the last three years, but she wanted to help her out. The Ponytail Express could be a way for Mia to start her life over.

It was with a mixture of trepidation and resignation when Mia began to blush noticeably. The ScSc was taking effect.

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SniperkingSniperkingover 2 years ago

"After the great reaction to the second blowjob she'd ever given, she had anticipated this conversation after they got back to her room. Deb wasn't completely sure she should have had sex with him so soon, but it was like she kept finding more things to like about him. ScSc or not, she had grossly misjudged him. He treated her better than any other guy ever had"

see, this is much better build up. Also again, she previously remembered giving head in the past.

SniperkingSniperkingover 2 years ago

very suprised deb's the virgin and fred isn't

SniperkingSniperkingover 2 years ago

"First time making love, first time giving someone a real blowjob."

but she said she'd given some before.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What are these shameful hints about the kukold? It's terrible, just disgusting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wait, when did he implant that he wanted her to get a tattoo of him? I missed that.

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

He should never allow Deb to be with another man...

OpenWordsOpenWordsover 2 years ago

If he becomes a cuck and let's another man have his woman, I'm done...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Deb with other men breaks with the norm for the harem genre. He’d no longer be special to her…

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I am really enjoying your writing. But I can tell it needs a lot of editing. I get confused here and there, but can assume what you intended to write. It will be a much better read after it goes through editing once or twice.

RovingasianRovingasianalmost 3 years ago

I love how this story is building up. Right balance of control and self control!

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